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Сениор Регистриран: 20.Јуни.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 382 |
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Kakvi pornografski citati? Do koga be vaka ke se ponasate sprema nasata Bibliјa a ke barate neznam-nekakva tolerancija odgovori i sto znam sto
POSLEDNO bilo ova denes na musliman sto sum daval odgvor na prasanje, za posle da citam bljuvotini. Navistina posledno. Pa osnovna kultura da se nemalo. Se nadevam i drugite ke se svestite deka nikoj ne vi bara odgovor od cisti motivi, za po nekolku momenti da se ismejava na vasata sveta kniga. J'zk. Hristijani Не давајте им го она што е свето на кучињата; ниту фрлајте ги своите бисери пред свињите, за да не ги изгазат со своите нозе, и да се завртат и да ве раскинат.” Изменето од Azrael - 13.Мај.2008 во 01:45 |
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
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Povelete Incest is Halal in Islam by Ayesha Ahmed 10 May, 2008 Note: The conversation between Preacher and his wives in this article is fictitious. An Egyptian professor of Philosophy Dr. Hasan Hanafi stirred up a hornet's nest among Muslims by comparing the Quran with a supermarket where you can find whatever you are looking for. Muslims declared him apostate and called for his beheading. Actually Dr Hanafi is a true Muslim who understands Quran correctly. Quran is a truly universal book. It is for every one, including killers, robbers, polygamists, rapists, pedophiles, incest artists, you name it. Even those who desire to sleep with their own underage daughters find an aya for it. That is the reason why Muslims love the Quran, read it day and night and never want to change it.. PREACHER (addressing his four permanent and six temporary muta wives): “Today we will study aya 2.223 of holy Quran.” “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will” [Note: Allah uses the word “nisa” meaning “women“ and not wives (zawaj) as some apologists translate to hide the true intention of Allah to appease their western masters. Thus Allah says, your women are your properties and you can have sex with them in any way you want.] WIFE No. 1: Whom does Allah mean by “your women”. PREACHER: By your women Allah means your wives, your daughters and your right hand possessions.” Thus sex with wives, daughters and slave girls is halal according to this aya.” WIFE No. 1: “Sex with daughters is halal? Isn't that incest . I don’t think most Muslims approve of that”. PREACHER: “Most Muslims are influenced by kafir laws and hardly practice Islam of quran and sunna. They shun many Quranic tenets which were practiced by our prophet and his sahaba (companions).” Wife No.2: “They do?” PREACHER. “Sure they do.. For example they shun sex with underage girls which is sanctioned by Allah in 65.4 and was practiced by our prophet. Our prophet had sex with 9 year old Ayesha and god knows how many under age slave girls captured from kuffar. They shun polygamy (4.3) and changing wives (4.80) which has been mainstay of Muslim household's. Prophet, had nine wives when he died. Hasan, our prophet’s beloved grandson used to marry in the morning, had sex all day and divorced in the evening. They shun sex with slave girls (4.3, 4.24, 23.633.50, and 70.30) and forget that lure of sex with captured slave women was the inspiration for Mujahids to capture half the world in record time. Our prophet had sex with hundreds of enslaved women after raiding kuffar villages. He was sanctioned 20% of all booty by Allah including captured kuffar women. Wife No. 3: “But did our prophet practice incest too"? PREACHER: “Sure he did” WIFE No. 4: “You mean to say our prophet slept with his daughters"? PREACHER “No he could not. The reason is when the aya 2.223 came down all of prophet’s daughters had been married and gone and were in the ownership of their husbands. But he did practice incest by having sex with his only daughter-in-law, Zainab, who was like a daughter. He desired it, his son Zaid cooperated, and Allah blessed it in aya 33.37”. MUTA WIFE No. 6: “That means incest is halal and is blessed by Allah?” PREACHER: “Yes, indeed it is. Now that we all know and agree that incest is halal and a sunna, please go and send our eldest daughter to my bedroom. Allah will not only bless and give sawab to me and her, you all will get blessings.. Jazakallah khair”. And daughters they did send to their husband's bedroom regularly to gain brownie points for paradise. |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 4385 |
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Темплариус - наведи од каде е овој извадок, затоа што вака сам по себе е сосема бесмислен и дава доста своеволно толкување.
Do what is right, come what may...
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
Опции за коментарот
I ce mi odgvori li nekoj
Ili da cekam da se posovetuvate so svemirski (mirlem) hahahahahahaaha |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
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Aj sega jas da ve prasam nesto sto ste se zapnale za prikaski od biblijata vo koi e prisuten incestot i toa vo stariot zavet - znaci prikaski koga vie toa go imate vo k*ranot
2:223. Zene vase su njive vase, i vi njivama vasim prilazite kako hocete, a pripremite sto i za duse svoje. I bojte se Allaha i znajte da ce te pred Njega stati. A ti obraduj prave vjernike! 33:37. A kad ti rece onome kome je Allah milost darovao, a kome si i ti dobro ucinio: "Zadrzi zenu svoju i boj se Allaha!" - u sebi si skrivao ono sto je Allah objelodaniti i ljudi si se bojao, a prece je da se Allaha bojis. I posto je Zejd s njoj zivio i od nje se razveo, Mi smo je za tebe udali kako se vjernici ne bi ustrucavali vise da se zene zenama posinaka svojih kad se oni od njih razvedu – kako Allah odredi, onako treba da bude. Eve vaka go objasnuva toa eden vas propvednik : PREACHER (addressing his four permanent and six temporary muta wives): “Today we will study aya 2.223 of holy Quran.” “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will” [Note: Allah uses the word “nisa” meaning “women“ and not wives (zawaj) as some apologists translate to hide the true intention of Allah to appease their western masters. Thus Allah says, your women are your properties and you can have sex with them in any way you want.] WIFE No. 1: Whom does Allah mean by “your women”. PREACHER: By your women Allah means your wives, your daughters and your right hand possessions.” Thus sex with wives, daughters and slave girls is halal according to this aya.” WIFE No. 1: “Sex with daughters is halal? Isn't that incest . I don’t think most Muslims approve of that”. PREACHER: “Most Muslims are influenced by kafir laws and hardly practice Islam of quran and sunna. They shun many Quranic tenets which were practiced by our prophet and his sahaba (companions).” Wife No.2: “They do?” PREACHER. “Sure they do.. For example they shun sex with underage girls which is sanctioned by Allah in 65.4 and was practiced by our prophet. Our prophet had sex with 9 year old Ayesha and god knows how many under age slave girls captured from kuffar. They shun polygamy (4.3) and changing wives (4.80) which has been mainstay of Muslim household's. Prophet, had nine wives when he died. Hasan, our prophet’s beloved grandson used to marry in the morning, had sex all day and divorced in the evening. They shun sex with slave girls (4.3, 4.24, 23.633.50, and 70.30) and forget that lure of sex with captured slave women was the inspiration for Mujahids to capture half the world in record time. Our prophet had sex with hundreds of enslaved women after raiding kuffar villages. He was sanctioned 20% of all booty by Allah including captured kuffar women. Wife No. 3: “But did our prophet practice incest too"? PREACHER: “Sure he did” WIFE No. 4: “You mean to say our prophet slept with his daughters"? PREACHER “No he could not. The reason is when the aya 2.223 came down all of prophet’s daughters had been married and gone and were in the ownership of their husbands. But he did practice incest by having sex with his only daughter-in-law, Zainab, who was like a daughter. He desired it, his son Zaid cooperated, and Allah blessed it in aya 33.37”. MUTA WIFE No. 6: “That means incest is halal and is blessed by Allah?” PREACHER: “Yes, indeed it is. Now that we all know and agree that incest is halal and a sunna, please go and send our eldest daughter to my bedroom. Allah will not only bless and give sawab to me and her, you all will get blessings.. Jazakallah khair”. And daughters they did send to their husband's bedroom regularly to gain brownie points for paradise.[ Изменето од Templarius - 13.Мај.2008 во 00:51 |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 4385 |
Опции за коментарот
Atentator - istovo go objavi i na druga tema - ne spamiraj so postovi, koi ne se vrzani so temata.
Група Регистриран: 25.Март.2008 Локација: Maldives Статус: Офлајн Поени: 32 |
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mislite se oslobodeni od danok imas pravo ne si ubedliva vo tvoite iskazuvanja gledaj citaj objasni
Група Регистриран: 25.Март.2008 Локација: Maldives Статус: Офлајн Поени: 32 |
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vistinskiot Bog e samo Eden obozuvaj Go samo Nego i pridrzuvajse kon Negovite naredbi kazano od Adam Noe Avram Mojsej Isus i Muhamed a.s. znaci site ovie gorespomenati iminja se isprateni od boga da ne potsetat i ucat da veruvame deka Bog e Eden
jas mislam deka nema kontradiktorni momenti megu k*ranot i Biblijata bidejki: Stariot Zavet:Pocuj izraile Gopsod nasiot Bog e edinstven Gospod (povtoreni zakoni 6:4) ....za da znaete i da Mi veruvate da razberete deka sum toa Jas pred Mene nemase Bog i po Mene nema da ima Jas sum Gospod i nema Spasitel osven Mene (Isaija 43:10-11) Jas sum prviot Jas sum i posledniot osven Mene nema Bog zasto koj e kako Mene? (Isaija 44:6) nema drug Bog osven Mene Bog praveden i Koj spasuva nema osven Mene Kon Mene obrnetese i ke bidete spaseni zasto Jas sum Bog i nema drug kako Mene pred Mene ke se prekloni sekoe koleno (Isaija 45:21-23) Noviot Zavet: I ete eden covek koga pristapi do nego mu rece :ucitele dobar kakvo dobro treba da pravam za da imam zivot vecen? a on mu odgovori zasto me narekuvas dobar?nikoj ne e dobar osven edniot bog (Matej 19:16-17) a zivotot vecen e toa da te poznavat Tebe Edniot vistinski Bog i isprateniot od tebe isusa hrista (Jovan 17:3 na Gospoda tvojot Bog da Mu se poklonis i samo Nemu da Mu sluzis (Matej 4:10 cuj izraile Gospod Bog nas e samo eden Gospod (Marko 12:29) zasto eden e Bog i eden posrednikot megu Boga i lugeto covekot isus hristos (Timotej 2:5) k*ranot: Kazi Toj e ALlah Eden e! Allah e zastitnik sekomu ne rodil i ne e roden i nikoj ne Mu e ramen (El-Ihlas 1-4) I Nie ne isprativme nieden veronosnik pred tebe a da ne mu objavivme:Nema drug Bog osven Mene zatoa samo Mene obozuvajte me (El-Enbija 25 nevernici se onie koi velat ALlah e eden od trojcata a samo Eden e Bog a ako ne prestanat so ona sto go velat kazna bolna ke go stigne sekoj od niv koj ke ostane nevernik (El-Maida 73) Onoj Koj ja napravil zemjata zivealiste i Koj niz nea reki sprovel i na nea planini nepomicni postavil i dve morinja pregradil zarem pokraj Allah postoi drug Bog?Ne postoi tuku mnogumina od niv vo neznaenje ziveat (En-Neml 61) Onoj Koj vo temninata na kopno i na more patot vi go pokazuva i Koj vetrovite kako radosna vest pred milosta Svoja gi praka zarem pokraj ALlah postoi grug Bog?Kako e ALlah visoko nad onie koi drugi Nemu Mu prepisuvaat (En-Neml 63) Onoj Koj se od nisto sozdava Koj potoa istoto povtorno ke go stori i Koj od nebo i od zemja ve snabduva zarem pokraj Allah postoi drug Bog?Kazi:dokazete ako vistinata ja govorite (En-Neml 64) Ovie citati isto kako i stotici drugi slicni delovi na svedostva vo Biblijata i k*ranot ja potvrduvaat ovaa vecna poraka deka Bog e samo Eden "kon Mene obrnete se i ke bidete spaseni...zasto Jas sum Bog i nema drug kako Mene (Isaija 45:12 sega sami presudete koi se kontradiktornite momenti ve molam |
Сениор Регистриран: 21.Март.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1517 |
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ili spored vremeto |
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse- Don Corleone
Администратор Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet Регистриран: 21.Април.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 18208 |
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Poentata e deka postojat tolkuvanja, interpretiranja, objasnuvanja i toa se pravi spored sekoja dadena prilika. I toa e cela DISCIPLINA vo islamot, cela "NAUKA" kako da se interpretira Knigata. I toa se pravelo od samiot pochetok, so generacii. Toa se pravi i denes. Toa ke se pravi zasekogash.
Toa e taka i toa e poentata: Knigata e ista, nepromeneta, ama zatoa se redat, se menuvaat i se dodavaat interpretacii spored potrebite. |
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
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Сениор Doulos Evangelos Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 9913 |
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Јас имам слушнато од муслимани дека постои таква дисциплина, но и книга во која се протолкувани сите Кyрански ајети. Можеби книгата носи поинаков наслов, но сепак тоа е, или не е? хм?
Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
Сениор Регистриран: 18.Декември.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2175 |
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Не е тоа никаква посебна книга,туку посебна дисциплина која се занимава со толкување на Qur,anskite Ајети. |
"Zadovolen sum Allah da mi bide Gospod,Muhammed pejgamber a Islamot vera"
Halid ibn Velid
Сениор Регистриран: 10.Јануари.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1145 |
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Dobro de,maria resena rabota neli???
Da,za ona Moralnost-mislev na Zadolzitelsnost!!!Po Naski dijalekt go Upotrebiv,no najglavno e si go razbrala!!! |
Сениор trouble seeker Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 8706 |
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Внеси реплика | страница <1 56789 36> |
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