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Ин Енглисх

Испечатено од: IDIVIDI forum
Категорија: Македонија и Свет
Име на форумот: Македонци ширум светот
Опис на форумот: Новости и активности на нашинците од сите континенти
URL: http://forum.idividi.com.mk/forum_posts.asp?TID=3935
Датум на принтање: 02.Март.2025 во 16:05
Верзија на софтверот: Web Wiz Forums 10.03 - http://www.webwizforums.com

Тема: Ин Енглисх
Постирано од: AlmaFuerte
Наслов: Ин Енглисх
Датум на внесување: 07.Април.2006 во 11:40

I would like to open a forum in English for Macedonians and foreigners who doesnt speak macedonian, like me.

My girlfriend is from Mk, and i been there 2 times.! i am looking forward to go there for third time.!!!!! JAs sakam rakija nogu!!!!!

Let me see if someone asnwer here



Постирано од: preselnica_mk
Датум на внесување: 07.Април.2006 во 11:58

Sakas rakija??? Do you drink rakija? Do you like Macedonia? Write Lets speak English, what have you wrote?

Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!

Постирано од: Nee*amAnderskor
Датум на внесување: 12.Април.2006 во 06:51
Originally posted by AlmaFuerte AlmaFuerte напиша:

I would like to open a forum in English for Macedonians and foreigners who doesnt speak macedonian, like me.

My girlfriend is from Mk, and i been there 2 times.! i am looking forward to go there for third time.!!!!! JAs sakam rakija nogu!!!!!

Let me see if someone asnwer here




Allright my friend. Except your girlfriend and rakija, what do you like in Macedonia most?

No Reason to Lie: обичам БЪЛГАРКИ!

Постирано од: bomboni
Датум на внесување: 17.Април.2006 во 01:05
My wife loved Macedonia, we were first time there last summer and this year she wants to go with car so we could travel more. She loved ALL the natural great food Macedonia has to offer and cheap girl stuff on the markets .


Постирано од: AlmaFuerte
Датум на внесување: 17.Април.2006 во 14:04
Apart from Rakija and my girlfriend i like the people in general. Very very friendly with me, inviting me to their houses to have coffe, salads and rakijia.

Ohrid its really pretty with the old houses and churches, with that nice lake and the promenade.

Like every country, also have bad things, like the mentality of the people (for me macedonian people are quite old fashion thinking) the corruption and the problem with the greeks.

Also i think its very stupid not to let people who doesnt speak macedonian to write in this forum. For example me, i like the country a lot and i dont have any way of comunicate with macedonian people because they dont let me. I think they should let me and other people write in english, and if someone wants to answer me in english, its ok, and if someone doesnt want to answer me, thats ok too, but please, let other people for other culture to express the way of thinking and also let people who are interest on your country to have more information and to met macedonian people. this is the only way of people know Macedonia and know the problem with the greeks.

Pozdrav and hope this will change the mind of the webmaster.

Постирано од: preselnica_mk
Датум на внесување: 17.Април.2006 во 14:09

Alma fuerte ima pravo...............Es da stranata e na makedonski, ama daj moznost na strancite da dadat komentar za Makedonija, nekoi bile i sakat da kazat zbor-dva za Makedonija, nekoi imaat devojki Makedonki, kako jas i mojot decko, taka da ne e fer da a izbrisi vaa strana ili drugite, zboruvame za Makedonija, barem tuka ne brisi nisto........


Blagodaram (da ti go podaram), taka vikat kaj nas u Kavadarci.........

Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!

Постирано од: LouWeed
Датум на внесување: 19.Април.2006 во 03:07
ako neznae mak...pa kako go pogodi tocniot podforum i opciite za anketata???

http://www.myspace.com/louweed666 - NICE BOYs DONT PLAY ROCK&ROLL

Постирано од: preselnica_mk
Датум на внесување: 20.Април.2006 во 11:35
Slucajno moze!!!

Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!

Постирано од: preselnica_mk
Датум на внесување: 20.Април.2006 во 11:36

Originally posted by bomboni bomboni напиша:

My wife loved Macedonia, we were first time there last summer and this year she wants to go with car so we could travel more. She loved ALL the natural great food Macedonia has to offer and cheap girl stuff on the markets .


So e voa angliski i makedonski izmesano, NAJDI ME TAMU, dali se rabote za MKD so neznae demek makedonski ili???

Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!

Постирано од: Nee*amAnderskor
Датум на внесување: 20.Април.2006 во 19:47
Originally posted by preselnica_mk preselnica_mk напиша:

Originally posted by bomboni bomboni напиша:

My wife loved Macedonia, we were first time there last summer and this year she wants to go with car so we could travel more. She loved ALL the natural great food Macedonia has to offer and cheap girl stuff on the markets .


So e voa angliski i makedonski izmesano, NAJDI ME TAMU, dali se rabote za MKD so neznae demek makedonski ili???

I don't understand your attitude guys. Nobody is pretending, as I understood bomboni is Macedonian, and his wife is not. Macedonians have to learn how to be INCLUSIVE, not EXCLUSIVE. So, keep writing Ladies and Gentlemen, even if your English is not perfect. Write what you do or don't like about Macedonia and Macedonians.



No Reason to Lie: обичам БЪЛГАРКИ!

Постирано од: bomboni
Датум на внесување: 21.Април.2006 во 11:44
Originally posted by AlmaFuerte AlmaFuerte напиша:

Also i think its very stupid not to let people who doesnt speak macedonian to write in this forum. For example me, i like the country a lot and i dont have any way of comunicate with macedonian people because they dont let me. I think they should let me and other people write in english, and if someone wants to answer me in english, its ok, and if someone doesnt want to answer me, thats ok too, but please, let other people for other culture to express the way of thinking and also let people who are interest on your country to have more information and to met macedonian people. this is the only way of people know Macedonia and know the problem with the greeks.

Pozdrav and hope this will change the mind of the webmaster.

I dont thing somebody wouldn't let you say something in English, but if you dont know macedonian how will you understand the topic and what is writen in it, i mean the posts of the people.


Постирано од: bomboni
Датум на внесување: 21.Април.2006 во 11:46
Nee*amAnderskor  , you got that right!!! 


Постирано од: preselnica_mk
Датум на внесување: 24.Април.2006 во 13:13
Jas ke mu preveduvam, dont worry, be happy!!!

Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!

Постирано од: bomboni
Датум на внесување: 24.Април.2006 во 14:43
Dobro preselnice, togas pisuvajte ni slobodno! Tuka bas mi e ubavo da se dopisuvam so super otvoreni lugje! Kade ziveete vo spanija? 


Постирано од: preselnica_mk
Датум на внесување: 26.Април.2006 во 16:33

Jugot dole, 30 km od Malaga..........

Razmisluvaj pozitivno!!

Постирано од: only_me
Датум на внесување: 26.Април.2006 во 21:16
Originally posted by AlmaFuerte AlmaFuerte напиша:

I would like to open a forum in English for Macedonians and foreigners who doesnt speak macedonian, like me.

My girlfriend is from Mk, and i been there 2 times.! i am looking forward to go there for third time.!!!!! JAs sakam rakija nogu!!!!!

Let me see if someone asnwer here



Tu queres rakija, y yo quero mucho las chicas espanolas:) q son muy calientitas:))) muy muy muy

mas calientitas de mundo!!!


Постирано од: eli1
Датум на внесување: 08.Јуни.2006 во 00:07

Guys, calm down...

It doesn't matter if AlmaF is Macedonian or English. (Although, I have to admit that there were some spelling & grammar mistakes in his written English).

But hey, who doesn't make them!!!

What it matters is the following: We should let other people to express their views on various matters. (such as what they like  or DISLIKE about Macedonia).

And from every foreigner that sends a post to this forum we shouldn’t be expecting they to praise our country. And if there is criticism, we shouldn’t jump and defend ourselves/our country. But instead of it, we should take it as a positive criticism and turn it into that way so we can learn & improve & change.

Lets just keep writing in English....keep it going...Wink


Постирано од: Nee*amAnderskor
Датум на внесување: 08.Јуни.2006 во 18:38

From a first hand (my Canadian friends) I heard that Croatia is very poular destination for summer vacations this year. I understand the differences between the maritime and landlocked countries, but still I am wondering whether Macedonians could do more in promoting their country.

No Reason to Lie: обичам БЪЛГАРКИ!

Постирано од: eli1
Датум на внесување: 18.Јуни.2006 во 21:04
To: http://forum.idividi.com.mk/member_profile.asp?PF=2330&FID=48 - Nee*amAnderskor  You are still wondering whether Macedonians could do more in promoting their country.
For a start:
- More frequent or direct flights.
- As well as flights at reasonable time.
Travelling from my UK home to my MKD home via Skopje takes me usually 14 hours. Why ? Because there isn't direct flight from London...
That is really disgreacefull!!! On the top of that I have to travel during the day , i,.e I lose 2 full days travelling!!!
Travelling from my UK home to my MKD home via Thesalonikki takes me 9 -10 hours with changes in Zurich. This includes my taxi from Theslonikki to Strumica. Travelling is done: After work till  few hours aftermidnight. And the best is: My return flight always gets me @ 7am in London Heathrow...so Im at work by 8.30 in the morning...:-))
Maybe Macedonia can do something such as: intrducing more commercial flights...

Постирано од: Dogi
Датум на внесување: 15.Јули.2006 во 11:59
But you said your self, that going via Thesalonikki is best for you. If every one take that line and no one goes to Skopje, they gonna have to close it. The Airport in Skopje has some points that have to be modernize but if there is more passengers there will be more money to do that. Direct flight from London to Skopje is something you should have to demand from your agency, again and again! Right? There is rule on demands and offers in market economy, you had to learn that in UK! Why I have to be the one to do that, you will ask your self! Because some one is a leader, always!
I dont travel with planes, but I hope to start, some day.

Јас сум мајстор!

http://widget.meebo.com/mm.swf?asMwhdKtFb" rel="nofollow - Кликни овде за комуникација со мене (потоа кликнете во полето 'Edit nickname' и впишете го вашето име)

Постирано од: Nee*amAnderskor
Датум на внесување: 17.Јули.2006 во 20:17

Eli1 is right. Out of season, and you may consider yourself lucky, if you pay $1800 for a round-trip ticket from CA to MK. And an airline ticket from CA to UK is only $650, frustrating, isn't it? Something is wrong here...

By the way, the same thing happens with the telephone calls... Calling Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, not to mention Western Europe is several times cheaper than calling MK. Why is that? I don't think is only demand/supply rule, how can the demand to call MonteNegro be higher than to call MK?

No Reason to Lie: обичам БЪЛГАРКИ!

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