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Сениор Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 5474 |
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Зависи каква е традицијата во земјата. На исток според источниот, на запад според западниот. Во Босна, двапати!
Сениор Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 5474 |
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При тепачка во манастир на Света Гора повредени тројца монаси
Тројца монаси од манастирот Есфигмен на Света Гора се повредени денеска, при меѓусебна тепачка, јави електронското издание на грчкиот весник „Навтемборики“. Според весникот, еден од монасите бил пренесен в болница со сериозни повреди на главата. „Навтемборики“ наведува дека од пред неколку месеци во манастирскиот комплекс Есфигмен се населиле група монаси, чие братство не е признато во Света Гора. „Непризнатите“ монаси денеска сакале да почнат со изградба на нов објект во рамките на манастрискиот комплекс, на што се спротивставиле „легалните“ монаси од Есфигмен, по што дошло до тепачка меѓу припадниците на двете бартства. |
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Март.2006 Локација: United Kingdom Статус: Офлајн Поени: 4990 |
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Ova i jas go prochitav na teleteks i nemozev da se iznachudam
Сениор Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 5474 |
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Свети Никола прогласен за заштитник на Прилеп
Свети Никола од годинава е заштитник на Прилеп. Вчера во центарот на
градот, владиката Петар, во сослужение со епископот хераклејски
Климент, ги освети светата икона и поставувањето камен-темелник за
подигање параклис посветен на заштитникот. Местото не е случајно
избрано зашто, според преданијата запишани од Марко Цепенков на
влезната врата од некогашниот к*ршумли ан, чиј sид се уште стои, имало
поставено мермерна плоча - икона Свети Никола, која била земена од
истоимениот манастир од Чипигово. Но, според преданието, неколкупати се
обидувале да ја тргнат, таа се враќала на истото место. "Оче свети
Никола, во твоите раце го предаваме нашиот град. Биди ни заштитник,
чувај го и заштитувај го од секаква напаст", рече градоначалникот на
Прилеп Маријан Ристески, на чија иницијатива, по примерот на големите
градови во светот, Советот на Општината донесе одлука свети Никола да
биде заштитник на Прилеп. |
Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
Опции за коментарот
Сениор Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 5474 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
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Boston street gang M-13 cited as "true terror threat" - linked to Al Qaeda & Adnan ShukrijumahStreet gangs helping to smuggle terrorists from Mexico into the U.S. MIM: The news that a Boston street gang of Salvadorians has been meeting with Al Qaeda members to help smuggle terrorists in the US is a sign of an escalating threat which emphasizes the urgency of cracking down on illegal immigration and the need for increased vigilance on the part of all Americans. According to the reports below Boston street gang MS-13 appears to have gone into business with Al Qaeda who is willing to pay millions of dollars to smuggle people into the US. A half year ago it was reported that Adnan Shukrijumah, the Saudi born fugitive from Miramar Florida, who was identified by 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and is regarded as 'Mohammed Atta's sucessor' by law enforcement was attempting to reach the United States via Mexico, and had been spotted in Costa Rica. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/249 The hunt for Shukrijumah took on added urgency last year when fellow Florida resident and 'dirty bomber' wanabee Jose Padilla revealed that he been training with explosives together with Shukrijumah in Pakistan . They had planned to return to Florida and rent several adjacent apartments in a high rise buildings, seal the windows and turn on the gas which would be ignited to cause a massive explosion. The plot was scrapped after Shukrijumah and Padilla parted ways due to 'personality conflicts'. Shukrijmah's family still lives in Miramar, next door to the Masjid Al Hijrah where his father was the Imam. After Adnan Shukrijumah was named an Al Qaeda fugitive, his father Gulshair was 'fired' from the mosque and made an assistent director of Shamshuddin Islamic Center in North Miami Beach, which was run by Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout of AMANA- the American Muslim Society of North America . http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/143 In addition to Florida, which was home to many of the 9/11 hijackers Boston has been a flourishing terrorist haven,(note the recent controversy over the plans for expanding the Hub mosque- the Islamic Society of Boston, and ties to Al Qaeda going back more then a decade), and it should be noted that another Al Qaeda fugitive, a woman called Aafia Siddiqui had been a student in Boston where she studied at M.I.T. Besides being sought for aiding and abetting Adnan Shukrijumah, Siddiqui was also linked to his recently deceased father, Gulshair, in a series of payments from the Saudi embassy.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4661093/ According to Newsweek investigative reporters Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball in "New Questions about Saudi Money and Bandar " ; "...The federal commission investigating 9/11 was also recently briefed on developments, sources say. U.S. officials stress that they have identified no evidence of any knowing Saudi aid to terrorist groups. But they express frustration at their inability to penetrate a number of large and seemingly irregular transactions. "There's a lot of money moving in a lot of directions—maybe not all that carefully," said one senior law-enforcement official. "Everyone wants to get to the bottom of it." Among the payments that have drawn scrutiny, documents show, were $19,200 in checks between December 2000 and January 2003 from the Saudi Embassy to an Islamic cleric, Gulshair Muhammad al-Shukrijumah. The Florida-based imam has been on the FBI's radar screen for some time: he once testified on behalf of convicted terrorist Clement Hampton-El. The imam's son, Adnan G. al-Shukrijumah, also known as "Jafar the Pilot," is a suspected Qaeda operative who is the subject of a worldwide FBI manhunt. A Saudi spokesman said Gulshair al-Shukrijumah was a Saudi-funded "missionary" whose payments were terminated last year. Another area of FBI inquiry involves $70,000 in wire transfers on July 10, 2001, to two Saudis in Massachusetts. One of the Saudis wrote a $20,000 check that same day to a third Saudi who had listed the same address as Aafia Siddiqui, a microbiologist who is believed to have been a U.S. operative for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. A Saudi spokesman said the wire transfers had no connection to Siddiqui and were used to pay educational and medical expenses for Saudi families in the United States. But bureau officials say the matter remains under active investigation; a government document shows the bulk of the funds were wired to an account in Saudi Arabia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woman Suspected Of Al-Qaida Links Sought In Md. FBI: Aafia Siddiqui In Area Recently PIKESVILLE, Md. -- The FBI and Maryland State Police want to talk to a woman with a possible connection to a suspected al-Qaida member. FBI Special Agent Gary Bald said Aafia Siddiqui apparently traveled through Gaithersburg in December or January. The FBI said Siddiqui may have been providing logistical support to a man being sought by federal officials, Adnan El Shukrijumah (pictured right). Federal agents raided El Shukrijumah's Florida residence on Thursday. They issued a public request for information on Siddiqui Friday, but just announced the Maryland connection on Tuesday. Siddiqui is a Pakistani national who has lived in Boston. She has a doctorate in neurological science and has studied at M.I.T., Brandeis University, and in Houston. Authorities said she may be wearing either traditional Pakistani clothing or Western attire. And investigators said she may traveling with or without her three young children. Previous Story: March 20, 2003: FBI Hunts For Al Qaida Suspect http://www.nbc4.com/news/2062887/detail.html For more details about Shukrijumah scroll to the bottom of the page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hub ˜should be worried" U.S. rep: MS-13 gang is true terror threat
A Texas congressman said MS-13 gang members and Middle Eastern aliens are using the border in his district to sneak into the country - and Boston should be worried. U.S. Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas), co-chairman of the House Border Caucus, told the Herald he is "very concerned" about al-Qaeda's link to Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a gang he described as "extremely vicious." The Herald reported this week that a chapter of MS-13 has taken control of a swath of East Boston, prompting Boston police to create a task force to take down the violent, drug-dealing thugs. Last month, a Muslim man from Bangledesh, Fakhrul Islam, was arrested alongside a reputed MS-13 gang member and 11 others after the group waded across the Rio Grande into Brownsville, Texas. The alleged MS-13 member, Francky Sanchez-Solorzano, 21, was arrested and deported back to his native Honduras within days of the Dec. 4 bust, Ortiz said. Islam's status in the country remained unclear. Attorney General John Ashcroft has publicly said a high-ranking al-Qaeda leader, Adnan El-Shukrijumah, has offered top dollar to infiltrate the United States via the Mexican border. "Boston should be worried, said Ortiz's spokeswoman, Cathy Travis. "These terrorists and gang members are getting on a bus here in Texas and heading to the East Coast." FBI officials steadfastly deny any connection between MS-13 - a brutal, international criminal organization that has thousands of members across the country - and the terrorist al-Qaeda network. "The FBI has not established a link between MS-13 and al-Qaeda," said Joe Parris, supervisory special agent in the FBI national press office. "There is no link established." But Ortiz said the Bush administration is "in denial" and should tell the American people the truth. "It's established that Mara Salvatrucha and al-Qaeda have had meetings. Middle Eastern people are willing to pay millions to get into this country," Ortiz said yesterday. Two MS-13 members have been arrested by local cops this week - including a criminal who had been deported by the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, but snuck back into the country. Elmer "Tiger" Tejada, 24, was arrested New Year's Day in Lynn - a year after he was deported as a criminal. Another gang member who had been deported remains at large. Yesterday, a member of the East Boston Loco Salvadorans, a sect of MS-13 that congregates in Maverick Square, was arraigned on fugitive from justice charges stemming from the 2002 killing of a Washington, D.C., man. Melquis Alvarez-Garcia, 21, wearing the gang's trademark blue and white colors in the form of a Yankees pinstripe baseball jersey, is accused of stabbing his alleged victim through the heart on April 6, 2002, prosecutors said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=61903&format=text Eastie gang linked to al-Qaeda
A burgeoning East Boston-based street gang made up of alleged rapists and machete-wielding robbers has been linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist network, prompting Boston police to "turn up the heat" on its members, the Herald has learned. MS-13, which stands for La Mara Salvatrucha, is an extremely violent organization with roots in El Salvador, and boasts more than 100 "hardcore members" in East Boston who are suspected of brutal machete attacks, rapes and home invasions. There are hundreds more MS-13 gangsters in towns along the North Shore, said Boston police Sgt. Detective Joseph Fiandaca, who has investigated the gang since it began tagging buildings in Maverick Square in 1995. In recent months, intelligence officials in Washington have warned national law enforcement agencies that al-Qaeda terrorists have been spotted with members of MS-13 in El Salvador, prompting concerns the gang may be smuggling Islamic fundamentalist terrorists into the country. Law enforcement officials have long believed that MS-13 controls alien smuggling routes along Mexico. The warning is being taken seriously in East Boston, where Raed Hijazi, an al-Qaeda operative charged with training the suicide bombers in the attack on the USS Cole, lived and worked, prosecutors have charged. Also, the commercial jets that hurtled into the World Trade
Center towers in New York City were hijacked from Logan International
Airport. "The terrorist aspect, especially when you think in terms of 9/11 and how intent these terrorists are, will turn the heat up on our efforts with MS-13," Fiandaca said. MS-13 members congregate near the Maverick Square train station sporting white and blue bandannas, their skin inked with spider webs and "laugh now, cry later" clown faces. "MS-13 is the most dangerous gang in the area," Fiandaca said. "They are big. They are mobile. Now they have a terrorist connection." The theory that Salvadoran criminals manage to smuggle people over the border was bolstered this month when two Boston men described as MS-13 leaders were spotted on the North Shore days before Christmas - a year after they were deported by Boston Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigators for gang-related crimes. One of the two men, Elmer "Tiger" Tejada, 24, who had been deported after being convicted of a slew of crimes, including attempted murder charges for hurling a machete at Chelsea cops, was busted in Lynn on New Year's Day. Tejada is described as "an original MS-13 member" from East Boston, sources said. A manhunt has been launched for the second fugitive, who is in the country illegally, Boston police said. The growing number of MS-13 members, and the degree of violence the gang engages in, prompted investigators from 14 local and national agencies to form the North Shore Gang Intelligence task force in 2000, Fiandaca said. Among the most notorious local crimes attributed to MS-13 was the gang rape of two deaf girls, one 14, the other 17, in a Somerville park in 2002. Three MS-13 gang members were charged in the brutal rapes, during which one victim was knocked from her wheelchair before the assault. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=62081&format=text Cops: We nabbed killer terror gangster
Melquis Alvarez-Garcia, 21, was busted by Somerville detectives Tuesday night, just hours after Boston police circulated a wanted poster with the North Shore Gang Intelligence Unit, a task force made up of investigators from 14 agencies that track MS-13 exclusively. Yesterday the Herald reported MS-13 has been linked to al-Qaeda, prompting Boston police to accelerate their efforts to quash the gang's criminal activities, especially in East Boston, the organization's stronghold. East Boston was also the home of al-Qaeda terrorist Raed Hijazi, charged with training the suicide bombers in the 2000 attack on the USS Cole; he lived on Shelby Street and drove a cab around Maverick Square. And the two planes used to take down the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 were hijacked from East Boston's Logan International Airport. Alvarez-Garcia is a reputed member of the East Boston Loco Salvadorans (EBLS) sect of MS-13, sources said. He was arrested about 7 p.m. after Somerville gang unit Sgt. Steven Carabino spotted a crew of 10 MS-13 members - garbed in their white and blue gang colors - congregating on the corner of McGrath Highway and Broadway. Washington, D.C., police spokesman Sgt. Joe Gentile said Alvarez-Garcia is wanted for allegedly stabbing 38-year-old Jose Lazo to death April 6, 2002. Alvarez-Garcia was identified as a suspect in the killing a year later, and has been on the run, Gentile said. The motive for the murder was unknown yesterday. Alvarez-Garcia is expected to be arraigned this morning on a fugitive from justice charge before he is extradicted to the nation's capital to face a murder rap, prosecutors said. Alverez-Garcia's arrest marks the second bust of an East Boston MS-13 member by local investigators this week. On New Year's Day, Lynn cops arrested Elmer "Tiger" Tejada, 24, after a violent struggle. Tejada was deported by Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials a year ago after his conviction on a slew of crimes, including hurling a machete at Chelsea cops, but managed to sneak back into the United States. Tejada and another man cops describe as an MS-13 leader who had been deported were spotted on the North Shore days before Christmas. The second suspect remains at large, officials said yesterday.
http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=61902&format=text MS-13 made mark with blood MS-13, or La Mara Salvatrucha, originated in El Salvador
during the bloody internicene wars that ripped the country apart in the
1980s, according to Boston police intelligence on the gang. --------------------------- http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=59877&format=text Feds: Tanker attack would destroy Hub
A new government report commissioned to allay fears about LNG shipments confirms the nightmare scenario that a terrorist attack against a tanker in Boston Harbor could ignite an inferno that would scorch humans and damage buildings for nearly a mile around. The study by the Sandia National Laboratory, a government nuclear weapons lab, was commissioned a year ago by the Department of Energy in reaction to a Herald report about yet another study that said an LNG tanker mishap could devastate neighborhoods in Boston, Charlestown and Everett with pulsating heat waves shot from a damaged tanker. The Associated Press yesterday said it had obtained a 160-page unclassified version of the Sandia report. The AP said the study concludes that the probability of a terrorist attack on an LNG ship remains low, due to tight security. But if a successful attack were to occur, it would be a "high consequence event" that could produce massive injuries and property damage, the AP reported. That's all local officials had to hear. "It reinforces what I have been saying over the years about what a terrorist attack in Boston Harbor could mean to the safety of our citizens," said U.S. Rep. Edward Markey (D-Malden), who authored legislation to limit future LNG facility construction. A spokesman for Mayor Thomas M. Menino, a longtime critic of LNG shipments through the harbor to a Distrigas facility in Everett, said the new study shows a terrorist attack could have a "catastrophic" impact on Boston. Seth Gitell said the mayor is adamant that a way should be found to offload liquefied natural gas without huge tankers going through Boston Harbor. A spokesman for Distrigas could not be reached for comment last night. But an Energy Department official said there should not be some sort of "no ship zone." "What we've learned is that we can significantly reduce the likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring with security planning and mitigation," Mark Maddox, a deputy assistant secretary at the Energy Department, told AP. The Sandia study is yet the latest report that debunks official explanations for reopening Boston Harbor to LNG shipments after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. Using what many critics consider now discredited reports, federal officials minimized the potential impact of an LNG incident in Boston Harbor to justify renewed LNG shipments. --------------------------------- http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=61891&format=text Explosive-detection booth to be deployed at Logan Federal security officials plan to install a high-tech
explosives detection machine at Logan International Airport in the
coming months to screen passengers' bodies for evidence of bomb-making
materials. ----------------------------------------------------------- http://www.nbc4.com/news/2054291/detail.html
FBI Hunts For Al Qaida Suspect Man May Be Hiding In U.S. |
Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
Опции за коментарот
Cause of Islamic Terrorism The Terrorism Of
"Islamists" Islam
and Terrorism Warning
To The West Blind Faith How
Islam Spreads Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology Dar al-Harb vs. Dar al-Islam Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Osama's Worst Nightmare What
Is al Qaeda Up To?
A further outcome of successfully achieving these objectives would be to place the United Nations as the sole arbiter in East/West negotiations.
To Create An Islamic State The Islamization of Europe? What
The West Needs To Know Pathways
to Jihadi Terrorism The
Tragedy of Islam Is Islam a
Violent Religion? Common
Bonds Peace
Against Terrorism We must be allowed to criticise
Islam The Deep Intellectual Roots
of Islamic Terror |
Сениор Регистриран: 14.Ноември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 379 |
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Вториот човек на Ал Каеда, Ајман Ал-Завахири, во најновото негово обраќање ги повика муслиманите да започнат света војна за ослободување на исламските земји. Ал-Завахири ги повика и Палестинците да ги прекинат меѓусебните пресметки. Во меѓувреме, десетина луѓе загинаа во пресметките помеѓу палестинските фракции, а Америка размислува за привремено зголемување на бројот на војници во Ирак. Додека Хамас и Фатах се обидуваат да одржат кратко примирје и да се договорат за политички соживот и евентуални предвремени избори, катарската ТВ мрежа Ал Џезеира ја објави снимката со заменикот на Бин Ладен, Ајман Ал-Завахири.
Истовремено во Газа, откако Хамас го одби предлогот на Махмуд Абас за одржување на вонредни избори, двајца палестински полицајци блиски до Фатах загинаа во судар со припадници на Хамас. |
Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
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Hajj stampede kills 345, injures hundreds moreLast Updated: Friday, January 13, 2006 | 5:53 AM ETCBC NewsOfficials say that in addition to those killed, at least another 289 people were injured. The stampede came just before sunset during a stoning ritual at the hajj, despite attempts by Saudi authorities to control the masses. "I heard screaming," Suad Abu Hamada, an Egyptian pilgrim, told the Associated Press. Police try to find bodies The witness said he saw people jumping over each other as police tried to pull bodies out.
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"The bodies were piled up. I couldn't count them, they were too many," he said. Saudi Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdel Aziz offered his condolences in a statement on Saudi Al-Ekhbariya television. "We feel pain and sorrow for them and for their families and we send our condolences," the prince said. He said the kingdom had "spared no effort" to avoid such disasters at the hajj. But he said it "cannot stop what God has preordained. It is impossible." Extra troops on hand Saudi authorities had brought in 60,000 troops for crowd control and expanded the time pilgrims can carry out the ritual, which is traditionally done between sunrise and sunset. The incident happened as tens of thousands of pilgrims filed past a series of three pillars on a wide bridge. It is accessible by only four entry and exit ramps, and is about the width of an eight-lane highway. People entering one of the ramps tripped over luggage that had been dropped, triggering a stampede. Witnesses said bodies covered in sheets were laid on stretchers in the streets and refrigerator trucks were hauling them away. Millions taking part About 2.5 million pilgrims have converged on Mecca for the five-day ritual. In Ottawa, Foreign Affairs spokesperson Marie Christine Lilkoff said the department does not know of any Canadians injured in the crush. Most of the victims were said to be from South Asia. The hajj is considered a duty of all able-bodied Muslims, at least once in a lifetime. Pilgrims cleanse their souls by throwing stones at the pillars that symbolize the devil.
The hajj has become known for its deadly stampedes, especially at the entrance to the bridge. Two years ago, at least 250 pilgrims were killed at the site, and 1,426 perished in 1990.
Earlier this month, at least 76 Muslim pilgrims taking part in the hajj were killed in the collapse of a hotel in Mecca. More than 60 people were hurt in the collapse of the eight-storey building, which is close to the Grand Mosque. Saudi authorities defended their attempts at crowd control, saying there was little more they could do to prevent a stampede during the Hajj that left at least 345 dead. Saudi authorities defended their attempts at crowd control, saying stricter policing could have resulted in even more people dying in Thursday's stampede during the annual piilgrimage to Mecca. More than 345 pilgrims died as crowds surged. Another 289 people were injured. . "People insist that they want to finish their Hajj in the way they think is right and you have a limited effect in using policemen to control people in this regard," Interior ministry spokesman Maj Gen Mansour al-Turki told the BBC. "You cannot really control them by force because if you do probably you will increase the problem because you will have people pushing you. We had so many police officers today who were injured in this situation." Saudi authorities had replaced the pillar, which had represented the devil in the past, with an oval wall with padding around the edges to protect the crush of pilgrims. Saudi officials had also installed cameras and dispatched about 60,000 security personnel to monitor the crowds. MINA, Saudi Arabia -- Saudi officials say little could have been done to prevent a stampede during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in which 345 died. Interior ministry spokesman Maj Gen Mansour al-Turki told the BBC that the dangers would only increase if crowd controls were tightened further. "People insist that they want to finish their Hajj in the way they think is right and you have a limited effect in using policemen to control people in this regard," he said. "You cannot really control them by force because if you do probably you will increase the problem because you will have people pushing you. We had so many police officers today who were injured in this situation." The stampede happened on Thursday during a symbolic stoning ritual, according to the country's Health Ministry. Health Minister Hamad al-Maneh told Saudi TV that 289 others were injured in the stampede near Mecca and taken to hospital. Many of those injured were not seriously hurt and have been released from the hospital, al-Maneh said. The number of injured does not include those treated on the scene, he said. Video of the scene showed dozens of bodies lying on the ground, covered with sheets and blankets. (Watch the stream of ambulances and medics among the dead -- 3:32 ) A U.S.-based religious scholar, who arrived shortly after the stampede, said it was a heartbreaking scene. "Looking at the amount of ambulances brings tears to your eyes," he said. "I heard screaming, and I looked around and saw people jumping over each other. Police came and cordoned off the area. They starting pulling out bodies. The bodies were piled up. I couldn't count them, they were too many," Suad Abu Hamada, an Egyptian pilgrim, told The Associated Press. Ahmed Mustafa, an Egyptian pilgrim, said he saw bodies taken away in refrigerator trucks. "There must be dozens of people dead," he told AP. The stampede, like others in the past, occurred during the stone-throwing ritual in which the pilgrims stone a symbolic devil. It took place at a wide bridge over the desert plain of Mina. Saudi authorities had replaced the pillar, which had represented the devil in the past, with an oval wall with padding around the edges to protect the crush of pilgrims. Saudi officials had also installed cameras and dispatched about 60,000 security personnel to monitor the crowds. The Interior Ministry said Thursday's trampling occurred when the pilgrims bottlenecked at the eastern edge of the bridge leading to the oval wall. Many pilgrims brought their luggage, which caused further crowding. About 3 million Muslims are believed to have made the pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad. The Hajj has been connected with deadly incidents in the past, most of them stampedes that take place during the ceremonies. However, at least 76 people -- mostly pilgrims -- were killed last week when a hotel collapsed near the Grand Mosque in central Mecca. It is still unclear what caused the small building to crumble onto the streets packed with pilgrims. (Watch rescuers dig through the rubble -- 2:27 ) The worst stampede happened in 1990, when 1,426 pilgrims were trampled to death. More recently, 251 pilgrims died two years ago in a stampede during the stone-throwing ritual. A stampede in 2003 killed 36 pilgrims, most of them en route to the devil-stoning ritual, conducted outside Mecca. In 2001, a stampede at the same ritual killed 35. Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford the trip is obliged to perform the Hajj to Mecca once in a lifetime. Making Hajj is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith. Mecca is revered as the holiest site of Islam, and the Masjid al-Haram, or Grand Mosque, is the focal point of the rites observed. The six-day pilgrimage ends with a four-day feast called the Eid al-Adha. CNN Producer Schams El-Wazer contributed to this report. |
Сениор Регистриран: 30.Октомври.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2043 |
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История на софийска духовна семинария "Св. Иван Рилски"Софийската духовна семинария „Св. Йоан Рилски” е средно духовно учебно заведение, което има за цел да подготви свещенослужители и други служители на Българската православна църква, прегърнали основните истини на православното християнско учение и изконните български традиции и възпитани в дух на родолюбие и евангелските добродетели. Софийската духовна семинария се стреми да опази и да утвърждава православната вяра, като чрез различни форми привлича все повече хора да дойдат в Църквата и да доизградят нейния съвременен облик, опиращ се на традициите на светото Православие. Като духовна школа Софийската семинария е продължителка на Самоковското богословско училище, което от своя страна продължава и доразвива започнатото от Богословското училище към Лясковския манастир „Св. Петър и Павел”. През 1897 г. Св. Синод замисля да премести училището в София, но това не се осъществява и то остава в Самоков. Изглежда Св. Синод решава да изчака построяването на специално здание за Духовна семинария на подареното през 1897 г. от Столичната община място от 50 дка в местността к*ру баглар - голо възвишение южно от София. На 31 март 1902 г. на това място се стича огромно човешко множество: Негово Царско Височество княз Фердинанд I полага основния камък, а водосвет отслужва председателят на Св. Синод, Варненският и Преславски митрополит Симеон, в съслужение със Софийския митрополит Партений и Старозагорския митрополит Методий. На тържеството присъстват ректорът на Самоковското духовно училище Йоаким Г. Бакалов, управителят на пансиона - архимандрит Теофилакт, йеромонах Борис, преподаватели, министри, държавници и общественици. На 20 януари 1903 г. след благодарствен молебен и водосвет, извършен от Софийския митрополит Партений, започват учебните занятия. Йоаким Бакалов остава за ректор и всички учители от Самоковското богословско училище се преместват в София. През тази учебна година к*рсът на училището става шестгодишен. През април Учителският съвет взима решение Софийското богословско училище да се преименува в Духовна академия. Голяма грижа на ректора Иван Бакалов е попълването и обогатяването на училищната библиотека, която към този момент е доста бедна. Постепенно се набавят книги и списания с научен и образователен характер: по това време например в Семинарията се получават 37 български и 11 руски богословски списания, като всички руски издания са дар от руския Св. Синод. От самото начало на функционирането си Софийската духовна семинария е под прекия надзор на синодалните архиереи, които следят за нормалното протичане на учебния процес, участват лично при провеждането на зрелостните изпити, присъстват на годишните актове. На 26 октомври 1904 г. - Димитровден, тържествено е осветена семинарската църква „Св. Йоан Рилски” от синодалните архиереи начело с Варненския и Преславски митрополит Симеон в присъствието на хиляди богомолци, които присъединяват молитвите си към тези на ректора, учителите и учениците. През 1905 г. Столичната община дарява на Софийската духовна семинария още 30 дка земя и дворът се разширява до 94 дка. Под наблюдението на учителите семинаристите го превръщат много скоро в прекрасен парк. С всяка измината година условията в Семинарията се подобряват, учебното и възпитателно дело дава все по-добри резултати. Периодът на войните (1912-1918 г.) обаче - Балканска, Междусъюзническа и Първа световна война, които са най-голямото зло за човечеството, се отразява пагубно на Софийската духовна школа. От горните класове са мобилизирани ученици, храната е слаба, облеклото - оскъдно, а самото училище е преместено в частна сграда, където се развиват епидемични заболявания. През това време семинарската сграда е обърната на военна болница. След войните пансионът се възстановява, броят на учениците нараства до 500. Едва се нормализира животът в училището и започва самостоятелното управление на БЗНС (1920-1923 г.). Семинарските сгради са харесани за новооткрития Агрономически факултет. Студентите-агрономи и семинаристите съжителстват трудно от 1920 до 1928 г. Подготвя се преместването на Семинарията в Рилския манастир. След падането на земеделския режим започва нов възход и духовен подем в учебно-възпитателното дело на Софийската духовна семинария. Но избухва Втората световна война. От бомбардировките на София пострадват и семинарските сгради. Пансионското имущество е евакуирано в провинцията - в Рилския манастир, с. Елешница, Софийско, гара Черепиш, Врачанско, Петропавловския манастир и в Габровския девически манастир. През лятото на 1944 г. се правят сериозни приготовления за продължаване на занятията в Габрово, като за това съдействат директорът на Априловската гимназия и габровският индустриалец Симов. След 9 септември 1944 г. учебните занятия се възобновяват едва през декември 1945 г. в сградата на Богословския факултет в София. Част от семинарските класове са временно настанени в гара Черепиш и поставени под администрацията на ректора на Пастиро-богословския институт. Чак след опразването на семинарските сгради, използвани от XI военна болница, а после и от щаба на Съветската армия, всички класове са събрани и учебните занятия започват през ноември 1947 г. в собствената сграда на Семинарията в София. През септември 1950 г. обаче отново са прекъснати: Софийската духовна семинария се слива с Пловдивската. Обединени под името Софийска духовна семинария, двете духовни училища са преместени на гара Черепиш, защото междувременно с правителствено решение сградите на Софийската духовна семинария са предоставени за Дворец на пионерите и се ползват за такъв чак до 1990 г. Само храмът продължава да функционира като енорийски и затова е отделен от комплекса сгради с желязна ограда и самостоятелен вход. При последното евакуиране от София през есента на 1950 г. част от пансионското имущество, библиотеката и архивът са пренесени набързо в криптата на храм-паметника „Св. Ал. Невски”. Впоследствие всичко оцеляло отива също в гара Черепиш, а негодното е бракувано. Много ценни документи са безвъзвратно загубени. От запазеното голям интерес за сегашните поколения представляват някои протоколни книги на Учителския съвет, както и годишните рапорти на Ректора и на Учителския съвет до Св. Синод. От тях личи стремежът на учителската колегия непрекъснато да се подобрява учебната програма и педагогическата работа, за да се осъществява успешно нравственото, естетическото и църковно-патриотичното възпитание на учениците. През пролетта на 1990 г. с министерско постановление са върнати сградите на Софийската духовна семинария и днес в тях продължава обучението и възпитанието на младежите в духа и традициите на национално-православните ценности. *** От своето създаване до наши дни Софийската духовна семинария носи името на „Св. Йоан Рилски”. Такова е решението на Св. Синод на БПЦ, взето по две причини: първо, защото св. Йоан Рилски е всепризнат закрилник на българския народ, най-великият наш светец, и второ, защото Софийската духовна семинария е наследничка и продължителка на учебно-възпитателното дело на Самоковското богословско училище, което е носило това име и е било на издръжка на Рилския манастир, а св. Йоан Рилски е ангелът и патронът на тази света обител. Понастоящем в Софийската духовна семинария се обучават около 300 младежи. Тъй като по статут тя е средно духовно учебно заведение, се намира под прякото ведомство на Светия Синод на БПЦ, а учебните планове и програми се одобряват от Министерството на образованието и науката със съгласието на Св. Синод. Ръководител на Семинарията е Ректорът, който е пратеник на Св. Синод. |
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