digital vs analog |
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Сениор Регистриран: 01.Јануари.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 311 |
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Igorce som odes u foto Still tuka ti e Tose pa so nego mozete da se aktivirate (mislam i on saka da rabote analogna). Toskata ti e ODLICEN fotograf (dobar poznavac i na analognata fotografija, i e mislam najmlad izlagac na FKK Vanco Prke (posle nego ne se pojavi nikoj a i klubo finansiski dise na SKRGI). Megutoa i Angel sigurno ne bi vi zabranil da ja koristete klubsakata laboratorija.
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Сениор Регистриран: 19.Март.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 622 |
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So Toshe - Tito ubavo si zhiveeme. Ama nishto od rachnata analogna postapka... On mi dade rendgen li beshe ili takov slichen film (sho se upotrebuval za crni kutii kaj avioni/helicopters. Shhhhh !!!) za B&W ama ushe ne e stignal da mi gi razvie. Neshto hemija nemashe, pa zafaten i nishto od toa... Jas edno vreme imaa zhelba i toa da go pominam, rachnoto razvivanje, ama sega mina mi merakot. Pozdrav Igor Изменето од Igor-T - 22.Јануари.2009 во 18:19 |
Сениор Регистриран: 25.Јуни.2008 Локација: Trinidad and Tobago Статус: Офлајн Поени: 107 |
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- xx megapikseli - golemi raw fajlovi - Изменето од m_p - 18.Јануари.2009 во 10:00 |
Сениор Регистриран: 23.Август.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 719 |
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Изменето од mdeni - 18.Јануари.2009 во 13:08 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 08.Декември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 538 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 09.Октомври.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 336 |
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Mislam deka ovaa dilema (digital-analog) e vekje rascistena poodamna. Sto kje se sluci dokolku naskoro na pazarot izleze nekoj drug medium - trilema?!?!
Za mene nema razlika, ne me interesira mnogu zanaetciskiot del (miris na hemikalii itn). Bi sakal da mozev go vladeam, no i ne se custvuvam mnogu osakaten bez nego. Generalno, mi se dopagja kako izgledaat film-printovite (normalni amaterski golemini). Ne velam deka se podobri (bidejki tehnicki i ne se), ednostavno, poprivlecno izgledaat. Изменето од aboskovski - 21.Јануари.2009 во 20:22 |
Сениор Регистриран: 01.Јануари.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 311 |
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Ovde primetuvam edna rabota, bez nekoj da se navredi, mislam od forumgiive retko koj zgolemuval IZLAGACKA FOTOGRAFIJA mislam vo laboratorija. Eve zosto. Se tvrdi vo diskusiive, deka ako deka ako imas dobar negativ go skeniras na kvaliteten skener i rabotata e zavrsena. Ova e isto ako razmisluvas vaka: Dobar negativ go vmetnuvas vo kopir aparatot odreduvas korektna ekspozicija eksponiras razvi.... i gotovo. Koj rabotel izlagacka fotografija sigurno znae deka prvo se pravat kontakt pozitiv kopii, pa so lupa se odreduva koja od niv ima zadovolitelno nivo ostrina. Ot kako se selektiraat se prava t kopii 13x18 (najmalku) i toa obicno na hartii so razlicni gradacii. Se gleda koja hartija dava naj soodvetni tonovi za baraniot motiv. Pa se pravat planovi dali na negativot moze da se intervenira bilo so opticki bilo so mehanicki retus. Posle toa doaaga zgolemuvanje na kopir aparat, no ne samo pustanje na svetlinata i eksponiranje, tuku se piocnuva od osnovnata ekspozicija pa se dekuvaat odredeni delovi, pa se pravat vinjeti ...
se do deka se dojde do finalniot rezuiltat. Otkako se isusi fotografuijata sleduva finalniot retus na pozitivot sto vo 99% od slucaevite e neophoden. ZOSTO SETO OVA KOGA GO IMATE FOTO SHOPOT. Znaci Vie zboruvate za HIBRIDNI fotografiii kako sto porano nekoj rece a ne za ANALOGNA FOTOGRAFIJA |
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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Overheard in Ad Agency offices — from film to digital (and back?)In Personal on January 19, 2009 at 1:17 pmIt’s funny lately, how I’m reading these articles again about the joys of film, versus the clinical-clean digital files that everyone is now shooting. It’s almost like memories of an old girlfriend, where all you remember are the good parts about the relationship. It’s almost like some kind of Harmonic Convergence of a recoil against digital, when, for so long, it was such an uphill battle to get digital accepted. The overheard conversations went something like this, (circa about 2002 to present day 2009). Feel free to send me your own Overheard Comments and I’ll add them to the timeline: “What do you mean shoot digital? Digital pictures? Won’t there be those jaggy lines?” shifted to: “Wow, well maybe you could shoot digital, but if you want to shoot it, you’ve got to do a test for me, and shoot the same scene digital and film side by side”. which shifted to: “How come the picture looks so different on my monitor than it does in the CMYK proof?” which shifted to: “Wow, I’m not sure about this digital stuff, but it sure is nice to see it big on that 24″ monitor, instead of a little folded Polaroid”. which shifted to: “I know we’re shooting this job on Monday, but we go to press on Friday. Can we see everything you shot by 8am tomorrow?” which shifted to: “The AD can’t really get away and fly there. Can you set up a modem on the beach, and upload everything to his computer in New York, as you’re shooting it, frame by frame, for him to sign off on?” which is now shifting to: “Just so we make deadline, make sure you shoot the job digital, but if you want to, you can shoot a couple of rolls of 120 for yourself.” which is now shifting to: “Yeah, we got the uploaded web galleries of the stuff you shot yesterday, but these two rolls of 120 really are nice! We love the grain and the color!” which is now shifting to: “Why don’t we shoot this next job on film. Everything is starting to look the same with digital — too clean, too perfect, too normal…” |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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There must be some kind of movement going on. It seems to me there is a digital backlash at the moment. Maybe not a full scale revolt, but it seems to me like a lot of photographers I know who had all but switched to digital are now shooting more film. I know I started shooting film again about 6 months ago when I decided to buy an old Rolleiflex to carry around with me from time to time. Just this week I went ahead and bought a Mamiya RZ67 Pro II (for really cheap I might add… a barely used demo kit with lens & film back for only $850!!!). And, a little over a year ago I bought a 4×5 camera primarily to shoot Polaroid Type-55 (that idea unfortunately went out the door quickly with Polaroid film’s demise). Now, I must confess that most of my film shooting will be for personal projects. I’ll sprinkle in some film shots on editorial shoots when budgets allow for both digital fees and film related expenses. For commercial projects, it’ll be digital for sure since the Art Directors usually like seeing what’s going on as we shoot. But, for the projects that actually mean something to me, I’ll likely be using one of my film cameras (not that my paying jobs don’t mean anything… but you know what I mean). I just got done shooting an editorial assignment for Inc. magazine. I brought out my new RZ67 and shot film for the first time on an editorial shoot for quite some time. Having never used an RZ67 before I didn’t want to rely on it alone, so I got the primary shot out of the way with my digital system (Contax 645 w/ Phase One P25+). But once I did, I switched over to the RZ67 and had a bit more fun with it. It was nice shooting and not running back to a monitor every 10 shots or looking at the LCD on the back of the camera to see what we had. This isn’t digital vs film quality debate. I’m not going to say one is of better quality than the other. I’m not shooting film again for quality reasons. They are just different. I shoot differently when shooting film. I like the way I shoot with film. I slow down and think about things more than I would with digital. And anything that can get me to think has to be good. |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Сениор Регистриран: 01.Јануари.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 311 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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Trajko (i Aleksandar), izvini sto me mrzi da preveduvam tuku pravam samo copy - paste. Isto kako vo photoshop . |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
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Сениор Регистриран: 08.Декември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 538 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 25.Јуни.2008 Локација: Trinidad and Tobago Статус: Офлајн Поени: 107 |
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Сениор Регистриран: 01.Јануари.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 311 |
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Drugarce ne mora da preveduvas nego rezimiraj i na kratko raskazi ni so svoi zborovi Jas ti veruvam
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