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chuchuliga Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 27.Мај.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 893
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај chuchuliga Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 13:38

пишува дека си е македонче
Милен Радев живее во Берлин, а неговиот татко по потекло е од Западна Македонија. Тој досега редовно беше ангажиран како официјален преведувач и ги придружуваше највисоките македонски државни претставници што доаѓаа на политички разговори во германската престолнина. Или, со други зборови, лебот го вадеше од држава и народ кои, според него, се измислени!
Милен е бугарско име.Не македонско. Радев исто така. Ако татко му по потекло е од западна, средна или источна Македонија, не значи и дека е Македонец. Јас имам многу шарено потекло, па што? Пред се е важно каде тој човек е роден и пред се какво образование добивал. Ако некој направил муабет со него (а сигурно направил), ќе знаел за неговите анти-македонски ставови. Така да, многу е веројатно дека е ова саботажа.
Но, доколку не е, и тој Милен наеднаш „се повампирил“, треба да сноси одговорност, никогаш веќе да не се ангажира, (јас би го казнила некако, ама не знам какви законски форми за тоа постојат), и пред се ТОЈ ШТО ГО АНГАЖИРАЛ треба да сноси одговорност.
Мене не ми е за тоа што тој зборувал.Вие Бугарите си имате огромен комплекс во однос на нас македонците и најголем дел од вас (со чесни исклучоци) се задоени со „македонската носталгија“ па си имате теории и теории. Тоа е ваша работа. Не моја. Јас проблем со мојот македонски идентитет немам.
Имам проблем со издајници, со неодговорни луѓе, со мрзливи, подли ниски личности кои немаат трошка самопочит па поради тоа се во состојба цела нација да ја посрамотат.

Изменето од chuchuliga - 14.Март.2009 во 13:53
Кон врв
да бе Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 11.Март.2009
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 146
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Originally posted by chuchuliga chuchuliga напиша:

Милен е бугарско име.Не македонско.

а Миленко какво е?

Изменето од да бе - 14.Март.2009 во 13:45
Кон врв
anakin Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Unidentified Flying Object

Регистриран: 08.Август.2005
Локација: Machku Pichku
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18535
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај anakin Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 13:48
som go nosi makedonec  e makedonsko
ono zapravo site iminja se makedonski
site bugari se po poteklo makedonci no ne priznavaat
taka da ako toj Radev, znael ubo da zbori makedonski, ne mi smeta so preveduje
toj i taka si e makedonec kako site 300 milioni ostanati

eden den 'e si priznaat deka
evropra se sostoi od romani i makedonci
i 4 pleminja dojdenci, nema drugi potekla

toa e , no dzabe zboram oti ne vi sinferva takvo neso

Изменето од anakin - 14.Март.2009 во 13:48
SILATA NEKA E SO VAS a ako ne vi treba, neka, i taka ne e nekoj trosok, ja ima nasekade okolu nas.

Кон врв
chuchuliga Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 27.Мај.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 893
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај chuchuliga Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 13:51
Милен - бугарско
Милан - српско
Миле - македонско
Во Македонија се среќаваат Милан, Миле, Милчо (во Бугарија има МиНчо, во Македонија нема), и ретко Миленко.... Што не значи дека кај нас не се појавуваат и бугарски имиња, како и француски, германски, руски,разни  интернационални кои во секоја земја важат за локални.
Милен е типично бугарско и  јас за такво име во МК до сега не сум чула.
Но, ова не е тема на разговорот, така да толку од мене за сега.
Кон врв
anakin Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Unidentified Flying Object

Регистриран: 08.Август.2005
Локација: Machku Pichku
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18535
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај anakin Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 13:55
inaku bugarite mi se interesni
propagiraat nekoe hunsko tatarsko poteklo so han asparuh pocnuvajki
niz vekovite zboruvat makedonski ne hunsko tatarski kako fincite i ungarcite
sela kultura im e makedonska, obicaite, verata,
lomotat neso za sloveni i sami pojma nemaat od kade dojdoa tie sloveni i kakva vrska ima toa so plemeto na han asparuh
zemaa nivno ime BULGAR
a osim toa ime drugo hunsko ime ili prezime nemaat

pojma nemat so se, huni tatari, makedonci ili "sloveni"
a najvazno e deka izmisluvat istorija za da omalovazat svoe poteklo i korenite
koi pa ic ne se hunski
oti nikoj nemoze da te smeni , nitu tatari i taka i bidna

eden znak ili kutrueen objekt nemat hunsko tatarski osim dvete frizuri na zirito na idol

adje napred, bidete tatari ako vi sinferva toa


Изменето од mamamd - 14.Март.2009 во 14:00
Кон врв
да бе Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 11.Март.2009
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 146
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај да   бе Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 13:58
Originally posted by chuchuliga chuchuliga напиша:

Милен - бугарско Милан - српско Миле - македонско Во Македонија се среќаваат Милан, Миле, Милчо (во Бугарија има МиНчо, во Македонија нема), и ретко Миленко.... Што не значи дека кај нас не се појавуваат и бугарски имиња, како и француски, германски, руски,разни  интернационални кои во секоја земја важат за локални.
Милен е типично бугарско и  јас за такво име во МК до сега не сум чула.
Но, ова не е тема на разговорот, така да толку од мене за сега.

ааа убу штом немате
jас штото гледам во Миладиновските песни има Милен и Рада
ама ОК де - немате
моjа грешка

Изменето од да бе - 14.Март.2009 во 14:02
Кон врв
mamamd Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Почесна конзулка

Регистриран: 02.Ноември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 25679
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај mamamd Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 13:59
Ве молам без директни обраќања и без етикетирање. Званичната политика на некоја земја и нејзините провокаторски однесувања не мора да се став на целиот народ. Политика е политика
Кон врв
anakin Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Unidentified Flying Object

Регистриран: 08.Август.2005
Локација: Machku Pichku
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18535
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај anakin Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 14:03

SILATA NEKA E SO VAS a ako ne vi treba, neka, i taka ne e nekoj trosok, ja ima nasekade okolu nas.

Кон врв
морски Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 24.Август.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 178
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај морски Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2009 во 14:51
провокацијата - оригинал

Powder keg or romantic dream

Macedonia and Bulgaria to the European stage

© Milen Radev © Milen Radev
Once again the Balkans and Macedonia again in Berlin ... Exactly 130 years after the Berlin Congress serious moves the almost forgotten concept of "powder keg" again the German capital. Directed by this time, fortunately, not the "iron chancellor" but a Bulgarian man of the theater - Dimiter Gotscheff. For this year's Berlin Festival, he has made a much-staging of the play "powder keg" of the Macedonian author Dejan Dukovski to the stage. And just as it was when Congress goes back to Bulgaria to Macedonia, to the Balkans in the broader sense. It is a bluttriefende and seemingly irrational outbursts of violence torn history. Today's Berlin can only be baffled viewers fascinated and with little understanding they look. Not otherwise it was the European contemporaries during the last terrible and characterized by mutual hatred Balkan century.

The Berlin Congress in 1878 is in the national self-understanding of the Bulgarians, the tragic event itself. He has, without consulting all affected peoples boundaries and new states created a fateful Fanal, a chain of "national disaster" caused. The former European great powers had thus laid the seeds, which until the recent past always new wars and atrocities rise to.

Shortly before that meeting in Berlin's illustrious Palais Radziwill was in March 1878 the Russian-Turkish war by the signing of a provisional peace agreement "in the Constantinople suburb of San Stefano has come to an end. The document, the borders of a new Bulgarian state established. It should be composed of the territory of the defeated Ottoman Empire and outsourced almost all areas in Mösien (north of the Balkans), Thrace and Macedonia, and the majority of Bulgarians were populated.

Geographical and ethnic justifications for the border demarcation had an international conference of Ambassadors in the Ottoman capital in 1876 delivered. From the Bulgarian perspective, this conference is essential. She recognized on the basis of ethnic and linguistic research results slawischstämmige only two ethnic groups in the Ottoman Balkans - Serbs and Bulgarians. Otherwise stated, the region as a patchwork of different ethnic groups According to the mention of a "Macedonian nation" or a "mazedonischsprachigen" ethnic group looking into the conference documents vain. The boundaries of the notified autonomous Bulgarian territory after the ethnic principle should be set up, comprised the entire territory of present-day Macedonia, ranged in the south to Thessaloniki and ran along the Aegean coast.

This, on paper, designed and later as the San Stefano Bulgaria-known project is from the Bulgarian perspective, the essential outcome of the peace signed on March 3, 1878. At this date, today's Bulgaria celebrates its National Day. The togetherness of all Bulgarians populated territories of the Ottoman Empire at that time corresponded to the understanding of the self-educated intellectual and religious elite. The Russian leadership proposed state but had little chance to be realized. Too big were the concerns of the other European powers against a large, population and economically strong established Bulgaria. A Vassalenstaat Russia so close to the Bosphorus and to Europe could not allow this.

Thus it came to the Berlin Congress in the summer of the 1878th. The delegates dealt mainly with boundaries and mutual interests. Russia was soon ready, its too big precarious Bulgarian young protégé drop. As a result, a majority of just under five centuries of Ottoman domination liberated Bulgarian population under the scepter of the Sultan's back. Berlin decided to include the establishment of a principality of Bulgaria only in the narrow strip between the Danube and the Balkan Mountains, gave the south of it thracian level autonomy rights under the name East Roumelia and gave the entire geographical region of Macedonia in the Ottoman Empire back.

The disappointment of once again "to the Turks shipped" People on the Ohrid Lake, in Wardar valley, around the ancient city of Kostur and the foot of the Pirin Mountains Alpine was great. Even today, we read with concern the desperate protests of the Bishop Metodij Kusev by the municipalities of its Bulgarian people from all over Macedonia received. Metodij from the Macedonian town of Prilep, was compared with the representations of the major powers in Plovdiv and Constantinople one of the most active fighter for the interests of the Bulgarians.  He tried in advance of the Berlin Congress, a delegation of Bulgarian community elders from various parts of Macedonia and presented in Berlin on the trip to send. The Russian governor of the rebellious cleric threatened to Siberia, where his arbitrary action is not immediately cease. So the Bulgarians were not even with an unofficial delegation at the congress in Berlin represented. In most religious communities in Macedonia were petitions with the request to implore the great powers are drafted, you should not disconnect from Bulgaria and not re-assign the Ottoman Empire. The lists of signatures went to Plovdiv, where a Russian consulate official in the drawer never did disappear.

At that time, only the spiritual leader of the Bulgarian ethnic group, for their fellow countrymen in the great powers audition. The Bulgarian ethnic group in the Ottoman Empire had no other organized structures. Century as a struggle for cultural and religious self-started. Until then, the Greek Patriarchate for all Christians in the reign of Sultan jurisdiction. In all churches, the Mass celebrated in Greek. Only gradually were Bulgarian municipal schools under its own structure and in hundreds Macedonian towns and villages opened. Then began the struggle for the restoration of an independent church for all Bulgarians in the Ottoman Empire. Again, over the municipalities in the province of Macedonia, which comes from the Greek Patriarchate solve wanted to take a leading role.  Under great efforts and the long standing dispute with the powerful Greek Church, they reached that by 1870 the Sultan Ferman (decree) the independent Bulgarian church for the three provinces of Bulgaria, Thrace and Macedonia were set up. As was the Bulgarian Exarch Metropolitan Antim elected.

To this day, the obtaining of ecclesiastical independence is a key event in the self-understanding of the Bulgarians. The territorial extension of the exarchate in areas that are outside of the Principality of Bulgaria beaten, has over the subsequent decades, the aspirations for a national re-unification of the Bulgarian border-torn nation always encouraged. Under Article 10 of the Fermans dioceses should be contentious referendums to be carried out. Those church districts in which at least 2 / 3 of the Bulgarians voted as Christians, were allowed to switch to the new exarchate. For example, voice of the people that the biggest part of Macedonia, including cities such as Skopje, Ohrid, Bitola, Debar, Veles and Strumica, the exarchate been assigned and Bulgarian bishops received.

In those years meant the term "Macedonians", the residents of the geographical region of Macedonia to be. An ethnic or national connotation, the term "Macedonian" is not. That should still remain so for decades. There was fervent nationalist Greek, Albanian or Turkish Bulgarian idea and was still as Macedonians, as a "son of Macedonia", as it was pathetic in the language used is often called. Macedonia was a land of mixed ethnic composition bunt. Reports of scientists and friends as well as statistical surveys show that the Bulgarians, especially in the countryside, by far the largest part of Macedonia's population represented. The Turks were numerically the second largest group, followed by mostly near the coast Greeks settled by Albanians, Jews, Gypsies and geldings.  Serbs - and there are almost all sources of that time, with the exception of some Serb, agreed - at the end of the 70s of the 19th Jahrhunderts in Mazedonien kaum vertreten. Century in Macedonia is very small. All these people in the area between Lake Ohrid to the west and the Aegean Sea in the south, between the Rhodope Mountains in the east and Shar Mountains in the north, saw and described themselves as Macedonians, which is a purely geographic designation was.

The following decades until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, 1912, the conditions in this province fundamentally transformed. The changes plunged the entire Macedonian population in cruel and bitter fighting between the various ethnic groups and lasting generations sowed hatred among the peoples of the neighboring states.

1885 had, despite the warnings of the great powers and the negative attitude of Russia and Bulgaria North East Roumelia on his own principality of Bulgaria to the larger combines. That was the first revision of the Berlin Congress. In Macedonia there seethed. The Macedonian Bulgarians were now not only the usual threats and persecution by the Ottoman lords suspended, but two new existential dangers. One Greek nationalist Megali Idea, ie, the reconquest of all the ancient Greek known as the Territories, and Serbia's quest for the South. It expanded the concept of the Serbs' Altserbien "from all over Macedonia, disqualified from the local properties of the ethnic Bulgarians and declared it to be simply" southern Serbia ".

For their southern neighbors, the Bulgarians of Macedonia simply "Greeks bulgarophone". It was, she returned to the bosom of ancient Hellas and the Mother Church in Constantinople to bring. This was done with the aid of gold, very often, but also with fire and sword. It broke the time of the so-called "armed propaganda" to. Mostly from Crete, or from the interior of Greece, the infamous Andartenbanden deployed to Macedonia. They left behind a trail of devastation and atrocities in the villages around Kostur and the Wardar level. Their goal was to exarchate communities to return under the wing of the Greek Patriarch to force, which at that time as Gräzisierung and a renunciation of Bulgarentum was.

Century by the doctrine of the leading statesman coined Garašanin was regarded their country as "Piedmont of the Balkans" for all the southern Slavs. After the emergence and consolidation of the independent Principality of Bulgaria in Serbia developed several theories to now the Bulgarian population of Macedonia to assimilate. There were scientists in Belgrade, the policy rationale for the nationalist zeal and for the aggressive expansion in the hand pressure. Historians, philologists and geographers such as Miloš Miloevič, Stojan Novakovic and Jovan Cviič developed theories which proved to be quite that Macedonia inhabited by Serbs, and that the language of the Macedonian Slavs, a dialect of Serbian was. Cviič claimed that the Macedonian Slav population was a mouldable mass, without any national consciousness. From it could be, depending on the influence Bulgarians or Serbs also formed. Thus reinforced Belgrade sent emissaries across the border to Macedonia and tried a lot of money with Bulgarian children for training specialists to Serbia, Serbian teacher in the communities displaced or even Serbian schools to open. The local population was vehemently opposed to the linguistic-cultural assimilation of Defense, was not uncommon and clear and chased the unpopular foreign teachers simply continued.

Belgrade realized that the conversion to Serbentum in the course of an educational campaign and with the means of cultural influence on the resistance of the majority of the Macedonian Bulgarians would fail. Gradually continued conviction that the promotion of a separate Macedonian national identity as an intermediate stage for subsequent full assimilation into the Serbentum could be far more promising. This newly-created and mutually supportive to "Macedonian national consciousness" should be clearly and irrevocably by the Bulgarian consciousness settle.

What are the aspirations and plans, but those people were Macedonians who are in their majority called Bulgarians and the Bulgarian exarchate belonged?  1878 back to the Ottoman Empire, these people have suffered not only from the increasingly unbridled angry Turkish local and central power.  They were now in addition to the Serbian and Greek expansion suspended.

They turned their gaze hopefully to the neighboring country of liberated Bulgaria.In Sofia learned more and more young Macedonian Bulgarians at the military school and appeared in the atmosphere of the emerging and currently by the Russian paternalism emancipating Monaco A. Also, the secret capital of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, attracted throngs of young inquisitive and rebellious minded Bulgarians from the province of.  Century transformed the Bulgarian girls' school there and the boys' high school in cultural centers, teachers and future revolutionaries into the country posted.

In Thessaloniki founded young intellectuals have 1893 which was later so powerful and dreaded underground organization for the liberation of Macedonia.  The first name that you gave the revolutionaries, was BMORK (Bulgarian revolutionary committees for Macedonia and the Adriatic Opel). Already this term made the field clear - the liberation of the provinces of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. In the subsequent period changed the name of the Organization VMRO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization), also referred to the Macedonian foreign, ie not driven out of Bulgaria, character of the movement to emphasize. Because these third-determination was the organization of the Turkish side, but also from Greece and Serbia, and among the major powers as an accusation made against Bulgaria. Consequently, the VMRO at no time the connection of a liberated Macedonia to Bulgaria in their program or work out. The organization conducted its armed struggle with the declared goal of autonomy for Macedonia and equal opportunities for all nationalities in the province to reach.

The official state doctrine of today, the VMRO Skopje interpreted as an "organization of the Macedonian people". However, the designated leaders of the organization as Macedonian Bulgarians. Their surviving correspondence and the memoirs of surviving to leave no doubt.  All documents from that period and subsequent years are all written in Bulgarian. Because that was the native language of both liberation fighters as well as the simple Slavic peasants and artisans in Macedonia, although sometimes dyed dialectal, as in all other parts of the country Bulgaria was the case.

  А highlight of the VMRO-fight with tragic consequences for the civilian population, was the Ilinden Uprising of 1903.  The unrest mainly covered the region of Bitola, Kostur, Lerin, Prilep and Ohrid. After week-long struggles of poorly armed village weirs and Freischärlergruppen move against Turkish armies and marauding local criminal commands has led to widespread massacres of civilians, tongues of fire chatting and mass rape, which triggered outrage in Europe. Thousands of refugees left their homeland and sought to cross the border into Bulgaria. This should only be the first of several waves of refugees, which in the decades that followed shook Macedonia.  Neither Serbia nor Greece are each waves of refugees from Macedonia have been hit.  On the contrary, they just moved in the next few years, often enough mischief to the inhabitants of Macedonia up.

The Ilinden uprising, now both Bulgaria and Macedonia in the public discourse myth has good traits, is important if you try, the subsequent divergence of the two nations today - the Bulgarian and Macedonian - to grasp. In the current makedonistischen (the official national doctrine Skopje appropriate) identity formation process is the Ilinden uprising almost an early state-building function is assigned.  Meanwhile, the Bulgarian historiography and in the minds of the public interested in Bulgarian Ilinden Uprising, a survey of the enslaved Bulgarian Macedonians, led by ardent patriots Bulgarian from Macedonia and from Bulgaria's heartland.

A more nuanced view of this event and its environment, as well as the consequences would seem appropriate. Christo Siljanoff, a famous historian and himself an active participant in the fighting at the beginning of the 20th  Century, quoted in his standard work "The liberation struggles of Macedonia" a large number of documents from that period. They also now on the hope of shocking the insurgents and against the Turkish atrocities in the woods man fled, the army of the Principality of Bulgaria would rush to help.  From all parts of Macedonia were heartbreaking appeals to the brothers across the border addressed, their duty, and Turkey to declare war. In the former Pan-European situation, this was an illusion, and the Bulgarian politics knew very well that she was doomed to passivity.  Except stormy protests and solidarity demonstrations in all towns of the principality, the opening of the border for thousands of refugees and their care, then Bulgaria could not do much more. The insight into the constraints of the political logic is one thing, the emotional disappointment of many Macedonian Bulgarians abgefackelten in their villages during the long, bitter cold months under the open sky, something quite different. This should still be years of hardship and poverty follow.  It is obvious that in this time of the alienation of the then still so popular and awaited "Mother Bulgaria", a contemporary expression to use, began.

The coming decades, provided a sense of belonging to the Macedonian Bulgarians Bulgarian larger community always hard to the test.  There were periods of boom and the patriotic frenzy like 1912 in the first war united Balkans against the Ottoman Empire. And there was deep despondency and despair afterwards, than Bulgaria because of the lost the Second Balkan War in 1913 the largest part of Macedonia to Serbia and Greece had to cede. The men instead of the Turkish occupiers einmarschierten over the country with merciless terror to the unruly Bulgarian spirit to break.  This can be seen the detailed report of the independent international commission of the Carnegie Foundation, one of the most oppressive books of the last century. The Europe-wide renowned experts traveled 1913 parts of Macedonia and neighboring countries and were hitherto unimaginable, officially organized atrocities, especially against the Bulgarian but also Turkish population established by the occupiers. Only Serbia refused entry by the Commission. Within a few months had to beat Bulgaria in the war over 100 000 refugees. This came in long treks, almost completely plundered, from the Greek Südmazedonien now. This was probably the first ethnic cleansing of the 20th Jahrhunderts in Europa. Century in Europe.

The next upsurge of national feelings, followed by new disappointment experienced bulgarischstämmigen the residents of Macedonia during the First World War, on the Balkans, especially in the valleys and on rocky ridges ausgefochten was Macedonian.  When Bulgaria on the side of the Central Powers in the war occurred, this rousing sympathy among the population. Declared and accepted by the vast majority of citizens shared war aim was the liberation of the "brothers and sisters in Macedonia from the enslavement by the Serbian regime of terror" and the production of national unity. The troops of the Bulgarian army were from the country bulgarischstämmigen people throughout Macedonia, with bell, tears of joy and jubilation celebration welcomed. The war was soon to end and the Bulgarian soldiers, the administration, even the restored Bulgarian schools had to disappear. According to 1913 for Bulgaria was the second national catastrophe.  Macedonians had to re-experience that Bulgaria was unable, for their protection and security. Serbs and Greeks came back and revenged in all, the Bulgarian "occupiers" supports or sympathizes with them had. Refugee resettlement withdrew with hundreds of thousands trek eastward. It was fortunate that with the life of them and had sought refuge in Bulgaria.

It belongs to the tragic coincidence of the Bulgarian and Macedonian history, that the already known pattern repeat should be: in the spring 1941 Bulgaria was once again his claim to the Bulgarian-populated areas of Macedonia claim.  Germany gave the Allies after the collapse of Yugoslavia and Greece, the Macedonian administration on their territories. The enthusiasm was high in Bulgaria. For many it seemed that the implementation of the national ideal - a united Bulgaria - finally within reach. In Macedonia itself played unimaginable scenes.  The soldiers were jubilant einmarschierenden received. Witnesses report that the inhabitants of the village Velgoshti this year could not harvest apples, because, as the flowers are no longer sufficient, the distance from the Ohrid Resser up with blossoming apple branches covered in order for decades longed to receive Bulgarian army. Only 3 years later had to Bulgaria as an ally of Germany once again recognize Macedonia. Refugees remained from this time, since 1944 both Bulgaria and Macedonia in communist dictatorships were established.  Nevertheless, individuals made it to their Bulgarian identity not oppress wanted to cross the border into Bulgaria in a new window. There are often waiting for a tragic fate on them.For the ruling Communists in Bulgaria were supporters of the Bulgarian national identity of Macedonians "großbulgarische chauvinists", or exterminated in the camps should be re-educated.  Accordingly, they were also in the course of the next decade treated.

The attitude of the Communists to Macedonian question was followed by the secret resolution of the Comintern in Moscow in 1934 with the creation of a "Macedonian nation" was decrees.  There is no need here to detail the reasons for this decision-taking. The Soviet Union has asked the Russian Tsarist empire, the quest for mastery over the straits. Coupled with the goals never abandoned the world revolution, expressed this attitude in constant attempts from the Balkans to destabilize and against each other.  As a state with a central role in the region was able to Bulgaria by the alienation of a large part of his fellow citizens even more effectively weakened.  BTW included the creation of a special "dobrudschanischen nation" in the northeast of Bulgaria also among the plans of the Comintern, however not as successful as in the case of Macedonia, could be achieved.

In addition to the Macedonian nation, which was postulated by decree, is the second important element of today's Macedonian identity - the Macedonian language - the product of an administrative and political decision. The Macedonian codified in 1945, 1944, after enormous pressure of time a special Language Commission as a "Bulgarian" designated Cyrillic letters out and the new Macedonian alphabet to the Serbian had approximated.  Basis of today's Macedonian literary language are dialects of the area around Prilep and Tikveš.  Grammatical Bulgarian there are virtually no differences. Lexically the Macedonian strongly influenced by the Serbian and with a multitude of foreign words.   Nevertheless, the published in 1968 in Skopje, Macedonian-Bulgarian dictionary is unique in its kind, the famous Slavicist Prof. James F. Clark is in favor of a "Bulgarian-Bulgarian Dictionary of talking, so striking is the extensive correspondence between two columns the reference work.

Bulgaria as a country is doing is still difficult to recognize the Macedonian language, which is in official inter-governmental dialogue sometimes led to irritation.  This question is addressed in recent times but on pragmatic and relaxed manner - an encouraging sign.  Bulgaria was also the first country in 1992 unconditionally to the new independent state Republic of Macedonia has recognized. The relations between the two countries are developing well.  "Macedonia", said once the penultimate Bulgarian President Petar Stoyanov, "is the most romantic part of Bulgarian history". That does not sound patronizing or more after Rechthaberei.  Bulgaria has it learned with the realities of life.  Still have 2.5 to 3 million of today's citizens of Bulgaria on Macedonian roots.  The finding that a part of the population of the neighboring country of his nationality freely chosen can not be in dispute, is gradually more and more Bulgarians in by - among the enlightened and thinking in the European context too. In exchange, but is also expected that the authorities of the neighboring country of Macedonia, those of its citizens who are even today because of their ancestry and because of insight into the historical context, as Bulgarians, not harass or discriminate.

The new EU country, Bulgaria is on a rapid European integration, its western neighbor is interested.  The number of Macedonian students at Bulgarian universities is significant and increases from year to year. Another noteworthy trend is the growing number of Macedonians, by virtue of descent from the Bulgarian nationality evidence apply. In the last year, more than half of the 12 000 applications to obtain the nationality of the Bulgarian Macedonians have been his.  Approximately 3 500 received Bulgarian passports in 2007. This creates new and closer contacts between the two countries.

  However, Bulgaria is the next neighbor on the always unstable political and especially the situation in Macedonia zwischenethnische worried. Also, the unspeakable, outmoded, and the Euro-Atlantic integration hampering the name dispute with Greece is a cause for concern.

In light of the above seem to date the tensions between Macedonians and Albanians and the procedural debate with the southern neighbor problems, whose origins far back in 1944 to look for. It is the belated revenge for the then constructed "Macedonian identity", and for the transformation of the concepts of "Macedonians" and "Macedonian" by the characteristics of a geographical reference for the description of a nation. The theoretician of Makedonismus in Skopje have had the term "Macedonians" for them and from your cartridge Belgrade hated "Bulgarians" were introduced. By the term "Macedonian" for the Slavic inhabitants of the country has been reserved, one has the other ethnic groups from the common destiny of the "Macedonians", as they have existed for centuries, banished.  When an Albanian membership in this community Macedonian denied because they are in the Republic of Macedonia as a nationality has been modified feature, one need not be surprised that he has little loyalty to the Macedonian government attitude towards service.

  The newly-constructed identity, which the people are still weakly rooted seems to be, must be constantly angefeuert. Among other things, with myths, legends and fantasy formations over an alleged direct descent from the ancient Macedonians or with crude provocations, such as the renaming of Skopje airport into "Alexander the Great. The increasingly irrational traits receiving nationalist campaign in Skopje betrays a constantly displaced inferiority feeling of the current elite of the Republic of Macedonia.  She is in a trap, which the ancestors have laid 1944.  It is no easier way to see.

Maybe a suggestion: 1913, on the edge of the tragic meeting in Bucharest at the dismembered Macedonia and the foreign domination was dismissed, said the great son of Macedonia, the Bulgarian writer Simeon Radev, dejected in a souvenir album:

 "Stability in the story can only be achieved through justice!"

95 years later, his words sound almost prophetic. One can only hope that they will be heard in Skopje.  Thus the expression "powder keg of the Balkans" for only a theater concept remains.

Милен Радев е 100 % бугарин сам го е казал на друго место.

Изменето од anastea - 14.Март.2009 во 16:37
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Legenda883 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 28.Јануари.2009
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Na stranata za translacija nema prevod na Makedonski, zoshto? збунетост
I nash*te od MANU i ostanati "intelektualci" namesto da se zanimavaat so na Adizas karierata na Balkanov, treba da se pogrizhat vakvi propusti DA NE SE SLUCHUVAAT! намигнување

Изменето од Legenda883 - 14.Март.2009 во 15:45
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Лик (аватар)

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Bugarskava propaganda na podmolna asimilacija kulminira - duri novinarite pochnaa da gi "REKLAMIRAAT" Bugarskite lichni karti! лутина

Признавам, Бугарин сум и дајте ми лична карта!
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МАРШАЛ Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 06.Февруари.2007
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ne e nisto propaganda i laga ............... bugarskite pasosi se validen dokaz za toa ............... pa duri i primerot na dovcerasniot premier , " golemiot vojvoda " , onoj koj secese kandzi , onoj vo koj se kolnea i se uste se  kolnat djubrinja koi uzivaa i se uste uzivaat poradi partiskata pripadnost i clenska kniska vo djebot ....................... ne e laga .............. pasosite ne lazat голема%20насмевка
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Секако поубаво е да се чита преведен на нормален начин текст отколку еден автоматски расипан превод на англиски.

Зошто бре, морски, драг не го обелодени овде изворниот напис коj си го ставил во преведувачката на Google? Сè подобро ќе разберевме за што се работи да го прочитавме текстот на бугарски отколку што на тој тап англиски.

И те барам, не лажи, грев да ти е - авторот е Македонец и го е пишувал ова многу пати. Може да испадне дека е поголем Македонец и од тебе и од мене. И дека е поверен на заветот на нашите дедовци (и на неговиот Дебарски татко) отколку сме ние сите...

Следи текстот.

Изменето од Bon Sneyder - 15.Март.2009 во 12:12
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Лик (аватар)
ПИПИ долгиот чорап

Регистриран: 07.Април.2008
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Основен јазик на форумот е македонски.
Во исклучителни случаи е дозволено постирање текстови на англиски, ако се во прилог на дообјаснување на темата.

Немојте буквално да ја сфаќате темава.
Бугарска (како и секоја друга) пропаганда на форумов не е дозволена!

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