Што сме биле во претходниот живот? |
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Сениор Регистриран: 04.Мај.2010 Локација: Germany Статус: Офлајн Поени: 10600 |
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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Thailand around the year 1575. Your profession was that of a sailor or shoemaker. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Inquisitive, inventive, you liked to get to the very bottom of things and to rummage in books. Talent for drama, natural born actor. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: There is an invisible connection between the material and the spiritual world. Your lesson is to search, find and use this magical bridge. Do you remember now? Како може да не се сеќавам уште прашуваш ... е тоа беа денови |
Dream what you want to dream;
Go where you want to go; Be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. |
Tiggy Vicious
Сениор Consume. Be silent. Die. Регистриран: 27.Октомври.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 6238 |
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Мене ми викаат дека сум била Сталин во минатиот живот.
А ја се си мислам дека сум била некоја гејша. |
What the hell is going on?
-The cruelest dream, reality |
Модератор Знам, комшивка ми е! Регистриран: 18.Ноември.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 4820 |
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Tiggy Vicious
Сениор Consume. Be silent. Die. Регистриран: 27.Октомври.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 6238 |
Опции за коментарот
Леле... хомофоб!
Гејша сум била и никој ништо не ми може. А можда сум живеела у Кореа и сум праела отров... Или сум му била љубовница на Хитлер и сум глокала цијанид. Или па сум била Назарети. Абе ху ноус... |
What the hell is going on?
-The cruelest dream, reality |
Модератор Знам, комшивка ми е! Регистриран: 18.Ноември.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 4820 |
Опции за коментарот
ај да не го тупам со офтопик |
Сениор Мачкозил Регистриран: 04.Декември.2008 Локација: У дневну Статус: Офлајн Поени: 3137 |
Опции за коментарот
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Italy around the year 1350. Your profession was that of a librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: Your lesson is to develop a kind attitude towards people, and to acquire the gift of understanding and compassion. Do you remember now? papa Clement VI......hmmmm
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.
Сениор Регистриран: 20.Јуни.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 3019 |
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Администратор Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet Регистриран: 21.Април.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 18208 |
Опции за коментарот
Mozhe da se vrati ako posaka.
Nekoi od prosvetlenite toa go pravat za da im pomognat na lugjeto. |
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
Сениор Каубоец Регистриран: 17.Ноември.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2121 |
Опции за коментарот
Ова ќе ме држи во мислења и имагинации... |
sjena je od zastora kula na nebesima u našim je prsima |
Сениор Unidentified Flying Object Регистриран: 08.Август.2005 Локација: Machku Pichku Статус: Офлајн Поени: 18535 |
Опции за коментарот
sto posto bev elektricno broilo
SILATA NEKA E SO VAS a ako ne vi treba, neka, i taka ne e nekoj trosok, ja ima nasekade okolu nas.
Сениор Регистриран: 20.Јуни.2008 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 3019 |
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Сениор Only God Can Judge Me! Регистриран: 12.Април.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 13457 |
Опции за коментарот
Your past life diagnosis: I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern South China around the year 1600. Your profession was that of a builder of roads, bridges and docks. Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. You could have been a leader. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: You are bound to solve problems of pollution of environment, recycling, misuse of raw materials, elimination of radioactivity by all means including psychological methods. Do you remember now? знаев оти сам била машко |
Обожавам луѓе кои ме смеат.
Искрено, мислам дека смеењето е нешто што го сакам најмногу. Тоа лечи многу болести. Можеби тоа е најважното нешто кај човекот. Одри Хепберн |
Сениор Too young to die... Регистриран: 22.Февруари.2009 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 12633 |
Опции за коментарот
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Europe around the year 1775. Your profession was that of a builder of roads, bridges and docks. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. You could have been a leader. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: You are bound to solve problems of pollution of environment, recycling, misuse of raw materials, elimination of radioactivity by all means including psychological methods. Do you remember now? |
Сениор http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTCmVSp46 Регистриран: 12.Март.2010 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 8143 |
Опции за коментарот
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Turkey around the year 1175. Your profession was that of a handicraftsman or mechanic. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: You always liked to travel and to investigate. You could have been a detective or a spy. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: Your lesson is the development and expansion of your mental consciousness. Find a good teacher and spend a good part of your time and energy on learning from his wisdom. Do you remember now? Kade li da baram sega dobar nastavnik |
...Ne gledaj nazad so gnev, nitu napred so strav, gledaj naokolu so razbiranje. ...
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