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Затворена темаГоце Делчев

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only_me Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 14.Ноември.2005
Локација: Israel
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 295
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 06.Јули.2006 во 00:19
Originally posted by Kaliana Kaliana напиша:

погрешно е да избира некако без врска е прашањето затоа што и двете личности имаат свое различно значење за Македонија, секој во своето време
Mnogu jasno, bidejki tito napravi ovcari i zemjodelci od makedonskiot narod a Goce slobodni luge!
  Javno neka se izvinat onie koi ke recat deka Tito napravil nesto za Makedonija bez nikakva zlonamera! 
Кон врв
KIRIL Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 19.Јануари.2006
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 41
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 08.Јули.2006 во 18:42
sto da pravime plackovcite po jugoslavija velat deka do "vcera" bevme zaedno, a od togas ima 15 - 16 god., i toa za niv e do "vcera".
Кон врв
angelwings Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 10.Мај.2005
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1927
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 08.Јули.2006 во 19:22
Goce Delcev od edinstvena pricina toj e Makedonec i se borel za obedineta Makedonija Ovoj drugiot ne sakam da zborm ic
Кон врв
KIRIL Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 19.Јануари.2006
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 41
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 08.Јули.2006 во 23:08
bravo be angelce.
Кон врв
Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Слобода или Смрт

Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 10652
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 08.Јули.2006 во 23:17

Goce Delchev

Goce DelcevThe organized Macedonian national liberation movement emerged by the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, as a consequence of the political, national, economic and cultural oppression of the Macedonian nation, imposed by the social, economic, administrative and legislative crisis of the Turkish empire, and by other foreign states propaganda interfering in Macedonia.

The Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (MRO), became the newly established leader of the Macedonian national liberation and social revolution movement, struggling for national independence and social justice

Those were the turbulent times that created Goce Delchev, the extraordinary visionary and the ideological leader who organized and mobilized the movement.

His brief but brilliant career had been entirely dedicated to the cause of his nation.

Goce Delchev, the son of the Macedonian patriots Nikola and Sultana Delchevi, was bom on February 4th, 1872, in Kukush, a town 35 km north of Salonika.

The intellectual development of Goce Delchev was influenced by several formative stages. He completed his elementary education in Kukush, expanded his knowledge through the high school in Salonika, with emphasis on science, literature and social studies, further developing his interest in several scientific disciplines at the Salonika Military Academy. He acquired an impressive amount of information on the Macedonian national affairs within the period. His active role in the political clubs of Salonika and Sofia, and his close contacts with the other ones, especially with the socialist and the "Lozari" clubs from Sofia, greatly contributed to the formation of his revolutionary profile.

The Central Committee seal
of the MRO from 1896,
containing the symbols
and the slogan
"Freedom or Death"
written on the flag

A student's report card signed by Goce Delchev
Novo Selo, where Goce Delchev served as a public school teacher
Novo Selo, where Goce Delchev served as a public school teacher
Taking the oath of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
Taking the oath of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization

Goce Delchev's involvement in the MRO determined the most significant course in the history of the Macedonian national liberation movement. The years between 1894 and 1903 represent the final and most efficient revolutionary sequence of his short life. They comprise of Delchev's public education career as a scholar in Novo Selo (near Shtip) and Bansko (1894-1896), and of his ultimate engagement with the revolutionary cause, pursuing the preparations for the armed uprising of the Macedonian people.

A decisive meeting of historic importance took place in Shtip, in early November 1894, between Goce Delchev and Dame Gruev, the founder of MRO. By that time, Dame had already witnessed the major impact of Goce upon the mobilized expansion of the movement, its organized network throughout Macedonia, and its animation of the remote rural areas of the entire Macedonian land. The ideal concept of Delchev saw the liberation of Macedonia as an exclusively domestic affair relying on an internally organized uprising, to which any other adverse opinion would be either a self-deceptive or a deceiving one.

A coded letter written by Goce Delchev
The coverpage of the
Constitution of the TMORO
(Secret Macedonian Odrin Revolutionary Organization)

The initial significant mission of Goce Delchev into the interior of the Macedonian land was recorded in April of 1895. He accomplished the establishment of local branches of the organization that spread the spirit of freedom widely among the population of the country. Goce's conviction was that the liberation objectives required a further awakening of the national sentiments for patriotic sacrifice, energized by a powerful motivation.

Goce was able to recognize and interpret the fatal danger descending upon Macedonia and coming from the Balkan monarchies and their unscrupulous aspirations for the Macedonian partition, openly promoted by their subversive propaganda. The most aggressive Bulgarian propaganda and its crucial instrument, the destructive fraction called "Vrhovism", became the target of Goce's severe opposition. Continuing his enormous influence, Delchev exercised an updated revision of the revolutionary districts in Macedonia in 1895, by strengthening the borderline ones, by providing adequate contacts for a reliable network, and by appointing branch leadership of the organization. Meanwhile, Goce continued maintaining his conviction that the revolutionary war was to be fought solely by Macedonian forces, that the purity of the liberation movement and of the Organization in particular, was the precondition for the proper outcome, and that Macedonia was to be protected from falling under any foreign domination of, or division between, the neighboring Balkan states.

At the First Congress of MRO, in April of 1896, an updated organizational redistricting was introduced, MRO was renamed TMORO (Secret Macedonian Odrin Revolutionary Organization), its new Constitution and Charter adopted (drawn up by Goce Delchev and Gjorche Petrov), and an expatriate branch of TMORO established in Sofia. Goce and Gjorche became the first representatives of its expatriate branch, and assumed all the responsibilities regarding material supplies for the organization, including weapons, ammunition, revolutionary literature, and other publications.

Delchev's correspondence with the TMORO members covers extensive data on supplies, transport and storage of weapons and ammunition in Macedonia. Delchev initiated the idea for an independent production of weapons, which resulted in the bomb manufacturing in the Osogovo Mountains. The plant played a significant role in furthering the self-confidence and self-reliance within the revolutionary movement.

The inclusion of the rural areas into the organizational districts contributed to the expansion of the organization and the increase in its membership, while providing the essential prerequisites for the formation of the military power of the organization, at the same time having Goce Delchev as its military advisor (inspector). Delchev's work-style defied the discrepancy between words and deeds. It was the nature of this attitude that defined him as the majestic revolutionary organizer and ideologist of the national liberation movement.

The justifiable conspiracy period of TMORO was ended by the Vinica Affair of November 1897, when domestic and world opinion was exposed to the facts of TMORO's existence and extent.

That was the time of Delchev's campaign trips across Macedonia, inducing optimism, bright visions and firm confidence in the successful goals of the Macedonian national idea.

The unity of the organization was increasingly challenged by the adverse infiltration of the Vrhovism fraction into the revolutionary districts of TMORO, followed by frequent subversions. These developments led to the subsequently reorganized structure of some revolutionary districts, implemented by Delchev during 1900-1902.

The primary question regarding the timing of the uprising in Macedonia implicated an apparent discordance among the representatives, at the Sofia Conference in 1903.

Goce Delchev and his followers kept warning that a premature uprising could be the ultimate crime a leader can inflict upon a nation and its history. The prevention of such a misleading initiative was the main objective of Goce's permanent mobility on the Macedonian territory.

On his way to the Congress of the revolutionary district of Ser (nowadays under Greece), that was to be held at Lovchan Grove of Ali Botush, Delchev stopped by the village of Banica. There, on the 4th of May 1903 Goce Delchev encountered his lethal opposition - betrayed and surrounded, he was killed in heroic defense. His tragic death cancelled many far-reaching visions this revolutionary giant identified with, during that period of the Macedonian history.

The death of this apostle of the Macedonian national liberation struggle was a powerful newsmaker for the Turkish government telegram networks, for the diplomatic corps reports in Turkey, and for the European press agencies. Delchev was only 31 when he left the Macedonian historic scene as the most dynamic personality of the Macedonian revolutionary and national liberation movement.

Although Goce Delchev strongly resisted the premature uprising, its date was nevertheless determined at the Smilevo Congress. The uprising was to begin on August 2, 1903, the orthodox Christian holiday of St. Elijah. The entire Macedonian territory got involved in the armed uprising, within which the most intense confrontations took place in the liberation of Neveska, of Klisura and of Krushevo, where the Krushevo Republic was proclaimed by its president, Nikola Karev.

The Ilinden traditions found their expression during the National Liberation War (NOV) in Macedonia. Their climax occurred at the Second Ilinden, when the First Assembly of ASNOM took place on August 2, 1944.

After a mutual agreement between the government of the former federal republic of Macedonia and the Association of the Macedonian Fraternities in Bulgaria, the remains of Goce Delchev were transferred to the People's Republic of Macedonia, on October 10, 1946. The following day, they were solemnly embedded into a marble sarcophagus, displayed in the front yard of the "Sv. Spas" ("Holy Savior") church in Skopje.

Goce Delchev's life epitomizes the virtuous heroism of the proud Macedonian nation. The Macedonian people have been paying an extraordinary tribute and respect to Goce Delchev, expressing them by annual meetings and anniversaries, numerous scientific, folk and popular culture events, and other manifestations of admiration for his history-making personality, for his outstanding efforts.

Delchev's ideals are incorporated in the history of the Macedonian collective conscience perpetuated through the new generations of today. St. Elijah holidays of 1903 and 1944, as well as the 1991 break away of Macedonia from the Yugoslav federation, represent only a partial fulfillment of Goce's long awaited dream for a free and independent state of Macedonia.

The international, cosmopolitan views of Delchev that elevated him far ahead of his time, could be summarized in his proverbial sentence:

" I understand the world solely as a field for cultural competition among nations".

Кон врв
nindza Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 10.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2457
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 09.Јули.2006 во 00:09
goce bil vizioner i mu stoele dobro mustakite , tipche na mesto , ama Tito e toj koj i dal drzava na Makedoncite i gi oslobodil od stransko vlijanie (Srpsko) . Da ne bil Tito Hrvatot koj sakal da ja oslabi Srbija nikogas nemashe da ima sega suverena Makedonija!!!

E sea go zrtvuval Chento i drugi koi sakale preku leb pogacha , da be Tito  ke se zamera so golemite sili Anglija vo Grcija i SSSR vi Bugaria za kogo za edna shaka luge koi puknale 2 -3 pati vo cela vojna vo Prilep i Kumanovo .
Plus najkasno se vklucile vo NOB ...znaci po zaslugi dosta i tolku treba da sme blagodarni.

Taka e ginele Makedonski deca na sremski front taka e ... ama toa e mora nekad nekoj da gine za sloboda na Makedonija paradoksalno na Sremski front ... toa si e kolku vlozuvas tolku dobivash. Budala e Tito pa ke otvara novi frontovi za kogo ?? Za maloto plashlivo Makedonce koe se vklucuva duri 1944 vo vojna protiv okupatorot. Svasta...Sto ne se dignale jakite makedonci togash samite uste pred NOB pa da navalat na Solunot nash tuku aj ke si pocekame...

I sea koj poveke pridonel ama realno - TITO

PS Od Tito pofraer i zaebant niti imalo niti ke ima

OBAVESTUVANJE: gorenavedeniot tekst ne e za ogranicheni - od upravata
Кон врв
KIRIL Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 19.Јануари.2006
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 41
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 09.Јули.2006 во 10:21
Premnogu tie gresno tvrdenjeto deka Makedoncite prekasno se vklucile vo borba protiv germancite. Vostanieto od 1941 ne e za vleguvanje na Makedonija vo nekakva jugoslavija, tuku za idealot na VMRO za nezavisna drzava. Toa go potvrduva i angliskata delegacija vo 1943god. za da go okarakterizira dvizenjeto vo Makedonija. Na kongresot vo Resen na celo so Kuzman Josifoski Pitu, doneseno e resenie za zaednicka komanda na partizanskite ceti od Pirinska,Egejska i Vardarska Makedonija so edna cel; obedineta i nezavisna Makedonija pod patronat na SAD. Nitu edna ceta nemala ime na nekoj komunista, tuku se vikale ceta Goce Delcev, ili Nikola Karev ili Pitu Guli i tn. So doaganjeto na tempo kako pratenik na tito pocnati se cistkite na vodeckite makedonski ideolozi od 1943god.
Кон врв
nindza Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 10.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2457
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 09.Јули.2006 во 16:54
Ok neka e i taka ko sto vikas....

ama sepak Tito da ne bil garant ke beshe Maledonija Srpska juzna banovina ko sto bila i pred toa
OBAVESTUVANJE: gorenavedeniot tekst ne e za ogranicheni - od upravata
Кон врв
Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Слобода или Смрт

Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 10652
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 09.Јули.2006 во 22:19
Не пријателе нинџа ако Тито не бил Македонија денес ке беше обединета и независна држава но благодарение на Тито сите оние херои и луѓе што работеа на делото на Гоце беа убивани на најподол начин а на незаситното Македонче Тито му фрли трошки колку да се каже дека имаат нешто.Дали знаеш дека во 1944год. Македонската Обединета војска на НОДМ била најдобро вооружена од сите тогашни НОО во Југославија.Значи Бугарите и Италијаните од Македонија бегаат како муви без глави оставајки голем број на оружје и опрема во Македонија а тоа требало да се употреби за ослободување на Егеј и Пирин но Тито си имал други планови како тоа со титовка и пушка на сремски фронт па каде се тука топови,тенкови,авиони и др.
Ке отидеш во градот ШИД - Срем и ке видиш еден голем споменик на паднатите борци на сремскиот фронт покрај имињата верувај нема да најдеш припадник на Српска или Хрватска Бригада туку ке најдеш припадник на 1,2,3 Македонска Бригада и Македонско име и презиме.
Жално но вистинито баш затоа никогаш Тито нема да биде добротвор за Македонците значи поголем душман него добротвор,знам дека за многу луѓе тоа е несфатливо покрај начинот на животот поради Тито но тоа не е мерка за добро дело верувај ако не на мене верувај им на тие имиња испишани по камени плочи низ целиот Сремски фронт.
Кон врв
Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Слобода или Смрт

Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 10652
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 15.Јули.2006 во 03:53
Убаво ке ти одговорам тоа е Македонски јазик па и ти го збориш тој јазик само со некаков дијалект како што има Струмички,Одрински,Охридски и др. Македонски дијалекти.
Кажи ми Бугарче каде ти се корените на каков јазик зборувале твоите предци и од каде потекнува тој јазик,и не само јазикот него од каде потекнуваат твоите предци ако знаеш кои се
Кон врв
laki Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Јуни.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 1107
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 17.Јули.2006 во 16:50
nema sto da odgovoris go zboris jazikot sto brakata Kiril i Metodija trgnuvajki od Makedonija go dadoa po svetot prvo kako jazik za crkvata a posle i za narodot pravoslaven
Кон врв
natalija Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Министерка за гушкање

Регистриран: 26.Јули.2005
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 13319
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 29.Ноември.2006 во 13:40
Сме имале тема види види ...Tongue
а сите коментирате доле кај Администраторот..
Ама требаше да се побара темава Tongue
Кон врв
spaski Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 14.Септември.2005
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 82
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 30.Ноември.2006 во 02:15
Povik do administratorite,moderatorite da ne se objavuvaat komentari vo koi se iskrivuva vistinata na site makedonski raboti.Znam deka treba da ima sloboda na govorot ,ama koga vo izjavite direkno se iskrivuvaat ili potochno se kazuvaat lagi za makedonskite prashanja mislam ne treba da se dozvoli.Do koga ke ni se meshaat vo forumot lugje od drugite nacii, pishuvajki na drug jazik i direkno ne vregjaat.Ne treba da se plashime i ne treba da zaboravime
deka sme naslednici na nacija so herojsko minato ?

Кон врв
Boogie Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
Слобода или Смрт

Регистриран: 26.Октомври.2005
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 10652
Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 30.Ноември.2006 во 02:20
Originally posted by spaski spaski напиша:

Povik do administratorite,moderatorite da ne se objavuvaat komentari vo koi se iskrivuva vistinata na site makedonski raboti.Znam deka treba da ima sloboda na govorot ,ama koga vo izjavite direkno se iskrivuvaat ili potochno se kazuvaat lagi za makedonskite prashanja mislam ne treba da se dozvoli.Do koga ke ni se meshaat vo forumot lugje od drugite nacii, pishuvajki na drug jazik i direkno ne vregjaat.Ne treba da se plashime i ne treba da zaboravime
deka sme naslednici na nacija so herojsko minato ?

Баш поеради нашето наследство не се плашиме повеке од идиотски пропаганди и останати непријателски изјави кои се однесуваат на Македонија.Ние овде ја знаеме Македонската вистина а кој знае повеке нека не убеди ако може
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