Што е поарно, да си арен или лош со жена? |
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Нов член Регистриран: 21.Јануари.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 6 |
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Испратена: 21.Јануари.2007 во 21:59 |
Is Being Bad better than being Good?We all know a jerk is not the kind of guy we'd like to identify ourselves with. He's mean, selfish and generally a scumbag. BUT … he gets a hell of a lot more pussy than wimpy nice guys. I don't want you to become a jerk, hell no! What I do want though, is that you take on certain jerk-traits. That's right baby, you will have to gain those invisible things jerks have and do what makes them sexy so you become the same. I didn't mean the mean bastard traits, only the ones women love and find so irresistible about jerks … You starting to get it now? J We just take what we need and trash the rest. So what is it about jerks women find so irresistible? Jerks are naturally very selfish, abusive and take what they want from women. This is NOT what attracts women, in fact they hate guys like that. BUT, there's something going on in the background that women love about these guys. You know what it is? Jerks are bad boys! Bad boys don't portray this A+ well-behaved Sunday school student image. A bad boy is exciting, doesn't like rules but rather makes his own and has an adventurous aura that surrounds him. You see the connection to the nice guy and why he sucks so much at becoming successful with women? He doesn't have much more to offer than to kiss up to a woman and buy her things. You know “The Simpsons”, the TV series right? Who do you think is going to be more fun for women once they grow up? Bart Simpson who always gets into trouble for being cheeky or Martin Prince, the nerd with the best grades and the teachers pet? I know it's just TV, but you see exactly those characters in real life too. Nerds are lame, nice, boring and do everything a good person should, whereas bad boys cross the line, do what they wanna do and like it their way. Being bad gets women excited and attracted to you. So you see, it's good to be bad! And YES, I still hold the high score for hours in detention in my school *evil grin*. Jerks are so attractive because they are dominant, aggressive, unpredictable and hardly controllable. All the traits a woman wants in a guy. They are all confident and on top of that, what a hell of a challenge these guys are. Women like to tame wild guys, not an already perfectly moulded and shaped asswipe. But jerks take it too far more than often and behave like selfish pricks. Some are complete assholes who treat women like chickensh*t. No female on earth finds this attractive and gets turned on by that … ah well, some biatch with a weird fetish in Peking maybe. But the smart way to go is to filter the hot traits and fry the rest. You see, by putting all the sexy traits in this world together, the outcome is pure attraction. That is the reason why Real men are more desirable than jerks: They have almost no qualities a woman wouldn't want in a guy. They're just hot and women fling themselves at them. All right Urcle, one last thing: It is still better to be a jerk than a wimp! Jerks are assholes, indeed, but they still get 30 times more pussy than wimps and nice guys combined. I ain't telling you that you have to become an abusive person who treats women like dirt n' all, but you have to stick to what works in this world. Use the jerks as role models and try to model their behaviour to some degree. Nice guys only drag you down with their advice like: “Just be yourself”, “It wasn't your fault, she was just a bitch” or: “There's plenty more fish in the sea.” I mean c'mon, the last thing you wanna do is hang and listen to guys who can't do any better. If you manage, make friends with Playboys and Real men because they are the real deal when it comes to success with women, although they are scarce as hell. Right, to sum it up real quick … Wimps and nice guys lose out because they are predictable, boring and unattractive towards women and have no clue how attraction works for females. They think by being nice, polite and generous the women will like them, but the result is quite the contrary. She will walk all over him or just ditch him with a: “You know … you're a really nice guy but let's just be friends” because she got bored and lost all respect. Face it, ass kissing doesn't work if you wanna get some so stop doing it right now! Women say they don't like jerks and assholes, but that's who they get naked with. What women say and what women respond to are two different things my man, so you better start being bad instead of nice if you want to be sexy, challenging and interesting for da ladies. Here's a little overview: Wimp / Nice Guy • Is insecure. • Is boring. • Too clingy. • Too nice and polite. • Tells women early on that he likes or loves her. • Calls her 50 times a week or sends her 500 text messages within 7 days. • Asks: “Err … do you wanna go out/have a drink sometime?”. • Uses lame one liners and overused pick-up lines. • Can't say no. • Gets jealous quickly and starts whining & complaining. • Thinks the woman comes first and does everything for her. Result: Women walk all over these guys. There's no spark of attraction because he's too boring. Jerk • Is confident. • Isn't needy and clingy. • Is too much in love with himself. • Poser • Doesn't call women constantly. • Thinks he can get any woman. • Is picky. • Is arrogant and selfish. • Does what he wants. • Does get jealous and starts being abusive & aggressive • Puts his interests above the ones of women. Result: Women are attracted to him even though he's a scumbag. They know that jerks are selfish assholes but prefer them over nice guys. Being bad is still better than being good. The two profiles above should have given you a good overview of the first characters involved in the dating game. Now let's turn up the heat and get down to the real man. This will be the kind of guy I'm going to drill into you, and in time you'll be on fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 06.Февруари.2006 Локација: vidiFOTOupotpis Статус: Офлајн Поени: 34534 |
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meshano....dobar bidi,ama do odredena granica,inache ako preterash so dobrinata ,zenite toa voglavno pogreshno ke go sfatat,....i ke te vrtat kako shto sakaat i koga ke sakaat...e,sega ne se site takvi,ama rekov voglavno.........a,i ne e bash smeshno!
Patriotizmot e poslednoto skrivalishte na kriminalcite.-Albert Einstein
Mokjta od sekogash privlekuvala lugje so nizok moral.-Albert Einstein |
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Март.2006 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 276 |
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granica nema dobar ili loz za mene bidi los poveke ke te cenat.. pod los ne mislam da ja tepas ili maltretiras
Сениор Регистриран: 13.Септември.2006 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 281 |
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Da si gentlamen |
Covek treba postojano da e vluben zatoa ne treba da stapuva vo brak ...O.V.
Сениор Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 4138 |
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Bidi takov kakov sto si, toa e najdobro.
anronijo, sto mislis pod toa da se bide los a ne e tepanje i maltretiranje? |
Сениор Министерка за гушкање Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 13319 |
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Мислам бутел мила дека мислеше на р'жење и малку понападно изразување и викање итн..Нешто како во стил авторитет ама со добро покажување на посесивност..Ја малтретираш психички и тогаш девојката повеќе се плаши..Види колку сум лош, ама рака не кревам...
Умствено малтретирање.. |
Сениор Регистриран: 31.Октомври.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2005 |
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Треба нежно и цврсто. Нормално треба да имаш покритие за второто, и да го погодиш балансот.
Gods Creative Force enters humanity through a mans love for his wife and desire to raise his family in a wholesome environment. It is reciprocated by a woman receiving his seed-spirit and nurturing it
Сениор CATALYST Регистриран: 19.Јануари.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 5871 |
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ако си епен добар бар мене ми звучи некако папучарски и меко, ако си премногу лош нормално нема да те трпи --златна средина треба--
(темава е промашена btw)
Сениор Министерка за гушкање Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 13319 |
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Абе мила тоа знаеме дека е промашена, ама нека постои треба да се чујат мсилења...
Убаво е човек се да си праша и да се замисли |
Гостин |
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Сениор Министерка за гушкање Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 13319 |
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Боље е подобро...
Боље многу често се употребува во Скопскиот жаргон... |
Нов член Регистриран: 18.Септември.2006 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 3 |
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Najbolje e da ne si voopsto zena
Сениор CATALYST Регистриран: 19.Јануари.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 5871 |
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Сениор Крајно сериозна во с'e Регистриран: 01.Ноември.2006 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 8373 |
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Јас мислам дека е подобро да се биде добар... Се може да се постигне со фин и добар разговор.... Жената може да те почитува и без да бидеш лош кон неа..... Нема потреба од лошотија, воопшто..... Јас искрено ги мразам тие што се дерат и мислат дека со тоа ќе постигнат жената да ги почитува.... Нема врска А и ако си добар, не значи дека си папучар.... Туку дека си ја сакаш жената и си ја почитуваш..... Ама сепак зависи и од карактерите...
Never be afraid to Dream... Live... Love and Laugh. Be afraid not to!!!
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