Солунски Конгрес 1903 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 09.Ноември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 658 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 13:06 | |
Nikogash nema da se pomakedonchat, i da davat pari za toa |
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 13:37 | |
This is from one of the documents:
http://i14.tinypic.com/344ql2d.jpg Sofia, Bulgaria, Aug 15. - An enthusiastic meeting of Macedonian symphatizers was held here this afternoon, at which resolutions were adopted in favor of agitating throughout the country in order to bring pressure to bear upon the Bulgarian Goverment to intervene in Madcedonia. A commitee was appointed to collect money to aid the insurgents. ... Little excitement or enthusiasm is evident in Bulgaria now, but should the unexpected happen, and a massacre of Bulgarians occur, or should the movement assume alarming proportions, the population of Bulgaria would naturaly become greatly excited, and while the Government is most anxious to maintain peace. It would, of course, be forced to consider Bulgarian popular sentiment." ---------------------------------------------------- I guess someone will be very polite to explain that by "massacre of Bulgarians" actualy means "massacre of christians or villagers or common stupid people". Than someone else will give another explanation for other events and for another and for another... It will work but it will become unworkable sooner or later, just like this: "According to one school of thought in the history of astronomy, minor imperfections in the original Ptolemaic system were discovered through observations accumulated over time. More levels of epicycles (circles within circles) were added to the models, to match more accurately the observed planetary motions. The multiplication of epicycles led to a nearly unworkable system by the 16th century. Copernicus created his heliocentric system in order to simplify the Ptolemaic astronomy of his day, and he succeeded in drastically reducing the number of "circles," a term which included both epicycles and (eccentric) deferents." BTW this is an old discussion from vmacedonia.com as I remember |
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 13:40 | |
Буги, какво стана с "Крушевския Манифест"? В кой музей да ходя да го видя?
Изменето од m__g__ - 11.Јануари.2007 во 13:45 |
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 15:06 | |
http://i2.tinypic.com/sbq1i0.jpg What Bulgaria? You mean the "Komitet"? ... Greece will force us to wage war with Bulgaria, which we do not want. ------------------------------------------ http://i2.tinypic.com/sbq2bs.jpg Democracy and friendship with Bulgaria? Do you want to unite with Bulgaria? Does the committee teach you this too? -Hm! How else could one see that he is a thickhead Bulgarian. If he was not Bulgarian, he would not be saying such words, especially now when the walls have ears. Изменето од m__g__ - 11.Јануари.2007 во 15:19 |
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 15:37 | |
МакедонецЪ оТЪ села |
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Модератор Слобода или Смрт Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 10652 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 21:09 | |
Леле м-г повеке се очекува од тебе отколку овие безвезни постови ова ти е ко да незнаеш што да кажеш па да порекнеш било како.Ја мислев дека барем малку си интелигентен дечко кој знае да разликува црно од бело ама изгледа се ви е според наредба од коминтерната а
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 21:47 | |
айде айде
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Модератор Слобода или Смрт Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 10652 |
Испратена: 11.Јануари.2007 во 21:56 | |
Нема ајде ајде ајде ова значи дека дијалогот и разговорот ти е пристрасен и не си спремен да ја сознаеш вистината со прости зборови кажано коминтерна.
Иначе крушевскиот манифест се наоѓа во музејот на Р.М. кој се наоѓа под старото кале во близина на црквата свети спас (каде што е гробот на гоце делчев) и веднаш до старата скопска чаршија кој и да прашаш во близината на кале ке ти објасни каде е музејот,има посебен оддел за илинденскиот период и таму може да се најдат доста документи,артифакти и нормално кружевскиот манифест |
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 12.Јануари.2007 во 08:40 | |
Буги е видял Крушевския манифест!!!
Браво |
Сениор Регистриран: 09.Ноември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 658 |
Испратена: 15.Јануари.2007 во 09:19 | |
Сениор Регистриран: 09.Ноември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 658 |
Испратена: 15.Јануари.2007 во 09:21 | |
Makedonec ot selo Berovo Malishevia,1897 |
Сениор Регистриран: 09.Ноември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 658 |
Испратена: 15.Јануари.2007 во 09:28 | |
Hans Lothar Steppan, The Macedonian Knot, The Austro Hungarian Ambasador in Istambul gives the information that: "about 100 000 Bulgarians live in Macedonia and about 60 000 Macedonians live in Bulgaria" File dated from 1885..... it is easy understand why they are not interested in the lives of the Rebels but of the lives of the Bulgarians..... To make it easy for you: - Proto Bulgars come on the Balkan, the word Bulgar refer to them - Cause the Bulgarians made big damage to the Byzantines, Byzantine writers started to call anybody who was oposing or damigin the Byzantine Empire as Bulgarian, and did not pay any attention on the Ethnic Background. -Byzantine writers reflect the hate against the inposters of their Country on the Bulgarians and their ally. This leads to the additional meaning of the word Bulgarian in their Eyes which penetrates the Patriarch Church as well: Hondrokefalos Bulgaris is a derogative term and means thicked headed Bulgarian. This means that the Bulgarians and their allias are considered Vulgar. - with the establishing of the Ohrid Archbishorpic, new concurent Church to the Patriarch appears on the Balkan. The Members of this Church are called Bulgarians in term of Vulgar people. This takes roots in to the people, not just present Bulgarians, but as well in Bosnia, Serbia Macedonia so on so on. - With the time the mainly Slavic speaking members of the Ohrid Archbishopric develop the menaing for the word Bulgar = Christian. This gets stronger and establishes it for centuries during the Othoman Empire where the people were mostly devided by religious Terms, Rumi = Patriarchists ; Bulgarians = Ohrid Archbishopric. Both words are anachronisms and dont mean what they meant before. - with the rise of the Nationalism Serbs first got rid of the stupid word Bulgarian, since they were influenced by the Austro Hungarian Empire and the rising Nationalism through out Europe. - Most of the Rums became Greeks(Think of the Vlachs who declared them mostly as Greeks). Romania got idependent and away form the Greekness. The Roma(gipsy) being mostly Moslems were not incoporated but were left as they are living in ethnic pokets. - Russians started the Balkan Satelite named Bulgaria, Bulgarian nationalism was on it Rise. Macedonians and Bulgarians fought for their freedom of Turk Centuries Yoke, since they were almost the only one left under it. This made them known through the world under the Name Bulgarians. ( It is the fault of our Revolutionaries that they didnt pay attention of the Naming but only to the Freedom fight, but this was not the time for such contemplation they were to bussy) -But while the Bulgarians started to use the word Bulgarian in National sence, the word Bulgarian in Macedonia was still with the old meaning, Christian. The Neo Hellens were following the old Paterns of the Patriarchs, calling the Slavic Speakers Bulgarians, Hondrokephalos Bulgarias = thicked headed Bulgarian; as you can read from Karev Interview. - This word is the only fundamental of the Modern Bulgarians to claim Macedonians as theirs, but as you see: Bulgarian (as well Rum, Roman, the official language of Byzantine Empire was called Romeika even though this was the Ancient language Koine) is Anachronism, it had different meanings for different people through out the ages. Only with the establishment of VMRO the Macedonians got the issue in their own Hands and started to spread the Macedonian spirit and Nationalism as you can read above. It did penetrated the Western Society, but it was not in their Interests so they did not support Macedonian Nationalism. For your Info, around 1906 Britishman were contemplating to create Independent Macedonia. The main discore for them was Solun and Skopje. They were not sure if they should give Solun to the Greeks and Skopje to the Serbs. Thats just another misfortune of the Macedonians. Изменето од naemnik - 15.Јануари.2007 во 10:15 |
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 15.Јануари.2007 во 11:44 | |
give me the source please
Сениор Регистриран: 22.Август.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 591 |
Испратена: 15.Јануари.2007 во 12:17 | |
Мене ми е чудно
хората говорят един език хората пишат с едни и същи букви хората има едни и същи имена наричани са по един и същи начин обаче не - едните са антични македонци - другите са татари Още повече ако знаеш че това са различни хора. Защо ще наричаш различни неща по един и същи начин след като знаеш че този който те слуша или чете може да се заблуди и да те разбере грешно? |
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