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svemirski_duh Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Февруари.2008
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Verovatno zaboravi Halifa da kaze deka poveketo od navedenite se i Imaginarni licnosti.
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valevska Кликни и види ги опциите
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Регистриран: 01.Јануари.2008
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Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај valevska Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 03.Март.2008 во 01:11
Imaginarni licnosti....
Bre kako ne vi e sram, imaginaren si ti svemirski duh. hahahaaha.....bre predcite tvoi sto se konvertirale za torba urda ne gi potcenuvaj barem
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 9913
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај EvAngelos Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 03.Март.2008 во 01:16
Оригиналот на ова сведоштво е на туркси јазик. Доколку некој знае турски и сака да го прочита на тој јазик, нека ми се обрати по лична порака.
I was born and raised in Turkey in a secular family. Growing up as the middle child of the family I never understood my parents love and care for us. My aunt, known as one of the "funniest" members of the family joked with me over the years asking, what special reason I had to be loved by my parents. Since my sister was the first born, and my brother was the "baby" and "the son", nothing was left for me. She did not understand the deep impact of her jokes on me and I never understood why I wasn't loved. Nobody knew that I needed the truth explained to me; that I needed to know that my parents loved me just because I was their daughter. For years I felt rejected and unloved. As time went on, the only purpose of my life became trying to earn my parents' love.

When I was five years old my parents couldn't find a nanny to take care of me while they were at work. My mother, who was an elementary school teacher, started to take me to the school where she taught leaving me in one of the first grade classes. After this my days were pretty routine. I was in class during the day, and at home I played with my books. I didn't know how to read yet, but I would look at the letters and make up stories based on how they were shaped. One day when I was looking at my books, all of a sudden the letters made words rather than pictures, the words made sentences, and I no longer needed to make up stories - I could read them. My parents rejoiced when they discovered that I learned to read "all by myself".

Near the end of the school year my mom's school was going through the yearly teachers' evaluation. One day the principal of the school came to my class with an Evaluator. I was the only one in the class who could answer their questions. When my parents heard about this they were surprised and quite pleased with me. So, along with everything else I learned in first grade, I learned that the easiest way to earn my parents' "love" was to be successful at school.

This discovery changed my life dramatically. From that day I became very competitive, doing better was my only desire - better than my classmates, better than my siblings, and even better than myself. As a result, I became one of the best students in my school. My dad loved science and planted that love in me at a very early age. He seemed to accept me regardless of my performance, but I felt like my mom's love was dependent on my achievements. Thus, my father became a good friend but I isolated myself from my mother.

When I was getting ready for the college entrance exams, my big dream was to get into a biology department. I found I was fascinated with nature, and this, together with the love of science that I had learned from my father, fueled my desire to study biology. When the results of the exam were posted, I found out that I was qualified to be in the Biology department, my third choice. Upon my father's request my first two choices had been the top medical schools of Turkey. I was so excited and happy. I could hardly wait to give the good news to my parents.

However a big disappointment was in store for me. The idea of having a daughter in medical school was so appealing to them that the news that I had "only" qualified for biology was a letdown. Their disappointment showed me that I had failed, first in my studies, and then in not being able to earn their "love". I had worked so hard for such a bitter ending. So when I started college my heart felt sour within me.

But when I began college things within me started to change. I was spending the majority of my time immersed in my biology books, and was awed by the complexities and perfection of life on a biological scale. I realized that I loved learning purely for learning's sake and not in order to gain my parents' approval. I was growing up! So my bitter feelings shortly were crowded out by overwhelming enthusiasm.

Another change that started to occur in me was regarding religious belief. I had grown up in a secular household. Although my family was not religious, we observed all the usual traditions. However, we did not observe the prayer rituals, nor did we fast. During summer vacations my friends went to the mosque to learn Namaz, the Islamic prayer ritual, and to learn to recite the Qur'an. But in our home, we didn't even mention these things. Growing up, I had believed that the universe was formed as a result of the "Big-Bang" and that life was formed through a series of random events. What I believed about God was quite different from my friends' beliefs, too. For me God was created by men. Evolutionary speaking, in all primate societies there had been a need for a strong, unquestioned leader. However, as humans developed the abilities to live outside social groupings, the need for an unquestioned leader disappeared. Because the instinct to believe and obey something unquestionable is still strong, man created God. I was very content with this belief. In truth, I was even proud of my unusual beliefs.

However, my first year in college, I felt that everything I believed was disintegrating in my hands. When I started to take classes like Zoology, Botany, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, and Cytology, I started to realize that life was too perfect to be the product of random events. One day I remember looking through a microscope and watching this little cell with awe, thinking there must be a God, the Creator of this life!

I became very confused. I didn't know what to do. One day - a little embarrassed - I went to talk to my father and told him what I thought. He listened to me carefully, without interrupting, as was his habit, and then answered me with a smile; "I don't want you to be ashamed of your thoughts. If you believe there is a God, go search, and you shall find". Two years of studying and practicing Islam started at this time period.

My interest in Islam pleased my mother's mother the most. She immediately got a Qur'an and books on Islam for me. She brought some Zamzam water, had me drink it, repent of my sins, make a promise to stay away from sin, and recite the Shahada.

Initially, I didn't care much about what Islam and Qur'an was all about. All I wanted to know was God. I learned the basics: memorized suras, learned wudu and prayer, read the Qur'an every Thursday night, fasted during Ramadan.

I studied hard, practiced hard, but only thing that happened in my life was following a different set of rules now. I did not know God anymore than I did the day I told my dad I thought there was a God. I might have become a nicer person at the time, but it was all in my power and initiative. Deep inside me I knew I was no different. On the top of these what I learned from my Islamic books and mentors did not help either. At the end of two years I was quite disappointed - even hurt - by my findings and experiences. After days and nights of struggling with myself, and feeling ashamed that I was wrong, I went to my father and told him that I was not able to find my God. I was heart broken.

The summer of that year, I started to work as a reader at the School for the Blind. There, I met with a lady who was associated with a Hindu group. I was quite excited to hear about this group, and I started to go to their meetings with her. All summer long, I studied with them the essentials of Hinduism - as well as of Buddhism. Because Islam had failed me, I was a lot more reserved about taking a step of faith in either of these. One of the members of this group was also interested in the old Turkic religions, and he helped me to understand the basics of those religions. At the end of the summer, the conclusion of my search was quite clear. All these religions were created by men to bring regulation to society. There was no God. I was stuck with Atheism.

Then followed a time of confusion and bewilderment. All joy and peace left my heart. I had lost hope - hope for the future, hope for finding God, or that there was anything greater than human existence. So, I went back to doing what I knew best, being an excellent student. I thought that I could find satisfaction in myself.

But it didn't work. The inner restlessness that I had grew stronger every day, and I couldn't live with myself anymore. So, I tried other things. You know what a party animal is, right? Well, that was me. Drinking, smoking, rebelling - everything you can imagine! Yet, these things didn't satisfy me. More and more, I knew that I had no peace in my heart. I longed to change--but I didn't know how.

In this sorry state, I finished university. On graduation day, as I was walking downtown, I started to think about my future. I knew that I had a long life ahead of me, but I didn't know what I would do with it. Frustrated, I walked into a store and stood in front of a mirror. As I looked at myself, I realized that I didn't like what I saw. Tears welled up as I considered who I was. This was a turning point for me. I decided that I was going to change my life and be a different person - have a good job, a good career, a good family, and a good income. I looked around at all the ordinary people in the world, reflecting that their lives were no different than mine but that they seemed happy. I decided to try being an ordinary person. So, I quit smoking, drinking, and hanging around those of my "friends" who had that kind of lifestyle. I got my first job, a very good-paying job, in fact. At the same time, I went back to school and earned my Master's degree, and then started to work on my Ph.D. But even all these things didn't satisfy me. In my heart, I fought with myself day and night. In Jeremiah 2:13, God says, "My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water". My heart was a broken cistern, and I tried to fill it myself. As Islam had failed me, I was failing myself.

In September 1992, I was nearing the end of my Ph.D. program when one of my professors in the department told me about a scholarship to go overseas to study for a different Ph.D. First, I thought, "No, I'm about to finish one; why bother starting all over again?" But it took me only half an hour to decide, "Yes, I would like to try". I got the scholarship and quit my Ph.D. program. Leaving everything behind, I packed my whole life into two suitcases and came to the United States to start all over again. I had a feeling that it was going to be different there.

It was different in the U.S., and I didn't like it. Honestly, I hated it with a passion. I didn't know any English, I didn't know the culture, and I didn't know anybody there. Everything was so strange to me. I asked myself again and again, "I had everything I needed back home, so why did I come here?" Of course, I didn't know the answer, and I didn't even know if there was an answer. But I didn't go home. I studied English, tried to understand American culture, and made some friends in the dormitory. It so happens they were all born-again Christians who talked about their faith with me. They were all very nice, helpful, smart, religious ... and very brainwashed! I didn't believe that one could be smart and religious at the same time. Since they had helped me to adjust to my new life in the U.S., I decided I could help them to see that they were all deluded.

If you are going to fight against something, you need to know it well, so I asked them to give me a Bible. Knowing that I would find contradictions and inconsistencies, I started to read it. However - and there's really no other way to describe it - a miracle happened! Each day, the words brought more and more peace to my heart and hope for my life. Also, Christianity deeply impressed me because of its differences from the other religions that I had studied. It was unique in a lot of ways, but four of them were particularly important to me.

First, Jesus was the only one who claimed to be the only way to God. What confidence that gave me! This was no vague instruction on how to reach God. This was a certain path. Jesus says, "No one comes to the Father except through me".

Second, people's sins could be forgiven without the need for good deeds to cancel them out. In every other religion, one has to be punished for the sins one has committed, but in Christianity one's sins can be forgiven. Having lived in sin as long as I had, I knew that I could never finish paying the penalty for them. I needed forgiveness. Human beings, in their weakness, don't know the real meaning of forgiveness, I think. This generous forgiveness can only come from God.

Third, one doesn't have to work for one's salvation. Salvation is by the grace of God. My whole life, I had tried to earn the peace and hope that I longed for but saw that I didn't have. Therefore, it was very meaningful to see that God was reaching out to me instead of my trying to reach Him.

Fourth and last, God loved me as I was. I didn't have to do anything to earn His love. This was quite new to me. I discovered that I was important to God just because I existed. It seemed to me that this truth was different from other religions.

I became convinced that Christianity was not a man-made religion. So, I continued to study the Bible, more and more enthusiastically. On February 6, 1993 while I was reading my Bible, a verse greatly impressed me: You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name... " (John 15:16). Then, I realized that I found the answer to my question. I had come to the U.S. because God had chosen me and had brought me there so that I could come to know Him. That day, I prayed and accepted Jesus as my personal Savior.

That night, as I prayed and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I was very restless. I tried to sleep, but questions kept bothering me all night long. "Was I being culturally assimilated?" "Was my conversion a result of cultural shock?" I got up in the morning and decided that I might be going crazy, but I couldn't do anything about it other than wait and see. A few months later, God answered my questions again. He showed me that even as long ago as when I was 12, He had chosen me and had been preparing me for His kingdom. At that time, I had a dream in which I was swimming. It was very dark, without any stars in the sky. After swimming for a while, I stopped and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, I saw a star shining. I closed my eyes and made a wish. I said, "Morning Star, teach me the secret of life". When I woke up, I was deeply affected by my dream. I told my family and my friends about it, but nobody seemed to care. Because I took the dream so seriously, I was even mocked about it. A few days later, however, I forgot about the dream.

But the dream did not forget me. About a month later, I had it again. Although I thought it was strange, I didn't really think about it much. But then, a few months later, the same dream came again. I kept having this dream for years almost every other month and this pattern continued until a few months after my conversion, when I read Rev. 22:16, which says, "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star". After reading this verse, I realized that God had been working in my heart for years and that He is a living God. He had brought me to this point to teach me the secret of life - eternal life. That very day, I decided that I would dedicate my whole life to God and follow Him wherever He might lead me. Now, my deepest desire is to follow my Lord as long as I live. In case you're wondering. I've never had the dream again - when the sun rises, one blows the candle out.

After I became a believer in Jesus, my life changed significantly. In the beginning, my family rejected me, but over the years, they observed the positive changes that happened in my life. A couple of years after my conversion, my mother told me that when I first told her that I had decided to follow Jesus, she thought that she had lost her daughter, but now, she knows that she has received back a better one. She tells me now that she believes this has been the best thing that ever happened to me. For years, I didn't believe that my mother loved me, and I hadn't forgiven her for that. But with God, all things are possible. Now, my mom and I are best friends, and she has a desire to know more about God and Christianity.

And that wasn't all.

After my conversion, my family was greatly distressed. They thought that I had brought shame on our family. They thought that we were born as Muslims and destined to die as Muslims. Not only my family, but also many of my friends rejected me. Sometimes, the things I went through lay so heavily on me that many times a day when I thought about my situation, I felt weak and helpless, but I also felt that God was in control. Since the day of my conversion, I have learned what it means to trust God with my life. This takes a lot of faith, but I have learned to live on God's provision "day by day". Exodus 16 talks about how God provided for the Israelites day by day when they were in the desert. In the past, I used to think that the Israelites were being ungrateful for God's provision, but as I learned to live on God's provision day-by-day, I understood that, physically and emotionally, this is a difficult place to be. Yet, through it all, I have been thoroughly blessed spiritually.

A lot of people ask me if becoming a Christian has been worth it. I have asked myself the very same question many times. I love traveling, and I travel a lot. One day while driving alone to give an academic presentation at a national conference, I was trying to practice my talk. But my mind was focused on problems I was facing as a result of my conversion. Suddenly, my disappointments and my fatigue overwhelmed me. Then, I remembered a game (that helped me cope with difficulties) that I used to play a long time ago, a game based on 'dreaming'. When I was five, I was in my grandma's home for summer vacation. One morning, I woke up and found bubble gum all over my bed and on my face. I was pretty sure that my sister had done it. As a little girl, I used to think that my sister was responsible for all of the bad things in the entire universe. I called my aunt and started to complain about my sister. But she didn't listen to me. I think that she knew that my sister was not responsible for all of the bad things that happened in this universe, especially the ones related to me. She took me to the sink and started to clean me up. Angry with me, she spanked me a few times, saying that I wasn't supposed to go to bed with bubble gum. I kept telling her that I didn't chew gum, which was true. But she wasn't listening. It was obvious that we had a communication problem. Then, I stopped listening to her and started to try to make myself believe this was not real, that I was only dreaming. I wanted to wake up and find everything fine. But I didn't wake up. Years later, when my father died, I thought of this incident. As before, I tried to make myself believe that this was not real. In the morning, I was going to wake up, and Dad was going to be with us, and everything was going to be fine. But once again, I didn't wake up. So, that day when I was traveling to the academic conference, I thought, "Yep, this is a dream. I will wake up, the problems will be gone, and everything will be fine". Then, immediately, I realized that if I woke up, my faith would be gone too. I would lose my relationship with God. Suddenly I knew that it was worth going through all the problems I have. I would even be willing to endure a lot more in order to have my relationship with God through Christ.

My prayer for you is that you can experience the fullness of eternal life in Christ Jesus in your personal life.

via email.

Hatice (Хатиџе)

Посветен на изворното христијанство проповедано од Христос и апостолите.
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Fantastic Lady Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 29.Јануари.2008
Локација: United States
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 169
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Fantastic Lady Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 03.Март.2008 во 13:27
znaesh,,najprimitivnita, verska propaganda(vo site religii), se ovie conversion stories...stvarno ne znam sto sakaat da postignuvaat objavuvajki vakvi nesta...
zarem ocekuvaat deka nekoj otkako ke gi chita ovie "stories" ke mu se pridruzhi niv,,ili sto???

po ulici, universiteti, high schools, sekoj samo si ja reklamira svojata religija, delejki broshuri, i pokazhuvajki kako drugite se "convert" pa ajde sega pridruzhete ni se i vie,,,

pa i neka "najpametniot, ili najmokniot, najvlijatelniot" covek na planetava neka se convertira vo nekoja religija,,kaj mene toa nema da smeni nisto..absolutno nishto,,ednostavno dodeka jas ne se ubeduvam sama sebesi vo nesto,,nikoj ne mozhe da te ubedi..

sekoj si ima svoe mislenje,svoj nacin na doagjanje do vistinata, svoe gledanje na rabotite,,i zatoa ovie temi,,"why hristos". nd "why islam",,,mi se najmalku privlecni..

Изменето од Fantastic Lady - 03.Март.2008 во 13:37
Write your name in kindness, love,nd mercy,nd leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.
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DAIJA Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 08.Февруари.2007
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Toa e tvoe mislenje....
Sekoj misli i razmisluva poinaku.
Semetam deka nekoi, mnogu, lugje malku znaat za konverziite i konvertiranite....
Sekaoja vistinita storija ima nesto fino vo nea, nesto duhovno, nesto osloboduvacko...
Ne mislam deka nekoj so toa bi sakal da kaze ajde pridruzi ni se ili slicno.
Konverzijata e licna, samostojna, duhovno-razumska rabota na sekoja covecka licnost. Do toa se doagja so razum, razmisluvanje i duhovna smirenost. Nema tuka koj komu da bide primer i sl. osven najdobriot od site: Muhammed inb Abdullah, neka e Bozjiot mir nad nego!
О следбеници на Книгата, дојдете да се собереме околу зборот нам и вам заеднички: никого освен Бог да не обожуваме и никого да не Му здружуваме!
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zidarski Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 17.Декември.2007
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Jas se soglasuvam so Fantastic - zatoa shto ne znam kako toa nechie tugjo religiozno iskustvo mozhe da go izgradi moeto sopstveno...?! Verata e vrska megju chovekot i Boga i kako takva ne zavisi od nikogo. Ne zavisi od crkvata, dzhamijata, religijata koja ja ispovedash, ne zavisi od toa dali tvoite roditeli se vernici ili ne, ne zavisi od socijalniot status... Site ovie elementi koi gi nabroiv, se faktori koi go definiraat nachinot na koj veruvash, no ne samata vera. Zatoa, sekogash se osekjam neprijatno koga kje vidam broshura so iskustva na konvertiti i so naveduvanje na nivnite prichini za toa... premnogu pokazno, egzibicionistichki mi deluva, a neli vernikot treba da e skromen, duri i vo praktikuvanjeto na svojata vera...
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Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
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Bozhjata LJUBOV e upatena kon site negovi cheda, kon seto onoa sto toj kreiral. Religiite se chovechka kreacija i sobiranjeto vo niv i konvertiranjeto od edna vo druga se choveshka rabota isto taka. Eksluziviranjeto na Bozhjata LJUBOV od site tie religii e samo nivna iluzija, Bog nema nishto so toa.

A samo Bozhjiot plan raboti, chovekoviot ne.
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 9913
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај EvAngelos Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 05.Март.2008 во 10:47

Dear Friends,

This is the story of how I came to find true peace. I was born in America to Pakistani parents. As children, we were taught that Islam was the only true religion and that we were blessed because we knew this truth. Jews and Christians had received only a partial truth, which was then corrupted. Hindus were deceived into worshipping idols of wood and stone. We were taught about the life of the Prophet Muhammad and about the Five Pillars of Islam. As a young girl, I was the most zealous of the children and actively read books about Muhammad and Islam. I shared and defended my faith among my grade-school classmates, often standing out as the only Muslim among Christians. I told my whole class about how Cassius Clay had converted to Islam and become Muhammad Ali. I carried my Koran and books on Muhammad when travelling with my parents. I tried to emulate Muhammad in every way, from his eating and drinking habits to his practice of always facing towards the Kaaba in prayer. I prayed and fasted from age 9, reading my Koran all the way through every Ramadan. I even debated a 3rd-grade Christian, asking her how she could possibly believe that God had a son, and how she could worship a man who was just a prophet? She told me, "well, I guess I won't see you in heaven then!" I answered, "I guess not."

Despite all these efforts, I was always depressed, always down and had low self-esteem. I thought myself to be very ugly and sinful. No matter what I tried to do, from good works to dressing nicely, I always felt lonely and like an outcast. Yes, I had friends; but inside was so much pain. I cried myself to sleep many a night, and pleaded with Allah on my knees, my Koran open, trying to find peace through the words. Instead, I saw a cold and distant Allah. Sometimes I fantasized about paradise as described in the Koran: reclining on couches of silk and wearing fine clothes and bangles; drinking pure water from fountains; being waited on by virgins ... well, that part never made much sense to me. I wondered if this Paradise could give me peace. In the middle of my dreaming, cold reality would hit me: I will never go there. I will never be good enough. I imagined Hell as described in the Koran, with its ceiling dripping with molten brass and boiling drinks.

Nevertheless, I continued reading the Koran, fasting, and praying. As I grew older, I began to understand the Koran a little better. One day, I was reading Sura 4, Women in my room. I was 14 years old at the time. I read about a wife's inheritance compared to her husband and children. I read about the permission God gave men to marry four wives. Nothing new, so far; I knew that this was written during times of war, when men would die and leave their wives and children as widows and orphans. But the following passage jumped out at me for the first time:

"As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them." (Sura 4:34, Dawood)

Stunned, I read and reread the passage. I ran downstairs to my father and showed him the passage, crying. "How could God say this?" I demanded. "How could he tell men to beat their wives?" My father couldn't believe what he read, but had no explanation. He chuckled uncomfortably. I went back upstairs, distraught. Somehow, I calmed myself and believed that God would show me the reason for this, some day.

As time progressed, I became more depressed and sometimes even suicidal. Sometimes, I couldn't find a reason to live. To relieve the pain, I involved myself in music, politics, and boys. (Of course, I hid the part about the boys from my parents.) I was successful in high school as a musician, but I would be tormented inside because I never felt that I could ever be good enough at it. I became very interested in the Middle East situation and even wrote an article that was published in a Muslim newspaper. I had numerous crushes on several young men, fantasizing about being loved and cherished as a young woman. However, none of the scenarios ever came into being. I dated one young man, a Christian, for 3 1/2 years towards the end of high school. I would actively assure him that I was a Muslim and could never become a Christian. He never argued with me, just cared for me. All these things failed to give me anything but temporary relief from my despair. When the time came for me to go to college, I was determined to "start over" and find the truth about God.

As I unpacked my belongings in my college dormitory room, I decided that I should take a class on Islam. I met a girl in my dorm who was a Muslim, and I told her about my concerns about Islam and women. She didn't have an answer either, and was quite puzzled by the passage I mentioned earlier. I told her about my plans to take the class. Sure enough, a class was being offered the very first semester! I was quite excited, confident that my worries would be put to rest soon. As the course began, I was happy to read excerpts from the Koran and the Hadiths, since this was all familiar territory. Even more exciting was to learn about the life of Mohammed and the history of Islam's beginnings. Some sources were written by British colonists, and were clearly biased. I decided to focus on the Hadiths and the history books written by Muslim scholars.

My excitement turned to dismay as the class progressed. I read about the offensive wars and the bloody conquests made to spread Islam. I turned page after page to read about Muslim attitudes towards "infidels," Christians and Jews who would not convert to Islam. The Massacre of the Qurayza Jews affected me the most. Dear reader, I urge you to read for yourself the account of this battle (Ibn Hisham: The Prophet's Biography; vol 2 pages 40-41). I wrestled inside, thinking, "but Islam means peace! How can this be?" Dismay turned to confusion, and confusion to betrayal as I read further, about the life of Muhammad. Although I knew men could have a maximum of four wives, I didn't realize that Muhammad had special privileges, including unlimited concubines. I read about Aisha, his nine-year-old bride. I learned about the "deficiency of a woman's mind" as narrated by Al-Bukhari. I also found out that the majority of people in Hell were women, according to the same source. Again, I wondered where was the Muhammad that I had been taught: the Holy Prophet, who dressed in white and reverenced his mother. One day, I could not read anymore, because I could not stop the tears from falling. I gathered my books, thinking that if this was who God was, I could not worship him. But it was a fleeting thought. I knew inside that God existed. This God was just not revealed through Muhammad. As I left the library that day, I sensed God looking down at me from above. I felt a strange peace as I forsook Islam that day ... as if God was waiting for me to find out who He was.

I decided to search for the truth in other religions. In a big university, there is no want for religious diversity. I spoke with Hindus, Jews, and Catholics alike, trying to understand their beliefs and searching for something that made sense to me. I even met a Buddhist girl who had converted to the Ba'hai faith. I was interested: what made her convert? She explained to me about the emptiness of Buddhism, and how Ba'hais believe that all religions at one point had been revealed by God but were corrupted by man. "This sounds good," I thought. I agreed to visit a Ba'hai temple with her and I started to read about the Ba'hai faith. Somehow, when I went to the temple service, I felt emptiness. Then I learned some parables about their prophet, Bahaullah that really disturbed me. I knew that the truth wasn't here, and I began to grow weary and frustrated with searching.

A Catholic friend had given me a Bible. I started reading it from Genesis but I was discouraged by its length. Christmas break was coming, so I decided to take it with me to read on vacation to Pakistan. (I had the Bible with me the entire time, but thankfully, no one found it. I had no idea at the time what the consequences might be for having a Bible there.) Our plane made a stop in Saudi Arabia. As we were pulling into the terminal, I caught a glimpse of the Saudi Air emblem: Two single-edged swords, and a shield. I remembered words of Muhammad that I had read in my class on Islam: "the power is with the sword." I watched as young soldiers searched our plane for liquor and narcotics. After reaching Pakistan, I was moved by the graffiti I saw on the city walls, reading, "Oh God show us your miracles," and "Inshallah we shall be saved." I was grieved by the street children, the beggars and the lepers, lining the sidewalks. I was also deeply touched by the love of my extended family towards me. I didn't know whether they knew the truth about Islam, and if so, how they could believe in it. My uncle tried to explain to me about the rights of women in Islam, but I remained unconvinced. Instead, I came back profoundly affected by the sadness and despair of my country. I returned the Bible to my friend.

Late one night, I told another friend about my depression and my inability to see meaning in life. He asked me if I believed in anything. I told him that I believed in God, the prophets, and that if I was good I would go to Heaven and bad I would go to Hell. He asked me, "well, do you basically think that you have been good all your life?" I answered that I hadn't killed anyone or committed adultery. He said, "so don't worry about it! You'll go to Heaven." Obviously, I was very confused. I asked him how that could be, how could I go to Heaven. He asked me if I had ever read the New Testment. I replied that I had not. He asked me if I wanted to read it, and I did. As we opened the Bible to the Gospel of Matthew, I felt an enormous peace come over me - the same peace that I had felt that day when I had left the library. I knew that the answers lay within. Today, I know that this peace was that which was spoken of in the Letter to the Philippians: "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).

We read aloud the first twelve chapters of Matthew. I felt enormously secure, as if God Himself was in the room with me, holding me. The words of Christ filled my dry and parched soul like refreshing water. The way that He spoke was with such authority! One passage made a particular impression on me: when Christ was being tempted in the desert by Satan. Satan told Jesus to throw himself down from roof of the temple. Jesus answered, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test" (Matthew 4:5-7) It was at that moment that I understood: Jesus is the Lord your God! Suddenly, thoughts began to run through my mind such as, "God can do anything. If He wants to come to earth in the form of a man, He can!" Could this man be the same Messiah that was spoken of in the Koran, the babe who uttered, "I am the slave of Allah" (Sura 19:32)? I didn't think so.

From that night onwards, I had a hunger to read the Bible. I read the Bible all the time. Another close friend bought me my own Bible. I dissected every sentence, every word to try to find fault with it. I brought my questions to several classmates whom I knew to be Christians. They answered me as best as they could. More important than their answers, though, was the love that I saw expressed in them, towards me. One of my friends, Cathy, didn't even know that I wasn't a Christian. Because I had a Bible, she assumed that I was a Christian. One night, I was very worried about an exam we had the next day. I left a note on her door, asking her to stop by. When she came to my room, she approached me, knelt down beside my chair, and took my hand in hers. She said, "Don't worry ... He died for you." When she spoke those words, my heart cried out inside. I had never heard those words before in my life. Someone would die for me? That entire night, I thought about those words, which filled me with a love I had never known.

My Christian friends told me about an event which was coming up, where a man named Cliffe Knechtle was coming to speak on campus. They encouraged me to attend, since he specialized in answering questions about Christianity. After the meeting, one of my friends introduced me to Cliffe. I told him my story, about how I was searching for the truth and for answers. He sat down with me for an hour and a half, just listening to me and answering my questions. He was so kind and gentle and honest. I went home that night, knowing that I had all the answers that I needed. I needed only to make a decision, to believe, or not to believe.

I decided that I could ask anyone questions - but if Christianity was real, God Himself would have to show me. One night, alone in my dorm room, I decided to pray to Jesus for the very first time. I awkwardly said: "Jesus, I don't know who you are. I don't know if you're a prophet; I don't know if you are the Lord. I don't know if you're dead, or if you're alive. But if you are alive, and if you are Lord, then please show me."

God answers prayers, my friends! "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). Two days later, I received a letter in my mailbox from an old high school friend - an athiest. In this letter, he told me that he had become a Christian! He wrote: "I don't know why I am writing you this. All I know is that I must tell you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!" I almost fell over, the words jumped out at me so strongly. Later, I found out that he had written that letter at the exact same time that I had prayed - that he had sense of urgency, to tell this to someone. It just happened to be me.

In April of 1989, I made the decision to believe and gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God says, "small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life" (Matthew 7:14). Understanding the fullness of Christ's atoning death on the cross took many years for me, especially since I was raised believing in the Muslim concept of the "scales." The truth of the matter is that, as a Muslim, I knew that I wasn't going to Heaven. No one can enter Heaven without the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 3:21).

My friends, if you want peace, ask for it. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27). He will never let you down.

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rome1 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 16.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 55
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај rome1 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 05.Март.2008 во 12:17
wow evangelos za ova sto pisa tuka bravos .jas sum hristianka no sepak koga go citav se preradvav i znam oti ako nekoj ja bara vistinata na bog ke dojde do isus .nema drug nacin na spasvanje kako sto napisa zenata toa e tocno.   Look at the miracles from OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.WOW,HALELULJA .
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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
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I grew up as a Muslim in a Muslim country, and my religion was very important to me. After my first degree, I came to the U.S. to go to graduate school. Beginning graduate students took many of the same courses together their first year. I befriended an American graduate student from my classes, and we got along well. I had a birthday early in the semester, and my friend found out about it and gave me a small New Testament as a present. At first, I was taken a back. I didn't pick up the book for a week. I was too afraid to touch it. But as I thought about it, I considered myself to be a strong enough Muslim to read the book.

I started with the Gospel of Mark. My friend had recommended it because it was the shortest one. As I read further, many things struck me about the life of Jesus, but the biggest thing that influenced me were the verses Jesus spoke in Matthew 23:25-26. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean."

What surprised me was that these ideas had been taught to me by my parents while I was growing up. They had a strong dislike for hypocrisy in religion, for people whose religion was only external and for show, but inside they were selfish and proud. They taught me that real Islam was in the heart and not just a set of rituals on the outside. When I saw that Jesus said the same thing as my parents had taught me, I recognized his authority over my life and that what he said was true. About a month later, I prayed for salvation through Jesus.

My family was furious with me when I told them I had become a Christian, and their displeasure with me has been the most painful thing I have endured in my new faith. I had had a very close relationship with my family, especially my mother, and there have been days when I thought about leaving my Christian faith just to restore my relationship with her. But I have no doubts about Jesus and am thankful that I had the opportunity to learn the truth about him from the Bible.

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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
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My name is Sharifah. I was born and raised in a fully Islamic way. When I became a teenager, I tried to learn more about Islam and instill the spirit of jihad in me. I tried to explain what Islam means to non- muslims, especially Christians and tried to attract their attention to Islam. To me, Islam is a religion that is perfect, complete and universal.

I then continued to study Islam so that I could convey the "beauty" of Islam to my Christian friends. But, instead, many questions arose and I was not satisfied with my questions as well as stumped by the answers they were giving to me. The logic in the answers they gave me caused me to have doubts about my own questions. From that point onwards, I began to search for the true answers to the questions in my heart. Who really is Isa Al-Masih that will judge us one day?

I tried to get the correct answers by asking learned and devout Muslims in Islam about Isa Al-Masih and the Christian teachings. But they discouraged me from learning much more about Christianity and asked me whether I was looking to be an apostate! Since I did not get the answers I was looking for, therefore I began to search by myself by researching about the Al-Quran and the Injil/Gospel. After making a comparison between the two, only then did I obtain some answers as to who Isa Al-Masih (Jesus Christ) actually is  in the Al-Quran and Injil.

In the Injil, John 14:6 Isa declared: "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This verse was clear and it often came to my mind because in surah Al-Fatihah1:6 "Ihdinasyiraatall mustaqiim" which means `show me the straight path'. But John 14:6 explains that Isa Al-Masih is the straight path. Therefore I need not find a another path to know God intimately. From that moment my mind became confused. I was not sure of the things that I had done before this. I began to have doubts about my previous confidence.

I also found surah Al-Nisa' 171 which means Isa son of Maryam was sent by Allah and is His Word. When I saw the word 'kalimatullah' which means the Word of God, I believe that Isa Al-Masih is the Word of God. The characteristics of Allah is that He speaks. Who then is Isa Al-Masih if He is the Word of God? Is He God? Because for me, God's Word cannot be separated from God Himself. For confirmation, I read from surah Al-Imran 45 which means "And remember when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a WORD from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary, Illustrious in the World and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near unto God."

Therefore, it is true that Al-Masih is closest to Allah as He is the Word of God. I also read the scriptures that explain who Isa Al-Masih is, in John 1:1,14 :

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us."

Surah Az-zukhruff 61 which says ' Lo! Verily (with Jesus) there is knowledge of the Hour (of Judgement Day). So doubt ye not concerning it, but follow me, this is the right path.'

Surah Az-zukhruff 63 adds 'When Jesus came with clear proofs, he said: I have come to you with wisdom, and to make plain some of that concerning which ye differ. So keep your duty to God and obey me.'

This verse explains the coming of Isa Al-Masih-Jesus Christ. And, who is Jesus Christ who actually has the power over death? In John 5:24 we are told:

"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

The above verses convinced me, and with a brave heart I took a decision to choose this Right Path and in my heart I was convinced that Isa Al-Masih ie.Jesus the Christ was the true path to heaven and to Allah. In 1 Corinthians 8:6 :

" Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live."

After I believed in Isa Al-Masih I began to have real peace in life. When, before this my life was up-side down, filled with questions, now I am free from such feelings. I have found the true answer. The verses above convinced me that Isa Al-Masih is my Saviour and I continue to be a worshipper of God Almighty.

My prayer for all Muslims are that you will strengthen your hearts to ascertain truly who Isa Al-Masih really is. I am very sure at the conclusion of your search, you will find the truth, the answer and eternal life.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh…

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Ezan-a Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 15.Декември.2007
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Ha ha ha ha IMAGINARNI LICNOSTI nekoi bezz veze ova vakvi tekstovi mozam da ti kopiram miljoni hmm a mi kopiras i se na angliski demek do tolku si hahah ehhh Sho vika onoj na K15 USTE VE LAZAT AMERIKANCIVE do koga ke im veruvate be hahahah
Beautiful Mind

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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
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Testimony of Malika

From Islam to Jesus Christ

A native of Morocco, I was born into a very religious Muslim family. Since a very young age I was brought up in a purely traditional Islamic way. Since adolescence I had a burning desire to be a good Muslimah and an example in the eyes of Allah. I rejected anything and everything concerning the Jews and the Christians. The mere sight of a cross revolted me. At the age of 16 I met my husband at the French School (Lycee) who talked to me about Jesus and gave me a copy of the Bible of John to read. I was very defiant but I felt overwhelming feelings for this boy . I accepted the Bible and decided to read it secretly of course because if my parents would have found out they would have severely reprimanded me.

Reading the first chapter overwhelmed my heart to the extent that I knew it is the Book of God and Jesus is the truth. That was a complete awakening for me. It was completely against anything spiritual and opposite to what I learned in Islam. I understood very well and precisely that God loves every human being without exception. I continued my discovery when I read a religious calendar with verses from the Bible that said that we can talk to God as a father. I experimented with this dialogue with God. Every evening before sleep I talked to God and felt with certainty that a presence filled my heart not like before when I recited the prayers for Allah and felt a void. This is an experience that really affected me. Time passed and I developed this firm belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that the Bible is the truth. I was not yet aware of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. I did not have the experience of repenting for my sins.

One evening when I returned home I found my mother in my room. She had found out through an anonymous phone call that I have been going out with a French boy and a non-Muslim. This was a real shock for her and also for me. I cried and suffered for some days and even thought to discontinue reading the Bible or talk to the Lord. For me everything was finished even the relationship with this boy. But I did not count on the will of the Lord to save me.

The following Monday his father called my parents and asked to meet them. During this meeting I prayed from the bottom of my heart. God blessed me when my mother came back from the meeting talking about marriage. I was very happy despite my young age of 18 years. Then we were married and that was really a miracle if you know the Muslim religion.

When the miracle was over our hearts were not with God anymore. We prayed that evening but we did not go to church and there was no real repentance from sin. The enemy has sown the trouble in our life and I contemplated divorce. But my husband and I knowing that the divorce will not please God we contacted the Evangelical Pentecostal Church. My husband started going to the meetings but I did not. One day God in his love sent me to this house of prayer. It was there that I really repented for my sins and that was the beginning of the relationship with the Lord Jesus. We have been baptized in 1996 and I am very happy to know the truth and to follow Jesus. In retrospect I realize how great our God is and how much he loves us and his will helped us to be saved. He never abandoned me.

Thank you Lord.

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EvAngelos Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Doulos Evangelos

Регистриран: 28.Февруари.2007
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My name is Siti Zainab. I am a Malay Muslim woman from Southeast Asia. I was born into a Muslim family, very traditional in its ways and strong in their adherence to the religion of Islam. From the very beginning, I was given an Islamic education that was solid and deep, thus was my knowledge of Islam from a young age.

As part of my basic Primary School education, I was also made to attend Muslim madrasah (Islamic religious) schools, and started reading and reciting the Quran early, absorbing the key precepts & fundamentals of (Sunni) Islam, from qualified religious teachers (ustazahs) and various other qualified Islamic teachers. There I learnt to fear and obey Allah s.w.t. and also to follow the teachings and example of Prophet Muhammad (especially those found in the ‘Valid Hadiths’). I also could recite the QuranMuslimah  wholly, much to the delight of both my parents and both of them were quite pleased and happy with the formation of my Islamic devotion. In brief, I had experienced a solid foundation and deep religious formation as a devoted and committed

I never neglected my religious duties to do the Solat (or Namaz) obligatory prayers five times a day, and religiously fasted the required 30 days during the Ramadhan ‘holy month’ of the Muslim calendar. I practised the Islamic ‘pillars of faith’ dutifully, without being told and/or reminded by anybody, particularly by my Muslim parents! In short, nobody doubted or questioned my religious upbringing, commitment and experience as a devout and God-fearing Muslimah (female Muslim), whatsoever.  

Even so, as I continued to carry out the pillars of Islam fastidiously and faithfully. After years and years of fulfilling and carrying out the observances of Islam as a Muslim I had not questioned or doubted the significance or importance this ‘offering of worship’ ['ibadah'] was for me. Yet, as time went by, all these works proved increasingly to be ritualistic chores, meaningless going-through-the-motions that lost all meaning and attraction to me! Were these rituals and routines describing the best kind of relationship that God/Allah can establish with Mankind – that between a Master and a slave??  Also, rituals that are done just to collect more merit points/brownie points that would possibly increase my chances with Allah to get into Paradise??

I had many, many such questions and doubts like that I kept in my heart to myself but I did not raise them up because I did not want to hurt the feelings of my fellow-Muslim friends. I also remembered how harshly I was scolded, reprimanded and prevented from asking these sincere questions by my Islamic religious studies Teachers!

Nevertheless these Questions lingered on in my soul and my thoughts, and grew as I matured further in Age into my High School years! As I developed further into adulthood, the Islamic obligatory rituals increasingly became shallow, empty and even dead deeds. They were not the meritorious and deeds of blessings my ustazs and ustazahs (religious teachers) so vainly tried to teach us about.   

That did not mean that I had not tried hard enough! I actually attempted many times to focus my attention on what was ‘beautiful and pure’ behind each act of ibadah (worship), nevertheless the realisation of how shallow and empty these Islamic actions were could never be shaken off..! The questions still remained; Was this actually the right and best way for mankind to be related to GOD?

After completing High School, I gained admission into University and into a Course of my preference. Whilst in University, I also increased further the search for the answers to my questions of Life and the emptiness the Islamic Religion had offered me, mentioned above. I increased my readings and research until I discovered a Book entitled “Appointment in Jerusalem. This Book was written by a Danish lady, and it describes her deep spiritual struggle and search for meaning and spiritual enlightenment and satisfaction in her religion. I was very drawn to its contents as it was very similar indeed to my own spiritual struggle and quest!

I was not a little surprised when I discovered that this Danish lady had obtained the realisation that her own relationship with GOD could be directly and spontaneous, without going through the motions of religious rituals and prescribed ritualistic formulations. I learnt that mankind could relate to God freely through even a personal and direct relationship with Him. That is, we could be related with the Creator-without all that religious ritualism, directly and personally, even as a Child relates to his/her own Father! This is a direct, personal and dynamic relationship. Therefore it means that mankind can now get to know God personally in the same sense as a Father and his Child.  

Could this be the kind of spiritual relationship that I was looking for all this while? In my University classes there were also other Christians, who were kind and helpful. Yet, I did not mix closely with them, and only observed them from afar. I was trying to figure out if their faith and relationship with God was in line with what my struggle was about. Or were these Christians also having a shallow and meaningless ‘experience’ or ‘knowledge’ of God like I was as a Muslimah!

Even though these Christians were strong in their faith, they did not try to evangelise me or preach to me Christianity. It was only after many months had passed, that I finally inquired about their religious and spiritual experiences. They were intrigued that I as a Muslim, wanted to discuss religion with them, Christians.  However, I really respect them for not trying to ‘sell their religion’ to me. On the other hand, we were able to sit down together and discuss about our religious and spiritual struggles openly, as equals and as mature adults.

It was through the interaction with these fellow university students, that I acquired a better understanding about what Christian teachings were all about, as well as a clearer understanding of the Book Appointment in Jerusalem".  Nevertheless, for 2 whole years in the University, I did nothing about Christianity. I still wanted to search within my religion of Islam about the true relationship between God and Mankind, and to compare that with the teachings of the Gospel. During those 2 years, my Christian classmates were very patient with me and my questions, sometimes, my questions were silly and shallow, other times, they were complex! Nevertheless I was very impressed at the Christians’ courtesy, kindness and sincerity.

After the 2 years, and further into my quest, I finally decided to embrace and accept the authentic teachings and message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since that time, my prayer life, worship, fasting and good deeds have all been greatly enriched and blessed by Almighty God many times over. I have since come to realise that  Man is not made just to function like a ‘Robot’, existing in a relationship with God/Allah merely like that between a Master and a Slave!!    

On the other hand, the message of the Holy Gospel of Christ states that –all peoples that receive the Way and the Truth of God, they shall be given a brand new relationship with God, and the right to be known as “Children of God”, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures and taught by Sayidina Isa A.M. himself:

“But to all who received Him, He gave them the right to become the Children of God, to those who believe in His Name, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, not of the will of men, but of GOD.” 

                        John 1 : 12-13.

After being blest by the Lord, as His ‘child’, my life began to change – for the better. This caught the attention of my Family members. They finally came to know about my Christian faith and being a follower of Jesus Christ as taught in His Gospel. At that point, it was a little difficult for them to accept me as a follower of Jesus Christ — Islam is a grossly intolerant religion towards its followers that reject it, I remember undergoing a time of trial, tests and tough obstacles during that phase of my life.

In spite of all that, the Lord GOD provided me with the strength and patience that was sufficient to endure and undergo the bittersweet initial reaction of my family members. I had embraced fully the fact of Jesus Christ as my Redeemer, the Living Word (Logos in Greek, Kalimatullah in Arabic; cf. John 1:1-5, AQ Surah 3/45, 4/171) of GOD, into my life.

I reckon that they are truly ignorant about what becoming a follower of Jesus Christ actually is. The Quran does not have a full account of the life and ministry of Sayidina Isa Al-Masihie. Jesus the Messiah. However the Gospels in the New Testament has a complete and comprehensive account of everything significant that Sayidina Isa A.M. had ever said and did! 

Today, Praise God, Alhamdulillah, the situation in my family is very much improved. Most importantly, I now possess the assurance of a real and powerful relationship with a loving God, unlike before, when all my good deeds or amal saleh were inadequate to assure me of a good and acceptable relationship with Allah, even though I strove to be an excellent or even a good Muslimah. No Muslim ever knows or is assured about what or when is ever good enough with the God of Islam! Now, as a follower and believer in Jesus Christ and his Salvation, I have a relationship with God that is far more blessed and better than that of a Slave and her Overlord – as Islam teaches, because as a slave, we are never sure if ever our overlord is pleased with our service or submission! 

Today, as a child of God, I now possess the confidence and the eternal assurance regarding my relationship with God, that was based upon the loving gift of my Redeemer Sayidina Isa, who offered the perfect kiffaratboth His child AND His willing servant. [the atoning sacrifice] on my behalf. Now, the Spirit of God Himself has showered every good and wonderful spiritual blessing from His bounty into my life, as

I would like to invite you to be healed from your spiritual uncertainty, confusion and lack of eternal assurance regarding your life in the Hereafter (Akhirat), and to come and experience and to know for yourself the incomparable spiritual blessings that the living God would bestow you now. I myself have no regrets whatsoever about the decision I have made, to follow and remain faithful to God’s living powerful Word, SayidinaIsa, the Messiah, for today as well as for tomorrow.

Your Friend, Zainab

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