Malku alternativni procesi |
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Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
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Испратена: 17.Јуни.2009 во 10:27 |
Rezultatite se dramaticno dobri.
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
Профил од член
Испрати лична порака
Најди пораки од член
Посети го сајтот на членот
Додај во листа на пријатели
Сениор Регистриран: 26.Ноември.2007 Локација: Macedonia Статус: Офлајн Поени: 783 |
Опции за коментарот
respekat. procesov ko sho mi lichi ima dushata da ti ja izvadi... :) portabl darkroom u tamu nekoja nedojdija kaj sho se naoga rekana sho ja slikal... bravos. mnogu jako.
Сениор Регистриран: 25.Јуни.2008 Локација: Trinidad and Tobago Статус: Офлајн Поени: 107 |
Опции за коментарот
ne e samo procesot i portfolioto e odli4no |
Сениор Регистриран: 16.Април.2007 Статус: Офлајн Поени: 2213 |
Опции за коментарот
Using an 8 x 10 “ view camera and the 19th century wet plate collodion process, I make tintype portraits of students, friends and acquaintances. The wet plate process is slow and labor intensive. Making these portraits requires exposure times ranging from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. It is in that collaboration that I find the power of this medium, as if the commitment required of both the sitter and me is present in the final image. It has allowed me to make connections with my subjects in more powerful ways than I was able to with contemporary materials. Wet Plate Collodion Process The wet plate process was invented in in 1851, and became the most important photographic process of the 19th century. The photographer must coat and sensitize a plate, then expose it in the camera, and develop the image before the plate dries out. This requires a portable darkroom to be set up wherever the artist is working. By varying the technique, the photographer is able to make Ambrotypes (unique positives on glass), Glass negatives (for traditional or albumen printing) or Tintypes (unique positives on japanned steel). All timing and exposure decisions are made by observation, and all the chemicals and materials are prepared by the artist. Изменето од Tegla - 16.Јуни.2009 во 10:30 |
That is called grain. It is supposed to be there.
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