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Проблемот Македонија

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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
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    Испратена: 20.Јануари.2008 во 14:29

София. Директорът на Националния исторически музей (НИМ) Божидар Димитров издаде на английски език брошура от 36 страници със заглавие „Проблемът Македония”. Изданието е по поръка на няколко български евродепутати от различни партии. Предстои същата брошура да излезе на френски и немски език. „Проблемът Македония” съдържа и 46 цветни илюстрации.
Пред Агенция “Фокус” Божидар Димитров заяви: „Текстът цели да запознае депутатите от Европейския парламент с доктрината на македонизма – база на съвременната държава FIROM”.
Това е доктрина – смята Божидар Димитров – която е създадена въз основа на тотална фалшификация на историята от Античността до наши дни и заслужено предизвиква решителния протест на Гърция и на повечето български политици.
„Македонистката доктрина и днес предизвиква репресии за онези жители на FIROM, които имат българска национална идентичност, фалшифициране и унищожение на хиляди български културно-исторически паметници”, каза още директорът на НИМ.

Кај се сега тие бугарски мајмуни да ми зборуваат за тоа како они ни ја признале први нацијата????А инаку овој е прв советник на Прванов па сега видете они колку ни ја признаваат нацијата, уште се здружуваат во борбата против нашиот идентитет со ГРЦИТЕ!!!!!.Па и уште татаров не нарекува ФИРОМ....

Изменето од Vladimir88 - 20.Јануари.2008 во 14:29
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Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Слобода или Смрт

Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005
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Како и да е убаво е да се прочитаат лагите Бугарски за да знаеме душманот што ни мислинамигнување
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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4349
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Vladimir88 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 20.Јануари.2008 во 15:14
Originally posted by Boogie Boogie напиша:

Како и да е убаво е да се прочитаат лагите Бугарски за да знаеме душманот што ни мислинамигнување

Со ова конечно си го разоткрија лицето татарите.
5 месеци мене ми го тупат (да не кажам што) дека они први ни ја признале нацијата и не знам си што..

Ете колку ни ја признаваат нацијата конечно падна и таа маска, дволични копилиња!!

Да не зборам татариве како имаат дигано споменици во Бугарија на Филип (ама не македонски туку ГРЧКИ!!)

Изменето од Vladimir88 - 20.Јануари.2008 во 15:17
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дуле Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 11.Ноември.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 973
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај дуле Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 20.Јануари.2008 во 20:39
Знамето на корицата е бело-зелено-црвено.(демек - бугарскиот флаг) Тоа е знамето на Охридското востание (ако не са лажем). И надписот е на бугарски - пише "СВобода или смъртъ" а не "СЛобода или смрт". Знамето е автентично. Тоа е едно от многото доказателства за бугарскиот характер, како на востанието, така и за националната идентичност на востаниците.
А какво е пишал наш Божидарчо во книгава - не знам. Но нема да е по различно от онова дето е пишал во "10-те лаги на македонизмот" само че овој пат на англиски език.
Ами што да се ради - пропаганда. И вервајте, што ке фане дикиш.
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MAKEDON-FILIP Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 29.Декември.2007
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 731
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај MAKEDON-FILIP Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 20.Јануари.2008 во 20:50
The Testament of Alexander the Great - by Waldemar Heckel

1. Preview

The testament of Alexander the Great has been undertaken by the study of Waldemar Heckel: "The last days and the Testament of Alexander the Great" published in 1988 in Stuttgart, Germany.

This unique document represents an authentic witness regarding the continuity of the Macedonian nation, state law expression and culture. The Testament's value is in it's entire expression as an authentic evidence regarding the Macedonian past, whereas the long centuries misconseptions are being rejected and constructed thesis concerning their ceising to exist. Notwithstanding that the perspective valuable view reflects in the influence of the self-insight, because without the knowledge of your own history it is not possible to conduct successful politics, either a state is to be led into a perspective future.

The Testament originates from the year 317BC and it is good enough argument on the behalf of the Macedonians before the Christ. The aforementioned into the Metz manuscript which is part of the world's treasury and up till now has been causing movements into the world scientific circles in the conformity of their professorship studies - whether the same has a historical value, whether it is a political propaganda and if it is , from whom and in which purpose is it? It is important that by nowadays there has not been any consideration in the conformity of the original content of the Testament, but, very frequent are the disputes concerning the death of Alexander the Great of Macedonia and who has written the document. Therefore, the imperative is more powerful regarding the new Macedonian scientific thought, more intensive to involve into an analyse of this considering Macedonian artefact and to be present in front of the world's scientific thought its view and survey of the same being mentioned.

The Testament has been written the last living days of Alexander the Great in Babylon in 323 BC, when he was 33 years age after his 13 years of reign.

2. Introduction

According to Mr. W. Heckel, the Testament is a very interesting document, to great extent valuable regarding the past history of the Macedonians. It contents details of the dining in the house of Medios of Thesalia, according to great extent of expressions by various authors, Alexander the Great was being poisoned by Joules, as well as details from the emperor's premises where the Testament has been prescribed. According to the written sources, later on, during the mortal rattle into the emeror's room, for second attempt Alexander the Great was poisoned by the same Joules.

Nursed by his wife Roxanne, he gets a little strength from the pains and resulting the strong ans healthy body he had, he survives the first five days after the poisoning. At one point the Emperor asks for a glass of water and then Joules gives him the second dose of the poison. While he drinks the water, he has nausea once again and tells his friends that he wants to declare his last will in a Testament.

Urgently Perdika summons Antipatar to be present at the writing of the Testament. By obvious cramp on his face, Alexander the Great was dictating the Testament in the presence of Roxanne, Perdika, Antipatar and Holcius. After he finished dictating the Testament, the poison started to paralyse his tongue and with great suffer he succeeded to pronounce:


A point of interest is that his last wish was instructed to Ptolomeus, to take his body, according to the opinion of one part of the scientists in Macedonia, and according to the others, in Egypt.

With an extreme pain Roxanne grasps her hair and uttering scream tries to throw herself down to Perdika, but Holcius takes her and gets her in front of Alexander. The Emperor creaking with his teeth by the pains realising that that's his last breath, takes her right hand and kissing it, puts it on the right hand of Perdika. Alexander also took off his ring, put it on Perdikas finger and blessed them.

In the evening on June 10th, 323 BC, the death has overcome him and Roxanne closed his eyes. In the meantime, Perdika and the others in the palace have put the body of the Emperor in a coffin, dressed in Emperors clothees and a purple garment. On his head they have put the Emperor's crown, and on the body they have put the Emperor's crown, and on the body they have put a lot of perfumes and honey. The body lied on to a purple bedsheet and such has been put in the coffin, on the top of which they have put a Babylon tapestry. Afterwards, with bowed heads and sight directed to the ground they took off he coffin, lifting it up high in front of the ranked soldiers and the gathered people.

At the time when a silence commenced, Perdika turned to the soldiers and to the people with the words: "Macedonians, do know that Alexander the Great, our Macedonian Emperor has joined the Gods, and to all of us he imposed a duty on to guard this Empire and to follow his deed"

These last minutes before his death are registered with large letters in the world history as a Macedonian civilisation contribution, which cradles the hearts after twenty centuries to the Macedonians and at the same time produces delight and respect to all other peoples on the planet.


Made by King Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Emperor of the known world.

~"If my child by my wife, Roxanne, is a son, he before all others is to be Kingg of Macedonia, and in the interim Arrhidaeus, son of Philip should lead the Macedonians. If i should have a daughter by my wife, Roxanne, let the Macedonians see that she is brought up and married in a manner befitting her loyalty to me and my rank, and let them elect as their king the man they think fit... The man so elected should be King of Macedonia..."

~ "To my mother, Olympias, I grant the right to live in Rhodes or anywhere else she wishes and the King of Macedonia is to see that she is every year given all the things she was given during my lifetime." <Until the Macedonians decide to appoint a King, King Alexander, son of Ammon and Olympias, designates Krateros as overseer of his entire Kingdom of Macedonia and gives him as his wife Kynnane, the daughter of Philip, the former King of Macedonia. Lisimachos he places in charge of Thrace and gives as his wife Thessalonike, daughter of Philip, the former King of Macedonia.> "To Leonnatus i give the satrapy of Hellespont and the hand of Holcias sister, Cleonice in marriage. I appoint Eumenes who was my secretary, ruler of Cappadocia and Paphlagonia.

~"I declare the islands free, let them retain their former posessions and be autonomous. I appoint Antigonus governor of Pamphylia, Lycia and Greater Phrygia, and i assign authority over Caria to Asander and the territory which lies beyond the river called Halys, over this land i appoint Antipater governor. I make Nicanor governor of Ciliciam and Pithon governor of Syria as far as the socalled Mesopotamian line. Babylon and the Babylonian territory adjoining to it, i put under the command of Seleucus who was my squire. Phoenicia an Coele-Syria i assign to Meleager. The Kingdom of Egypt i leave to Ptolemy, along with the hand in marriage of my sister, Cleopatra."

~"As for the areas lying between the boundaries of Babylonia and Bactria, the satraps what they variously govern, and as commander-in-chief over them i appoint Perdica, on whom i also bestow as a wife, Roxanne who was my wife, the Bactrian princess. The people of Rhodes are to be granted 300 talents of gold coin from the royal treasury for the beautificaion of their city, also to be given 40 triremes and a free annual subsidy of 20.000 medimni of Egyptian grain and also 20.000 medimni of wheat from the regions of Asia adjacent to Rhodes. Ialso command the removal from the town of the garrison which i left there."

~"The priests in Egypt are to be granted 2.000 talents in gold coin from the public purse, and Ptolemy is to take care of the transportation to Egypt of my body, which the priests of Egypt are to tend to as they think best. The sarcophagus in which the body is to be laid is to be made from 200 talents of gold. To the Thebans of Boeotia i grant 300 talents of coined gold to rebuild their city, and to the exiles who were refugees from there because of the war, i restore all the property that i deprived them. I consider that they have been sufficiently punished for their foolhardy opposition to me. The Athenians are to be given a golden throne for the temple of Minerva and also a robe of gold. Myarms and insignia plus 1000 talents of silver are to be given to the temple of Hera at Argos, while Appollo at Delphi is to be given all the elephant tusks and two snake skins plus 100 golden libation-bowls. The Milesians are to be given 15 talents of silver and the Cnidians are also to be iven 150."

-"Taxiles is to be governor of those parts of India bordering the Indus river, Porus of those parts between the river Hydaspes and Indus. I appoint the Bactrian Oxyartesm father of my wife, Roxanne governor of Paropanisadae and Sybertius is to rule the Arachosians and Cedrosians. I give command over the Arians and Drangians to Stasanor of Soli. Philip is to rule the Bactrians, Pahrtyaea and what adjoins Hyrcania i give to Phrataphernes, Carmania to Tlepolemus. Peucestas is to hold sway over all the Persians. From all these governorships, Oxydates is to be relieved and Craterus is to rule the Medes in his place. Argaeus is also to be removed from Susiana, and Coenus is to govern instead."

~"Over all the Illyrians, i appoint Holcias as governor and i award him a detachment of 500 requisitioned horses and 3000 talents of silver coin, which he is to use for the making of statues of Alexander, Ammon, Minerva, Hercules, Olympias, and my father Philip. These he is to set up in the shrine at Olympia. The men to whom i have given supreme commands are to set up guilded statues of me in Delphi, Athens and Hilolce. Ptolemy is to set up in Egypt guilded statues af me, Ammon, Minerva, Hercules, Olympias and my father, Philip."

~"Witnesses to all this be Olympian Jupiter, our ancestor Hercules, Minerva, Mars, Ammon the Sun, and King Alexander's fortune. Should any of these named act in contravention of my testament, i beseech Jupiter and the Olympian gods to see that he not go unpunished for doing so, and that he be held guilty of perjury before gods and men."

4. The importance and the meaning of the Testament

The Testament is a deductive argument for the 23 centuries Macedonia's martyrdom since 323 BC when it was written, until nowadays. The time when the Testament has been written is the time of the Macedonian reign over a part of nowadays Europe, Asia and Africa. That is the time of great prosperity of the Macedonian civilisation and Macedonian Empire. That was the time with no borders between the countries, nor continents. It is the time without the existence of classified categories of nations such as Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, Romanians, Russians, Ukrainians, Iraqis, Afghans, Egyptians, Jordans, Kuwaiti, Malaysians, Indians... The Empire was reigned by Alexander the Great, instead.

It is the time when Macedonians had developed their own culture (arts, literacy), economic system (currency, taxation), legal system, diplomacy, medical system, military system... Since the moment of the death of Alexander the Great and when he has left the Testament for the Macedonians, until seven years ago when one part of the Macedonian territorywas established as an independent and sovereign country (Republic of Macedonia), the Macedonian inheritance was being appropriated by others, stolen, destroyed, counterfeited etc. all in the aim that Macedonians do not appeal for the heritage of the Testament. 23 centuries the Macedonians have been killed, burned, choked, outraged, assimilated, moved, removed, choked, spied upon, trusted out etc. and upon them were executed all varieties of non-human methods of crucifications that were similaer top the mind of the executioners.

The peak of the crimes commences in 1900, with the appearance of the Testament, exactly after 22 Centuries, in the Metz manuscript. The proclamation of the Testament in 1900, produced a huge shock at the governments of Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania, which with the bless of Europe were established as countries upon the Macedonian inheritance. As the evidence came true, the governements of these countries upon the secret diplomacies, performed a secret plan with two main directions: to prove that the Testament is not the original one (that the Macedonians have counterfeited and was not written by Alexander) and to destroy the Macedonians by all means, so that there is noone to claim the Macedonian heritage upon this document (the Testament). In that manner in front of the eyes of Europe and the world commences to be realized the biggest genocide on the planet Earth - the holocaust of the Macedonians. Only to be reminded that the two Balkan wars as well as the world wars, were being faught in and for the Macedonians territories. In the aforementioned, the Macedonians were posed toward each other, brother towards brother, as Serbian, Bulgarian and Greek soldiers. As soon as the wars were ended at green tables in London, Paris, Bucharest etc. secret arrangements were made and the Macedonians were removed, moved everything in a way not to stay in the motherland and with their inheritance.

But, the evil and bad doesn't last forever. With God's will a small part of Macedonia stayed. They couldn't be killed nor destroyed. They stayed with suffering, swinging, moaning, bleeding on a piece of the Macedonian land, to tell the one and only truth about Ancient Macedonia, it's people, culture, traditions and history, which were often stolen by the invaders. It should not be forgotten that the key of nowadays problems of the newly established independent and soverign country of Macedonia and it's people is the Testament itself. It is a strong proof that only Macedonia and the Macedonians are the legitimate inheritors of the testament of Alexander t.e. the Macedonian Empire.

Today, in the commencement of the 21 Century, with editing this Testament in Macedonian, all barriers and all the lies that have been written on tones of paper and millions of books for the non-existence of the Macedonians are being destructed.

We, these generations of Macedonians, should be proud that in our veines runs the blood of our grandfathers, great grandfathers and their ancestors who knew who they were and left for us the will to continue their deed, civilisation and culture. Therefore our authentic Macedonian thought should be an aphrodisiac for the world in the following centuries.
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дуле Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 11.Ноември.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 973
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На корицата ми се струва што не е знамето на охридските востаници - макар и да е подобно има извесни разлики. По-доле е знамето од Охрид:

А ова е знамето од Струга:
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tanas3 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 14.Декември.2007
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Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај tanas3 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 08:26
А нацията никога не сме я признавали, само държавата!!!
Кон врв
Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Слобода или Смрт

Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005
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Поени: 10652
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Boogie Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 08:59
Знаеме,знаеме дека освен Снежниот човек,Дедо Мраз и Бугари не постои друга нацијаголема%20насмевкаголема%20насмевкаголема%20насмевкаголема%20насмевкаголема%20насмевка
Кон врв
Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
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Поени: 4349
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Vladimir88 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:14

Првото знаме веќе го знаеме.А и сигурен сум дека тоа знаме е поврзано со Христо Матов(бугарофил).

А второто не го прикажувај во Црно Бела Боја

.The Struga insurgent banner (1903)

И ова е знаме од македонци во Санкт Петерсбург 1913 година

Изменето од Vladimir88 - 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:15
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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
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Поени: 4349
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Vladimir88 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:17
Originally posted by tanas3 tanas3 напиша:

А нацията никога не сме я признавали, само държавата!!!

Кој не ни ја признава, сељаците балкански(Бугарите,Србите,Албанците и Грците)???Веќе го знаеме тоа кажи нешто поново....
Оди види колку земји не признаа и тоа уште одамна...

Изменето од Vladimir88 - 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:17
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tanas3 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 14.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 233
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај tanas3 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:35
Влади като ти чета коментарите ми се струва че поне половината македонски ревулюционери са булгарофили ! Що ли така?
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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4349
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Vladimir88 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:36
А таа жената што е на сликата е присутна на брошура на Васил Главинов и тоа уште во 1902 година

Брошура од Васил Главинов „Македонија и каде е надежта“ (Софија 1902) како дел од револуционерното движење на македонската емиграција во Софија
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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 4349
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Vladimir88 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 09:38
Originally posted by tanas3 tanas3 напиша:

Влади като ти чета коментарите ми се струва че поне половината македонски ревулюционери са булгарофили ! Що ли така?

Па човек од вас неможел да мрдне само да се уфрлувате како идиоти некаде во некои организации тоа ти е секаде имало уфрлувања од страна и ќе има..

Ама некако тешко ви оди асимилацијата.
Освен во Пиринска Македонија, типичен пример си ти..па и уште дедо ти Врховиста уф уф уф
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tanas3 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 14.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 233
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај tanas3 Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 21.Јануари.2008 во 10:39
Ще изгрее слънцето в Македония - българското слънце!!!
                      Гоце Делчев
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