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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2007
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 12:47 |
Да се одбегнуваат остри агли во спалната соба, доколку тоа веќе е дел од вашата спална сепак не е толку страшно. Доволно е поставување на столни ламби до вашиот кревет за почеток. Огледалото е главниот инструмент со чија помош се пренасочува енергијата. Затоа, многу е важно правилно да се постави во спалната соба.Затоа, никако спроти креветот. Се мисли дека доколку е поставено во таа положба, огледалото може да ја насобере животната енергија од вас а тоа според фш е лошо за вашето здравје (особено ова важи доколку сакате да се разбудите одморени и наспани). Се верува и дека доколку огледалото биде поставено во таа положба може да придонесе дисхармонија на вашето семејство. Доколку имате тоалет во вашата спална соба, потрудете се вратата да ви биде секогаш затворена, а ако немате и подобро. ![голема%20насмевка](smileys_novi/4.gif) Да се одбегнуваат слики со насилна содржина. Колку повеќе ја одржувате чиста вашата спална соба, толку повеќе придонесувате на циркулирањето на позитивната енергија на фш. Исто така, не се пожелни било какви апарати од бела техника.
Изменето од connected - 01.Ноември.2007 во 12:49
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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2006
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 11062
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 12:49 |
tocno toa ...
Eden prijatel mi vika ...
ako trcas na 100 m ...
nemoj za 5 sekundi ...
toa nikoj ne go moze ..
istrcaj ...
da si edna stotinka pred vtoriot !!!
ako ripas vo visina ..
ripni povisoko od vtoriot .. !!!
Ete samo tolku trebalo ...
eden sovet do connected ...
prepoln ti e inbox-ot ...
![](uploads/avatars/20080220_085634_voz.gif) PARADISE MACEDONIA
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Регистриран: 09.Октомври.2007
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 13:18 |
Ureduvanjeto na domovite po feng shui, posebno e moderno vo ponovo vreme...
Lugeto plakaat debelo za da imaat dom kade ke cirkulira pozitivna energija.Kinezite se najstara ziva kultura, i go imamat i jing -jang, feng shui, so vekovi, i vnimavat domot da im e vo kompaktnost so pravilata na ovaa nivna nauka za ureduvanje na domot.
Ne se preporacuvaat ostri agli vo domot, pozelno e da se ima mala fontana,vo koja pocel den ke cirkulira voda(noselo sreka),pozelno e da ima mali suveniri kako sto se prtici, zabi,seto toa noselo poz.energija i harmonija vo domot...okrugli masicki...
Ogledalata ne treba nikogas da se postaveni sproti vleznite vrati, ili sproti prozorci, za da ne izleguva poz. energija....
Samo sakav da prenesam nekoi soveti sto gi znam za ureduvanjeto na domot spored feng-shui ![среќа](http://forum.idividi.com.mk/smileys_novi/1.gif)
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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2006
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 11062
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 13:29 |
knigata za feng-shui ja kupiv pred nekoja godina
vo Ohrid ... pri prosetka pokraj ezeroto ...
taka da odmorot so soprugata go prodolzivme
vo nadi-dajmi ja knigata za feng-shui ...
i muabetenje okolu toa ...
isto i doma crtavme nekoi rasporedi ...
porobro e toa ...
otkolku da se raspravame za nekoi gluposti ...
![](uploads/avatars/20080220_085634_voz.gif) PARADISE MACEDONIA
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Бањана Пепелашка
Регистриран: 06.Ноември.2005
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 14:09 |
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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2787
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 14:37 |
eve nesto sto najdov od internet ![](http://clubshangrila.net/images/livingroom.jpg) sovrsena skladnost na boite, svetlninata... rasporedot na mebelot kako i rastenijata
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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2787
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 14:41 |
![](http://www.sofabed.co.uk/Images/Range_Header/Low-Bed-Roomset.jpg) sovrsena spalna soba, moze duri da se pocuvstvuva toplinata i energijata
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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2787
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 14:44 |
"dozvolete mi da go napravam vasiot dom vo sovrseno svetiliste" dobar voved na Mary Roberts, specijalist po feng-shui
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Регистриран: 17.Јули.2006
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 11062
Опции за коментарот
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Испратена: 01.Ноември.2007 во 15:51 |
mnogu ubavo ...
ke gledam da ja skeniram knigata ...
ima dobri crtezi i preporaki ....
neka se raboti nesto ...
![](uploads/avatars/20080220_085634_voz.gif) PARADISE MACEDONIA
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Регистриран: 27.Август.2007
Локација: Israel
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Испратена: 02.Ноември.2007 во 22:17 |
со фенг шуи се си дојде на свое место.
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Регистриран: 31.Март.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1790
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Испратена: 28.Ноември.2007 во 12:55 |
Birth Year |
Kua # |
Kua # |
(after February 4th) |
(male) |
(female) |
1907, 1916, 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006 |
3 |
3 |
1908, 1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007 |
2 |
4 |
1909, 1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008 |
1 |
5 |
1910, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 2009 |
9 |
6 |
1911, 1920, 1929, 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 2010 |
8 |
7 |
1912, 1921, 1930, 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011 |
7 |
8 |
1913, 1922, 1931, 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2012 |
6 |
9 |
1914, 1923, 1932, 1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2013 |
5 |
1 |
1915, 1924, 1933, 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005, 2014 |
4 |
2 |
Veni Vidi Vici
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Регистриран: 31.Март.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1790
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Испратена: 28.Ноември.2007 во 12:56 |
Според ова горе, може да видите кој Куа број сте и по правилото на вашиот број да делувате во просторот.
Откако ќе најдете кој Куа број сте, погледнете неколку правила што се однесуваат баш кон тој број
Veni Vidi Vici
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Регистриран: 31.Март.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1790
Опции за коментарот
Цитирај Одговор
Испратена: 28.Ноември.2007 во 12:58 |
Kua Number 1 |
Sheng Chi :- Southeast
Tien Yi :- East
Nien Yen :- South
Fu Wei :- North |
Kua Number |
1 |
Group |
East |
Element |
Water |
Trigram |
Kan |
Colour |
Black Blue |
Sheng Chi :- Success Direction |
Suggestion to activate your Success Corner :-
· Place aquarium or Water Feature
· Aventurine Gemstone Stones
· Place a Money Plant or plants with rounded leafs to symbolise growing wealth
· Place a Happy Buddha in the area
· Position a Wealth Toad facing Southeast
· Display between three and nine Gold Ingots
· Colour for Success and fortune Pale Green |
Tien Yi :- Health Direction |
Suggestion to activate your Health Corner :-
- Placing a Water Feature in your health corner is excellent for energizing Chi to increase the flow of Wealth and stimulate your health.
- Statues of Dragons can enhance the East and add to your personal power
- Hanging and displaying Crystals in the East enhances your health by energising the Chi
- Place a large Leaf plant to stimulate the Wood element of the East
- Precious Gourds are symbolic of good health and are recommended to help keep illness away
- Display a Cicada to turn bad luck into Good Luck
- Colour for Health Dark Green
Nien Yin - Relationships Direction |
Suggestions to Activate your Relationship Corner :-
- Evergreen plants will enhance the element of Fire in the South
- Display statues of Horses which symbolize the element of the South to increase your success
- To stimulate your love life display a pair Mandarin Ducks
- Display pictures Peony flowers to enhance your romantic relationships
- Display pictures and figurines of the Phoenix to help your relationships be more harmonious
- Colours for love Red, Pink Orange
Fu Wei :- Personal Development |
Suggestions to Activate your Personal Development :-
- If you can have a quite corner this is the place for it, sit here when you need peace and quite. or to collect your thoughts and meditate
- Place a Money Turtle or the Tortoise of Harmony in this corner to symbolise protection and stability
- Placing Statues of Elephant symbolise wisdom, strength and steadiness, which are essential for your personal development. Go to Set of Six Elephants
- Colours for Personal Development Black and Blue
Ho Hai :- Mishaps |
Suggestions to help you stop Mishaps :-
- To help protect yourself against mishaps display pictures of fish swimming and fish ornaments. This is a great use of the element of water to defuse the element of metal in the west
Wu Gwei :- Five Ghosts |
North East
Suggestions to help protect yourself from the Five Ghosts :-
Liu Sha :- Six Killings |
Suggestions to help you protect yourself from the Six Killings :-
- Dispel negative Chi' by using a Precious Gourd in this area
- If at all possible do not use a door that faces Northwest.
- Six Killing symbolises inauspicious happenings. to counteract this place the Eight Immortals in the Northwest as they represent happiness and abundance.
Chueh Ming :- Total Loss |
South West
Suggestions to help you protect yourself from Total Loss
- It is best to try and avoid this direction altogether
- Keep windows and door closed in this direction.
- Do not enhancers this direction.
- Use the element metal to counter act the element earth of the Southwest
- White colour is good here.
- Display a statue of Kuan Kung the God of War and or a Laughing Buddha counter balance the negative energies in the Southwest
Veni Vidi Vici
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Регистриран: 31.Март.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1790
Опции за коментарот
Цитирај Одговор
Испратена: 28.Ноември.2007 во 12:59 |
Kua Number 2
Sheng Chi :- Northeast
Tien Yi :- West
Nien Yen :- Northwest
Fu Wei :- Southwest |
Kua Number |
2 |
Group |
West |
Element |
Big Earth |
Trigram |
Kun |
Colour |
Brown Yellow |
Sheng Chi :- Success Direction |
Suggestion to activate your Success Corner :-
· To attract Wealth and Abundance your main door should face Northeast
· Always keep this area clear of all clutter
· When working always try to face this direction
· If attracting wealth is one of your main considerations sleep with your head pointing Northeast to help energies your wealth luck
· Displaying Pictures and statues of carp fish in the Northeast symbolises wealth and prosperity
· Colours for Success Brown Yellow
Tien Yi :- Health Direction |
Suggestion to activate your Health Corner :-
- To improve your health sleep facing this direction, and if possible choose a bedroom that is situated in the west of your home
- Position your cooker in the west to enhance your health
- Precious Gourds are powerful symbols of health and longevity and the west of your home is the ideal section to hang a Precious Gourd for good health
- For protection against illness place a pair of Ki-Lin's in the west of your room or home
- Colours for Health Gold, Silver and White
Nien Yin :- Relationships Direction |
Suggestions to Activate your Relationship Corner :-
- To attract love and romance place a pair of Mandarin Ducks in the Northwest of your home or the Northwest of your bedroom. Put up pictures of the person you wish to attract or pictures of the kind of person your are looking for
- The Northwest of your bedroom is also an excellent place to have a pair of Rose Quartz Hearts as Rose Quartz is the semi-precious stone of romance
- Colours for Love Gold, Silver White
Fu Wei :- Personal Development |
Suggestions to Activate your Personal Development :-
- If you can have a quite corner this is the place for it, sit here when you need peace and quite. or to collect your thought and meditate
- Place a Money Turtle or the Tortoise of Harmony in this corner to symbolise protection and stability
- Placing Statues of Elephant symbolise wisdom, strength and steadiness, which are essential for your personal development. Go to Set of Six Elephants
- Colours for Personal development Brown and Yellow
Ho Hai :- Mishaps |
Suggestions to help you stop Mishaps :-
- This is a good area to hang a picture of mountains to give you support
- Always try to avoid facing this direction when working, working in this area could cause you a lot of problems
Wu Gwei :- Five Ghosts |
Suggestions to help protect yourself from the Five Ghosts :-
- If you are in business it is advised not to face this direction because it could lead to lose of business, staffing problems and people trying to mislead you
- Suitable symbols of protection for this area are Lord Guan, Kuan Kung and the Four Heavenly Kings all of these help protect you against fraud and evil people trying to attack you from behind.
- To lesson the effect of the negative energies in this area place earth objects such as earth ware, porcelain vases semi-precious tumble stones and crystals. to balance the elements you can also use fire element objects such as candles and red lamp shades
Liu Sha :- Six Killings |
Suggestions to help you protect yourself from the Six Killings :-
- You should never sleep facing this direction it could lead to ill health and finder your powers of concentration
- Working in this direction will weaken from you authority and lessen your influence with colleagues and business associates
- Do not use a door that leads into your home in this direction
- To over come the negative energies in this area display crystals which belong to the earth element and will weaken the fire element of the south, porcelain or fine China ornaments also belong to the Element earth and are excellent to use in this area
Chueh Ming :- Total Loss |
Suggestions to help you protect yourself from Total Loss
- The north is your total loss direction and should be avoided at all cost.
- Never place a water feature in this direction.
- You should not live in a house with the main door facing this direction
- If you have to work in the north area of a building place a statue of Kuan Kong behind you for support and to protect you from evil intent
- To over come the negative energies in the north place a pair of Chi Lins facing north to suppress the negative Chi'
Veni Vidi Vici
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