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    Испратена: 09.Септември.2013 во 22:13
Забавные Животные
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laki_bu Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 30.Ноември.2008
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Moeto domasno milenice........намигнување

Изменето од laki_bu - 17.Октомври.2012 во 22:52
Без разлика колку страници прочитал учениот човек, никогаш не треба да заборави дека се уште не ни стигнал до првата страна....
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brza Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 06.Февруари.2006
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bazilisk...........edinstveniot gushter i voopshto neshto , shto moze da  trcha po.....voda!

Patriotizmot e poslednoto skrivalishte na kriminalcite.-Albert Einstein
Mokjta od sekogash privlekuvala lugje so nizok moral.-Albert Einstein
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емил Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
зависник идивидовски

Регистриран: 11.Август.2009
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Кое животно има три очи


Туатара, влекач кој живее само во Нов Зеланд, е единственото животно кои има три „очи“. Спаѓа во група на влекачи во која во минататото спаѓале многу други суштества, но денес, Туатарата е единстениот член од таа група што преживеал.

За да разберат од каде потекнува „третото“ око на Туатара, научниците проучувале мал израсток на предниот дел на мозокот кај влекачите - жлезда, наречена епифизна.

Кај некои влекачи, делот кој е поврзан со епифизната жлезда и во форма која многу личи на око. Се состои од преграда во форма на леќа, проѕирен слој, и ретина со пигмент.

Научниците сметаат дека ова „епифизно око“ кај другите влекачи не им помага да гледаат, но кај Туатарата, ова епифизно око е целосно формирано, озвозможувајќи и' на Туатарара да гледа и со него

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sanja-a Кликни и види ги опциите
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Only God Can Judge Me!

Регистриран: 12.Април.2009
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Балкански гекон-Gumnodactylus kotschyi

Обожавам луѓе кои ме смеат.
Искрено, мислам дека смеењето е нешто што го сакам најмногу.
Тоа лечи многу болести. Можеби тоа е најважното нешто кај човекот.
Одри Хепберн
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bella Madonna

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емил Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
зависник идивидовски

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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
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"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
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Gold dust day gecko (Phelsuma laticauda laticauda (Boettger, 1880) (syn. Pachydactylus laticauda Boettger, 1880)) is a diurnal subspecies of geckos. It lives in northern Madagascar and on the Comoros. It typically inhabits different trees and houses. The Gold dust day gecko feeds on insects and nectar.

    * 1 Description
    * 2 Diet
    * 3 Behaviour
    * 4 Reproduction
    * 5 Care and maintenance in captivity
    * 6 References

[edit] Description
A Day Gecko in Holualoa, Hawai'i.
A Day Gecko in Holualoa, Hawai'i.

This lizard belongs to the smaller day geckos. It can reach a total length of about 13 cm. The body colour is a bright green or yellowish green or rarely even blue. Typical for this day gecko are the yellow speckles on the neck and the upper back. There are three rust-coloured transverse bars on the snout and head. The upper eyelid is blue. On the lower back there are three longish red bars. The tail is slightly flattened. The ventral side is off-white.

The Gold dust day gecko inhabits the northern part of Madagascar. It can also be found on the island of Nosy Bé, the Comoros and Réunion island. According to McKeown [2], this species has also been introduced onto Farquhar Atoll in the southern Seychelles, and onto the Hawaiian Islands, where it is established on both sides of O'ahu, the Kona side of the Big Island, and on Maui. It has also been spotted on the west side of Kauai and the eastern tip of the big island.

[edit] Diet
Gold dust day gecko licking nectar from the 'bird of paradise' flower of Strelitzia
Gold dust day gecko licking nectar from the 'bird of paradise' flower of Strelitzia

These day geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates. They also like to lick soft, sweet fruit, pollen, and nectar.

[edit] Behaviour
Gold dust day geckos fighting on a banana tree in central Saint-Denis, Réunion.
Gold dust day geckos fighting on a banana tree in central Saint-Denis, Réunion.
Gold dust day gecko consuming a baby lizard
Gold dust day gecko consuming a baby lizard

The males of this species are rather aggressive and can be quite quarrelsome. They do not accept other males in their neighborhood. In captivity, where the females cannot escape, the males may also seriously wound a female. In this case the male and female must be separated.

[edit] Reproduction

The females lay up to 5 pairs of eggs. At a temperature of 28°C, the young will hatch after approximately 40–45 days. The juveniles measure 55–60 mm. They should be kept separately since even the juveniles can be quite quarrelsome. Sexual maturity is reached after 10–12 months.

[edit] Care and maintenance in captivity

These animals should be housed singly or in pairs and need a large, well planted terrarium. The temperature should be about 28°C during the day and drop to around 20°C at night. The humidity should be maintained between 65 and 75%. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax worms (wax moth larva), fruit flies, maggots, meal worms and houseflies.

[edit] References

   1. Henkel, F.-W. and W. Schmidt (1995) Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren. Ulmer Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-7323-9
   2. McKeown, Sean (1993) The general care and maintenance of day geckos. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA.

Retrieved from ""

Category: Geckos

Изменето од Vladimir88 - 27.Декември.2007 во 13:44
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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

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The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis[1]), also known as the Komodo Monitor,[1] Komodo Island Monitor,[1] Ora (to the natives of Komodo[2]), or simply Komodo, is a species of lizard which inhabits the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami in central Indonesia.[3]

A member of the monitor lizard family Varanidae, and the clade Toxicofera, the Komodo is the largest living species of lizard, growing to an average length of 2–3 metres (approximately 6.5–10 ft). This great length is attributed to island gigantism, as there are no carnivorous mammals to fill the niche in the islands that they live on, and the Komodo dragon's low metabolic rate.[4][5] As a result of their great size, these lizards are apex predators, dominating the ecosystems in which they live.[6]

Komodo dragons were only discovered by Western scientists in 1910. Their large size and fearsome reputation makes them popular zoo exhibits. In the wild their range has contracted due to human activities and they are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. They are protected under Indonesian law and a national park, Komodo National Park, was founded in order to protect them.

n the wild, adult Komodos usually weigh around 70 kilograms (154 lb).[7] Captive specimens often weigh more. The largest verified wild specimen was 3.13 metres (10 ft 3 in) long and weighed 166 kilograms (365 lb), including undigested food.[8] Komodo dragons have a tail that is as long as the body, as well as about 60 frequently-replaced serrated teeth that may be 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) in length.[9] Their saliva will frequently be blood-tinged, because their teeth are almost completely covered by gingival tissue and this tissue is naturally lacerated during feeding.[10] This creates an ideal culture for the virulent bacteria that live in their mouths.[11] It also has a long, yellow, deeply-forked tongue.[8]

[edit] Physiology
A basking Komodo dragon photographed at Disney's Animal Kingdom.
A basking Komodo dragon photographed at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Komodo dragons' sense of hearing is not particularly acute, despite their visible earholes.[12] They are able to see as far away as 300 metres (985 feet), but because their retinas only contain cones, they are thought to have poor night vision. Komodo dragons are able to see in color but have poor visual discrimination of stationary objects.[13] They use their tongue to detect taste and smell stimuli, as with many other reptiles, with the vomeronasal sense using a Jacobson's organ, a sense that aids navigation in the dark.[14] With the help of a favorable wind and their habit of swinging their head from side to side as they walk, they may be able to detect carrion from 4–9.5 kilometres (2.5–6 mi) away.[10][13] Komodo dragons' nostrils are not of great use for smelling, as they do not have a diaphragm.[15] They have no taste buds on their tongues, only a few in the back of the throat.[14]

Their scales, some reinforced with bone, have sensory plaques connected to nerves that facilitate their sense of touch. The scales around the ears, lips, chin, and soles of the feet may have three or more sensory plaques.[10]

Formerly, Komodo dragons were thought to be deaf when a study reported no agitation in wild Komodo Dragons during whispers, raised voices, and shouts. This was disputed when London Zoological Garden employee Joan Proctor trained a captive monitor to come out to feed at the sound of her voice, even when she could not be seen.[16]

[edit] Ecology, behavior and life history
Close-up of a Komodo's foot and tail.
Close-up of a Komodo's foot and tail.

Komodo dragons are found exclusively in Indonesia, on the islands of Komodo, Flores and Rinca and on several islands of the Lesser Sunda archipelago.[17] They prefer hot and dry places, and typically live in dry open grassland, savanna and tropical forest at low elevations. As ectotherms, they are most active in the day, although they do exhibit some nocturnal activity. Komodo dragons are largely solitary, coming together only to breed and eat. They are capable of running rapidly in brief sprints (up to 20 kilometres per hour [12.4 mph]), are excellent swimmers (may dive up to 4.5 metres [15 ft]),[18] and climb trees proficiently through use of their strong claws.[7] To catch prey that is out of reach, they may stand on their hind legs and use their tail as a support.[16] As Komodo dragons mature, their claws are used primarily as weapons, as their great mass makes climbing impractical.

For shelter, Komodo dragons dig holes that can measure from 1–3 metres (3–10 ft) wide with their powerful forelimbs and claws.[19] Because of their large size and habit of sleeping in these burrows, Komodo dragons are able to conserve body heat throughout the night and minimize their basking period the morning after.[20] Komodo dragons typically hunt in the afternoon, but stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day.[21]

[edit] Feeding ecology
Komodo dragons on Rinca
Komodo dragons on Rinca

Komodo dragons are carnivores. Although they eat mostly carrion,[4] studies show that they also hunt live prey with a stealthy approach followed by a sudden short charge. When suitable prey arrives near a dragon's ambush site, it will suddenly charge at the animal and go for the underside or the throat.[10] The lizard is able to locate its prey using its keen sense of smell, which can locate a dead or dying animal from a range of up to 9.5 kilometers (6 miles).[10]
Young Komodo Dragon photographed on Rinca feeding on a water buffalo carcass
Young Komodo Dragon photographed on Rinca feeding on a water buffalo carcass

Komodo dragons eat by tearing large chunks of flesh and swallowing them whole while holding the carcass down with their forelegs. The copious amounts of red saliva that the Komodo dragons produce helps to lubricate the food, but swallowing is still a long process (15–20 minutes to swallow a goat). To prevent itself from suffocating while swallowing, it breathes using a small tube under the tongue that connects to the lungs.[10] The Komodo dragon's loosely articulated jaws, flexible skull, and expandable stomach allows it to eat up to 80 percent of its body weight in one meal.[22][6] After eating, it drags itself to a sunny spot to speed digestion, as the food could rot and poison the dragon if left undigested for too long. Because of their slow metabolism, large dragons can survive on as little as 12 meals a year. After digestion, the Komodo dragon regurgitates a mass of horns, hair, and teeth known as the gastric pellet, which is covered in malodorous mucus. After regurgitating the gastric pellet, it rubs its face in the dirt or on bushes to get rid of the mucus, suggesting that it, like humans, does not relish the scent of its own mucus.[10]

The largest animals generally eat first, while the smaller ones follow a hierarchy. The largest male asserts his dominance and the smaller males show their submission by use of body language and rumbling hisses. Dragons of equal size may resort to "wrestling." Losers usually retreat, though have been known to have been killed and eaten by victors.[10]

The dragon's diet is wide-ranging, and includes invertebrates, other reptiles (including smaller Komodo Dragons), birds, bird eggs, small mammals, monkeys, wild boars, goats, deer, horses, and water buffalos. Young Komodos will eat insects, eggs, geckoes, and small mammals.[4][22] Occasionally they have been known to consume humans and human corpses, digging up bodies from shallow graves to do so.[16] It is thought that the Komodo dragon evolved to feed on the extinct dwarf elephant Stegodon that once lived on Flores.[23]

The Komodo dragon has been observed intentionally startling a pregnant deer in the hopes of a miscarriage whose remains they can eat, a technique that has also been observed in large African predators.[23]

Because the Komodo dragon does not have a diaphragm, it cannot suck water when drinking, nor can it lap water with its tongue. Instead, it drinks by taking a mouthful of water, lifting its head, and letting the water run down its throat.[10]

[edit] Venom and bacteria

Komodo dragons have recently been discovered to produce a venom. In late 2005, University of Melbourne researchers discovered that Perenties (Varanus giganteus), other monitors, Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum), Iguanians and Beaded Lizards (Heloderma horridum) may be somewhat venomous. Previously, it had been thought that bites inflicted by these lizards were simply prone to infection because of bacteria in the lizards' mouths, but these researchers have shown that the immediate effects are caused by mild envenomation. Bites on human digits by a Lace Monitor (Varanus varius), a Komodo dragon and a Spotted Tree Monitor (V. scalaris) have been observed and all produced similar results in humans: rapid swelling within minutes, localised disruption of blood clotting, shooting pain up to to the elbow, with some symptoms lasting for several hours.[24]

In addition to the venom, dragons also possess virulent bacteria in their saliva, of which more than 28 Gram-negative and 29 Gram-positive strains have been isolated.[25] These bacteria cause septicemia in their victim; if an initial bite does not kill the prey animal and it escapes, it will commonly succumb within a week to the resulting infection. The deadliest bacteria in Komodo dragon saliva appears to be a very deadly strain of Pasteurella multocida, from studies performed with lab mice.[26] Because the Komodo dragon appears immune to its own microbes, much research has been done searching for the antibacterial molecule in the hopes of human medicinal use.[27]

[edit] Life history
A sleeping Komodo dragon. Notice the large, curved claws used in fighting and eating.
A sleeping Komodo dragon. Notice the large, curved claws used in fighting and eating.

Mating occurs between May and August, with the eggs laid in September.[18] During this period, males fight over females and territory by grappling with one another upon their hind legs with the loser eventually being pinned to the ground. These males may vomit or defecate when preparing for the fight.[16] The winner of the fight will then flick his long tongue at the female to gain information about her receptivity.[6] Females are antagonistic and resist with their claws and teeth during the early phases of courtship. Therefore, the male must fully restrain the female during coitus to avoid being hurt. Other courtship displays include males rubbing their chins on the female, hard scratches to the back, and licking.[28] Copulation occurs when the male inserts one of his hemipenes into the female's cloaca.[13] Komodo Dragons may be monogamous and form "pair bonds," a rare behavior for lizards.[16][22]

The female will lay her eggs in the burrows in the ground, cut into the side of a hill or in the abandoned nesting mounds of the Orange-footed Scrubfowl (a moundbuilder or megapode), with a preference for the abandoned mounds.[29] Clutches contain an average of 20 eggs which have an incubation period of 7–8 months.[16] The female lies on the eggs to incubate and protect them until they hatch around April, at the end of the rainy season when insects are plentiful.[18]
In this image, the long tail and claws are fully visible.
In this image, the long tail and claws are fully visible.

Hatching is an exhausting effort for the pups, who break out of their eggshells with an egg tooth that falls off after the job is done. After cutting out the hatchlings may lie in their eggshells for hours before starting to dig out of the nest. They are born quite defenseless, and many are eaten by predators.[10]

Young Komodo dragons spend much of their first few years in trees, where they are relatively safe from predators, including cannibalistic adults, who make juvenile dragons 10 percent of their diet.[30][16] When the young must approach a kill, they roll around in fecal matter and rest in the intestines of eviscerated animals to deter these hungry adults.[16][22] Dragons take about three to five years to mature, and may live for up to 50 years.[19]

There are recorded examples of parthenogenesis (reproduction without the contribution of a male), a phenomenon also known to occur in some other reptile species, such as Whiptail Lizards.[7]

[edit] Parthenogenesis
Parthenogenetic baby Komodo dragon, Chester Zoo, England
Parthenogenetic baby Komodo dragon, Chester Zoo, England

Sungai, a Komodo dragon at London Zoo, laid a clutch of eggs in early 2006 after being separated from males for more than two years. Scientists initially assumed that she had been able to store sperm from her earlier encounter with a male, an adaptation known as superfecundation. After being told of the condition of Flora's eggs, testing showed that Sungai's eggs were also produced without outside fertilization.[31]

On December 20, 2006, it was reported that Flora, a captive Komodo dragon living in the Chester Zoo in England, is the second known Komodo Dragon to have laid unfertilized eggs: she laid 11 eggs, and 7 of them hatched, all of them male.[32] Scientists at Liverpool University in northern England performed genetic tests on three eggs that collapsed after being moved to an incubator, and verified that Flora had had no physical contact with a male Dragon.

Komodo dragons have the ZW chromosomal sex-determination system, not the mammalian XY system. That her progeny were male, shows that Flora's unfertilized eggs were haploid and doubled their chromosomes later to become diploid, and that she did not lay diploid eggs as would have happened if one of the meiosis reduction-divisions in her ovaries had failed, and that the egg was not fertilized by a polar body. When a female Komodo dragon (with ZW sex chromosomes) reproduces in this manner, she provides her progeny with only one chromosome from each of her pairs of chromosomes, including only one of her two sex chromosomes. This single set of chromosomes is duplicated in the egg, which develops parthenogenetically. Eggs receiving a Z chromosome become ZZ (male); those receiving a W chromosome become WW and fail to develop.[33]

It has been hypothesized that this reproductive adaptation allows a single female to enter an isolated ecological niche (such as an island) and by parthenogenesis produce male offspring, thereby establishing a sexually reproducing population (via reproduction with her offspring that can result in both male and female young).[33] Despite the advantages of such an adaptation, zoos are cautioned that parthenogenesis may be detrimental to genetic diversity.[34]
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Vladimir88 Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)
"Arbeit macht frei"

Регистриран: 20.Декември.2007
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Zebra-tailed lizard
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Scientific classification
Kingdom:      Animalia
Phylum:      Chordata
Class:      Sauropsida
Order:      Squamata
Suborder:      Lacertilia
Family:      Phrynosomatidae
Genus:      Callisaurus

See text.

Zebra-tailed lizards are lizards of the genus Callisaurus in the reptile order Squamata. These lizards live in open desert with fairly hard-packed soil, scattered vegetation and/or scattered rocks, typically desert flats, washes and plains. They range from 2.5 to 4 in (60 to 100 mm) in length.

These lizards are gray to sandy brown, usually with series of paired dark gray spots down the back, becoming black bands on the tail. The underside of tail is white with black bands. Males have a pair of black blotches on the side, extending to blue patches on the belly. Females have no blue patches, and the black bars are either faint or completely absent.

They are diurnal and alert. They rise early and are active in all but the hottest weather. During the hottest times of day, lizards may stand alternately on two legs, switching to the opposite two as needed in a kind of dance. When threatened they will run swiftly with their toes curled up and tails raised over their backs exposing the stripes. They can even run on their hind legs for short distances. In areas of creosote scrub this lizard seems to reach highest densities, around 4.8 to 6.0 individuals per acre (600 to 800 m² per lizard). This lizard burrows into fine sand for retreat at night and usually seeks day shelter in the shade of bushes.

In summer, 2 to 8 eggs are typically laid, hatching anywhere from July to November. However, more than 1 clutch can be laid during a season. Eggs are laid, presumably, in friable, sandy soil. Being a prey species for many animals, including birds, other lizards, and mammals, they have a fairly high reproductive potential.

It feeds on a variety of prey from insects, such as moths, ants and bees, as well as spiders and other smaller lizards. Its diet occasionally includes vegetation, such as spring buds and flowers.

The zebra-tailed lizard is common and widely distributed throughout the southwestern United States, ranging from the Mojave and Colorado deserts north into the southern Great Basin.

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snegulka Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 17.Август.2006
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snegulka Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 17.Август.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 3201
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај snegulka Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 17.Декември.2007 во 11:38

Eublepharis Macularis



Leopard Gekoni su pronadeni u Iranu, Afganistanu, Sjevernoj Indiji i Pakistanu. Vecina današnjih pitomih Leopard Gekona su proizašli od Leopard Gekona dovezenih iz Pakistana. Oni žive u pustinjama i na suhim travnjacima. Leopard Gekoni su nocne životinje koje se same presvlace tokom dana izmedu stijena i u jazbinama.
Ime Eublepharis Macularis "grubo" prevedeno znaci:
• Eublepharis znaci pravi ocni kapci
• Macularis znaci tockast
Za razliku od ostalih Gekona, Leopard Gekon ima pomicne ocne kapke i nema nožne jastucice što omogucava ostalim Gekonima da se penju po okomitim površinama. Gekoni dostižu velicinu od 20-25 cm. Odrasli imaju više žutu kožu sa tamno-smedim tockama.
Mladi su djelomicno pokriveni žutom i tamno smedom bojom koja se stapa s tockastom pozadinom sve dok Gekon raste. Uzgajivaci su stvorili i umjetne (dizajnirane) vrste Gekona.


Leopard Gekone se najlakše održava dajuci im odgovarajuce životne uvjete. Rijetko grizu i lako ih je održavati. Leopard Gekoni su veoma mirni ako ih se uredno održava. Ipak treba se paziti kako primiti Gekona, NIKADA ZA REP! Gekonov rep otpadne kao mehanizam za obranu. On ce opet izrasti, ali nikada tako lijep kao orginalni.
Oni su relativno ciste životinje i za obavljanje nužde uvijek ce upotrijebiti samo jedan mali dio terarija tako da se to veoma lagano može ocistiti.


Leopard Gekoni se lagano održavaju. Terarij od 40 litara ce adekvatno udomiti jednog Leopard Gekona, a od 80 litara ce udomiti jednog mužjaka i 2 ženke --> Nikada ne staviti zajedno 2 mužjaka u terarij.
Temperatura i svijetlost:
Dnevna temperatura treba biti izmedu 25°C-30°C (85°F-90°F). Kao svaki gmaz Gekon treba jednu toplu i hladnu tocku od koje ce izabrati . Nocna temperatura moze biti i ispod 20°C (70°F). Kako su Leopard Gekoni nocne životinje UV-svijetlo im nije potrebno. U terariju treba biti 12 sati dan i 12 sati noc.
• Keramicke žarulje (toplinski emiteri) – Izvrsni su izvori topline. Mogu se nabaviti u raznim watažama i mogu biti iznimno vruci. Budite sigurni da ih Gekon nemože dotaknuti. Keramicki emiteri su najbolji s termostatom. Oni sprecavaju pregrijavanje terarija za vrijeme vrucih dana posebice preko ljeta. Keramicki grijaci su najbolji nacin za stvaranje topline po noci pošto ne proizvode svijetlo.
• Grijace ploce za gmazove – Pricvrste se za dno terarija i može se podesiti debljina da bi se postigla što bolja toplina.
• Elektricna žarulja – Dobro rade tokom dana. Mogu se upotrijebiti u raznim watažama, ali ih se treba preko noci zamijeniti nekim drugim grijacim sredstvom pošto proizvode svjetlo.
• Nocne žarulje - Mogu poslužiti kao nocni grijaci.
• Termofori – Mogu poslužiti svrsi, ali se nesmije previše povisiti temperatura u terariju.
Ne upotrebljavati vruce kamenje! Oni prouzrokuju stvaranje vrucih mjesta, te se mnogi gušteri opeku na njima.
Voda i vlažnost:
Leopard Gekon treba samo malu posudicu sa sviježom vodom svakog dana. Ja takoder držim posudu od margarina za sakrivanje. U posudici držim vlažnu koru od drveta. Ovo omogucuje Gekonu povoljnu vlažnost i oslonac za vrijeme presvlacenja.
Podloge koje nisu preporucljive:
• igrališni pijeska
(nije za mlade, jer oni ce ga progutati što može izazvati gušenje i smrt)
• mješavina kore i orhideje
• novine
Podloge koje uzrokuju velike probleme:
• Pijesak za gekone ispod 6 mjeseci. Prouzrokuje gušenje.
• kora, strugotine i ostali proizvodi izradeni sa mahovinom. Lako se progutaju i zna se da uzrokuju gušenje.
• zemlja koja se upotrebljava za izradu loncarije jer Gekon može pojesti neke njegove nezdrave sastojeke.
• pare bora i cedra koje su toksicne za reptile .
• Astrotratine sa grubim rubovima, a Gekon može pojesti dijelove koji otpadaju.
U terariju se trebaju omoguciti stijene ili kora da se Gekoni mogu sakrivati pošto su nocne životinje ili da si ostružu staru kožu za vrijeme presvlacenja.


Pojedina hrana
Leopard Gekoni su mesožderi. U zatoceništvu oni jedu: kraljevske crve (zophobas), cvrcke, crve koji su u hrani, voštane crve, zemljane crve, skakavce...
CUVAJTE SE hranjenja insekata iz vašeg dvorišta! Ti insekti mogi biti zaraženi pesticidima ili herbicidima upotrebljenim u okolini. Cak i ako se vi ne služite pesticidima, možda ih je upotrijebio vaš susjed ili netko u blizini!!!!!!
Nije preporucljivo davati insekte koji nisu dokazani za sigurnu hranu. Oni mogu biti otrovni za vašeg Gekona. Za krijesnice ulovljene u ljeto se smatra da su otrovne za neke reptile. Suvremeni pokusi se dokazali da krijesnice mogu ubiti guštere i tada se trebaju smatrati otrovnima za sve životinje (Adler 1998)
Dodatci Hrani treba dodati kalcij i multivitamine.
Odraslima treba dodati dodatke kod svakog drugog hranjenja.
Ženkama treba davati dodatke svako hranjenje kada nosi jaja.
Mladima se dodatci trebaju davati svaki put kod hranjenja.
Ja takoder držim uz svoje Gekone i malu posudicu sa kalcijem.

Кон врв
snegulka Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 17.Август.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 3201
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај snegulka Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 17.Декември.2007 во 11:36




KAMELEONI- spadaju u gmazove (što znaci da imaju trodijelno srce)
Nemogu vlastitom energijom zagrijavat svoje tijelo i održavat ju konstantnom (potrebna mu je sunceva toplina).
Posjeduje izuzetno dug jezik ( i do 30 cm) koji služi za hvatanje hrane – uglavnom kukaca ali i manjih ptica i glodavaca. Jezik je navoden ocima koja imaju sposobnost zakretati se za 360° te je cijela okolina dostupna za razgledavanje (ništa mu ne promakne).
Takoder ima sposobnost da mijenja boju svojeg tijela u skladu s okolinom, te se na taj nacin sjajno uklapa u okoliš i zamaskiran vreba žrtve u zasjedi.
Inace se izuzetno sporo giba mjereci svaki korak i emitirajuci gibanje lista na povjetarcu (za razliku od nama poznatih guštera).
(Chamaeleo calyptratus) – (veild - eng.) je najcešce uzgajan i najdostupniji od svih vrsta kameleona.
Dolazi iz podrucja Jemena i Saudijske Arabije, za njegovu popularnost zaslužno je nekoliko faktora; relativno se jednostavno drži i otporan je na vecinu pocetnickih grešaka, relativno je velik, prekrasnih boja i dugoživuci. Ucestalo je da se ta vrsta najcešce nalazi u pet-shop-ovima cak i u onima koji nisu specijalizirani za guštere, nažalost precesto se prodaju bez tocne informacije o njihovom održavanju u zatoceništvu. Kao rezultat toga mnogi prodani kameleoni ne dožive duže od godinu dana.
Njega kameleona je prilicno zahtjevna ali vrijedi truda.


(Chamaeleo calyptratus) – (veild - eng.) je jedna od najvecih vrsta kameleona, njegova duljina varira; ženke su u pravilu manje od 25 – 35 cm, dok je duljina mužjaka izmedu 30 – 47 cm.
Razlika izmedu mužjaka i ženki lako se uocava;
- ženke su obicno manje i nemaju toliko dugu i šiljastu krijestu. mužjaci imaju i veci raspon boja
(i onih koje mogu mijenjat) te osnovnu i najvažniju razliku; na zadnjim nogama mužjaci imaju kao neku vrstu izbocine (slicno bradavici), te izrazitiju žutu liniju uzduž tijela.
Kameleoni su gušteri koji žive u krošnjama drveca ili grmlju pa za kretanje imaju tako prilagodene noge,


Što tražiti a što izbjegavati: prvo i najvažnije je kupovati samo one kameleone koji su rodeni u zatoceništvu, unatoc tome što je veliki broj takvih kameleona uzgojen u zatoceništvu, oni se i dalje uvoze iz prirode i trecih zemalja, kao takvi trebaju se izbjegavat.
Uvažanje povlaci za sobom mogucnosti da se zarazite ili da zarazite ostale životinje koje dolaze u kontakt sa uvezenim životinjama (a pogotovo onim koji su uvezeni direktno iz prirode) pa je nužno potrebna karantena.
Transport je isto jedna od kriticnih tocaka.
Kako izabrati zdrave jedinke; zdravi kameleoni imaju ravne udove (ako vidite kameleona koji izgleda «slomljeno» ili ima poteškoca penjuci se ili hodajuci ili ima iskrivljena leda ili celjust – nemojte ga uzimat).
Ovi simptomi cesto pokazuju životinju koja ima metabolicke koštane bolesti, prevencija je tretman kalcijem (nemojte zaboravit da se kalcij u tijelu može apsorbirati samo uz pomoc fosfora koji ga veže).
Provjerite oci (izbliza); Zdravi kameleoni imaju otvorene oci tokom dana. Kameleoni koji imaju tokom dana zatvorene oci obicno su bolesni. Dalje; izbjegavajte kameleone koji imaju «usukane» (polu-zatvorene) oci, oni su uglavnom dehidrirani ili pod stresom.
Boja kod kameleona je dobar pokazatelj njegovog stanja. Kameleon koji je taman je uglavnom prestrašen necim, bolestan ili mu je hladno.
Svakako provjerite usta i znakove truljenja u ustima. To se jednostavno provjeri kod kameleona ove vrste zbog njihove naravi, otvaranja usta i siktanja, kad im se približite ili ga držite u ruci. Ova vrsta se obicno opire držanju u ruci, ako leži nepomicno u vašoj ruci sa zatvorenim ocima, vjerojatno je bolestan.


Prije nego se upustite u nabavu pitajte se dal' imate dovoljno vremena i prostora za držanje takvog ljubimca, a i novcano pitanje nije za odbaciti.


Premda ova vrsta ne voli da ju se uznemirava, potrebno je svakodnevno pratiti i provjeravati stanje u terariju.
U trgovini vidite male kameleone koji prakticki stanu u kutiju šibica, no ubrzo narastu. Najbolje je i najjeftinije kupiti veci terarij minimalnih dimenzija 65x45x65 cm (dxšxv). Terarij mora imati dobar sustav strujanja zraka, jer zadržavanje zraka omogucuje razvoj neželjenih bakterija, gljivica i pljesni (pa u slucaju da se životinja ozljedi na grancicu ili bilo kako, rana ce se brzo inficirati) .
Prije nego terarij pustite u pogon, dobro ga dezinficirajte (nemojte koristit deterdente ili neka toksicna sredstva za dezinfekciju). To je najbolje obavit vrucom vodom te ga dobro osušiti.
Terarij treba smjestit u mirniji kutak stana, gdje nema cestih prolazaka, možete postavit biljku ili neki slican paravan izmedu terarija i ostatka sobe) uzmite u obzir osvjetljenje koje se mora nalazit u terariju.
Kod sl*ganja terarija najbolje je prvo na dno stavit nekakav karton ili cvrsti tepih (tepison) ispod kojeg ravnomjerno složite žicu grijaca.
Na takvu podlogu najbolje stavite koru crnog bora ili neku podlogu vecih granula (dubina nije bitna).
(možete je kupiti u specijaliziranom ducanu, gdje i mislite kupiti kameleona).
Najbolje je da je dno od krupnijeg materijala tamnije boje, nikako nemojte stavljat pijesak ili piljevinu
(uzmite u obzir da se kameleoni hrane tako da LJEPLIVIM jezikom hvataju plijen, najcešce s dna terarija pa bi bilo nezgodno da uhvate i dio podloge).
Zatim postavite precke od grancica na koje ce se kameleon penjat, za grancice upotrebljavajte iskljucivo vinovu lozu ili grancice «vockarica» (jabuke…) ili vrbe, nikako nemojte stavljat grancice oraha ili hrasta jer sadrže vrlo otrovni tanin i ostale toksine (detaljnije provjerite koje grancice smijete a koje ne stavljat u terarij).
Neke ne toksicne vrste biljaka
Prije nego pustite terarij u pogon, dobro provjerite;
• da su vrata dobro zatvorena (da životinja i kukci kojima je hranimo ne mogu izaci)
• da su žice pod naponom «osigurane» od životinja, vlage i djece,
• da se životinja ne može opeci na žarulje.
• Prvih nekoliko dana ostavite kameleona na miru da se aklimatizira.


Jedno od najvažnijih i najskupljih stvari je osvjetljenje (koje se nalazi unutar terarija UV spektar svijetla ne može proci kroz staklo).
Vrlo je važna duljina osvjetljenja terarija, pa tako imamo 12 sati dan i 12 sati noc.
Morate nabavit žarulje koje sadrže svijetlost UV spektra, jer pomocu njega gušteri sintetiziraju vitamin D3 (nemojte zaboravit da staklo filtrira (ne propušta) UV dio spektra).
najbolje je imati nekoliko vrsta žarulja (što ovisi o mjestu na kojem držite terarij)
uz UV žarulju potrebno je imati i tzv. žarulju za suncanje (basking spot – day glo), ako u terariju temperatura po noci padne ispod 15°C morate nabavit i tzv. Night glo (IR (infra red)) žarulju koja grije terarij.

Pošto su kameleoni tropske životinje, zahtijevaju tropsku temperaturu, koja se krece izmedu 15-35°C
Mora postojat razlika u dnevnoj i nocnoj temperaturi;
- Dnevna temperatura 27 - 32°C (na mjestu za suncanje, temperatura nekad dosegne i 38°C)
- Nocna temperatura 15 - 25°C (no nikada ne smije pasti ispod 12°C)
Terarij se grije najcešce s podnim žicanim grijacima ili grijacim plocama najbolje je izbjegavat termofore i tzv. vruce kamenje.
Grijac se izabire prema velicini terarija i temperaturi koja vlada u prostoriji gdje se terarij nalazi.
Pa tako za normalno loženu prostoriju u kojoj je raspon temperature izmedu 15 - 30°C najbolje je uzeti grijac izmedu 25 i 50W (Watta).
Grijanje je dosta iskustvena stvar, najbolje je nabavit termometar, koji se nalijepi na stjenku terarija te u pocetku svako malo pogledati koja je temperatura pa po potrebi ukljuciti ili iskljuciti grijac ili žarulje
(kasnije iskustvom gotovo sigurno možete odredit koja je temperatura, pa je i prema potrebi regulirati).


Biljke u terariju su dosta delikatno pitanje, u literaturi možete sresti vrlo zbunjujuce podatke od toga da je dovoljno staviti samo plasticne biljke pa do toga da ih ne treba.
No cinjenice do kojih sam došao, su sasvim drugacije.
Svakako je potrebno imat živo bilje, izuzetno je važno da takvo bilje nije toksicno.
Svakako prije nego postavite biljke u terarij obavezno vlažnom krpicom dobro obrišite svaki list;
(za slucaj da su u rasadniku koristili pesticide, insekticide gnojivo)
Kameleoni dok su mladi ne jedu biljke no kasnije postanu dio njihove ishrane.
Najbolje je uzimati biljke s širokim listovima zbog toga jer kameleoni ližu kapljice vode s lišca.(npr. hibiscuc)
Nikako: ne stavljajte bršljan orahove i hrastove grancice, oleandar ili mlijeciku.


Kljuc dobre ishrane je raznolikost, cim više razlicitih vrsta kukaca tim bolje.
U specijaliziranim trgovinama obicno susrecemo tri osnovne vrste prehrane za kameleone:
• Kucni cvrcak (najkvalitetnije ali i najskuplje).
• Brašnari (crvi koji se relativno jednostavno mogu uzgojiti kod kuce, služe kao nadopuna prehrani)
•kraljevski crvi (zophobas) (slicno izgledaju kao brašnari ali su mnogo veci, vrlo hranjivi).
- za ostatak prehrane najbolje se pobrinite sami: leptiri, skakavci, muhe i cvrcci cesto se nalaze oko kuca i polja pa je najbolje prošetati se i uhvatiti nešto, no pazite jer nekad, bez da znamo, ti kukci mogu biti špricani insekticidima ili izloženi nekim drugim otrovima.
Mladi kameleoni jedu dva puta dnevno i to uglavnom cvrcke, dok se odrasli hrane svaki drugi dan.
Važno je da svaki tjedan «posolimo» njihovu hranu vitaminskim dodatkom u prahu.

Vrlo je važno omoguciti svježu i cistu vodu, svakodnevno i to iz nekoliko izvora najcešce se spominju prskalice za maglu, kojima špricamo okolno bilje a kameleoni s lišca ližu kapljice (bitno je napomenut da u prskalicu tocimo vrucu vodu pa dok se rasprši ugodno je topla).
No to može biti dostatno dok je životinja mala kasnije zahtjeva puno više tekucine (nisu rijetki slucajevi da kameleon ugine od zatajenja bubrega uzrokovanog kronicnom žedi)
Nabavite pojilice za glodavce (koje možete kupiti u svakom specijaliziranom ducanu za kucne ljubimce) iz tih pojilica konstantno suzi kap vode, a i korisno je stavit par kapi vitaminskog preparata (tekuceg).
Kasnije se životinja može priviknut na cisti tanjuric za cvijece u kojem je oprano kamenje u jednom sloju i vodom napunjeno do pola.



Prije pokušaja parenja potrebno je pomno motriti posebno stanje ženke, vrlo je važno da su životinje koje mislimo rasplodivat zdrave i dobro hranjene, te da nemaju nikakvih urodenih bolesti.
Za ženku je posebno važna prehrana obogacena dodatkom kalcija i fosfora, buduci da mora formirat 20-80 jaja, što je prilicno velik posao, a nedostatak kalcija nadoknaduje iz svojih kostiju pa tako lako može i uginuti.


Ženke spolno sazrijevaju sa 4-5 mjeseci. Relativno je jednostavno ustanovit stanje ženke i dal' je spremna na parenje. Spolna spremnost se ocituje u promjeni boje tijela, dobiva plave tocke po cijelom ili samo dijelovima tijela. No najbolji je pokazatelj ponašanje ženke kad se pusti u mužjakov terarij, vrlo je važno da životinje nisu pod stresom. Unošenjem ženke u mužjakov terarij važno je prvih nekoliko minuta promatrat reakciju ženke, ako se ponaša da se ništa nije dogodilo i lagano se krece po terariju znaci da je spremna na parenje, no ako promjeni boju tijela u crnu i pocinje siktati i napuhavati se, odmah je izvadite iz terarija i pokušajte ponovo nakon nekog vremena.


Gravidne ženke kameleona poprimit ce oblik lopte za baseball i nakon uspješnog parenja za 15-30 dana pocet ce polagat jaja u komoru. (nekoliko dana prije polaganja životinja nece uzimat nikakvu hranu).
Komoru je relativno jednostavno napravit od kutije koju napunimo s vlažnim pijeskom, pijesak ne smije biti mokar ili suh, vec da se može u njemu izdubiti tunel. Takvu posudu dobro je zaštiti s biljem ili nekim paravanom da se ženka ne uznemiruje za vrijeme samog polaganja jaja.
U taj pijesak ženka polaže izmedu 10 pa cak do 100 jaja.
Nakon polaganja jaja potrebno je ostavit ženku na miru i poprskat okolno lišce s toplom vodom.
Kada ženka položi sva jaja zatrpat ce tunel što nam daje znak da je polaganje gotovo.
Izvadite posudu s jajima i pažljivo ih iskopajte te prenesite u inkubator.


Najveca pogreška koja se radi je; previsoka temperatura inkubacije, najbolji rezultati se postižu na dnevnoj temperaturi izmedu 24°C - 27°C dok nocna mora past za 5°C-10°C. visoke temperature inkubacije obicno daju manji postotak izlijeganja i deformiraju mladunce.
Jaja u inkubatoru moraju biti u mraku jer svjetlo uvelike smanjuje postotak izvaljenih jajašca
Jaja ove vrste kameleona imaju rok inkubacije od 4 do 9 mjeseci (pa budite strpljivi).
Nakon što se izlegu najbolje je ponuditi im vrlo male cvrcke ili mušice jer ce vjerojatno odbijati crve.
Zajedno možete držati više kameleona samo od starosti od 3 mjeseca, nakon toga više nece tolerirati suparnike.


CHAMAELEO CALYPTRATUS - je najotpornija, dugoživuca i predivna vrsta kameleona.
Odgovornost je na svakom vlasniku da se pobrine za najbolje uvjete koje može pružiti, cak i ako oni koji put sikcu na nas.


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