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Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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Испратена: 02.Август.2006 во 09:36 |
< ="Content-" content="text/; charset=UTF-8">
< name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor">
MAL PREGLED NA NAREDBITE VO LINUX (se nadevam deka ke im pomogne na pocetnicite (tuka i jas spagam)) Изменето од влечка - 02.Август.2006 во 09:42 |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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vaka sega...
Posto ionaka nema mnogu zainteresirani, prodolzuvam so vi - Referenc-Listata bez da ja preveduvam... Mal predgovor za vi. vi e najobicen editor i se sto se pisuva bez razlika dali e programa vo C, C++, java ili LaTeX se pisuva vo vi. Moze i drugi editori da se koristat ama vi se koristi vo site linux platformi. |
Сениор Министерка за гушкање Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 13319 |
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Имаше нешто слична тема мила влечка, само ретко кој работи на конзола..или терминал како сакаш кажи го..
Се ова ми е многу добро познато, само продолжи понатаму |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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VI Syntax explanations Strings or characters in bold must be entered on the command line of the vi as they are. Clauses in italic must be replaced by the actual name, character or number. vi commands are enclosed in <...>. They are not visable when entered. Ctrl -c means that both the <Ctrl> key and the ’c’ key must be pressed. Invoking vi vi Enters the vi editor vi filename Enters vi and edits file filename vi +n filename Edits file filename and positions cursor at line n vi -r filename Restores changes to filename caused by system interrupt vi fn1 fn2 ... Edits multiple files fn1, fn2, ... vi -R filename Views contents of file filename same as view filename Save changes and/or exit from vi :q! Quits the editor unconditionally :q Quits the editor if last changes were written :wq Writes the file and quits the editor ZZ Writes the file and quits the editor :w Writes the changes onto file :w newname Writes data onto new file newname Adusting the screen within vi Ctrl -F or Ctrl -f Moves one full screen forward (#) Ctrl -D or Ctrl -d Moves a half screen forward (#) Ctrl -E or Ctrl -e Moves one line forward (#) Ctrl -B or Ctrl -b Moves one full screen backward (") Ctrl -U or Ctrl -u Moves a half screen backward (") Ctrl -Y or Ctrl -y Moves one line backward (") < 1G > Moves to the top of the file < G > Move to the bottom of the file Cursor positioning Following commands can be used besides the cursor keys ... within the file :n or < nG > Moves cursor to the begin of line n :1 or < 1G > Moves cursor to the top of the file < G > Moves cursor to the begin of the last line < n| > Moves cursor to column n ... within the window < H > Moves cursor to upper left corner of screen < nH > Moves cursor to line n from top of screen < M > Moves cursor to middle of screen < L > Moves cursor to lower left corner of screen < nL > Moves cursor to line n from bottom of screen ... by character < h > or Ctrl -H < BACKSPACE > Moves cursor one character to left < l > < SPACE > Moves cursor one character to right < Fc > Moves cursor left to character c (Find) < fc > Moves cursor right to character c < Tc > Moves cursor left to character just after c (Tight) < tc > Moves cursor right to character just before c ... by word < e > Moves cursor to end of word (End) < b > Moves cursor to beginning of previous word (Begin) < w > Moves cursor to beginning of next word ... by line < j > or Ctrl -N Moves cursor down one line (Next) < k > or Ctrl -P Moves cursor up one line (Previous) < 0 > Moves cursor to beginning of line < $ > Moves cursor to end of line < + > Moves cursor to beginning of next line < – > Moves cursor to beginning of previous line ... by sentence or paragraph < ( > Moves cursor to beginning of sentence < ) > Moves cursor to beginning of next sentence < { > Moves cursor to beginning of paragraph < } > Moves cursor to beginning of next paragraph prodolzuva... Изменето од влечка - 23.Август.2006 во 09:59 |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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Ako neka stoi, moze na nekoj ke mu pritreba pa duri sto se vika i jas mozam ovde da se potsekam... posto se na pamet ne se znae.... Fala za podrskata |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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Inserting text (Input Mode) Following commands switch to input mode where every character is taken as is. To return to command mode, press the <ESC> key. < i > Inserts text immediately before cursor < I > Inserts text at beginning of line < a > Appends text immediately after cursor < A > Appends text to the end of the line < o > Inserts text below current line < O > Inserts text above current line Commands within the input mode < ESC > Exits input mode, returns to command mode < BACKSPACE > Deletes current input character < ENTER > Creates a new line Deleting text < nx > Deletes n characters starting at cursor < nX > Deletes n characters to left of cursor < ndd > Deletes n lines starting at current line < D > Deletes from cursor to line end < dM > Deletes from cursor to unit of measurement M Examples: d0 Deletes from cursor to beginning of line (0) dW Deletes from cursor to end of word (W) dG Deletes to bottom of file (G) d1G Deletes to top of file (1G) Modifying text < r > Replaces character under cursor < R > Write over old text beginning at cursor; press <ESC> to end < s > Replaces one character through any given number of characters (Substitute); press <ESC> to end < S > Replaces entire current line; press <ESC> to end < C > Changes rest of the line < ˜ > Switches lower to upper case or vice versa Retrieving text After text was deleted or noted, it can be retrieved from the buffer and inserted at the original place or elsewhere in the file. < p > Puts text immediately after cursor or below current line < P > Puts text immediately before cursor or above current line Moving and copying text For moving or copying text there are always two steps to do: first one has to define the range of text, that should be moved or copied, and then one has to define the new location of the text. Move Moving text means that the data at the original location is deleted. Thereby the data is saved in the buffer from were it could be retrieved and inserted into the text at the new location. The retrieve of the data from the buffer must be done before the buffer is rewritten. Examples: dd and P Moves one line above current line 3dd and p Moves 3 lines after current line 5x and p Moves 5 characters after cursor Another method is the use of the move command for which one has to know the linenumbers: :m# Moves current line after line with number # :a,bm# Moves range of lines a to b after line with number # Examples: :m3 Moves current line after line 3 :1,3m$ Moves the range of line 1 to 3 to the bottom of the file Copy Copying text means that the data at the original location remains unchanged, but a copy is yanked into the buffer. From there it could be retrieved and inserted into the text at another location.. The retrieve of the data from the buffer must be done before the buffer is rewritten. < Y > Yanks actual line < nyy > Yanks from the current line n lines < YM > Yanks the range from the current line to the unit of measurement M Examples: Y and P Copies one line above the current line 3yy and p Copies 3 lines after the current line YG and p Copies range of data up to the bottom of the file after the current line Another method is the use of the copy command for which one has to know the linenumbers: :co# Copies current line after line with number # :a,bco# Copies the range of line a to b after line number # Examples: :co3 Copies current line after line 3 :1,3co$ Copies the range of line 1 up to 3 to the bottom of the file ...prodolzuva... |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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...posledno prodolzenie...
Searching text < /string > Searches for next appearence of string < ?string > Searches backward for first appearence of string < n > Repeats last search < N > Repeats search in opposite direction < / > Repeats previous search in forward direction < ? > Repeats previous search in backward direction Search and replace (global change) < :s/str1/str2/g > Replaces all occurences of str1 with str2 within the current line. If g (global) isn’t specified, only the first occurence is changed. < :a,b s/str1/str2/g > Replaces all occurences of str1 with str2 within the range of line a up to line b. If g(global) isn’t specified, only the first occurence is changed. Example: :1,$ s/resource/Ressource/g changes within the complete file all occurences of resource into Ressource. Instead of ’1,$’ one can use the % sign to define the complete file. The command :% s/resource/Ressource/g is therefore equivalent. :g /str/ command Searches within the complete file for str and runs command command on all the lines that match str. Example: :g /resource/ s//Ressource/g changes within the complete file all occurences of resource into Ressource. :v /str/ command Runs command on all lines that do not match str < & > Repeats the last :s command Working with multiple files :r filename Reads in and inserts named file filename after current line :w! filename Writes complete file onto file filename (Overwrite) :a,bw! filename Writes a range of lines from line a up to line b onto the file filename Example : ’:10,15w! TT’ writes line 11 up to 15 onto file TT :a,bw>> filename Appends a range of line from line a up to line b to file filename :n Edits next file from argument list :e filename Edits another file; return to current file with :e# Ctrl -G Displays the filename and position within the current file Executing shell commands :sh Creates a subshell. Return to editor with C-d or exit. :!command Creates a shell and runs command command. :r!command Creates a shell, runs command command and inserts the output of command after the cursor. !!command Creates a shell, runs command command and substitutes the current line by the output of command. Other usefull commands < . > Repeats last command < J > Joins following line to current line < Jn > Joins following n-1 lines to current line < u > Undo last change < U > Restores current line Using vi options :set all Prints all option settings :set option [value] Sets option Some usefull options are: autowrite Enables autowrite function ignorcase Ignores lowercase and uppercase on search operations number Prints line numbers showmode Shows the current mode (Input, Replace) at the lower right corner Using vi macros vi supports the definition of macros, that map a series of command to a characterstring. There are two types of macros: macros in command mode and macros in input mode. Defining macros: :map macroname commands macro in command mode :map! macroname commands macro in input mode Example: ’:map Q :q!’ now Q can be used to quit the editor unconditionally Deleting macros: :unmap macroname for command mode macros :unmap! macroname for input mode macros |
Сениор Регистриран: 04.Август.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 240 |
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Влечка, браво за целиот труд за линукс командите, мислам дека си можел да го пастираш линкот до соодветниот туториал, а ако веќе си сакал од тебе да бидат, да се потрудеше барем на македонски да преведиш, и да ги издвоиш битните од небитните скратени команди :) .. Сепак браво за времето и нервите :)
That What Doesn't Kill Me, Only Makes Me Stronger..!
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2616 |
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Fala, go sfakam ova kako podrska, a inace (moze ne ti se veruva) zensko sum.
Sto se odnesuva do vi-Referenc-Listata, ja imam kako ps dokument simnato od eden Institut za primeneta matematika, a ne ja prevedov posto nemam vreme, copy-paste rabotava e, so malo preureduvanje posto mi se izgubi tabelata... |
Сениор Регистриран: 04.Август.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 240 |
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Влечка, браво.. Не ни очекував женско да биде заинтересирано за линукс, и затоа помислив дека е некое машко .. Сепак, сакав и да ти речам да го едитираш постот кога си по слободна, и да ги оставиш само основните или инаку речено најбитните команди, бидејќи факт е дека VI е најдобар едитор, но и најкомплициран.. Поздрав
That What Doesn't Kill Me, Only Makes Me Stronger..!
Сениор Министерка за гушкање Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 13319 |
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Зашто бе Зоки и јас сум женско па одлично го познавам линухот и го владеам
Профил од член
Испрати лична порака
Најди пораки од член
Посети го сајтот на членот
Додај во листа на пријатели
Сениор Клабинг Регистриран: 14.Септември.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 9229 |
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Навистина е одлично за тоа што се потрудивте. ас сум еден понов корисник на линукс и овие наредби ми помогнаа.
Поздрав |
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Скок до | Овластувања Вие не може да внесувате нови теми на форумот Вие не може да одговарате на теми на форумот Вие не може да ги бришете вашите пораки од форумот Вие не може да ги менувате вашите пораки од форумот Вие не може да креирате анкета на форумот Вие не може да гласате на форумот |