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orlov Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
army veteran 2001

Регистриран: 26.Јули.2007
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 11342
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај orlov Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Тема: ПРОМОЦИЈА: ,,АНТИКАТА Е ВИСТИНА ЗА МАКЕДОНИЈА,,,,
    Испратена: 26.Октомври.2007 во 23:21
НА ВТОРИ НОЕМВРИ- 2007 година во 18:00 часот во КАВАДАРЦИ во салата на општинското Собрание ќе биде промовирана книгата:
Сите заинтерсирани ФОРУМЏИИ, лично
ЈАС во име на авторот ги поканувам да присуствуваат на промоцијата на величенствената вистина за МАКЕДОНИЈА во времето кога се кршат копјата меѓу МАКЕДОНИЈА и градот држава АТИНА, околу тоа кој е постар, кокошката или јајцето, се со цел да како град- држава го оспори името на нашата Суверена и независна држава Република  МАКЕДОНИЈА.
Сите Форумџи МАКЕДОНЦИ повелете, да се докажеме, дадеме свој придонес за побрзото решавање на ,,спорот,, околу името и што е најбитно да се запознаем како не би делувале и на другите битни работи во стилот на политичарите, ДЕСТРУКТИВНО. На нас тоа не ни е во интерес.
Јас лично во Кавадарци на 02.11.2007 година ќе допатувам во раните утрински часови.
Зошто промоцијата е токму во Кавадарци има свои причини?

Јас, како домаќин иако гостин ве очекувам со сета гордст Александрова.
Камо ли да може физички да биде и Александар Македонски со нас во тие мигови.

Кон врв
orlov Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
army veteran 2001

Регистриран: 26.Јули.2007
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 11342
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај orlov Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 27.Октомври.2007 во 00:52
Читајте го MAGNAT.
Го напиша шестото продолжение на темата: ,,Антиката е вистина за корените на македонскиот  народ,,.

Кон врв
borec Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 22.Септември.2007
Локација: Australia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1294
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај borec Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 30.Октомври.2007 во 11:24
Vo vrska so ovaa tema"KOJ E POSTAR, KOKOSKATA ILI JAJCETO", eve eden isechok od nivni vistinski istoriski knigi, obelezja, kade sto se porvrduva deka TIE NEMOZAT da bidat NITU "kokoshka" NITU pak "jajce" - ZNACHI SETO NI OSTANUVA NAS MAKEDONCITE!!!  намигнување

Prehistoric Athens (4,000 – 1,600 BC)


Athens Before History (5000-1500)


Athens enjoys a singularly fortunate site. The acropolis with its small nearby hills and convenient access to spring water, is a natural fortress and place of retreat in times of danger. The plain around it, the Lekanopedia, broken only by the range of Anchesmos, of which Mount Lycabettus, to the east of the Acropolis, is the highest point, is often described as arid. Yet it is carpeted with fertile sediment washed down from the surrounding hills, Aigaleos, Parnes, Pendeli and Hymettus, which shelter it on all sides from the worst weather, and which provide a ring of natural fortifications, except on the south-west, where the plain borders on the sheltered waters of the Saronic Gulf.


For all these reasons, it is not surprising that the area of the acropolis and its immediate neighbourhood have been inhabited since the early part of the fifth millennium Β. C., making Athens possibly the oldest continuously inhabited city in Europe. The remains of Neolithic houses and graves have been found on and around the Acropolis. Archaeological evidence supports the view that this area was continuously inhabited from that time through to the Bronze Age, which began circa 3,000 B.C., at which time there were also settlements in eastern Attica, at Marathon, Spata, Vraona, Τhοrikοs and elsewhere, suggesting a high degree of security and prosperity for the entire region.


At the beginning of the second millennium B.C. Greek-speaking people, sometimes called Achaeans, first entered Greece from the north. The Athenians always distinguished themselves from non-Greek-speaking people, whom they usually referred to as Pelasgians. It is not known whether they massacred them, drove them out, or subjugated them. Traces of their non-Hellenic tongue are still to be found in many of the topographical names of Attica. Even the name 'Athens' itself does not appear to be Greek. Topographical names with the forms '-ssos' and '-ttos', such as Kifissos, Ilissos, Ardettos, Lykabettos and Hymettos, are also believed to belong to the pre-Greek language once spoken in Attica. This extensive adoption of existing topographical names by the Greek-speaking incomers, together with later claims by the Athenians to represent the indigenous inhabitants of the area, suggests that in Attica the invaders did not drive out or massacre their predecessors, but cohabited with them.

I toj period go narekuvaat "Hellenistic Athens" - sto znaci kako nesto stransko" ili nametnato stransko, nepoznato"

Hellenistic Athens


Athens Under the Macedonians (339-168)


Despite the benefits of the peace imposed by the Macedonians, the call of freedom proved irresistible, and on Alexander's early death in June 323 B.C. the southern Greeks, including the Athenians, rebelled against Macedonian rule. Feeling against the Northerners was so strong in Athens that Aristotle considered it prudent to retire to Chalkis. Under the leadership of Leosthenes, the rebels forced Antipater to retire Lamia, where he was besieged. During the course of siege operations Leosthenes was killed, and reinforcements from Macedonia forced the lifting of the siege. The Macedonian fleet defeated the Athenians at Abydos and Amorgos; while the southern Greeks decisively defeated in battle on land by Antipater and Krateros at Kranon in Thessaly in August 322. The future of Athens and all of southern Greece was to remain at the mercy of the vagaries of Macedonian politics.


Demades and Phokion, who had opposed the rebellion, were chosen to lead peace negotiations. The Macedonian generals insisted on a limitation of Athenian democracy, that the poorer half of the citizens be disenfranchised, and that those who had proposed the war be executed. Demosthenes fled the city and committed suicide when facing capture. Α garrison of Macedonians was installed in Piraeus. When, in 319, the pro-Macedonian Demades and his son went to Antipater to request their removal, they were summarily tried and executed.


The death of Alexander did not merely spark a revolt in Greece, it ushered in a period of almost universal strife as his generals fought over the spoils of his empire. In Europe, when Antipater died, and passed on his territories to Polyperchon, bypassing his son, Kassander, civil war became inevitable. Kassander demanded of all the disputed cities that they transfer their allegiance to him, and Nicanor was sent to Athens to secure their loyaIty with the 'bribe' of a lavish programme of public entertainment. Polyperchon launched his appeal to the Athenians by calling for the restoration of full democracy.urging the citizens to take back their ancient rights.


In August 317, Kassander occupied Aegina and Salamis, and Polyperchon was defeated at Megalopolis. The Athenians decided to make their peace with Kassander. The philosopher Demetrios of Phaleron, a student of the Lyceum, was chosen as one of the delegates sent to conduct the delicate negotiations with the new hegemon. Like his teacher, Aristotle, Demetrios was a polymath. He had written works on political theory and philology, on Athenian history and politics, and had collected the fables of Aesop for publication. He impressed Kassander so much that he was appointed governor of Athens.


Demetrios moved some power back to the ancient Council of the Areopagus, strengthened the powers of the “Guardians of the Laws”, and created a special force to police women. He seems to have been an austere man, who was much concerned at the social rivalries and dissatisfaction generated by ostentatious displays of wealth. He passed a series of sumptuary laws, for example, limiting parties to thirty guests, and allowing only plain small columns to be used as funerary monuments, in place of the ever more extravagant works of art which were crowding the roadsides out of the city. The liturgies rich men were expected to perform at festivals were abolished, and replaced by state sponsorship. Like most of his measures, this was to the benefit of the wealthy, since the liturgies had been a form of progressive taxation.


Demetrios held a census of the population, which revealed that at that time there were 21,000 citizens, 10,000 foreign residents and 400,000 slaves. No one can explain the huge number of slaves, even taking into account the numbers employed at Laurion, and most authorities believe his assessment to have been simply inaccurate.


When Ptolemy, ruler of Egypt, captured Megara and threatened Athens, his rival Antigonous sent his son Demetrios, later known as 'the Besieger', to Athens with a fleet. It was admitted into Piraeus by error, under the impression that it had been sent by Ptolemy. This second 'Demetrios' occupied the city, and exiled Demetrios of Phaleron.


Although officially he restored Athenian democracy and autonomy, he became, in effect, its tyrant. He moved into the sacred buildings connected with the Parthenon. He insisted on being initiated into all the degrees of the EIeusinian Mysteries on a single occasion, and the rules were stretched to accommodate his whims.


Between 307 and 261 the government was changed several times, as the successors of Alexander sought to control the city.


In 301 after the battle of Ipsos, at which Antigonous was killed, the wars between the successors of Alexander the Great came to an end, but this did not ensure peace for the Athenians. An attempt was made by a certain Lachares to drive out Demetrios. He took control of the city, but his opponents were able to hold on to Piraeus. From there Demetrios blockaded the city. Lachares took the gold plates from the statue of Athena Parthenos and melted them down to pay his soldiers But in the end the city was starved into surrender, and he fled.


In 287 B.C. there was another rebellion against Demetrios, with the support of Pto1emy. This was successful, and the Athenians regained genuine independence for a short time. An attempt by Ptolemy to liberate Greece from Macedon led, in 262, to the reimposition of Macedonian rule over the city by Antigonous Gonatas Α third 'Demetrios', this one a grandson of Demetrios of Phaleron, was appointed governor. When he died, in 229 another revolt took place, headed by Diogenes, the commander of Piraeus.


During the extended wars between Macedonia and the Achaean League, the Athenians wisely sought to stay out of the endemic conflict, faνουriηg an alliance with the conveniently distant but powerful Ptolemies. The gymnasium of Ptolemy was probably erected during this period in honour of Ptolemy.


At the end of the third century there was a widespread revolt against Macedonian hegemony in Greece, and the Athenians were inclined to side with the rebels. In 200 B.C., two youths from Acarnania who happened to be in Eleusis casually slipped into the performance of the Mysteries. The penalty for unauthorised entry was death, and the youths were duly executed. There was an Acarnanian raid on Athens in reprisal, and so the Athenians, in concert with Rhodes, Pergamon and Rome, declared war on both them and their ally and hegemon, Philip V of Macedon.


Philip marched on Athens, occupying the suburbs, where his forces did considerable damage. Macedonian soldiers stormed the Dipylon Gate but found themselves trapped in an especially designed courtyard facing an inner gate, and under heavy fire from the defences on either side. It was only with difficulty that Philip extracted his forces, after which he gave up the siege. Perhaps out of vindictiveness, his troops systematically destroyed religious shrines across Attica, from Rhamnous to Brauron. Ultimately, it was the rising power of Rome which was to secure the exclusion of Macedonian power from southen Greece, and in the end subdue it.


In 175-163 BC, the Se1eucid emperor Antiochus IV employed a Roman architect, Cossutius, to resume Peisistratos' project of building a massive temple to Olympian Zeus. The roof was still unfinished when he died in 163 BC, and the project was abandoned once again. The huge columns still visible today date from this period.


Although in the process of time intellectual leadership in mathematics and science would pass to Alexandria, in Egypt, Athens would remain the centre of the philosophical world. The arts also flourished. During this period, Menander, a native of Kifissia, wrote his comedies, less dependent upon local events and personalties than the comedies of Aristophanes, and so more universally appreciable.


When, in 171 open war broke out between Rome and Macedonia again, the power of Macedonia was finally broken at the battle of Pydna. Greece fell decisively under the shadow of Roman hegemony.

Изменето од borec - 30.Октомври.2007 во 11:26
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Orlov**Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
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Лик (аватар)

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мало дете Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 18.Септември.2007
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Интересна работа е ова
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Кон врв
orlov Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
army veteran 2001

Регистриран: 26.Јули.2007
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 11342
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај orlov Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 26.Декември.2007 во 00:21
Не запирајте тука, идентитет не се идржува овака или пак во нашиот случај ни наметнаа да го докажуваме.
Само пишувајте.
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KikoMC Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 11.Декември.2007
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 178
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај KikoMC Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 28.Декември.2007 во 09:53
Идентитет се докажува брат на високо ниво, министер за надворешни работи,претседател, премиер!!Јас цело време овде да пишам колку се сложувам со тоа, и колку со тоа докажувам дека сум Македонец, мене лично ќе се докажам пред вас,ама државата треба да се докаже!!
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