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Зошто Христос ја проколнал смоквата?

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Pentakostalec Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 11.Јули.2008
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Spored mene toa e primer za as lugjeto denes za lugjeto so veruvaat vo nego i ne proizveduvaat plodovi e toa im se slucuva posle na tie lugje.
Одете мегу сите народи и создавајте од нив мој ученици крштевајки ги во името на Таткото, Синот и Светиот Дух
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Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18208
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Зошто Христос ја проколнал смоквата?

20 А наутро кога поминуваа, ја видоа смоквата исушена од корен.

21 А Петар се сети и Му рече: „Учителе, погледај! Се исушила смоквата, што ја проколна!”

22 Исус одговори и им рече:

23 ”Имајте вера во Бога! Вистина ви велам, ако некој и рече на оваа гора: ‘Дигни се и фрли се во морето,’ а не се посомнева во своето срце, туку верува дека ќе биде она што го рече, тоа и ќе биде.


I taka "misterijata" na prokolnatata smokva e reshena.

Изменето од Messenger - 19.Мај.2011 во 13:57
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
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Templarius Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2754
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Templarius Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 19.Мај.2011 во 14:20
Originally posted by Templarius Templarius напиша:

Ima uste edno interesantno objasnuvanje koe se naodja vo "Evangelieto na dvanaesetminata" koe ne se smeta za verodostojno no sepak e interesno da se procita (ne mozeva da najdam prevod)..

Love of Iesus for All Creatures.

    1. WHEN Jesus knew how the Pharisees had murmured and complained because he made and baptized more disciples than John, he left Judea, and departed unto Galilee.
    2. AND Jesus came to a certain Tree and abode beneath it many days. And there came Mary Magdalene and other women and ministered unto him of their substance, and he taught daily all that came unto him.
    3. And the birds gathered around him, and welcomed him with their song, and other living creatures came unto his feet, and he fed them, and they ate out of his hands.
    4. And when he departed he blessed the women who shewed love unto him, and turning to the fig tree, he blessed it also, saying. Thou hast given me shelter and shade from the burning heat, and withal thou hast given me food also.
    5. Blessed be thou, increase and be fruitful, and let all who come to thee, find rest and shade and food, and let the birds of the air rejoice in thy branches.
    6. And behold the tree grew and flourished exceedingly, and its branches took root downward, and sent shoots upward, and it spread mightily, so that no tree was like unto it for its size and beauty, and the abundance and goodness of its fruit.
    7. AND as Jesus entered into a certain village he saw a young cat which had none to care for her, and she was hungry and cried unto him, and he took her up, and put her inside his garment, and she lay in his bosom.
    8. And when he came into the village he set food and drink before the cat, and she ate and drank, and shewed thanks unto him. And he gave her unto one of his disciples, who was a widow, whose name was Lorenza, and she took care of her.
    9. And some of the people said, This man careth for all creatures, are they his brothers and sisters that he should love them ? And he said unto them, Verily these are your fellow creatures of the great Household of God, yea, they are your brethren and sisters, having the same breath of life in the Eternal.
    10. And whosoever careth for one of the least of these, and giveth it to eat and drink in its need, the same doeth it unto me, and whoso willingly suffereth one of these to be in want, and defendeth it not when evilly entreated, suffereth the evil as done unto me; for as ye have done in this life, so shall it be done unto you in the life to come.

Ovdeka se gleda deka sepak toj ja blagoslovuva smokvata (ne toa moj stav).... A Petar e vsusnost toj koj ja prokolnuva ....

Jesus Rebukes Peter For His Haste.

    1. NOW on the morrow as they were coming from Bethany, Peter was hungry, and perceiving a fig tree afar off having leaves thereon, he came if happily he might find fruit thereon, and when he came he found nothing but leaves, for the time of figs was not yet.
2. And Peter was angry and said unto it, Accursed tree, no man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And some of the disciples heard of it.
    3. And the next day as Jesus and his disciples passed by, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, behold, the fig tree which I cursed is green and flourishing, wherefore did not my word prevail?
    4. Iesus said unto Peter, Thou knowest not what spirit thou art of. Wherefore didst thou curse that which God hath not cursed? And Peter said, Behold Lord I was a hungered, and finding leaves and no fruit, I was angry, and I cursed the tree.
    5. And Jesus said, Son of Jonas knewest thou not that the time of figs was not yet? Behold the corn which is in the field which groweth according to its nature first the green shoot, then the stalk, then the ear—would thou be angry if thou camest at the time of the tender shoot or the stalk, and didst not find the corn in the ear? And wouldst thou curse the tree which, full of buds and blossoms, had not yet ripe fruit?
    6. Verily Peter I say unto thee, one of my twelve will deny me thrice in his fear and anger with curses, and swear that he knows me not, and the rest will forsake me for a season.
    7. But ye shall repent and grieve bitterly, because in your heart ye love me, and ye shall be as an Altar of twelve hewn stones, and a witness to my Name, and ye shall be as the Servants of servants, and the keys of the Church will I give unto you, and ye shall feed my sheep and my lambs and ye shall be my vice-gerents upon earth.
    8. But there shall arise men amongst them that succeed you, of whom some shall indeed love me even as thou, who being hotheaded and unwise, and void of patience, shall curse those whom God hath not cursed, and persecute them in their ignorance, because they cannot yet find in them the fruits they seek.
    9. And others being lovers of themselves shall make alliance with the kings and rulers of the world, and seek earthly power, and riches, and domination, and put to death by fire and sword those who seek the truth, and therefore are truly my disciples.
    10. And in their days I Iesus shall be crucified afresh and put to open shame, for they will profess to do these things in my Name. And Peter said, Be it far from thee Lord.
    11. And Iesus answered, As I shall be nailed to the cross, so also shall my Church in those days, for she is my Bride and one with me. But the day shall come when this darkness shall pass away, and true Light shall shine.
    12. And one shall sit on my throne, who shall be a Man of Truth and Goodness and Power, and he shall be filled with love and wisdom beyond all others, and shall rule my Church by a fourfold twelve and by two and seventy as of old, and that only which is true shall he teach.
    13. And my Church shall be filled with Light, and give Light unto all nations of the earth, and there shall be one Pontiff sitting on his throne as a King and a Priest.
    14. And my Spirit shall be upon him and his throne shall endure and not be shaken, for it shall be founded on love and truth and equity, and light shall come to it, and go forth from it, to all the nations of the earth, and the Truth shall make them free.

Sekako deka nekoj ja znae tajnata na ovaa evangelie no .... zasega ovaa evangelie se smeta za neverodostojno i vo ovoj post jas ne iznesuvam nikakvo moe veruvanje...samo go stavam tuka da bide pointeresno, ako nekoj zne neso povece togas neka kaze....

Jas pak so istoto hahahahaha Isus ne ja prokolnal smokvata

Изменето од Templarius - 19.Мај.2011 во 14:21
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign
Give me a reason
To walk the fire
See another dawn
Through our son's eyes
You give me a reason
To walk the fire.
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Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18208
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Messenger Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 19.Мај.2011 во 15:12
OK, nie diskutirame spord onoa shto e prifateno kako "verodostojno" vo institucijaliziranata religija, oti ako pojdeme spored site apokrifni i eresni pisanija togash nema krajot da ni se najde.   

Vo sekoj sluchaj, objasnuvanjeto e vekje dadeno vo Noviot Zavet, samo shto treba da se prochita.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
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Templarius Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2754
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Templarius Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 19.Мај.2011 во 19:23
Originally posted by Messenger Messenger напиша:

OK, nie diskutirame spord onoa shto e prifateno kako "verodostojno" vo institucijaliziranata religija, oti ako pojdeme spored site apokrifni i eresni pisanija togash nema krajot da ni se najde.   

Vo sekoj sluchaj, objasnuvanjeto e vekje dadeno vo Noviot Zavet, samo shto treba da se prochita.

Ok no kako da znaeme koi se verodostojni ???
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign
Give me a reason
To walk the fire
See another dawn
Through our son's eyes
You give me a reason
To walk the fire.
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spiros Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 28.Јули.2008
Локација: На пат
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4489
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај spiros Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 19.Мај.2011 во 23:26
Originally posted by Maran Ata Maran Ata напиша:

Слава Му на Бога ...

... еве го и толкувањето на св.Теофилакт Охридски (многу убаво кажано).

Толкување на Матеј 21:18-20

Господ често правел чуда и тие секогаш биле за доброто и користа на луѓето, зашто ниту едно чудо не направил за некој да би казнил. Сепак, за да не би помислиле дека Тој не е во состојба да казни, овде ја покажува и таа способност, но неприменувајќи ја, бидејќи човекољубив, на луѓето, туку на дрвото, како што тоа претходно го направил со крдото свињи. Направил дрвото да се исуши за да ги вразуми леѓето. Учениците со право биле зачудени, зашто смоквата во себе има доволно течности. Затоа и чудото било уште поголемо, бидејќи таа одма се исушила. "Смоква" означува и еврејска синагога која има само "листови", односно, видливо слово на Законот, но не и плод на Светиот Дух. Меѓутоа, и секој човек кој се предава на сластите на земниот живот сличен е на оваа смоква, затоа што таков нема духовен плод за да го даде на Христа кога ќе огладни, туку само листови кои венеат и паѓаат како минливи фантазирања од овој свет. На таквиот се однесува проклетството, затоа што Христос вели: "Одите од мене проклети во оган." Таквиот човек ќе се исуши како смоква, пржен во пеколниот оган, и неговиот језик ќе се исуши како језикот на оној богаташ (во приказната за бедниот Лазар).

Изменето од spiros - 19.Мај.2011 во 23:28
Through the Blood of His Grace,
we are Forgiven and Free,
in Time & Eternity!

БОГ да го благослови Авраам, Исаaк, Израил ...!

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