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Испратена: 16.Април.2007 во 13:30 |
lele C.B. pa zborot sex ne znaci nisto drugo osven pocit kon dvata pola mashko i zensko vo kontekst na napishanoto. toa shto ti slobodno go tolkuvash, toa e druga rabota
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Испратена: 16.Април.2007 во 13:33 |
eve poopsirno:
Protestant Church approves sexually active gay clergy
report states that "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a
man and a woman or chastity in singleness," is a basis for ordination,
but allows groups to deduce whether the restriction is “essential”
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21-June-2006 PinkNews.co.uk writer
A US Protestant denomination has approved a resolution allowing the ordination of non celibate gay and lesbian clergy.
Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly in Birmingham, Alabama, this
week welcomed a report on Peace, Unity and Purity of the Church, which
addressed the divides in Protestant groups over sexuality.
vote of 298 to 221 decided that it would be up to individual bodies of
the 2.3 million member Church to decide on who they can ordain.
report states that "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a
man and a woman or chastity in singleness," is a basis for ordination,
but allows groups to deduce whether the restriction is “essential.”
we saw the Presbyterian process of doing things at its best," said the
Reverend Joan Gray, moderator of the 217th General Assembly, at a press
conference following the vote. "We saw people working fairly and
treating each other justly."
Stated Clerk of the General
Assembly, the Reverend Clifton Kirkpatrick, said, "With the vote today
we have not altered the fundamentals, we have the same standards as
before. The report encourages a more pastoral approach to ordination
and encourages our governing bodies to do a thorough work of examining
people for office."
However, immediately after the vote, 13
evangelical groups issued a statement claiming the decision would
"throw our denomination into crisis."
"(It) marks a profound
deviation from biblical requirements, and we cannot accept, support, or
tolerate it. We will take the steps necessary to be faithful to God."
proposal was one of seven contained in the report of the Theological
Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church (TTF) that has
spent the last four years looking for ways to help the deeply divided
denomination stay together despite its differences.
Four other
recommendations passed by an overwhelming 87% majority. They "strongly
encourage" all Presbyterians to witness to the church's oneness and "to
avoid division into separate denominations"; to urge congregations,
governing bodies and other groups of Presbyterians to engage in
"intensive discernment" in the face of difficult issues; to study the
theological reflection section of the TTF report; and to encourage
church bodies to "explore the use of alternative forms of discernment
and decision-making as a complement to parliamentary procedure."
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Испратена: 16.Април.2007 во 13:34 |
mozebe jas pogresno tolkuvam ............... a mozebi i ne!
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Испратена: 16.Април.2007 во 13:36 |
eve uste edno:
< ="" ="http://www.365gay.com/bmxe/abm.asp?z=8">< ="text/" ="http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/365gay.mtvi/120606sweden;pagename=120606sweden;gateway=Newscon06;section_1=12;=;u=%7Cpagename-120606sweden%7Cgateway-Newscon06%7Csection_1-12%7C-;sz=300x250;tile=1;ord=269472881288479330?">
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Sweden's Largest
Protestant Denomination To Allow Gay Couple Blessings
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
Posted: December 6, 2006 9:00 pm ET
(Stockholm) The Swedish Lutheran Church announced
Wednesday that as of January same-sex couples will be able to have their unions
blessed in any of its congregations throughout the country.
Until 2000 it was the state religion and has 7.2
million members out of a total population of nine million.
Individual priests may refuse to perform blessing
ceremonies, but the congregation will be responsible for ensuring that a
blessing is provided the Church said Wednesday.
Sweden enacted a civil partnership law in 1995
and gives most of the rights and obligations of marriage to same-sex couples who
register. Priests are not permitted by law to officiate at civil
partnerships. They can only be conducted by official government officiates.
But, once a couple has entered into a union they
can then go to a church to have it blessed.
While Sweden was one of the first countries to
allow civil partnerships the country's LGBT community has recently stepped up
lobbying to have the law amended to permit gays and lesbians to marry.
The government has said it will consider
legislation early in 2007.
A parliamentary committee studying the issue
calls civil partnerships outdated and has recommending Parliament allow same-sex
A report issued by the committee noted that a
public opinion poll taken last summer showed that 46 percent of Swedes are
supportive of gay marriage, while 31 percent are opposed. The remainder were
A second survey, done for the committee found
that 84 percent of Swedes believe religious bodies should be able to decide if
they wanted to perform gay marriages.
Earlier on Wednesday in the United States the
Conservative movement of Judaism announced its rabbis could perform same-sex
blessing ceremonies. (story)
©365Gay.com 2006 |
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Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2006
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Испратена: 16.Април.2007 во 13:38 |
А малце да покопал, на истиот сајт од каде што го прекопирал и ова горе, ќе го видел и следново (иако се сомневам дека ќе го разберел!) About homosexual « marriage »
The CPDH subscribes to the declaration
of M. Jospin: "Marriage is, in principle and as an institution, ‘the
union of a man and a woman.’. This definition is not randomly chosen.
It firstly not only ignores sexual inclination, but also the need for
both the genders which characterise our existence and is the necessary
condition for procreation and thus the continuation of humanity. This
is why the sense of belonging of a child is always established in
relation to the two genders. The human species is not divided into
heterosexuals and homosexuals - that’s about a preference -, but into
men and woman." "Preference" is not nature; it does not justify being
institutionalised. It is not discriminatory to treat unequal things
Ама не се чудам на овој пост на C.B. Растревожениот но немоќен духовно и интелектуално да се носи со морално-духовниот распад на православната црква, мртвата вера се обидува да ја брани со „контра-напад“, кој исто така не знае ниту како да го изведе... Срамно е срамните дела на МПЦ, да се обидувате да ги прикриете со други „наводни“ срамни дела... Не сфати ли C.B. блуењата против другите, без разлика колку се тие црни, не го прикриваат гревот во сопственото око? Христос така ли правеше? Така ли учеше?
Изменето од аџија - 16.Април.2007 во 13:44
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Регистриран: 31.Октомври.2005
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Испратена: 16.Април.2007 во 13:38 |
Zatoa pravata vera ne se bara nitu se zdobiva vo crkva.
Gods Creative Force enters humanity through a mans love for his wife and desire to raise his family in a wholesome environment. It is reciprocated by a woman receiving his seed-spirit and nurturing it
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Испратена: 17.Април.2007 во 12:10 |
Маратонско читање на Библијата
Софискиот Теолошки институт ќе организира едномесечно маратонско
читање на Библијата во рамките на одбележувањето на Меѓународниот ден
на книгата и на авторските права на 23 април, јавуваат бугарските
За да се прослават неколку настани одеднаш,
иницијативата не само што ќе го одбележи претстојниот читачки маратон,
туку и ќе заврши вечерта на 24 мај, на Денот на бугарското образование,
култура и словенска писменост.
Маратонското читање на
Библијата ќе почне по утринската литургија на 23 април, а ќе заврши
пред вечерната литургија на 24 мај. Тој ќе се одвива во зградата на
Теолошкиот факултет на софискиот плоштад Света Недела.
Читачите ќе се менуваат на секој половина час и, ако има доволно луѓе
што ќе сакаат да читаат, маратонот може да продолжи и во текот на ноќта
на 23 мај - вели Емил Трајчев, деканот на факултетот.
Досега се пријавиле 20 луѓе, но се очекува нивниот број да се зголеми кога маратонот ќе стане попопуларен.
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 15:03 |
NY Times: Theocracy Fears Overblown
 
Изменето од C.B. - 18.Април.2007 во 20:51
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 15:08 |
BREAKING ALLEGATIONS: Head of National Association of Evangelicals, Ted Haggard, Is Gay!

Of course, we've always had our suspicions about Pastor Ted. [Via kusa.com with a big hat tip to DefCon.]
A gay man and admitted male escort claims he has had an
ongoing sexual relationship with a well-known Evangelical pastor from
Colorado Springs.
Mike Jones told 9 Wants to Know Investigative Reporter Paula
Woodward he has had a "sexual business" relationship with Pastor Ted
Haggard for the past three years.
Haggard is the founder and senior leader of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. The church has 14,000 members.
He is also president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization that represents millions of people.
Haggard is married with five children and an outspoken critic of gay marriage.
Jones broke his silence Wednesday morning on talk radio.
In an exclusive interview Wednesday night, Haggard denied the claims
and told 9NEWS he is prepared for his own church to investigate them.
"I did not have a homosexual relationship with a man in Denver,"
said Haggard. "I am steady with my wife. I'm faithful to my wife."
"I don't know if this is election year politics or if this has to do
with the marriage amendment or what it is, but I'm not even the guy who
will investigate it or question it. I don't know what the dynamics are,
but this independent group will come in and do that."
Jones started talking to 9 Wants to Know two months ago. He claims
Haggard has been paying him for sex over the past three years, even
though Haggard preaches that homosexuality is a sin.
Jones also claims Haggard used methamphetamine in his presence on several occasions.
"People may look at me and think what I've done is immoral, but I
think I had to do the moral thing in my mind and that is expose someone
who is preaching one thing and doing the opposite behind everybody's
back," said Jones.
Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw profiled Haggard in 2005 in a
series on mega-churches. Haggard was also listed by Time magazine as
one of the 25 most influential Evangelicals in America last year.
9NEWS and 9NEWS.com will continue to update this story as information becomes available.
Watch Haggard's response here.
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 20:48 |
Church pastor, gay man
Bellevue minister opens congregation's minds to homosexuality
By Richelle Thompson
The Cincinnati Enquirer
 Keith Haithcock leads worship service at St. John United Church of Christ in Bellevue.
(Michael E. Keating photo)
| ZOOM |
other kids played ball in the cul-de-sac, Keith M. Haithcock played
minister in the basement, preaching to a congregation and choir of
stuffed animals. He knew from the age of 4 he was called to be a
minister. By his teen years, he also knew he was gay.
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 20:58 |
 smeshna faca
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 21:04 |
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 21:17 |
не се чудам на овој пост на C.B. Растревожениот но немоќен духовно и
интелектуално да се носи со морално-духовниот распад на православната
црква, мртвата вера се обидува да ја брани со „контра-напад“, кој исто
така не знае ниту како да го изведе... Срамно
е срамните дела на МПЦ, да се обидувате да ги прикриете со други
„наводни“ срамни дела... Не сфати ли C.B. блуењата против другите, без
разлика колку се тие црни, не го прикриваат гревот во сопственото око?
Христос така ли правеше? Така ли учеше?
drag brate adzija jas gresniot posto gledam deka ti so site svoi sili se napregna da izvestuvas za ,,nastanite vo mpc,, ete i jas gresniot poucen od tvojot primer resiv da izvestuvam za novostite od ,,tvojata crkva,,! se nadevam deka deka blagonaklono gledas na idejata za zvaemno promoviranje na na nasite crkvi. pozdrav!
eve uste nesto od ,,delata na apostolskite naslednici --pastorite,,:
Pastor silovao ženu „opsjednutu" lezbijskim demonom!!!!!!
Teksaški pastor optužen je za silovanje vjernice nakon što joj je rekao
da je opsjednuta lezbijskim demonom. Leonarda Ray Owensa (63), koji je
oslobođen uz kauciju od 25 hiljada dolara, očekuje suđenje po optužnici
za seksualno nasilje, koje se kažnjava od 2 do 20 godina zatvora. On je
uhapšen u studenom 2006.
Policija je započela istragu protiv Owensa prošle godine nakon što je
22. godišnja devojka prijavila silovanje. Djevojka je rekla policiji da
je odlazila kod Owensa kući na savjetovanje nakon što je imala pobačaj.
Owens joj je rekao da ju je zaposjeo seksualni duh i lezbijski demon i
da je potrebno izvršiti egzorcizam. Pastor je od nje tražio da legne na
pod i počeo vikati na nju kao da je ona demon: „Napusti je u ime Isusa".
Djevojka je rekla policiji da joj je Owens skinuo hlače dok je pozivao
demona da izađe. Kad se pokušala dići, gurnuo ju je na pod. Pastor se
počeo boriti s njom, kao da je ona demon prije nego što je legao preko
nje i silovao je.
Owens, samo-proglašeni prorok, naredio joj je da opere lice u ime Isusa
i da pročita Pslam 105:15, koji kaže da ne čini zlo proroku, rekla je
djevojka policiji.
Изменето од C.B. - 18.Април.2007 во 21:32
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Испратена: 18.Април.2007 во 21:25 |
Američki gay pastor: Ja sam običan lažov
 Bivši ljubavnik optužio je velečasnog i da je konzumirao amfetamine no pastor je to porekao
Nekoliko sati nakon
što je dobio otkaz na mjesto pastora evangelističke crkve u SAD-u koju
je sam osnovao, Ted Haggard (50) ispričao se svojim sljedbenicima zbog
toga što ih je osramotio i rekao je da je kriv za "homoseksualni
nemoral". "Ja sam običan lažov. Postoji jedna strana u mom životu
koja je toliko odvratna da je se sramim. A to je da sam homoseksualac",
stoji u pismu koje je napisao svojim sljedbenicima a koje je pročitao
jedan član Crkve, prenosi Forbes. Haggard je oženjen i otac petero djece. Haggarda
je prozvao njegov ljubavnik upravo zbog toga što je čuo kako ljudima
propovijeda protiv istospolnih brakova a sam prakticira
homoseksualnost. Bodybuilder Mike Jones je rekao kako mu je pastor plaćao za seks svaki mjesec u posljednje tri godine
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