Музиката во исламот |
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Сениор Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007 Локација: Palestine Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1119 |
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Kako sto veke rekov goor, odi na temata "ilahii i kasidi" i ke vidis kakvi pesni slusaat muslimanite....
A to od stariot zavet....hm
Сениор Регистриран: 08.Јуни.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 844 |
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a sega kakva razlika ima od edna do druga muzika...... nemoze li da ima muslimani sto slusaat rock...... moze ova ke vi padne malku cudno ama ne site rockeri i metalci go obozavaat gavolot...................... znaete deka mnogu raboti vi zabranuva k*ranot???????????? |
end off days 15...14...13....
Сениор Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007 Локација: Palestine Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1119 |
Опции за коментарот
Iako baras odgovor, mislam deka samiot si go dade....
Rokot samo kako muzika deluva premnogu "destruktivno" a da ne govoram za tekstot, kade sto i samiot si kaza "se slavi gavolot".
Muzikata ili pesnite treba da sluzat da go opustat covekot i da go pottiknat na "rozevi" misli.....A ne kosata da mu se krene.....
Quranot ni dozvolil i zabranil se sto e vo sklad so naseto telo i dusa.....
Temp. bolan opusti se, vidi kakva preljepa noc....ne kvari!!!!
Изменето од Aisha - 01.Мај.2008 во 00:41 |
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
Опции за коментарот
Rockot go slavi djavolot ajde be ludje..........do koga bre vise ce se igrame deca...Abe vie nekogas ste slusnale li rock i kade ja najdovte destruktivnosta vo rockot.....sekoja muzika e umetnos sama po sebe i vo sebe sodrzi kreativnost , nas moze da ni dopadja ili da ne ni se dopadja...... Stairway to Heaven (As Recorded by Tiny Tim & Brave Combo) (Page-Plant) There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to heaven And when she gets there she knows if the stores are closed With a word she can get what she came for Woe oh oh oh oh oh And she's buying a stairway to heaven There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure And you know sometimes words have two meanings In a tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven Woe oh oh oh oh oh And she's buying a stairway to heaven There's a feeling I get when I look to the west And my spirit is crying for leaving In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees And the voices of those who stand looking Woe oh oh oh oh oh And she's buying a stairway to heaven And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune Then the piper will lead us to reason And a new day will dawn for those who stand long And the forest will echo with laughter And it makes me wonder If there's a bustle in your hedgerow Don't be alarmed now It's just a spring clean for the May Queen Yes there are two paths you can go by but in the long run There's still time to change the road you're on Your head is humming and it won't go in case you don't know The piper's calling you to join him Dear lady can't you hear the wind blow and did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold And if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last When all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll Woe oh oh oh oh oh And she's buying a stairway to heaven There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to heaven And when she gets there she knows if the stores are closed With a word she can get what she came for And she's buying a stairway to heaven, uh uh uh. Sto ima destruktivno vo ovaa pesma ....... i dajte da zboruvame na temata zasto odma ja vrtite vodata na druga strana .... Изменето од Templarius - 01.Мај.2008 во 00:58 |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007 Локација: Palestine Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1119 |
Опции за коментарот
Pravo na izbor.....
Nemozes da ni se mesas vo ona sto nie go smetame za loso i ne ni se dopaga...
Poznavam mn. muslimani koi go slusale rockot porano, no ne i sega....
Znaci govoram za necie licno iskustvo.....
Znam mnogu luge koi ne se muslimani i koi uzivaat vo istocnata muzika, Gasparijan na primer.......
Sekoj spored sovite ubeduvanja i vkusovi
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
Опции за коментарот
Jas go obozavam Gasparijan, dali toa zanci deka slusam muzika koja ete muslimanite ili k*ranot ja odobruva.... |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Fantastic Lady
Сениор Регистриран: 29.Јануари.2008 Локација: United States Статус: Офлајн Поени: 169 |
Опции за коментарот
a jas znam deka muzikata ne e zabraneto vo Islamot,,,
imam eden mnooogu dobar text koj objasnuva se vo vrska so ova tema,,,samo na angliski e,,i ako mozhe nekoj da ja prevede na makedonski,,,navistina bi bilo mnogu ubavo.... |
Write your name in kindness, love,nd mercy,nd leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.
Сениор Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007 Локација: Palestine Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1119 |
Опции за коментарот
Kako sto kazav prasanjeto za muzikata e mnogu podetalno obajsneto, se vodat diskusii pomegu samite islamski naucnici....
Ona za sto vi obrnav vnimanie e toa, deka pesna kako pesna treba da go pottiknuva covekot na ubavo odnesuvanje.....
Da mu pruza zadovolstvo, a ne da go natera na nasilstva i sl....
A da ne zboruvame za seta onaa turbo prostacka muzika....
Temp. Gasparijan relaksira zar ne......
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
Опции за коментарот
Koj e toj sto opredeluva koja muzika e ok a koja ne e, zasto vo vremeto na radjnjeto na islamot, vo svetot i nemalo bas nekoi muzicki pravci????? |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
Опции за коментарот
Moi favoriti za relaksacija se Gasparijan, Balkanika, Gregorians , Sintezis, Dautovski ..... |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2754 |
Опции за коментарот
Pa ogoromen broj na pesni koi se od sverata na rockot nemaat nisto nasilno vo niv .....? |
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign Give me a reason To walk the fire See another dawn Through our son's eyes You give me a reason To walk the fire. |
Сениор Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007 Локација: Palestine Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1119 |
Опции за коментарот
Temp. se vrtime vo krug...
Ako ne ti e tesko odi na temata "ilahii i kasidi" i ete poslusaj sto nie muslimanite slusame.....
Vremeto e dragocen resurs i sekoj gleda max da go iskoristi....
Nemam vreme da slusam shunt, ednostavno slusam se ona sto ke mi go zgolemi znaenjeto, ke me produhovi.........
Fantastic Lady
Сениор Регистриран: 29.Јануари.2008 Локација: United States Статус: Офлајн Поени: 169 |
Опции за коментарот
e da de da Aisha,,,bash taka e,,, eve samo edno part od textot "any kind of amusement that keeps you from paying your duties to God is leading you to commit a sin. It does not make it haram or prohibited. If you amuse yourself by watching Baseball while forgetting to do your Salat-prayers on time then you are committing a sin but this does not make Baseball haram. If you amuse yourself by playing games with your children while forgetting to pray on time you are committing a sin but playing with your children will not be haram. If you listen to music or singing and forget to do your prayers then you commit a sin but music does not become haram. Remember that music is like air and water, it is not haram per se, but the way it is used in certain circumstances will control its status then." |
Write your name in kindness, love,nd mercy,nd leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.
Сениор Регистриран: 03.Декември.2007 Локација: Palestine Статус: Офлајн Поени: 1119 |
Опции за коментарот
toa sestro, bravo...
Znaci najbitna e samokontrolata.....
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