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Сениор Регистриран: 04.Април.2006 Локација: Spain Статус: Офлајн Поени: 103 |
Испратена: 26.Април.2006 во 16:33 |
Jugot dole, 30 km od Malaga.......... |
Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!
Сениор Регистриран: 14.Ноември.2005 Локација: Israel Статус: Офлајн Поени: 295 |
Испратена: 26.Април.2006 во 21:16 |
mas calientitas de mundo!!!
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Група Регистриран: 07.Јуни.2006 Локација: United Kingdom Статус: Офлајн Поени: 55 |
Испратена: 08.Јуни.2006 во 00:07 |
Guys, calm down... It doesn't matter if AlmaF is Macedonian or English. (Although, I have to admit that there were some spelling & grammar mistakes in his written English). But hey, who doesn't make them!!! What it matters is the following: We should let other people to express their views on various matters. (such as what they like or DISLIKE about Macedonia). And from every foreigner that sends a post to this forum we shouldn’t be expecting they to praise our country. And if there is criticism, we shouldn’t jump and defend ourselves/our country. But instead of it, we should take it as a positive criticism and turn it into that way so we can learn & improve & change. Lets just keep writing in English....keep it going...
Изменето од eli1 - 08.Јуни.2006 во 00:08 |
Сениор Регистриран: 11.Ноември.2005 Локација: Canada Статус: Офлајн Поени: 291 |
Испратена: 08.Јуни.2006 во 18:38 |
From a first hand (my Canadian friends) I heard that Croatia is very poular destination for summer vacations this year. I understand the differences between the maritime and landlocked countries, but still I am wondering whether Macedonians could do more in promoting their country. Изменето од Nee*amAnderskor - 08.Јуни.2006 во 18:39 |
No Reason to Lie: обичам БЪЛГАРКИ!
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Група Регистриран: 07.Јуни.2006 Локација: United Kingdom Статус: Офлајн Поени: 55 |
Испратена: 18.Јуни.2006 во 21:04 |
To: Nee*amAnderskor You are still wondering whether Macedonians could do more in promoting their country.
For a start:
- More frequent or direct flights.
- As well as flights at reasonable time.
Travelling from my UK home to my MKD home via Skopje takes me usually 14 hours. Why ? Because there isn't direct flight from London...
That is really disgreacefull!!! On the top of that I have to travel during the day , i,.e I lose 2 full days travelling!!!
Travelling from my UK home to my MKD home via Thesalonikki takes me 9 -10 hours with changes in Zurich. This includes my taxi from Theslonikki to Strumica. Travelling is done: After work till few hours aftermidnight. And the best is: My return flight always gets me @ 7am in London Heathrow...so Im at work by 8.30 in the morning...:-))
Maybe Macedonia can do something such as: intrducing more commercial flights...
Изменето од eli1 - 19.Јуни.2006 во 01:07 |
Сениор Регистриран: 19.Април.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 3168 |
Испратена: 15.Јули.2006 во 11:59 |
But you said your self, that going via Thesalonikki is best for you. If every one take that line and no one goes to Skopje, they gonna have to close it. The Airport in Skopje has some points that have to be modernize but if there is more passengers there will be more money to do that. Direct flight from London to Skopje is something you should have to demand from your agency, again and again! Right? There is rule on demands and offers in market economy, you had to learn that in UK! Why I have to be the one to do that, you will ask your self! Because some one is a leader, always!
I dont travel with planes, but I hope to start, some day. |
Јас сум мајстор!
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Сениор Регистриран: 11.Ноември.2005 Локација: Canada Статус: Офлајн Поени: 291 |
Испратена: 17.Јули.2006 во 20:17 |
Eli1 is right. Out of season, and you may consider yourself lucky, if you pay $1800 for a round-trip ticket from CA to MK. And an airline ticket from CA to UK is only $650, frustrating, isn't it? Something is wrong here... By the way, the same thing happens with the telephone calls... Calling Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, not to mention Western Europe is several times cheaper than calling MK. Why is that? I don't think is only demand/supply rule, how can the demand to call MonteNegro be higher than to call MK?
No Reason to Lie: обичам БЪЛГАРКИ!
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