Leica M9 :) |
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Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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Na rangefinderforum.com ima celi temi kako ja shtitite vashata Leica. Stavaat navlaki, grebat logo, go pokrivaat logoto......... Ne e lesno da slikas na ulica vo golemite gradovi so 5000 evra kamera i uste tolku za staklence. I klosharite pokraj Sena znaat sto e Leica . Kaj nas e lesno. Canon/Nikon/Sony treba da kries. Leica im e kako ruska marka i gi podsekja na nekoja kuchka |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Сениор Регистриран: 20.Септември.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 406 |
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ima eden cicko sto ja pokrival leicata so crna izolir traka za da bide kolku sto e mozno poneprimeten :) Henri Cartier Bresson se vika |
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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"I Am A Total Devotee of Leica M Photography"
Copyright (c) 2004 Peter A. Klein Sung to the tune of "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" Scene: A photographic gathering in a posh metropolitan hotel. The Master Amateur is holding forth on the glories of Leica. He is dressed in a battered old raincoat and a French beret. In his hand is a battered M3 covered with black tape. He is surrounded by a chorus of paunchy middle-aged men, each wearing an enormous autofocus SLR with zoom lens. The lenses bounce on their bellies when they sing. - - - - - (MASTER AMATEUR) I am a total devotee of Leica M photography. I will not buy a digicam, I won't do videography. I read the work of Lager with his product list canonical. I'll never use a plastic lens with focus ultrasonical. I look at other cameras with an attitude that's whimsical. I do not want an SLR with viewing pentaprimsical. The look of glass from Asia makes me squint my eyes and squirm a knee. I'd rather get my lenses from a little town in Germany. (CHORUS) He'd rather get his lenses from a little town in Germany. He'd rather get his lenses from a little town in Germany. He'd rather get his lenses from a little town in Germa-Germa-ny. (MASTER AMATEUR) I will never put my camera on a tripod that is teetering. I cannot understand the need for modern matrix metering. Look back upon my history, it's all in my biography: I am a total devotee of Leica M photography. (CHORUS) Look back upon his history, it's all in his biography: He is a total devotee of Leica M photography. (MASTER AMATEUR) I love my Leica cameras with passion that's tyrannical A rangefinder, a floating frame, and everything mechanical. The shutter curtain's rubberized, and fashioned from the finest silk. The lenses have a bokeh that is smooth as summer buttermilk. My fifty f-two Summicron takes landscapes that are lyrical. I pierce the gloomy shadows with my Summilux aspherical. I must have Leica quality although it costs me lots o' bucks. I bought a ninety APO, I'm saving for a Noctilux. He bought a ninety APO, he's saving for a Noctilux. He bought a ninety APO, he's saving for a Noctilux. He bought a ninety APO, he's saving for a Nocti-Nocti-lux. I develop all my Tri-X film in acid that's ascorbical. I try to make my photos have a reference metaphorbical. And so throughout my history, you'll find in my biography: I am a total devotee of Leica M photography. (CHORUS) And so throughout his history, we find in his biography: He is a total devotee of Leica M photography. (MASTER AMATEUR) I want to be like Eisenstadt and Smith and Frank and HCB. I take my Christmas photos in a style that's documentary. I never shoot at weathered rocks and twisted trees and gnats and logs. There's universal pathos in my pictures of my cats and dogs. I lurk in bars and coffeshops, and stalk the streets with Delphic glee. To shoot unwary passers-by with Leica mounted pelvically. But when I spy a plant that has a lovely flower's bloom upon. I take a dazzling close-up with my dual-ranging Summicron. (CHORUS) He takes a dazzling close-up with his dual-ranging Summicron. He takes a dazzling close-up with his dual-ranging Summicron. He takes a dazzling close-up with his dual-ranging Summi-Summi-cron. (MASTER AMATEUR) And although I've tried the other brands they always are inferior. They can't resolve the fuzz upon a baby's bare posterior. That's why throughout my history, you'll find in my biography: I am a total devotee of Leica M photography. (CHORUS) That's why throughout his history, you'll find in his biography: He is a total devotee of Leica M photography. |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Сениор Регистриран: 11.Февруари.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 450 |
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There is more in life than books you know, but not much more!
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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Generalno site digitalni kameri mozat da bidat bez mehanicki delovi. Samiot senzor ustvari si ima brzina na zatvaranje. Ne za dzabe se veli GLobal ili Rolling SHUTTER. Site mali kamercinja, telefoni..... nemaat mehanicki zatvarac...... Nemanje mehanika znaci pogolema trajnost na produktot. Nema ogledalo koe moze da se odlepi, nema zatvarac sto moze da odkaze..... Problem e fokusiranjeto. Ne moze na tolku golema rezolucija da odredis kriticen fokus na tolku mal displej. Zatoa kje ima SLR i RF sistemi za golemi senzori - seuste |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Zoran K
Модератор Регистриран: 17.Април.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 3244 |
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Ne veruvam deka na Canon i Nikon bi im bilo "neverojatno teshko" da napravat rangefinderi. Tie gi pravea takvite filmski kameri koga povekjeto lugje na forumov ushte ne bea rodeni.
Druga rabota e zoshto s'e ushte ne ponuduvaat takvi modeli. |
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Група Регистриран: 26.Март.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 53 |
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Mnogu ednostavno, nema ogledalo Leice-to. Inaku ogledaloto e prava nevolja i pricina za poveketo minijaturni zamackuvanja i gubenje ostrina pri slikanje. Probajte slikajte so mirror lock up na aparatot i ke vidite razlika vo ostrinata na fotkite na pomali ekspozicii. Ne deka ne moze da se "ubode" ultra ostra fotka i so ogledalo, megjutoa mnogu potesko odkolku na sistemite bez ogledalo (rangefinderi). Neverojatno, no dizajnot na SLR aparatite e star poveke od 70 godini i sega po prv pat so digitalnata tehnologija e ovozmozeno da se promeni. Imeno ogledaloto da otpadne i slikata da se gleda preku senzorot. Live View i EVF (Electronic viewfinder). Toa e idninata sigurno. Dokaz e uspesnosta m4/3 sistemot. Slednive godini elektronskite viewfinderi ke stanat dobri kolku i optickite. Jas ne sum poglednal niz vizirot na Pansonic G1 megjutoa tvrdat deka e neverojatno dobar. Seuste ne kako opticki viewfinder, no krajno upotrebliv. Gledano vo edna takva perspektiva, rangefinder aparatite se daleku ponapredni od SLR aparatite. Na Leica mnogu malku ke im treba da si go prilagodat M10 ili M11 da ima Live View i EVF. Canonikon ke mora da izmislat nov format i da pocnat da pravat novi objektivi (Kako Panasonic i Olympus). Znam deka e neverojatno tesko titanive Canonikon da se presaltaat, megjutoa vednas ligi mi potekuvaat koga ke zamislam kako bi izgledal D3X bez ogledalo, namalen po dimenzii edno 2 pati, polesen i so re-dizajnirani objektivi mali kolku onie na lajka. Vozbudlivi vreminja :) Pozdrav, Gjorce Изменето од Ѓорче Ставрески - 20.Септември.2009 во 12:23 |
www.gjorcestavreski.com/blog www.photo.net/photos/stavreski |
Сениор Регистриран: 07.Август.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 499 |
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Jas i pokraj 5kite, cesto si slikam so lajkata. Ne e ovaa klasa, ama e leica i e seriozna :)
http://www.dpreview.com/news/0312/03120101leicadigilux2.asp a i na 5kite srafam leica lekji... |
Сениор Регистриран: 07.Август.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 499 |
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Hipertech, za stabilnost avo raka gresis. Leicata mnogu ubavo se drzi i e neverojatno balansirana. I sam se cudam kako slikam so 1/10, 1/20 so digilux 2ceto. So canonot ne mozam taka ni so IS...
Група Регистриран: 05.Март.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 45 |
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Jas ! Jas sum eden od tie sto ja sakam Leica-ta samo za da mozam da kazam "jas slikam so Leica"! Javno se prijavuvam ! |
Сениор Регистриран: 23.Август.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 719 |
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Кликабл... нешто неќе горе... http://kenrockwell.com/leica/recommended-lenses.htm Изменето од mdeni - 19.Септември.2009 во 00:52 |
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
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