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svemirski_duh Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 676
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај svemirski_duh Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 22:54
Originally posted by Padisah Padisah напиша:

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN>

<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000000 size=3> 

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN>

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN> 

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN>

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN> 

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN> 

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN> 

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN> 

<SPAN lang=PT-BR style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: PT-BR; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"><SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN></SPAN>

Brat... jas bi go ostavil da si talka vo svojata zaslepenost.

Onoj koj ima cisto srce,ima otvoreni race i prav mu e patot.

Slepec i na prav pat se sopina.
Кон врв
Padisah Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 24.Ноември.2007
Локација: Turkey
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 393
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Padisah Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 22:51
Sultan Ulü-l Ebsar
T.Han B.Osman bin lahavle
Daimi Muzaffer
Dünya Fatihi Haşmetli ve Ulu Sultan
Кон врв
svemirski_duh Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 676
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај svemirski_duh Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 22:40
Kazav,Templarus... ima mnogu bradeti Evrei ;)
Veruvaj ti i ponataka vo mediumite.
Nie tuka zboruvame sto e Dzihad spored Qur'anot i Hadisite.
Кон врв
Templarius Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 12.Февруари.2008
Локација: Macedonia
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 2754
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Templarius Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 22:32

Svemirski sega spored tebe ce ispadne deka se raboti za don kihot cel svet se bori protiv globalniot terorizam koj e voden od strana na islamskite ekstremisti-se organiziraat zasedavanja, sostanoci na zemji od celiot svet sakajci da mu stavat kraj na dzihadot a ti velis deka ne postoi, celata rabota e sto tie koi go vodat dzihadot ubivaat vo imeto na alah i vo imeto na islam ti se dopadjalo toa tebe ili ne tie toa go pravat jas ce ti navedam nekoi raboti procitaj mi i odgvori mi - inaku tvojot stav za izvornoto znacenje na dzihadot e vo red no toj stav drzi voda isto kolku jas da zastapam stav deka dinamitot prvin bil izmislen za pravenje na dobri dela ...... no podocna znaeme sto proizleguva ....


"In the name of Allah the Avenger, I swear on the holy book to perform my sacred duty as a soldier of Islam in this Jihad to restore to this world the light of divine justice... Allah demands no less. For to die in the cause is to be sent immediately to paradise."

A Taliban official, explaining why the group is violent.


“But the coming Islamic caliphate country will not rise except at the hands of the fighting sect who raises the flag of Allah and Jihad.”

Statement from the Salafi terrorist group, one of several fundamentalist cells responsible for the slaughter of 150,000 men women and children in the 1990’s.


“True resistance is helped by Allah the Supreme and the battles are for His just cause”

Abu Hafs, Mujahideen and one of the region’s most prolific killer


"Allah is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."

Credo of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned attacks and numerous subsidiary terrorist organizations

India (Kashmir)

“Democracy is among the menaces we inherited from an alien government. It is part of the system we are fighting against… It is not possible to work within a democracy and establish an Islamic system… If Allah gives us a chance, we will try to bring in the pure concept of an Islamic Caliphate.''

"The notion of the sovereignty of the people is anti-Islamic. Only Allah is sovereign.''

Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organization.


“Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war.   Those who say this are witless. Islam says: 'Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter their armies.'”

The Ayatollah Khomeini


“Keep on fighting for the application of Islamic law. If this state and nation wants to become great, safe, and at peace then it has to return to Islam one hundred percent without bargaining. If not, then it will be destroyed.”

Abu Bakar Bashir, spiritual leader of the Indonesian Mujahideen

Iraq (Sunni)

“There is no doubt that Allah commanded us to strike the Kuffar (unbelievers), kill them, and fight them by all means necessary to achieve the goal. The servants of Allah who perform Jihad to elevate the word (laws) of Allah, are permitted to use any and all means necessary to strike the active unbeliever combatants for the purpose of killing them, snatch their souls from their body, cleanse the earth from their abomination, and lift their trial and persecution of the servants of Allah. The goal must be pursued even if the means to accomplish it affect both the intended active fighters and unintended passive ones such as women, children and any other passive category specified by our jurisprudence.”

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Sunni terrorist known for cutting captives’ throats

Iraq (Shia)

“My motivation is a sense of duty toward my religious faith to fight against any hostile enemy of Islam.”

Abu Deraa, sh*tte terrorist known for drilling into captive’s heads


“The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its way. It is from Islam that it derives its ideas, concepts, and perceptions concerning the universe, life, and man, and it refers to Islam's judgment in all its actions. It is from Islam that it seeks direction so as to guide its
steps. “

The covenant of the bloody Hamas terrorist organization (Islamic Resistance Movement)


“Terrorism is a badge of honour on our chests until Judgement Day. In the name of Allah, we’re pursuing the path of jihad until we uproot you, exterminate your state until the rule of the king vanishes. We follow the steps of the Prophet (Muhammad)... Allah is our Lord; you have none."

Hassan al-Smeik, leader of the cell that plotted a chemical weapons attack intended to kill 80,000 Jordanians


“We are… linked to the Muslims of the whole world by the solid doctrinal and religious connection of Islam, whose message God wanted to be fulfilled by the Seal of the Prophets, i.e., Muhammad”

From the charter of the Hezbollah terrorist group, which has kidnapped, tortured and killed numerous non-Muslims.


"I will go back to wage jihad. I pray Allah fulfils my desire of embracing martyrdom next time,"

Hizbul Mujahideen cadre, when asked why he kills the Indian people

"With regard to Osama and Al-Zawahiri, I never met them, but I have the utmost love and respect for them, because of their enmity towards the Jews and the Christians. The Muslims must be harsh towards the infidels and compassionate among themselves. These two men reflect this Koranic verse... We place our trust in Allah. Soon, we will witness the miracles of Jihad."

By'atullah Mahsoud, the Emir of the Pakistani Taliban

The Philippines

“We may be small in number, but we have plenty fighting with us--the angels and the hand of Allah. We dream of an entire Islamic world, and we will achieve it. Allah is with us."

Abu Sayyaf terrorist group leader, Khadaffy Janjalani, responsible for church bombings and beheadings.

Saudi Arabia

"One of the greatest virtues in Islam is jihad for the sake of God. Ramadan is the month of jihad and battles, and most Muslim battles took place during the blessed month. This is your season, o people of jihad. Jihad during the fasting month of Ramadan has a great taste -- for what better way to break your fast than to kill infidels and relish the sound of the weeping of the despicable tyrants and infidels."

Saudi-based terrorist magazine, al-Jihad


"And your brothers of the Mujahideen Movement are on their way, going forth in Jihad against the occupiers and disbelievers so that the word of Allah is the highest and there is no more fitnah on earth and the religion is solely for Allah."

Deadly Somali terrorist group calling itself, Youth Islamic Movement


"Allah, may he be praised, said… ‘Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for internal strife [Fitna] is worse than killing.’"

The Qur’anic verse quoted by the Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades in explaining the murder of 202 Madrid train commuters


"To Fight and Conquer. Death in the name of Allah."

The unit logo of the Janjaweed militia, responsible for “cleansing” Darfur of African people along with the rape of thousands of women.

"Long live the Mujahideen"

Sudanese President, Omar al-Bahir, at a meeting of Janjaweed fighters.

“Jihad is a duty.”

The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Sudan


“Our hero [the suicide bomber] believed in Allah and died while fighting for Allah”

Islamic Jihad leader, Abu Ayman


“….Martyrs, how glorious we will be if we fall as warriors of our land. When Martyrs are killed, they are not dead but alive next to Allah. They will watch and listen to every piece of news to see if their children will follow in their footsteps….”

Berjihad di Pattani, “calls for a holy war to liberate Pattani from ‘colonists’. It is liberal in employing metaphoric references and verses from the Quran. ...a significant and clear articulation of the radical religious dimension of the conflict in south Thailand used within the context of Malay-Muslim resentment of the central government. It engages in Takdir (the labeling of fellow Muslims as infidels) and makes direct calls for Martyrs to attack fellow Muslims perceived to be collaborating with the “occupation”, or the Jahili (people of the ignorance). It views the practice of religious obligations of these “hypocrite” Muslims as a disguise hiding hearts filled with fury and hatred against Islam…”


“The Koran says: ‘Fight them until evil disappears and all religion becomes Allah's [religion].' The suicide activists who blow themselves up are carrying out the Koran's commandment.’"

Ali Osman Zor, Great East Islamic Raiders Front terrorist organization

United Kingdom

“Our religion is Islam - obedience to the one true God, Allah, and following the footsteps of the final prophet and messenger Muhammad... This is how our ethical stances are dictated. “

Mohammad Sidique Khan, London subway bomber, explaining his motives on a pre-recorded video tape.

United States

"I did not act out of hatred for Americans, but love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of Allah’s commandments, of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran.”

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, explaining (in his words) “reasons for premeditating and attempting to murder citizens and residents of the United States of America.” He also quoted 141 verses from the Qur'an.


"We have declared a jihad to create a religious government in Uzbekistan”

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader, Tahir Yuldeshev

September 11th Attacks

"We killed them outside their land, praise be to Allah. Today, we kill them in the midst of their own home.

O Allah, revive an entire nation by our deaths. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr.

To the Garden of Eden, our first house. We shall meet in the eternal Paradise with the prophets, honest people, martyrs and righteous people. They are the best of companions. Praise be to Allah. Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. "

Ahmad al-Haznawi, Flight 93 Hijacker

"Those 19 brothers who left us made efforts and offered their lives for the cause of Allah. Allah has favored them with this conquest, which we are enjoying now"

Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's Number Two, explaining the motives for the plot.

"Be cheerful, for you have only moments between you and your eternity, after which a happy and satisfying life begins...

"Remember: it is a raid for the sake of Allah. Recite the prayer. As you take the seat, recite the prayer. Mention Allah a lot. When the hijacking begins, "Shout Allah is great because this shout strikes terrors in the hearts of the infidels

"And the moment of death should be accompanied by the basic statement of belief recited by all Muslims at the call to prayer. Seconds before the target, your last words should be, 'there is no god but Allah. Mohammed is his messenger!."

Written instructions to the hijackers.

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"

Last words from the cockpit of Flight 93.

Ovaa se zakletvi so koi se zakolnuvaat deneska onie koi odat vo borba protiv nevernicite vo koj kontekst e dzihad ovdeka upotreben??????

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months
Date     Country     City     Killed     Injured     Description
5/6/2008     Pakistan     Bannu     3     4     Three people are killed by a suicide bomber pulling a rickshaw.
5/5/2008     Pakistan     Matta     2     0     Two bank guards are murdered by followers of a local cleric.
5/5/2008     Iraq     Mosul     3     2     Three prostitutes are shot to death in their apartment by Islamic fundamentalists.
5/5/2008     Iraq     Balad Ruz     10     13     Sunni radicals assassinate ten local policemen.
5/5/2008     Thailand     Narathiwat     0     12     Three young girls are among a dozen injured when Islamists plant a bomb in front of a house.
5/4/2008     Iraq     Mosul     5     4     A female journalist pulled from her car and shot in the head is among five people killed by Islamic terrorists.
5/4/2008     Iraq     Balad     2     0     Two women are taken out by Jihadis bombers.
5/4/2008     Chechnya     Grozny     6     2     Six local cops are killed by Mujahideen bombers in two separate attacks.
5/4/2008     Sudan     Shugag Karo     11     5     Eleven civilians are killed when the Islamic Republic bombs a busy market.
5/4/2008     Sudan     Al-Ain     3     0     Three children are killed when the Islamic Republic bombs a village.
5/4/2008     India     Kishtwar     2     0     Two civilians are kidnapped an brutally murdered by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
5/3/2008     Iraq     Shirqat     1     2     A child is killed by Jihadis during a mortar attack. Two others are injured.
5/3/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     Islamists shoot a 47-year-old man to death as he is buying milk.
5/3/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     2     7     Two Iraqis are killed when Islamic terrorists hit an apartment building with a rocket.
5/2/2008     Indonesia     Horale     3     0     A Muslim mob rampages through a Christian village, killing three people and setting fire to churches and homes.
5/2/2008     Yemen     Saada     3     0     Three local cops are gunned down at a checkpoint by suspected Shia militia.
5/2/2008     Yemen     Saada     9     38     A woman and child are among nine people killed when sectarian Jihadis bomb a rival mosque.
5/2/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     1     Islamists open fire on a group of Buddhists, killing at least one.
5/1/2008     Pakistan     Bara     0     31     Thirty-one people are injured when a suicide bomber attacks a rival seminary.
5/1/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     9     23     Jihadis murder nine people in a car-bomb attack along a city street.
5/1/2008     Iraq     Balad Ruz     35     76     Two female al-Qaeda suicide bombers take out three dozen Shiites in a brutal attack on a wedding.
5/1/2008     Afghanistan     Spin Boldak     8     6     Two children are among eight people killed by the Taliban in separate bombing attacks.
4/30/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     1     A middle-aged man is shot, then burned to death by the Religion of Peace.
4/30/2008     Iraq     Tikrit     2     0     A man and woman are kidnapped and tortured to death by suspected Islamic militants.
4/30/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     17     9     Seventeen civilians are killed in a bombing by Islamic terrorists.
4/30/2008     Thailand     Pattani     3     5     Islamic bombers kill three policemen after luring them to their deaths.
4/29/2008     Iraq     Baquba     3     16     Two female suicide bomber kill three Iraqis in separate attacks.
4/29/2008     Afghanistan     Khogyani     18     14     The Taliban use a young boy as a suicide bomber, killing eighteen innocent people.
4/29/2008     Iraq     Diyala     6     0     Six academics are kidnapped and murdered by suspected Sunni extremists.
4/29/2008     Pakistan     Kohat     3     3     Militant Muslims gun down three local police officers.
4/29/2008     Somalia     Hiraan     1     0     A local army officer is kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the Mujahideen.
4/29/2008     Sudan     Helf     1     1     A woman is killed, and a child gravely injured, when the Islamic Republic bombs a village.
4/29/2008     Iraq     Kirkuk     4     15     Four Iraqis are taken out by Jihadis in a roadside attack.
4/28/2008     Pakistan     Waziristan     1     0     A 35-year-old policeman is abducted and beheaded by the Taliban.
4/28/2008     Somalia     Baidoa     6     2     An attack by Islamic militia leaves six people dead.
4/28/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     2     4     A woman and child are killed when Islamic terrorists fire mortars into the city.
4/27/2008     Afghanistan     Kabul     3     10     Sunni extremists rocket a parade, killing three people.
4/27/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     7     2     Seven civilians are killed when Islamists attack a government target.
4/27/2008     Iraq     al-Guba     50     0     A mass grave is discovered containing the bodies of at least fifty people, rounded up by Sunni radicals, bound and executed.
4/27/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     3     9     A suicidal Sunni bomber takes out three Iraqis.
4/27/2008     Thailand     Narathiwat     2     0     Two men in their 30's are shot to death in separate Mujahideen attacks.
4/27/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     3     0     Islamic militias fire a mortar into a home, killing a mother and her two children.
4/27/2008     Iraq     Samarra     1     4     Jihadis murder a woman in a roadside attack.
4/26/2008     Pakistan     Dadukhel     4     10     Woman and children are among the casualties when the Taliban attack a residence.
4/26/2008     Iraq     Mosul     9     11     Nine people are murdered in two Fedayeen suicide bombing attacks.
4/26/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     3     18     Jihadis gun down a shopowner. Two other Iraqis are blown up by a suicide bomber.
4/25/2008     Afghanistan     Kabul     3     4     Three local cops are murdered by the Taliban in two attacks.
4/25/2008     Israel     Nitzanei Oz     2     0     Two Israelis in their 50's are executed by a Palestinian gunman.
4/25/2008     Iraq     Basra     12     31     A child killed when Jihadis throw a grenade into a wedding is among a dozen civilians taken out in various attacks around the country.
4/25/2008     Pakistan     Hub     3     8     Suspected Islamists machine-gun three cement factory workers to death on their way to work.
4/25/2008     Pakistan     Mardan     5     30     Five people are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb.
4/24/2008     Iraq     Kirkuk     3     0     Jihadis manage to murder three people with a roadside bomb.
4/24/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     3     15     Freedom fighters bomb a marketplace, killing three Iraqis.
4/24/2008     Thailand     Pattani     5     1     Five construction workers are brutally gunned down by Islamic separatists.
4/24/2008     Pakistan     Miranshah     1     0     A young shopkeeper is abducted, tortured and murdered by religious extremists.
4/23/2008     Iraq     Mosul     4     9     Four people are killed by a suicide bomber and responders, who were then gunned down.
4/23/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     2     3     Two Afghans are murdered by a suicide bomber.
4/23/2008     Afghanistan     Spin Boldak     3     14     Children are among the casualties of a suicide bombing that kills three civilians.
4/23/2008     Afghanistan     Kunar     5     7     Religious extremists attack a police post, killing five officers.
4/23/2008     Iraq     Tikrit     2     0     Two oil workers are murdered by Sunni terrorists.
4/23/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     0     A man is shot to death by Muslim militants while riding home on a motorcycle.
4/22/2008     Iraq     Jalawla     8     17     A female suicide bomber murders eight Iraqis.
4/22/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     6     10     Jihadis rain down rockets on a residential neighborhood, leaving six dead.
4/22/2008     Iraq     Ramadi     2     29     Iraqi children are among the casualites when a suicide bomber targets a group of Marines.
4/22/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     A villager is shot three times in the head by Islamists.
4/21/2008     Pakistan     Jamrud     2     5     Two local security personnel are gunned down in a brutal ambush by dozens of Islamic fighters.
4/21/2008     Iraq     Baqubah     4     5     A female suicide bomber kills four Iraqis.
4/21/2008     Iraq     Mosul     3     0     A teenager is among three civilians cut down by militant Sunnis.
4/21/2008     Afghanistan     Kandahar     6     0     Six local policemen are murdered in an attack on their checkpoint by religious extremists.
4/21/2008     Somalia     Guda     4     7     Islamic militias attack a small town, killing four local defenders.
4/21/2008     Somalia     Baidoa     1     0     A government official is assassinated by Islamic terrorists.
4/20/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     1     4     A man is killed in a mortar attack that also leaves his wife and children injured.
4/20/2008     Thailand     Narathiwat     2     1     Two policemen guarding a polling station are gunned down by Muslim militants.
4/20/2008     Lebanon     Zahle     2     0     Two political figures are shot to death by suspected Islamists.
4/20/2008     Afghanistan     Kunar     1     5     The Taliban kill a 15-year-old boy collecting livestock food with other children.
4/20/2008     Iraq     Diyala     47     0     Forty-seven bodies of kidnap victims are found in a mass grave.
4/20/2008     Iraq     Rashad     2     0     Two contractors are shot to death by Sunni militants.
4/20/2008     Iraq     Sinjar     2     0     A government official and his brother are kidnapped from their home and murdered by Islamic terrorists.
4/20/2008     Thailand     Narathiwat     1     5     Islamists detonate a bomb and then open fire on a group of local soldiers, killing one.
4/20/2008     Pakistan     Hub     3     1     Three local soldiers are machine-gunned to death by religious radicals.
4/19/2008     Iraq     Diwaniyah     16     0     A mass grave is found containing sixteen decapitated bodies.
4/19/2008     Afghanistan     Zabul     3     1     Three civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb.
4/19/2008     Iraq     Baqubah     1     3     A child is killed in a Jihad roadside bombing.
4/19/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     8     12     Eight civilians are killed in an ambush by Islamic militants.
4/19/2008     Thailand     Narathiwat     1     1     A 45-year-old man is shot and killed by Islamists while riding with his wife on a motorcycle.
4/18/2008     Afghanistan     Uruzgan     2     2     Islamic radicals kill two Dutch soldiers, saying that it is in retaliation for Fitna, a Dutch movie alleging a violece problem within Islam.
4/18/2008     Afghanistan     Logar     3     1     Three civilians are killed by a Taliban roadside blast.
4/18/2008     Pakistan     Parachinar     4     0     Four young men are murdered by suspected Mujahideen in two separate attacks.
4/18/2008     Yemen     Saada     3     6     A government official and two others are shot to death by suspected Islamic militants.
4/17/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     Islamic radicals kill a local soldier in a bomb attack.
4/17/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     3     0     Islamists attack three foreigners collecting water, killing them with a rocket.
4/17/2008     Iraq     Mahmudiya     51     0     A mass grave containing the tortured remains of 51 Iraqis is discovered.
4/17/2008     Iraq     Tuz Khormato     51     55     Fifty-one mourners at a funeral are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
4/17/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     0     A villager on his way to work is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
4/17/2008     Afghanistan     Zarang     23     31     A Fedayeen suicide bomber strikes a crowd of civilians leaving a mosque, killing two dozen.
4/17/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     A 55-year-old man is shot and killed by Muslim radicals while running errands.
4/17/2008     Pakistan     Baytha     1     0     Fundamentalists kill a female health worker at her clinic.
4/17/2008     India     Doda     1     0     A civilian is murdered by Mujahideen gunmen.
4/16/2008     Pakistan     Khyber     20     15     Lashkar-e-Islam and fellow Sunnis clash over a religious dispute. Twenty people are killed.
4/16/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     0     The manger of a shrimp farm is kidnapped and beheaded by Muslim extremists.
4/16/2008     Iraq     Muqdadiyah     2     5     Sunni extremists open fire on a minibus, killing two occupants.
4/16/2008     Afghanistan     Zabul     1     0     A local police officer is gunned down in a Taliban ambush.
4/16/2008     Yemen     Marib     4     3     Four local cops are killed in an al-Qaeda bombing.
4/15/2008     Iraq     Baqubah     40     80     At least forty civilians are killed when Sunni extremists plant a bomb near a courthouse.
4/15/2008     Iraq     Karbala     5     2     Five people are murdered by Sunni extremists in an armed attack on their village.
4/15/2008     Iraq     Al-Doum     5     6     Shiite radicals kill five Iraqis and kidnap six more.
4/15/2008     Afghanistan     Spin Boldak     2     3     Two local cops are murdered by Sunni bombers.
4/15/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     11     19     Jihads rack up eleven civilians, including women, in at least two attacks.
4/15/2008     Iraq     Mosul     9     20     Six women, including a schoolgirl, are among nine Iraqis murdered by Jihadis.
4/15/2008     India     Ramban     1     0     Lashkar-e-Toiba militants kill a local soldier.
4/15/2008     Pakistan     Parachinar     1     6     One person is killed in a Sunni-Shia sectarian clash.
4/15/2008     Iraq     Ramadi     13     20     Islamic terrorists send a suicide bomber into a restaurant, killing at least thirteen patrons.
4/14/2008     Iraq     Sinjar     12     15     A dozen Iraqi soldiers are murdered by a suicide bomber while traveling home from a security posting.
4/14/2008     Afghanistan     Arghandab     11     1     Islamic hardliners storm a police checkpoint, killing eleven locals.
4/14/2008     Somalia     Belet Weyne     4     0     A 70-year-old man is among four teachers shot in the head by Islamists.
4/14/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     7     17     Jihadis kill seven civilians with two bomb blasts.
4/14/2008     Iraq     Tal Afar     4     14     A suicide bomber takes out four mourners at a funeral.
4/14/2008     Pakistan     Parachinar     7     68     Seven more people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
4/14/2008     Somalia     Merka     4     12     Fundamentalists toss a grenade into a cinema showing Western films, killing at least four patrons.
4/13/2008     Iraq     Mosul     3     10     An Islamist bombing and beheading leave three Iraqis dead.
4/13/2008     Afghanistan     Khost     3     4     Three civilians are blown to bits by a bomb planted by Islamic militants.
4/13/2008     Ingushetia     Karabulak     1     0     A judge is assassinated by suspected Islamic gunmen.
4/12/2008     Afghanistan     Nimroz     4     3     Three Indian road workers and a local Afghan are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
4/12/2008     Pakistan     k*rram     8     10     Eight people are killed in violence between rival religious groups.
4/12/2008     Afghanistan     Maiwand     4     0     Sunni extremists murder four anti-drug workers in a field.
4/12/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     4     7     Four local cops are ambushed and killed by the Taliban.
4/11/2008     Iraq     Baiji     2     13     Children are among the casualties of two Jihad terror attacks, including a suicide bombing.
4/11/2008     Iraq     Ramadi     3     5     A suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis.
4/11/2008     Pakistan     Charsadda     1     0     A government official is shot to death by pro-Taliban militants.
4/11/2008     Pakistan     k*rram     2     2     A 13-year-old boy is among two people killed in separate attacks by sectarian militants.
4/11/2008     Pakistan     Chinar Chowk     2     3     Religious radicals shell a market, killing two people.
4/10/2008     Afghanistan     Kandahar     8     20     Eight civilians are murdered by a Taliban suicide bomber.
4/10/2008     Iraq     Mosul     4     25     Jihadis kill four Iraqis with a pair of bombs.
4/10/2008     Iraq     Mahmoudiya     33     0     Thirty victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found in a mass grave.
4/9/2008     Israel     Nahal Oz     2     2     Two Israeli civilians are shot to death by Palestinian militants at a fuel depot.
4/9/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     7     27     The Mujahideen lob mortars into a funeral, killing seven mourners, including children.
4/9/2008     Iraq     Dhuluiya     5     0     A mother and her four children are taken out in a Sunni mortar attack.
4/9/2008     Turkey     Ankara     3     0     Video is released showing the execution of three Chinese hostages by a Turkish Islamic group.
4/9/2008     Pakistan     k*rram     1     6     A sectarian clash leaves one person dead.
4/9/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     0     A man is gunned down by Islamic terrorists while driving home.
4/9/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     5     4     Islamists target a military convoy with a landmine. Civilians are among the casualties.
4/9/2008     Iraq     Mosul     4     18     Four people are killed in a pair of Jihad car bombings.
4/8/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     2     9     Two people are killed in a Fedayeen car-bomb attack.
4/8/2008     Afghanistan     Zabul     17     16     Seventeen civilian road workers are murdered by Taliban gunmen.
4/8/2008     Pakistan     Hangu     2     4     Two people are killed over a religious dispute.
4/8/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     1     2     Taliban terrorists ambush a group of local cops, killing one.
4/8/2008     Iraq     Baquba     4     0     A family of four is wiped out by Jihadi gunmen.
4/8/2008     Iraq     Balad Ruz     7     10     Sunni bombers target a minibus, killing seven innocents.
4/8/2008     Pakistan     Karachi     1     0     A Hindu man is beaten to death by his Muslim co-workers over allegedly insulting Islam.
4/7/2008     Afghanistan     Kandahar     7     2     Seven local members of an anti-drug task force are murdered by religious extremists.
4/7/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     2     6     Two local policmen are killed in a Taliban bombing attack.
4/7/2008     Somalia     Baidoa     13     12     Thirteen people are killed in three separate Islamist bomb attacks.
4/7/2008     Afghanistan     Heart     2     1     Sunni extremists attack a checkpoint, killing two local officers.
4/7/2008     Sudan     Darfur     14     38     Janjaweed militias attack three villages, murdering at least fourteen civilians.
4/6/2008     Thailand     Narathiwat     1     0     A civilian is killed by radical Muslim gunmen.
4/6/2008     Iraq     Kirkuk     1     0     A woman is shot to death by suspected fundamentalists.
4/6/2008     Iraq     Samarra     7     0     al-Qaeda gunmen assassinate seven Sunnis.
4/6/2008     Pakistan     Peshawar     3     18     Islamic militants ambush vehicles along a highway, killing at least three locals.
4/6/2008     Somalia     Afgoye     2     3     A 9-year-old boy is among two people murdered when Islamists stage a shooting attack.
4/6/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     7     14     Seven people are shot to death by Muslim radicals in two attacks at a market.
4/5/2008     Pakistan     k*rrum     2     26     Sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia leaves two dead.
4/5/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     3     3     Three local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic militia.
4/5/2008     Iraq     Karradah     1     0     A Christian priest is shot to death by Muslim fanatics.
4/5/2008     Yemen     Sanaa     1     7     An al-Qaeda gunmen attacks a checkpoint killing one person.
4/5/2008     Iraq     Khaneqin     8     1     Four oil workers are kidnapped and beheaded. Four other innocents are killed elsewhere by Jihadis.
4/5/2008     Algeria     Djebel Sbaa     1     1     al-Qaeda bombers kill one Algerian and seriously wound another.
4/5/2008     Pal. Auth.     Gaza     1     1     A Hamas rocket falls short, killing a Palestinian farmer.
4/5/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     3     16     Sunni extremists bomb a bus, killing three people.
4/4/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     5     4     Islamists kill five local soldiers with a planted bomb.
4/4/2008     India     Kupwara     2     0     Two policemen are kidnapped and brutally tortured to death by the al-Badr Mujahideen.
4/4/2008     Iraq     Hamrin     9     30     A suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, killing at least nine mourners.
4/4/2008     Iraq     Hilla     7     3     Two Jihadi bombings leave seven local cops dead.
4/4/2008     Afghanistan     Lashkar Gah     4     8     Four Afghans are murdered by a suicide bomber.
4/3/2008     Thailand     Songkhla     1     0     An older man is murdered by Muslim gunmen while sitting in his truck.
4/3/2008     Iraq     Mosul     5     17     A Fedayeen bomber kills five civilians, including a woman and a 5-year-old child.
4/3/2008     Afghanistan     Kunar     1     0     Religious extremists target a fuel truck, killing the local driver.
4/3/2008     Iraq     Samarra     5     0     Jihadis kill five Iraqis with a roadside bombing.
4/2/2008     India     Kupwara     1     0     A man is shot to death in his home by Islamic militants.
4/2/2008     Somalia     Qansah Dhere     3     8     Islamists attack a government residence, killing at least three people.
4/2/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     6     24     Two women are among six killed in Jihad bombings.
4/2/2008     Iraq     Mahmudiya     1     1     Gunmen shoot a teacher to death and injure his son.
4/2/2008     Iraq     Muqdadiyah     11     5     Eleven Iraqis are murdered in Mujahideen bombings.
4/1/2008     Pakistan     Matta     2     6     Two members of a tribal peace committee are blown to bits in a bombing attack on their vehicle by Muslim militants.
4/1/2008     Afghanistan     Nimroz     2     5     Two Afghan police are blown up by a suicide car bomber.
4/1/2008     Iraq     Sammara     12     0     A dozen moderate Sunnis are murdered by al-Qaeda gunmen in two attacks.
3/31/2008     Iraq     Latifiya     6     0     Six Iraqis are kidnapped, blindfolded and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
3/31/2008     Somalia     Bule Burte     12     0     Twelve Somalis are killed when Islamists attack a small village.
3/31/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     1     0     Islamic extremists sneak up to a local guard and shoot him in the head.
3/31/2008     Pakistan     Nowshera     2     0     A man and a woman are stoned to death for adultery.
3/30/2008     Thailand     Yala     2     0     Islamists murder two civilians in separate attacks.
3/30/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     1     0     The remains of an American soldier, kidnapped and executed in captivity three years earlier, are identified.
3/30/2008     Iraq     Baiji     7     8     Eight people are killed when Islamists detonate a car bomb.
3/30/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     6     21     Jihadis kill six Iraqis with a mortar strike.
3/30/2008     Iraq     Muqdadiyah     14     0     An al-Qaeda mass grave is discovered containing fourteen torture victims.
3/29/2008     Afghanistan     Girishk     2     8     Sunni extremists attack a power station with a bomb, killing two employees.
3/29/2008     Iraq     Bani Saad     3     0     Three members of a family are wiped out by a Jihadi mortar.
3/28/2008     Afghanistan     Nimroz     2     2     Two local cops are murdered when the Taliban attack a counter-narcotics unit.
3/28/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     0     A young man is shot to death in his truck by Muslim radicals.
3/28/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     2     6     Two US civilians are killed in a mortar attack by Islamic terrorists.
3/28/2008     Iraq     Basra     1     0     A woman with a baby in her arms is murdered by fundamentalists for 'unIslamic' activity.
3/27/2008     Iraq     Diyala     37     0     A mass grave is discovered containing the tortured remains of thirty-seven victims of sectarian violence.
3/27/2008     Pakistan     k*rram     7     1     Two women are among seven killed when Islamic terrorists fire a rocket into an ambulance.
3/27/2008     Iraq     Samarra     2     2     A man and his son are brutally murdered by al-Qaeda. A child and woman are injured in the attack.
3/27/2008     Iraq     Baiji     1     5     A woman is killed when Islamic terrorists lob a mortar into a neighborhood.
3/27/2008     Pakistan     Kohat     50     0     Four days of violent attacks between Sunnia and Shia leave over fifty dead, including women and children.
3/27/2008     Thailand     Yala     0     8     Seven children are among eight people injured when Islamists detonate a bomb attached to a motorcycle.
3/27/2008     Iran     Ahwazi     7     0     Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqqas Brigade terrorists open fire on a bus, killing seven Iranians.
3/27/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     5     21     Jihadis kill at least five people in a series of mortar attacks.
3/27/2008     Pakistan     Karachi     2     0     Two local intelligence agents are shot to death by al-Qaeda militants.
3/26/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     8     17     Eight shoppers at an outdoor market are blown to bits by a Taliban car bomb.
3/26/2008     Somalia     Jowhar     7     0     Mujahideen kill at least seven Somalis in an attack on an agricultural town.
3/26/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     1     2     A local police officer is killed in a landmine attack by religious extremists.
3/25/2008     Iraq     Basra     31     88     Thirty-three people are killed when a Shiite militia attacks government troops.
3/25/2008     Pakistan     Swat     2     1     Islamic militants gun down a married couple as they are standing outside their home.
3/25/2008     Pakistan     Bajaur     1     0     A man is killed in a landmine attack by suspected Islamic militants.
3/25/2008     Pakistan     Swat     2     0     Two people are murdered by suspected al-Qaeda.
3/24/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     4     0     A civilian is among four people killed when Islamic terrorists attack a police station.
3/24/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     A 48-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen after dropping his wife off at work.
3/24/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     2     0     The bodies of two American civilians are found mutilated following their kidnapping.
3/24/2008     Afghanistan     Heart     6     0     Religious extremists kill two farmers and four local police in an ambush.
3/24/2008     Chechnya     Alleroi     2     0     Mujahideen murder two policemen with a homemade bomb.
3/24/2008     Afghanistan     Kunduz     2     0     Two more mine-clearing workers are murdered by the Taliban.
3/24/2008     Pakistan     North Waziristan     1     0     A young man is executed by al-Qaeda with a gunshot to the head.
3/23/2008     Pakistan     Torkham     2     50     al-Qaeda terrorists bomb a restaurant and an oil facility, killing two people.
3/23/2008     Iraq     Samarra     5     11     A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills five Iraqis.
3/23/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     1     0     A doctor is reported killed in an attack by Islamic terrorists.
3/23/2008     India     Srinagar     4     3     Lashker-e-Toiba militants ambush and kill four policemen.
3/23/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     22     34     Women and children are among the casualties as Islamic terrorists stage at least three separate attacks on civilians.
3/23/2008     Afghanistan     Jawzjan     5     7     Religious extremists calmly shoot five Afghans to death. The workers were trying to clear landmines at the time.
3/23/2008     Iraq     Baqubah     2     2     Two children are killed by a Jihad roadside attack.
3/23/2008     Iraq     Mosul     15     45     Fifteen Iraqi security personnel are murdered by a suicidal Sunni bomber.
3/22/2008     Pakistan     Hangu     4     25     Sectarian strife between rival mosques leaves four dead.
3/22/2008     Afghanistan     Kunar     1     0     A civilian is brutally murdered by Sunni extremists.
3/22/2008     Iraq     Latifiya     1     0     A civilian is kidnapped and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
3/22/2008     India     Bakhna     1     0     A young man is abducted from his home and brutally killed in captivity by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
3/22/2008     Afghanistan     Jawzjan     1     0     A district chief is stabbed to death by religious extremists.
3/21/2008     India     Kupwara     1     0     A 40-year-old man is dragged out of his home by Mujahideen, who then slash his throat.
3/21/2008     Afghanistan     Kanduz     1     0     A local cop is gunned down by the Taliban.
3/21/2008     Iraq     Mosul     1     0     Holy warriors kidnap and decapitate a civilian.
3/21/2008     Afghanistan     Kabul     2     4     Two people are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
3/20/2008     Iraq     Mosul     2     7     Two civilians are killed in a Mujahideen bombing attack in a neighborhood.
3/20/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     7     20     A 7-year-old child is among seven people killed when Islamic terrorists attack a government base.
3/20/2008     India     Gawari     2     0     Two children are killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba lob a grenade into the yard of a house.
3/20/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     0     Muslim radicals gun down a local Imam.
3/20/2008     Pakistan     Wana     5     9     A Shahid detonates himself in a car bomb attack, killing five local soldiers.
3/19/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     A Buddhist village guard is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
3/19/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     A 70-year-old Buddhist is murdered by Mujahideen gunmen at a grocery store.
3/19/2008     Iraq     Balad Ruz     5     16     A female suicide bomber kills five innocent people at a market.
3/19/2008     Thailand     Yala     2     0     Two people are killed when Muslim radicals throw a grenade into a moderate mosque.
3/19/2008     India     Srinagar     1     16     One person is killed, and sixteen others injured when Jihadis plant a bomb along a city street.
3/18/2008     Yemen     Sanaa     2     19     A schoolgirl is among two killed in a bomb attack on the US Embassy.
3/18/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     10     74     Ten Iraqis are killed by Islamic militants in three separate bombing attacks.
3/18/2008     Israel     Jerusalem     0     1     A rabbi is stabbed in the neck by a Palestinian.
3/17/2008     Afghanistan     Girishk     7     11     A Shahid blows himself up near a security convoy, killing three civilians and three multinational troops.
3/17/2008     Thailand     Yala     2     0     Two men are shot to death by Muslim militants.
3/17/2008     Thailand     Yala     0     8     Eight children are injured when Mujahid set off a bomb at a playground.
3/17/2008     Kosovo     Mitrovica     2     130     A suspected Muslim radical tosses a hand grenade into a crowd of protesting Serbs, killing two people.
3/17/2008     Iraq     Karbala     43     73     A female suicide bomber murders over forty Shiites near a shrine.
3/17/2008     Pakistan     Swat     2     3     Two young cadets are killed when a Shahid detonates himself at a police training center.
3/17/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     5     11     Five children are killed when Jihadis lob mortars onto a soccer field.
3/17/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     3     11     Mujahideen bomb a minibus, killing three civilian passengers.
3/16/2008     Pakistan     Mardan     1     8     Jihadis kill a local police officer with a roadside bomb.
3/16/2008     Algeria     Jijel     3     17     Three local soldiers are killed when armed Islamic fundamentalists open fire on their patrol.
3/16/2008     Algeria     al-Wadi     2     0     Two moderate Muslims are gunned down by al-Qaeda at a mosque.
3/16/2008     Philippines     Jolo     1     0     A gay man is stabbed and clubbed to death by suspected fundamentalists.
3/16/2008     Iraq     Basra     1     0     A 17-year-old girl is stomped and stabbed to death by her father for falling in love with a British soldier. (The father is not charged with a crime).
3/16/2008     Algeria     Kadiria     1     2     Fundamentalists kill a 19-year-old student with a bomb that also injures two other teens.
3/15/2008     Thailand     Pattani     2     14     Two people are killed when Islamic terrorists bomb a hotel.
3/15/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     4     Islamists set fire to a school to draw firefighters, then detonate a bomb, killing one.
3/15/2008     Afghanistan     Khost     2     3     A child and an elderly man are blown to bits by a Shahid bomber.
3/15/2008     Iraq     Hilla     1     8     Jihadis kill an Iraqi woman with a mortar attack on a neighborhood.
3/15/2008     Pakistan     Islamabad     1     15     Islamists bomb an Italian restaurant, killing a Turkish woman.
3/14/2008     Pakistan     Swat     1     0     A Taliban bomb kills a 12-year-old child.
3/14/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     2     5     A child is among two killed when Jihadis lob a mortar into their home.
3/14/2008     Pakistan     Sham     1     0     Mujahid slash the throat of a 30-year-old tribesman.
3/14/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     3     4     Three local police are murdered in two separate attacks by Muslim extremists at a market.
3/14/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     8     24     A soccer coach is one of at least eight Iraqis killed by Jihadis in various attacks.
3/13/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     2     2     Jihad Warriors fire into a Medecins Sans Frontieres transport vehicle, killing two guards and injuring medical volunteers.
3/13/2008     Afghanistan     Kabul     6     20     A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders six civilians along a city street.
3/13/2008     Afghanistan     Saydabad     1     4     Taliban bombers kill a local cop.
3/13/2008     Somalia     Bur Haqaba     3     0     Three police are killed at point-blank range in a brutal Mujahid attack.
3/13/2008     Iraq     Zab     3     9     A suicide bomber kills three Iraqis.
3/13/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     11     57     Eleven innocents are blown to bits by Jihad car bombs in the heart of a commercial district.
3/13/2008     Somalia     Bossaso     1     0     Suspected Islamists assassinate a government official.
3/13/2008     Pakistan     Terak     1     0     A civilian is killed by a Taliban bomb blast.
3/13/2008     Iraq     Mosul     1     0     A Christian archbishop is killed while in the captivity of Muslim militants.
3/12/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     2     10     Islamic militants detonate a bomb in a residential neighborhood, killing two people.
3/12/2008     Iraq     Benazid     5     0     Five Sunnis are shot and beheaded by al-Qaeda.
3/12/2008     Afghanistan     Kandahar     1     4     A passing truck driver is killed by a suicide car bomber along a city street.
3/12/2008     Pakistan     Swat     2     2     Two security personnel are killed by Islamic bombers.
3/11/2008     Pakistan     Bajaur     11     13     Two women are among eleven civilians killed during a firefight following an ambush on government troops by Muslim militants.
3/11/2008     Somalia     Mogadishu     2     0     Two local cops are killed in a roadside attack by Islamic militants.
3/11/2008     Thailand     Pattani     1     1     A man is shot to death by Islamists while riding in a truck with his wife.
3/11/2008     Pakistan     Lahore     35     150     Children are among the thirty-five innocents murdered when twin Fedayeen suicide bombers detonate in two different parts of the city.
3/11/2008     Iraq     Nasariya     16     13     Sixteen men, women and children are blown to bits in a Jihad roadside attack on their bus.
3/11/2008     Afghanistan     Kandahar     4     11     Two children and two women are killed in the crossfire when Taliban militants attack a military convoy.
3/11/2008     Thailand     Yala     1     0     A 36-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
3/11/2008     Iraq     Duluiya     7     33     Two al-Qaeda car bombings leave seven Iraqis dead.
3/10/2008     Iraq     Kanaan     3     2     A 5-year-old child is among three people murdered by a female suicide bomber.
3/10/2008     Iraq     Suleimaniyah     3     30     Three civilians are killed by a suicide bomber outside a hotel.
3/10/2008     Iraq     Baghdad     6     9     Five US soldiers and one Iraqi are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber walks up to a foot patrol on a city street and detonates.
3/10/2008     Afghanistan     Badghis     1     0     Religious extremists ambush and kill a local policeman.
3/9/2008     Chechnya     Troitskaya     1     0     An Islamic sniper fires on a convoy, killing a Russian soldier.
3/9/2008     Somalia     Hiiraan     10     8     A woman is among ten people shot to death by Islamic militants.
3/8/2008     Iraq     Wajihiya     3     2     Jihadis kill three family members with a roadside bomb.
3/8/2008     Afghanistan     Helmand     3     1     Two children and an old man are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb.

A ovdeka se napdaite koi vo poslednive dva meseci se izvrseni od strana na teroristite koi sirum svetot vodat dzihad protiv nevernicite, i ovaa da go objasnime kako toa deka terorizmot ne postoi???????

Fakt e deka terorizmot zavitkan vo oblanda na dzihadot e podrzan od strana na golem broj muslimani koi morat (sakale ili ne) da go goltnat faktot deka se raboti za gol terorizam, zasto mnogu lesno toj dzihad moze da bide svrten protiv niv i nivnite familii. golem broj od niv go podrzuvaat dzihadot vodeni od verski pobudi, golem broj od niv go podrzuvaat dzhihadot vodeni od antiamerikanski antiizraelski i antizapadni pobudi, mnogu od niv go podrzuvaat dzihadot poradi neobrazovanost i neznaenje golem broj go podrzuvaat poradi toa sto veruvaat vo nego i golem broj go podrzuvaat od strav......Nekoi ce kazat amerika e okupator - dali??? Ako se secavate koga pocna kampanjata War on terror vo nea ucestvuvaa golem broj na zemji koi podocna gi povlekoa svoite sili od prosta pricina ne vidoa interes vo toa - dali ocekuvavate edna francija koja e preplavena so emigranti od muslimanski zemji da se bori plus zemja koja od sekogas e naviknata da profitira vo ratovite koi gi vodi ili edna germanija koja e eden od najgolemite hushkaci i prodavaci na oruzje na teroristite da ostane vo toj rat, amerika morase da ostane i ce ostane do kraj previse vlozi a i direktno bese napadnata.....ako za eden mesec amerika trosi preku 7 milijarda dolari mesecno za da go odrzi krevkiot mir vo afghanistan i da gi suzbie teroristite vo irak kazete mi do sega kolku potrosila i ako se bori za nafta duri so segasna cena na barelot kolku nafta ce moze da zeme od iraq za da kako sto nekoi velat i se isplati vojnata vo iraq - eden vek crpenje na nafta, ne mi e ispran mozokot no tuka dajte malku da gledame pootvoreno na onaa sto se slucuva, dosadna e vece komunistickata doktrina deka amerika e vinovna za se, nekoj go donese dzihadot vo amerika se sluci sto se sluci deneska ima milon dokazi deka napadite bea izvrseni od al kaeda ( da ne se zamlatuvame kako nekoi babi deka amerika sama gi lupnala avionite na 9/11) sto ocekuvavte od edna vele sila da napravi da ostavi nekoj si tamu terorist koj osbven planina ne videl nisto drugo da ja teroririzira pa dajte ve molam - i sega pak nekoj ce proba da mi kaze deka dzihadot koj e baza na sevo ovaa e bezopasen i deka e pogresno sfaten - da i dinamitot e bezopasen se dodeka ne mu go zapalis fitilot i ne go smestis vo tolpa od 150 ludje....

Изменето од Templarius - 07.Мај.2008 во 22:34
Give me your secrets
Bring me a sign
Give me a reason
To walk the fire
See another dawn
Through our son's eyes
You give me a reason
To walk the fire.
Кон врв
svemirski_duh Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 676
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај svemirski_duh Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 21:46
Originally posted by Messenger Messenger напиша:

Epa, tuka lezhi zajakot!

Provizijata vo k*ranot za dzhihad protiv site nevernici se upotrebuvala, se zloupotrebuvala i ke se upotrebuva i zloupotrebuva sekogash.

Messenger,brat,plitko razmisluvas.
Sam ednas spomna deka si zapoznat so Zlatnata Doba na Islamot. Mozebi denes se zloupotrebuva terminot Dzihad no toj ostanuva CIST vo negovata prava smisla. Onie ko go zloupotrebuvaat i ne se voopsto Muslimani.

Neznaes sto se slucilo so Evrejskiot car (koj bil otvoren Hristijanski neprijatel) i negoviot vezir koj bil tolkav spletkaros sto od voda cvor mozel da napravi. Ne spomnuvam tiki tuku taka...

Toj,negoviot vezir,go dal okoto sopstveno i uvoto i nogata,samo spletka da napravi.
Ke ti kazam na kuso i da znaes deka i denes takvi postojat.
Hristijanite mu smetale na Evrejskiot car i mislel kako da gi istrebi. Vezirot mu rekol: Toa prepustimi go mene.
Uste mu rekol: Javno ke mi go izvadis pred site okoto i nogata presecimi ja... zaradi toa sto navodno vo mene si primetil Golem Hristijanski duh i posle ke me isteras da ziveam daleku odtuka.... I taka bidnalo.
Koga go slusnale toa hristijanite se upatile da go sledat Carskiot vezir,koj poleka im vmetnuval sekakvi raboti vo verata ta na kraj gi nateral edni so drugi da se ispoubivaat. Druga prilika cel slucaj ke go dobies.

I denes ima takvi luge koi so Muslimanite istoto go pravat. Ti neznaes (mozebi) deka ima Evrei koi i iminjata gi smenile i Islamot go izucile samo spletka da napravat SVESNO.

Цитирај I kako ostanatite ke gledaat vo vas sigurni dobri sosedi koga samite velite deka vie ne treba da razmisluvate poedinechno, tuku da pravite onoa sto ke vi preporachaat vash*te islamski nauchni interpretatori i sveshtenici ?!

Sekoe stado ima ovcar (coban). Inaku se raspagja i nemoze da se sobere. Glupavo e da go pomislis toa. Sto ni se vprocem presednici,ministri itn. ? Zapozni se malku sto e Serijat i sto e Halifet.
Toa e eden Presednik za site Islamski zemji. Toa e kako sto e denes na drzavno nivo. Ako ti se zakani edna drzava so vojna drugata vozvrakja... nemoze narodot sam toa da go odluci tuku treba sekako vodac. A sekako sekoj si imame razbiranje i poznavanje i znaeme sto e pravo sto ne e. Toa moze kaj vas da deluva koi ne poznavate a koi cekate drugi da vi kazat pouki od mediumi zemate a ne zemate da procitate nisto...

Цитирај I tie ako vi naredat vo eden moment "vo Vojna!" vie site ke skoknete bez razmisluvanje i ke odite vo vojna! A da, ke dobiete nekakvo interpretiranje koe ke ja zadovoli "potrebata" za vojna, pa vie ke imate mirna sovest deka onoa sto go pravite e Alahova volja.

Nie si ja poznavame situacijata i Elhamdulillah Islamot (kolku tolku). Ima i denes koi povikuvaat vo Dzihad (Bin laden primer) no odzivot e poslab oti go znaeme koj e toj i znaeme koj od prilika moze da dade takva Fetva.

Цитирај Dzhihadot vo site formi vi e nareden vo k*ranot. . Spored toa, onie muslimani koi kje sakaat da go realiziraat vo bilo koj moment i po bilo koja prilika, samo ke treba da se povikaat na nego "tvrdejki" deka toa Alah go bara od vas i deka nechija dejnost e verski motivirana za unishtuvanje na Islamot. Toa postojano se propagira vo Islamskite zemji, pa lugjeto veke otrpnati na taa propaganda i poveke ne ni pomisluvaat da ja upotrebat svesta i razmislat dali e toa tokmu taka.

I tuka lezhi problemot so dzhihadot i so reakcijata od site lugje vo svetot koi ne se muslimani.

Problem so Dzihadot nema,povtoruvam,problemot e kaj lugeto. Na mnogu veke i im stana jasno deka borbata ne e protiv terorizmot tuku protiv Islamot i toa bese povod da mnogu Hristijani prifatat Islam.

Кон врв
Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18208
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Messenger Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 19:16
Epa, tuka lezhi zajakot!

Provizijata vo k*ranot za dzhihad protiv site nevernici se upotrebuvala, se zloupotrebuvala i ke se upotrebuva i zloupotrebuva sekogash.

I kako ostanatite ke gledaat vo vas sigurni dobri sosedi koga samite velite deka vie ne treba da razmisluvate poedinechno, tuku da pravite onoa sto ke vi preporachaat vash*te islamski nauchni interpretatori i sveshtenici ?!

I tie ako vi naredat vo eden moment "vo Vojna!" vie site ke skoknete bez razmisluvanje i ke odite vo vojna! A da, ke dobiete nekakvo interpretiranje koe ke ja zadovoli "potrebata" za vojna, pa vie ke imate mirna sovest deka onoa sto go pravite e Alahova volja.

Dzhihadot vo site formi vi e nareden vo k*ranot. . Spored toa, onie muslimani koi kje sakaat da go realiziraat vo bilo koj moment i po bilo koja prilika, samo ke treba da se povikaat na nego "tvrdejki" deka toa Alah go bara od vas i deka nechija dejnost e verski motivirana za unishtuvanje na Islamot. Toa postojano se propagira vo Islamskite zemji, pa lugjeto veke otrpnati na taa propaganda i poveke ne ni pomisluvaat da ja upotrebat svesta i razmislat dali e toa tokmu taka.

I tuka lezhi problemot so dzhihadot i so reakcijata od site lugje vo svetot koi ne se muslimani.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
Кон врв
svemirski_duh Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 676
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај svemirski_duh Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 18:46
Originally posted by Messenger Messenger напиша:

Ubavo sto odgovarash za Sahih svemirski, no toa seto mi e jasno. Prashanjeto sto go postaviv e:

Dali k*ranot im propoveda kako dolzhnost na muslimanite dzhihad protiv nevernicite ?     

Da ili ne ?

Da sakase mozese da go najdes odgovorot.

No ne onaka kako sto ti toa go razbiras.
Oti ako ostane samo DA (bez objasnuvanje) togas doagja druga raspravija.

Allah dz.s rekol da se Borime protiv ONIE KOI SE BORAT PROTIV NAS ZARADI VERATA.
Pa nie site kolku tolku go praktikuvame Islamot no gledas deka nikoj ne si gi ubil sosedite.

No ako se digne rat protiv Islamot,kako sto e denes sekade okolu svetot. Nema rat protiv terorizmot,ova e za onie koi jasno gledaat cisti Krstaski rat PROTIV ISLAMOT.
Vo Ovoj slucaj DOLZNI SME i obaveza ni e sekade kade sto sme napadnati DA SE BRANIME a vo odbrana sekako bi imalo i zrtva.
I ako e Vojnata protiv Islamot nie ne se branime samite (iako sme nie islamot) tuku ja branime VERATA.

Кон врв
Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18208
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Messenger Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 18:33
Ubavo sto odgovarash za Sahih svemirski, no toa seto mi e jasno. Prashanjeto sto go postaviv e:

Dali k*ranot im propoveda kako dolzhnost na muslimanite dzhihad protiv nevernicite ?     

Da ili ne ?

Изменето од Messenger - 07.Мај.2008 во 18:34
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
Кон врв
svemirski_duh Кликни и види ги опциите

Регистриран: 29.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 676
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај svemirski_duh Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 18:11
Originally posted by Messenger Messenger напиша:

OK Sahih, kazhi dali k*ranot ne im propoveda kako dolzhnost na muslimanite dhihad protiv site nevernici?


Site clenovi na forumov,insAllah se vo dzihad,macekji se da vi OBJASNAT nekoi raboti.
I ova e borba protiv nevernicite.

Sekoj covek vo sekoj mig se naogja vo odreden Dzihad.
Spomna bratot pogore.

Dzihad e BORBA (NE VOJNA). Za da ti bide pojasno.

Vo dzihad e i maloto bebe,koga place. Placot na bebeto,za goltka mleko e Dzihad.

Dzihad na profesorot e da vlozi trud da gi nauci ucenicite a ne samo da mu pomine vremeto.

Dzihad na ucenikot e da vlozi trud da nauci nesto a ne samo diploma da zeme.

Dzihad na majstorot e rabotata da ja napravi kvalitetna kako za svoja dusa a ne samo pari da zeme.

Seto toa e Dzihad i normalno.

Allah dz.s rekol vo Qur'anot da se Borime (i ratno) protiv ONIE KOI SE BORAT PROTIV NAS,no ne opomenuva NIKOGAS NIE DA NE ZAPOCNUVAME.

Allah isto taka veli deka ne ni e zabraneto da bideme prijateli so onie koi ne se borat protiv nas zaradi verata i koi ne ni progonuvaat od nasite domovi. No ni zabranil da bideme prijateli so onie koi se borat protiv nas samo zaradi nasata vera....

Neznam sto gledate loso vo ovie aeti... ili ste mozebi od onie za koi Allah dz.s isto taka veli: "Nitu evreite nitu hristijanite nema da bidat so vas zadovolni se dodeka ne ja prifatite verata nivna"
Sto znaci,za vas sme dobri samo ako bide sekogas po vase.
Sekogas ke ima i onakvi koi ke se spremaat i fizicki da ozvratat na onie NSILNICITE i toa e FARZ (OBAVEZA) no toa e i zadna opcija,,, pred se' naredeno ni e ubavo da postapuvame.

Tuka e i razlikata koja vie ja gledate kaj vernicite a ima i muslimani koi isto taka razlika gledaat pomegju ete da receme vehabii i selefii i sto znam sto.
Nema tuka nikakva razlika,sekoj si ima razlicen pat na propovedanje a toj pat iako e razlicen vodi kon edna cel.
Kako sto bile razlicni i site Bozji pratenici a.s.

Кон врв
Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18208
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Messenger Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 17:08
OK Sahih, kazhi dali k*ranot ne im propoveda kako dolzhnost na muslimanite dhihad protiv site nevernici?
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
Кон врв
Sahih Bukhari Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 05.Декември.2007
Локација: Germany
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 389
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Sahih Bukhari Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 16:31
Dali nekoj na ovoj opdforum vi ja kazal definicijata na Dzihad?????????

Dzihat vo bukvalen prevod znaci VLOZUVANJE TRUD

pa ako ova go zememe za pojdovna tocka, rabotite se gledaat poinaku, a vie risjancinja ke pocnete da cuvstvuvate smirenost vo vash*te srca, i nema potreba poveke dase plash*te od opasnosta koja nepostoi.

dali moze da bidat isti onoj koj gleda i onoj koj e slep?

messenger samiot za sebe mislish deka si pameten, i nadaren so razum, pa ako seto ova e vistina bi trebalo da svatish deka voopshto ne postoi opasnost od Islamot, takanarecen dzihad , ili opasnost od takanareceni Mudzahedini....

sekako deka vo isalmot ima i dzihad i mudzahedini, no voopshto ne odgovaraat na opisot koj vie ste go kreirale vo vash*te glavi, islamot e daleku nad toa shto mu go prepishuvate!!!!!!

se nadevam ednash barem ke prashate za da naucite , a ne da kritikuvate i da go zaplashuvate ednostavniot narod od opasnost koja ne postoi!!!

Кон врв
Messenger Кликни и види ги опциите

Vo ovoj svet, no ne od ovoj svet

Регистриран: 21.Април.2006
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 18208
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај Messenger Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 14:29
Iako malu preshiroko pochna, so vmetnuvanjeto na Bog vo seta ovaa rabota, mislam deka sepak se dolovuva tvoeto mislenje, koe vprochem se deli i so site ostanati chlenovi, bez obzir na nivnite veruvanja.

Skraja od umot e deka bilo koi lugje, vluchuvajki gi i ateistite, bi osudile lichna, vnatreshna borba na chovekot, so cel da gi iskoreni svoite slabosti i poroci i taka da stane podobro humano sushtestvo. Ubeden sum deka site go pravat toa, bez obzir na religijskiot sentiment. Mislam deka nikoj tuka ne komentira za takviot dzhihad.

Kolku sto mozham da zabelezham, ovde (a i na sekade vo svetot) se diskutira za dzhihadot koj se povikuva na vojna vo ime na Boga protiv drugi lugje i narodi od bilo koj aspekt, vkluchuvajki go i shirenjeto na Islamot. Takvoto povikuvanje proizleguva od samite muslimani, taka da drugite lugje ne go izmisluvaat toa, tuku gledaat i slushaat sto se sluchuva.

Naveduvanjeto na citati od Biblijata za toa sto nekogash pravel Bog, kako i potsetuvanjeto na Krstonosnite vojni ne se nikakvo objasnuvanje nitu opravduvanje na onoa sto se sluchuva denes. Faktichki, kontrastot e ushte pogolem bidejki hristijanite i site ostanati vernici na drugite religii bezbroj pati javno gi osudile takvite agresivni povikuvanja na verski vojni i reshile poveke toa da ne se povtori od nivna strana, dodeka od Islamskiot svet ushte nema takva opredelba.

I ne veruvam deka neshto takvo ke se sluchi bidejki dzhihadot vo site formi vi e nareden vo k*ranot. Spored toa, onie muslimani koi kje sakaat da go realiziraat vo bilo koj moment i po bilo koja prilika, samo ke treba da se povikaat na nego "tvrdejki" deka toa Alah go bara od niv i deka sekoja "hristijanska" dejnost e verski motivirana (krstonosno) specijalno za unishtuvanje na Islamot. Toa postojano se propagira vo Islamskite zemji, pa lugjeto veke otrpnati na taa propaganda poveke ne ni pomisluvaat da ja upotrebat svesta i razmislat dali e toa tokmu taka.

I tuka lezhi problemot so dzhihadot i so reakcijata od site lugje vo svetot koi ne se muslimani.

Ushte poveke, problemot e sto se propoveda neprekinat dzhihad protiv site nevernici, znachi site onie koi ne se muslimani.

I sto mislish, kako treba da se chuvstvuvaat vo vrska so ova site vernici na drugite religii, kako i ateistite - srekni ??? Kako bi se chuvstvuval ti ako beshe ova postaveno obratno ?

Изменето од Messenger - 07.Мај.2008 во 16:29
Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.
Кон врв
misterX Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 08.Февруари.2008
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 342
Опции за коментарот Опции за коментарот   Благодарам (0) Благодарам(0)   Цитирај misterX Цитирај  Внеси репликаОдговор Директен линк до овој коментар Испратена: 07.Мај.2008 во 10:40

Ок дечки, до сега немав навика да копирам делови од светите книги но гледам дека некои од вас не ни знаат што има во библијата а зборат за другите.
Како прво-Џихадот е борба која најчесто се води помоеѓу лошото и доброто во секој човек па и кај неверниците. Тој збор кој денес во западниот свет означува борба со убивање,палење, силување на еден начин тероризирање, во арапскиот свет(од кадее што и извира)означува една сосема поинаква борба(борба да се одбраниш од оној кој сака да ти ја земе слободата, земјата, богатството, животот).За секоја дуга варијанта на „џихад“ во светот покрај тој збор има и уште неколку: Верски војни, Крстоносни војни, и сл.   
Оној кој барем малку ја познава својата религија ќе види дека и самиот бог кога ги поставувал темелите на човештвото неколку пати бил во ситуација да го сотре се она што е живо и да започне одново. Ако се водиме од светите книги тогаш сите знаеме зошто бог го потопил светот и се што постоело. сигурно тоа не го направил поради тоа што луѓето биле премногу добри!
За да ви биде појасно ќе ви цитирам дел од стариот завет.

4 Во оние времиња - а и подоцна - на земјата беа Нефили, кога Божјите синови општеа со човечките ќерки, па тие им ги раѓаа оние деца. Тоа се оние, од стари времиња, по сила прочуени луѓе.

5 Господ виде колку е голема човековата расипаност на земјата и дека секоја мисла во неговата памет секогаш е само зло.

6 Господ воздивна и се натажи во Своето срце дека го создаде човекот на земјата.

7 Господ рече: „Ќе ги истребам луѓето што ги создадов од лицето на земјата - од човекот до ѕверот, ползачите и птиците во воздухот - зашто се покајав што ги создадов.”

Како прво –се однесува на коментарот на only me: (Koj sto iskrivil?
Gledas deka neznaes da diskutiras?
Dosadni ste so tie Krstonosni vojni. Isus Hristos e Bog, roden bez grev od Presveta Deva Marija, i voskresnal za nas, na krstot kako dokaz deka ja pobedi smrta, te grevot i ne iskupi od Istocniot grev. Nikade ni vo nieden slucaj ne rekol, deka na svetov ke se rodi "sovresen covek". Sekoj e iskusuvan od Gjavolot,( duri i toj prebivajki vo covecko telo) no spored svojata slobodna volja, moze da izbere. Neznam dali postoji slobodna volja kaj vas vo islamot, toa ke mi go kazes ti..
Za koi isprevrtuvanja zboris ????:

Тука не пишува дека Исус го направил тоа туку тоа го направил Бог, и сите вие треба да расчистите еднаш за секогаш дека Бог постоел и пред Исус ,и дека муслиманите никогаш нема да прифатат приказна која ќе раскажува дека бог може да се роди и да умре затоа што тоа се особини кои бог му ги дал на човекот а не човекот на бога.

Уште во најраните периоди од постоењето на светот, човекот покажувал поголеми афинитети да прави лошо од добро. Тоа се случува и денес.
Ако бог некогаш по своја воља одлучувал да го уништи светот и да создаде подобар, тогаш зошто ве чуди тоа што бог му дал на човекот единствена шанса за поправање, овојпат преку самиот себеси? Џихадот т.е постојаната борба со злото во човекот е единствената шанса за опстојување на човештвото а некои од вас може да ги гледаат работите и поинаку но тоа е исто како да јадеш бурек а замислуваш дека е кавијар. Реалноста на денешницата е поинаква и мене ме чуди како некои луѓе сеуште живеат во некоја идила, како да не се во допир со секојдневието.
Злото го има на секаде околу вас и ако сте толку силни во вербата во Исуса, тогаш светов сигурно немаше да биде ваков како што е денес. За се ви се криви муслиманите, ама за да има аплауз потребни се две раце. Сакате да зборувате за џихадот и еве ви шанса да зборувате и тоа со луѓе кој го живеат истиот. Мојот џихад се случува во овој момент кога дискутирам со вас преку форумов. Се трудам да ви посочам дека мојата верба кон бога се темели и врз начелата на исус и се пред него и после него. Ако веруваш во зборовите на Исус а истите не ги применуваш тогаш тебе ти треба џихад. Ако не го следиш патот на Мухамед а.с си забегал од вистината. Оној кој свесно почнува џихад во себе тој има огромни шанси да се приближи до бога. За жал многумина денес не ни помислуваат на лошото во себе а некој друг им е постојано виновен за се. Се прашувам само до кога бог ќе ја толерира оваа анархија и кога повторно ќе не сотре затоа што ние тоа очигледно го заслужуваме.
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blagorodna Кликни и види ги опциите
Лик (аватар)

Регистриран: 16.Декември.2007
Статус: Офлајн
Поени: 568
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sea dzihado jet pohod ali so odlucivte?
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