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Зошто Христос? Преобратени во Христијанст

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Ezan-a Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 15.Декември.2007
Локација: Somalia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 150
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Ezan-a Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 11.Март.2008 во 02:12
Originally posted by zidarski zidarski напиша:

Imam eden predlog do site... tekstovite shto gi objavuvate vo ovaa tema i vo temata za konvertiti vo islamot, da bidat samo prenesuvanje na lichnite iskustva na lugjeto koi se preobratile ili komentari na tie iskustva. Odnosno - da nema "falenja" chija vera e "posilna", kade ima povekje i slichno... malku da ja smirime topkata...

Se slozuvam so tebe zidarski ama ova go kazuvas od koga situacijata e 10 prema eden,nie nabrojuvame licnosti sto se svarno za pocit sto primile Islam a EvAngelos samo izmisluva nekoi licnosti,ni eden sto go nabroja ne zasluzuva da se cita :)osven hmm Lepa Brena.EvAngelos iskopiral cela strana za Imaginarni licnosti aj ti se molam
Beautiful Mind

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zidarski Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4385
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај zidarski Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 11.Март.2008 во 04:18
Ezan-a - imashe celi stranici i temi za lichnosti koi primile islam, za nekoi mozhe da se potvrdi, za nekoi ne mozhe. Za nekoi - epten jasno se potvrdi deka ne se muslimani, a uporno bea objavuvani statii za niv.
Ovde vo ovaa tema - ne mozhe da se potvrdi identitetot na lichnostite za koi se pishuva ili koi gi napishale statiite.
ZATOA - rekov vekje - prestanete da davate sporedni komentari, a ostavete ovie dve temi da bidat samo prenesuvanje na iskustva na lugje koi preminale vo drugata vera. Ne mi e vazhno dali toj shto smenil vera igra vo Bayern ili raboti kako chistach na ulici. Zboruvate tuka za lichni iskustva, a ne za mediumska slava. Ne komentirajte i ne se prepukuvajte kade shto ne e potrebno.
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 9913
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај EvAngelos Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 11.Март.2008 во 11:20
бре бре, кога EvAngelos постира луѓе што се обратиле кон христијанство - тоа биле имагинарни личности, а кога муслиманите постираат луѓе што се обратиле кон ислам - тоа биле реални личности... дискусија на нивоу смешен
Вие почнавте со овие смешни фалења. Јас ја отворив оваа тема само за да ве призејмам малку голема%20насмевка
Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
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DAIJA Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 08.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1668
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај DAIJA Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 11.Март.2008 во 11:54
Fala na prizemjuvanjeto!
О следбеници на Книгата, дојдете да се собереме околу зборот нам и вам заеднички: никого освен Бог да не обожуваме и никого да не Му здружуваме!
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 9913
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај EvAngelos Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2008 во 10:50

Abdullah was a faithful Muslim. He lived just an hour’s drive from Mecca, prayed in the mosque five times a day, practiced all the Muslim beliefs, and, of course, regularly visited Mecca. Like many Muslims, he was taught that Christians had evil spirits and that he must keep away from them.

One night Abdullah dreamed he was in hell, burning in a blazing fire. The next morning, very worried, he prayed to Allah, ‘I have done everything well; why would I go to hell?’ During the following days he grew increasingly troubled. One night he was sleepless because of fear, when at midnight a bright light lit his room and a voice said, ‘I am Jesus. Come to me. I am the way to heaven. Follow me and you shall be saved from hell.’ Abdullah fell on his face crying and said, ‘Please help me find you.’

Within days Abdullah found a Christian Bible and began reading it. He soon committed his life to Jesus. Filled with joy, he started sharing his new-found faith with his family and friends. By his country’s law, however, a Muslim who leaves his faith must be killed. Abdullah’s family turned him over to the authorities. He was jailed and tortured for months.

When Abdullah refused to deny Jesus, he was taken to the Sheria Court, where the most dangerous criminals are tried. The judge said to Abdullah, ‘Deny your new beliefs and you will walk out a free man; if you don’t, you will be beheaded.’

I will never deny Jesus,’ Abdullah replied, ‘If you kill me I will go to heaven, but my blood will be on your hands.’ Abdullah was sentenced to be beheaded the following Friday.

He was returned to jail and bound hands and feet. On the day of his execution, however, no one turned up. Next Monday morning the guards removed his chains saying, ‘Run you demon, we do not want to see you again.’ Unable to believe his ears, Abdullah asked for an explanation. The guards said that on the day Abdullah was to be executed the judge’s son had suddenly died. As a result the judge reversed his decision.

Like most Saudis, Abdullah was from a wealthy family and had everything he needed. Not only was he rejected by his family, he had no source of income, and could not get a job because he was considered a betrayer. All of his identification papers were taken from him and he could have been arrested again at any time. And yet despite this pressure Abdullah continued to live for several years in Saudi Arabia, actively telling others about Jesus.

Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 9913
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај EvAngelos Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 14.Март.2008 во 23:38

My Testimony for Christ

I was born in Iraq - Baghdad in 1967 of an Assyrian Orthodox family. The Arabs call this year the year of disappointment because they lost the war against Israel. When I was only 40 days old my mother (an Orthodox Christian) took me to the church and had me baptized as a Christian-born boy and as she had done earlier with all my brothers and sisters! When I was two years old my Father decided to move our family to southern Iraq to the city of Basra. Due to some political reasons I cannot tell you why my father decided to embrace Islam and force it on the family. And he also changed our names and identification cards to Islamic status.

So I grew up being a Muslim. In the south where there are very few Christians. I was in love with the Qur'an throughout my childhood to the extent that I used to wait for the Qur'an Tartile on TV and started Tartile along with it! (Tartile is the way Muslims sing the Qur'an to make it more effective, and it was made mandatory by Mohammed on each Muslim). My mother used to watch me and just laugh looking at this seven year old sheik! We had quranic verses all over our house and also had drawings of Imam Ali and his son Abaas. I was fascinated with the character of Imam Ali and how wise and strong he used to be and believed so totally. That he could hear whomever prays to him and ask him for a miracle! Being a Shi'a Muslim it was my duty to follow in his steps and believe his teaching of Islam as well as trying my best to rebuke any one who thought less of him in any way.

At the age of eleven my father died unexpectedly. I was devastated. I could not understand why that happened. I kept asking Imam Ali why that happened. I needed an explanation, but there was no answer to my prayers. After six months my mother decided to move back to Baghdad. I did not want to, I could not possibly leave my cousins, my uncles and aunts, my friends and school and my cat, of course! To my shock, my mother told me that all these people that I held to be my family are definitely not my family, they are only superficial cousins, uncles, aunts, and even the two brothers and a sister that I had been told are my half-brothers and sister from another women that my father had been married to and who had passed away before he married my mother were phony! The only things that linked us were the legal ID papers and the many years of a huge deception. In Baghdad my mother hastened to introduce us to our new family. She learned that her father had passed away years ago. She was so sad because he had not approved of her departure to the south but she had to go on with it. Suddenly I started to see new cousins, aunts, all kind of relatives and friends. And I say "I" because I was the only one who was confused about that mess since I was the younger in my family and did not have any idea about what had happened in the past. My mother had me live with one of her sister's family for me to adjust myself to the new reality. I was in a state of resentment and anger since they wanted me to learn their language (Assyrian) which I refused for many years to come because I was in love with the Arabic language. And they tried to take me with them to their church and to their parties and events. Finally, after years, I accepted them as my relatives. But I decided to be separated from them and their beliefs which I considered heresy.

I continued going to school as a young Muslim man and was a straight A student in all materials related to Islam. I used to prepare my questions at home. And whenever I saw a Christian fellow I would attack him with it. I felt pretty good when I waited for an answer and get NOTHING but a red face and a sweaty hand shake of "Good bye!" Then I started to go to the churches and sit in the Bible study and ask these questions to the priests. And sure enough, I had the same impact over and over again. My faith in Islam was increasing and my hatred towards Christianity was increasing even more! Even to the point that one day I was coming home from long day: It was about 8:00 p.m. and my sisters and Mom had the Jesus film on video and they were watching. I looked as I am coming in and Peter was saying to Jesus "Lord" in Arabic "God". I heard that and I was so angry I started to yell at my mother and sisters and pulled the film out of the video, broke it in half and also broke all the pictures we had of Jesus or Mary and threw them away. My mother was crying so bad, and everybody was mad at me. It took me three days to be able to talk with my mother again!

The civil war was intensifying in Lebanon and the government wanted to send some Iraqi soldiers to help drive the Jews out of the South of Lebanon. Since I hated the Jews even more than the Christian, I went to the embassy of Lebanon in Baghdad and registered my name, and when they asked me to write a statement I wrote "I AM COMMITTED TO GO TO LEBANON TO KILL THE STINKING JEWS" but the security guard secretly called me out to the side and said "It is not about the Jews, you are going to fight the Syrians!" So when I learn that my journey is to kill other Muslims like me I changed my mind!

By then I got my first book published and was so happy about it! I became a rather popular among my friends in school and the radio asked me to write some things for them. When I expressed my desire to write for children the TV station send after me. Six months later I was granted a scholarship to join the Academy of Arts in Baghdad. That was a 180 degree change in my direction. Though I was a writer and a poet, I wanted to study what is called the science of Qur'an. The war against Iran was over after 8 long years and everybody was happy. We used to dance in the streets until sun rise celebrating the birth of peace in the land! Everything seemed good and settled. But I had a big void inside my soul. Two years went by and I was still looking for an answer to the many questions boiling in my head.

Now I was asking if there is really God why would he allow all that to happen to me to my family. What I am I? Am I a Muslim as I was told and as I grew up? Or Am I Christian as I was born and baptized? Am I an Arab or an Assyrian? Am I human or an animal to be treated and betrayed like this?! The country I once loved was no longer home to me. I wanted to find my own self since I lost it in Iraq.

In August 1, 1990 I left Iraq to Turkey with no other goal than looking for my own freedom and establish a new life. Seven hours later, Iraq invaded Kuwait. I was already in Istanbul and that was the first sign of salvation to me! All telephone lines where cut off to and from Iraq. I would go without contact with my family for the next year and a half. Bit by bit my money started to decrease. I began to move from one city to another trying to find a job to maintain a living. I slept under a tree in Ankara for three days after I had sold all my positions and had no more to sell. I became ill and thought I could die any time. Then I started to knock at the doors of various embassies. It does not matter where to go I thought, anywhere will be better than Iraq and Turkey! No one accepted me. Even the U.N. office rejected my application as a refugee! I was in big trouble. If the Turkish police were to catch me, they would return me to Iraq because my visa had expired long ago. And that would mean death! It seemed to me that there was no other choice but to go to Syria though the Syrian council advised me not to do so!

I took the bus to the city of Antakya and from there, I was hoping, to get to Halab. Through these two months in Turkey I started to be more open to listen to Christ's voice inside me though I have to admit that at one point I stopped at the mosque in Ankara and read the Qur'an. But suddenly that book lost its effect on me and did not attract in this time of trouble, nor ever since. In the bus to Antakya I met a Turkish young Muslim man who became a dear friend to me. He took me to the Catholic church in Antakya and there I met Fr. Francisco and a nun by the name of Barbara. They provided great help and comfort to me during the three month that I spent in Antakya. Barbara gave me the first Arabic Bible and asked to read it. I used to read the Bible every night before bed in Fr. Francisco house (he opened his house for me to the last day!). And the church used to pray for me every single night and ask God to open the doors for me to go to some country so I might find peace and freedom. I started to ask Jesus to bless me and I apologized to him for my foolishness in the past. And one day I was alone in the house and was very depressed because of the rejection from the U.N. regarding my case and I had been away from my family back home with no communication at all. I shut off all lights and went to sleep. I woke up and it was so dark to the point that I couldn't see my own hands! I was walking, trying to find my way, I opened the door and stepped down but I fell on my knees and hurt myself very painfully. In the midst of all that darkness and pain a strong hand grabbed me at my elbow and sure enough that was Fr. Francisco. He helped me stand up and put his hand over my shoulder and said "Don't you worry, I will take care of you. You will be fine!" I woke up being like crazy and was all sweaty. I rushed to Father Francisco bed room but he was still out. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had been dreaming! I went back to bed after a short prayer and saw a second dream. This time it was Jesus as I saw him in the Jesus film years ago and I had trashed his video. He was hanging on the cross, the nails were in his hands and feet, yet he was smiling at me and talking to me. Though he was dying he seemed so beautiful. The cross was huge and I seemed like a little boy. My neck was falling back trying to see the whole face of Jesus and suddenly a huge big circle of light came from above the cross and down upon me! I woke up again. It was sun rise. This time I was really sweaty!

In the morning I rushed to Barbara to let her know. But an old lady who used to like me and fix sandwiches every now and then called me and told me that she also saw a dream concerning me. She said that she saw me riding on a white horse and fly away to safety! One week later the American Embassy called me while I was working in the church construction and they approved my visa to the U.S.!! That by itself was a miracle because my visa in Turkey was expired long ago and I was staying illegal. Besids, the Iraqi Army was still in Kuwait and the problems were rising towards a certain war between Iraq and the U.S. Many people tried to get a visa to America but could not. God answered the prayers of the church and accepted me as one of his children. Since then I started to have a personal relationship with Christ and became new creation in him. I think it is important for any human to know his God and savior and have a true experience with him.

I was born in Baghdad in which Abu Jafar Al-Mansour built and commanded his engineers to pour oil in the foundation and set it on fire so he can see and enjoy his schematic in real life. I thought that was such a stupid idea and I think the Khalifa just announced the death of the city before its birth! But God took me away to Antakya a city where the people of God were FIRST CALLED CHRISTIANS. By that God took away my curse and gave me new life in him. My prayer is that he might increase and I might decrease so I can live for him fully to the end of my earthly life. "FOR YOU WERE AS SHEEP GOING ASTRAY, BUT ARE NOW RETURNED UNTO THE SHEPHERD AND BISHOP OF YOUR SOULS." 1 Peter 2:25 - Amen.

email. I think that it is important to hear from you all. Whether in blessing or cursing. I believe my testimony is going on as long as I live. I am having new experiences with Christ one year after another!

Abdullah Al-Ashoery

Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
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Sahih Bukhari Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 05.Декември.2007
Локација: Germany
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 389
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Sahih Bukhari Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 15.Март.2008 во 12:24
Zlateko premnogu se zamarash batka, nemoj vakvi prikaski na forumov, poveke od smeshni se....

Sekoja javna televizija vo svetov go ima 100 pati kazano faktot deka najmnogu konverteri ima vo Islam, a do sega nesum videl na niedna televizija da kazat konverter vo Hristijanstvo... ne deka nema, ima ali mal del, i pod kakvi uslovi konvertirale tie luge....?????

A da ti stane pojasno , bujrum link:

A youtube e prepoln so licni svedocenja na luge, a ne pisma od tipot na obmama

Nemoj vakvi raboti zlaten te molam poshtedisise od blamiranje
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maria_magdalena Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
trouble seeker

Регистриран: 25.Октомври.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 8706
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај maria_magdalena Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 15.Март.2008 во 12:31
Овие барем имаат и е-маил дадено за контакт. Токму за да можеш ти да им пишеш и лично да ти раскажат. Тие не се плашат од казната за напуштање ислам па затоа и оставиле контакт адреса.
Или, тоа што не ви оди в прилог е бламирање?

Впрочем, нели си имавте тема Преобратени во Ислам? Пишувајте си....
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 9913
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај EvAngelos Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 15.Март.2008 во 20:01

Testimony of Farooq Ibrahim

I was raised in a typical Muslim family, where we would go to the mosque on Fridays and on special occasions; fast for the month of Ramadan; and celebrate the typical festive holidays of Islam. When I was a teenager, I completed the recitation of the Quran; and that in essence was a confirmation of the duty of a Muslim youth. Later, in my teen years, I was not satisfied with just reciting the Quran in Arabic; a language I could only read, but not comprehend. So my father got me a Study Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and also a copy of the Sahih Bukhari Hadith collection. I studied it for a short while during my late teen years.

After I finished my twelfth year of schooling, I started studying engineering at an Engineering College in Karachi, but desired to study in the United States. My desire was to go to one of the best engineering university in the US. I had aspirations to do wonderful things for my people and country. Unfortunately, I was not admitted to my first choice of engineering university. Then in August of 1973, I came to the US and started in a community college. I lived a typical life in the States; spending time in getting my education and holding onto part-time or full-time jobs so that I could afford to put myself through college. My parents who were still in Pakistan helped, but there was not enough money to support the family and my education here. After a short while, I got plugged back into the local Islamic community and was involved with other Muslims in the study of the Quran and Hadith and its applicability in the local culture. After getting my 2-year associates degree from a community college, God in his mercy and grace provided for me to get into my choice of engineering university as a transfer student with an academic scholarship. By the time I had completed my BS degree, I had veered away from the daily practice of my faith, and focused my life's interest in the academic and secular things in life. After working for a short while to gain experience and decide what I wanted to do for further studies; I chose to get my MS degree. Once in the work place, I started doing what most typical men do in the US culture - start planning and working my way to the top of the corporate and financial ladder. I married a woman who had grown up in the States, had children, and life was typical and stressful. My eyes were focused on making a name for myself and getting all I could out of life - my earlier aspirations to do wonderful things for my people and country disappeared.

Then in March of 1987, I was in a bad accident and was very badly burned, while some others were killed. I had to take time away from work to recover. During this time, I had to face my mortality and deal with my blind ambition. I started to consider what legacy I was going to leave behind, and where was I going to go when I die. I wondered if I was spared from death for a purpose? Being a Muslim I believed that I would end up in heaven; but because of my life being the way it was - not actively performing the duties of a Muslim, I feared that I may perhaps be penalized in hell for a while? I then started again looking into the Quran and Hadith and Islam to find answers. This times my zeal to know my faith was fueled with the knowledge that there had to be a purpose to life; I was spared and had been given a chance. I wanted to know this Quran - which I believed to be the revealed word of God for all eternity, and the Prophet of Islam - his life and teachings. By this time I was back on my feet, starting to go back to work, but now I decided to take a job in the company that required minimum travel, so I would be spending a lot more time closer to home and with my family. I adjusted my priorities, and side stepped onto the slower track, away from the fast lane of the corporate world. Later on during this time, I was challenged by my Christian friends that Jesus was the only way to Heaven and that the Bible was the revealed and uncorrupted word of God.

So this challenge ignited an even greater zeal to study the Quran, Hadith and the life of Mohammad to prove Islam to be the true way and Christianity to be a false hope and Jesus being merely a man and not God. My desire was also to teach my children about Islam and to raise them Muslim. I spent the next few months studying the Quran and comparing it to the Bible. I compared the lives of Jesus both in the Quran and the Bible. Also compared the life and teaching of Mohammad and that of Jesus. I checked into the early history of Islam and Christianity and the sad but unfortunate atrocities committed by both religions, and the reasons why. I also read articles by others who denied the existence of God.

I reached a point where I was not sure how to deal with some of the difficulties in the Bible that were very unclear such as:

  1. Why four books to present the "gospel" and not one, as Quran teaches of one gospel.
  2. The whole issue of Sin and the need for shedding of blood and a Savior.
  3. Jesus being God and Man and the whole concept of the Trinity.
  4. Did Jesus really die on the cross and was he resurrected or not?
  5. How could followers of Jesus commit the atrocities that are part of the church history such as the crusades?

But also in my quest to use the Quran as my standard, and the teaching and life of Mohammad as a model for life, I had some significant difficulties, for example:

  1. The whole concept of "abrogation". That God chose to reveal verses in the Quran that supercede earlier revelation in the same Quran. How an eternal revelation of God could have such time bound revelation seemed at odds with the nature of God.
  2. The inconsistency of the messages, for example facing Jerusalem and then Mecca; or fornication being a sin, but one can have sex with many slave women that have no legal marriage status; tolerance and peace message of earlier revelation, but the command to fight all unbelievers in later revelation.
  3. The need for revisions of the Quran to standardize it and ordering the burning of all the older copies. Why this need to leave no trace of what the edited version did not contain and why.
  4. The unequal status of woman compared to men in area of marriage, rule of law, social etiquette, modesty, etc.
  5. Treatment of non-Muslims in the community and the command to Jihad.

At this point, I reached a place in my study that I could no longer defend the faith of Islam as it was clearly at odds with issues of truth and character of God as depicted in both the Quran and the Bible. However, I just was not ready to walk away from Islam. Christianity had its own set of issues, most of which revolved around the person of Jesus. At this point, I recalled from my childhood knowing some of the tenets of the Indian religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. In all of my study of life and the sciences, it had become clear to me that there was a great creator and designer who had formed the universe and us. So there was no point in venturing into the philosophy of the Indian religions. I found they provided no answers that were consistent internally within it own teaching and externally consistent with the world around us.

Even though I had issues with Islam, I believed that there was a Creator God that I could and should pray to for answers. For me this was the God of Abraham (Ibrahim). I felt "safe" to pray to the God of Abraham as Abraham is highly regarded as a patriarch of Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths. So, I ventured, that just as God had revealed the truth to Abraham, I would pray to this God to understand what was true and direct me on the right path. As I continued to regularly pray and meditate, I studied the passages in the Quran and the Bible on Mohammad and Jesus and reviewed books and articles by Muslim and Christian apologists.

Some weeks went by, as I prayed and reflected on Mohammad and Jesus. Finally, the evening of Good Friday of 1989, I was jogging and reflecting on the importance of this evening for Christians. Did Jesus really get crucified as taught by the Bible and some secular historians or was it some big hoax as claimed by Islam? What was this Sin that required payment by blood? As I prayed I sensed a burden lifted of me. I looked up, as it felt like some heavy weight was gone. I then looked down, to see if I was still on the ground. There was no external evidence, but in my spirit there was a clear sense, and this particular phrase came to life "Jesus is Lord" and occupied all of my thoughts. I responded in my mind, but what about Sin and the Cross? Did Jesus die on the Cross? The response in my mind came back loud and clear - "Jesus is Lord". I asked again, but what about the Trinity and this concept of three persons and one God, and again, the response was "Jesus is Lord". At this point, all that I had read in the Gospel accounts of Jesus came together. It was as if a veil had been lifted. That is why the Jewish Council had condemned him to death, because he claimed to be God, - blasphemy; that is why this Jesus had authority to forgive sins; that is why he told the Pharisees, before Abraham was I am, etc. He truly is God. Now the same old words in the Gospel that seemed to be vague about his deity, were suddenly crystal clear. Jesus is God. His crucifixion and resurrection were the ultimate calling card of this God-Man. It all started making sense, and I was at total peace accepting Jesus as Lord. At this point, I also realized it did not matter that for so many years I had been a Muslim, that my brothers, sisters and some of my best friends were Muslim; I now believed - Jesus is Lord, and I would follow him. Soon thereafter I understood what had happened to me. Jesus talks about this topic as to his real identity and what people misbelieve about him in the Gospel of Matthew 16:13-17: ‘Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they said, "Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven."’

That has been the start of a journey, of getting to know my Lord Jesus better, accepting him as my Savior and his full payment for my sins. My desire has been to live my life worthy of my Lord as he empowers me.. My Muslim family did not accept me at first. They tried to convince me that I was wrong; while I tried to challenge them with the Truth of the Gospel message. When they realized I was convinced of my faith in Jesus being God, I was considered an outcast. Some time elapsed after which my mom's desire to bring the family together was resolved by them respecting my faith. Over the years, the mutual respect has resulted in a closer bond between us, and they have also been kind, generous and supportive as a family. During these years I also developed some very close friendships with Christians who challenged me as well as met some new ones once I got involved with a local church fellowship. I was welcomed as a brother. Also in the process, my character has changed over time. Some of the traits that he has exposed and dealt with me include pride, arrogance, anger, selfishness, and control among other sinful traits. He continues to change me from inside out to be more loving and kind to all.

Today, over 15 years later, having further studied the Bible, the Quran and various books and articles on Christian and Muslim Apologetics; and having discussed with many Muslims and Christians alike, I am sure of my faith in the Lord Jesus and continue to follow him, even more than at that day he chose to reveal himself to me and called me to him.

Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments or any thoughts you have at

Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
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zidarski Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4385
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај zidarski Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 15.Март.2008 во 22:47
Povtorno kje kazham na site - vo ovaa tema i vo temata Konvertiti vo Islam - pishuvajte za lichni iskustva na lugje koi preminale vo ednata ili vo drugata vera. Ne komentirajte, ne se natprevaruvajte chija vera ima povekje konvertiti i slichno.
Apsurdno e da se bara izvorot i da se postavuva slika, lichen e-mail na avtorot i slichno. Site nie, i ednite i drugite ja dobivame informacijata preku internet najchesto, a ovde prenesuvame shto sme prochitale nekade. Tolku. Ne gi pretvorajte ovaa i drugata tema vo pole za raspravii.
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zidarski Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4385
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај zidarski Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 15.Март.2008 во 23:58
Andrej1 ili podobro da recham Miroslav - koga si baniran, si baniran... ne preteruvaj. Ajde ushte dve nedeli odmor od mene.
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zidarski Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4385
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај zidarski Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 16.Март.2008 во 01:58
Almahdi - oficijalna opomena imash od mene!
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
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Овде приложувам еден исечок од интервјуто на Алпин во весникот Форум, поточно делот каде на Алпин му беше поставено прашањето:

Какви се вашите искуства со дрогата?

Почнав многу наивно, не бев многу информиран, но и од љубопитност. Неколку пати пушев марихуана, а потоа почнав да ја купувам. Еднаш отидовме кај дилерот, а тој немаше марихуана, па ни понуди хероин. Си рековме - зошто да не! Така влегов во сето тоа. Кога почнав да ги искусувам првите апстиненцијални кризи побарав помош од моите родители.

Се обидувавме со некакви свои терапии, приватни психијатри, но без никакви резултати. Потоа отидов во Центарот во Кисела Вода и почнав метадонска терапија. На метадон бев околу 8 месеци и се "спуштив" до никаде, па неколку месеци бев чист, но потоа повторно се вратив на дрогата. Психичката зависност не успеав да ја надминам ниту со метадонот, ниту со другите терапии и лекарства.
Во тоа време се запознав со еден мој врсник кој ми раскажа дека слушал и читал за сведоштва на луѓе кои преку вербата во Бога успеале да ја надминат зависноста. Тогаш во мене се зарод надеж дека и јас можам да успеам. Барав помош од Господ, почнав да ја читам Библијата и верата во мене почна да се буди, така што еден ден го фрлив метадонот и престанав со сиде дроги. Оттогаш, па се до денес, не се вратив на ниту една дрога, на никакво апче!
Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
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Aisha Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007
Локација: Palestine
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1119
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Aisha Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Март.2008 во 02:07
Zal mi e sto vo Makedonija nema specijalizirana bolnica za lecenje od zavisnosti vrz osnova na religijata!

Vo Bosna ima, i navistina mnogu uspesno funkcionira!
Preku islamot, i negovite principi zavisnicite se odviknuvaat od starite losi naviki! Pred dve godini e otvoren prviot vakov centar, no ne bese finansiran od drzavata. Odlicnite rezultati koi gi postigna na ova pole centarot, gi pottikna vlastite kon otvoranje na poveke vakvi centri!

Malku e kontradikotorno da se zboruva za religjata kaj zavisnicite, no se planira otvoranje na centri spored razlicnite religiski opredeluvanja na zavisnicite, pottocno nivnite semejstva.
Eve edna dobra ideja za eden vakov proekt kaj nas!!!!
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