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Откријте го типот на вашата личност

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Име на форумот: Филозофија и психологиjа
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Датум на принтање: 11.Март.2025 во 07:32
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Тема: Откријте го типот на вашата личност
Постирано од: moira
Наслов: Откријте го типот на вашата личност
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2008 во 02:42

Сметам дека ова е еден од подобрите тестови кои го одредуваат типот на вашата личност.

Тестот е работен по Јунговата метода и распознава 17 типови на личност!

Тестирајте се и да видиме што ке добиете, каде спаѓате, во која група?

Еве го мојот резултат:

Your personality type is INTJ

INTJ: "Scientist". Most self-confident and pragmatic of all the types. Decisions come very easily. These are the most independent of all types. They love logic and ideas and are drawn to scientific research. They can be rather single-minded, though.. 1% of the total population.

INTJs’ precision thinking and need for accuracy causes them to be inflexible at times. Having thought out a strategy, the INTJ may stubbornly disregard those who they think have not spent as much time reflecting on an idea as they have. This, along with their drive to produce something significant, can make them demanding and difficult. If their plans and solutions fall short of their high standards, INTJ's feel pressured — as if everything is on the line. "Everything," for an INTJ, is the competence and ability to produce something significant. Fear of not living up to this expectation will increase their stress and possibly dissuade them from risking or trying out their ideas. They may then find themselves thinking about ideas that do not have a meaningful or productive end.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

management consultant
computer programmer
environmental planner
new business developer
curriculum designer
biomedical researcher
strategic planner
civil engineer
intellectual properties attorney
editor/art director
financial planner

Кликнете на линкот:

http://www.personalitytest.net/cgi-bin/q.pl - http://www.personalitytest.net/cgi-bin/q.pl

...have you already tried, the brand new fragrance..."The Desirable"...by "sweet poison" Moira...

Постирано од: Cvekence
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2008 во 15:11
novinar i designer...hate them bothзбунетостalimozam psiholog da bidam komotnoголема%20насмевка

respect my authoritaaa

Постирано од: IQ
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2008 во 15:34

INFJ: "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1% of the total population. These are serious students and workers who really want to contribute. They are private and easily hurt. They make good spouses, but tend to be physically reserved. People often think they are psychic. They make good therapists, general practitioners, ministers, and so on.

ich ne sum seriozen student


Постирано од: La Ninja
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2008 во 15:39

http://www.personalitytest.net/types/descriptions/isfj.htm - ISFJ: "Conservator" . These people are service and work oriented  - very loyal. They may suffer from fatigue and tend to be attracted to troublemakers. They are good nurses, teachers, secretaries, general practitioners, librarians, middle managers, and housekeepers. 6% of the total population.


Ne sum pijan, samo lezam na zemja i se raduvam....

Постирано од: fragola
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2008 во 15:40
INTPs lack follow-through and this can isolate their ideas from practical examination. Their notions become over-intellectualized and too abstract to be of practical benefit. With their sharp critical thinking and analytical abilities, INTPs tend to nit-pick, hair-split, and generally overdo simple issues. Their desire for accuracy and precision exacerbates any error they may perceive in themselves or in others — they are, in other words, highly self-critical. Wanting to be competent and know everything, their standards grow increasingly higher. When fear of failing becomes overly pronounced, INTPs are quick to feel unintelligent, slow, and powerless.


strategic planning
staff development
software designer
financial analyst
college professor
systems analyst
computer programmer
data base manager

Pa dosta avtenticen test povekjeto se profesii sto mi se dopagjaat i vo koi sum uspesna

I get enough exercise...just pushing my luck.

Постирано од: Monuska
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2008 во 18:35
ENFPs have a tendency to overextend themselves in both their physical and emotional commitments. Their proclivity to procrastinate and to overlook details complicates their circumstances. ENFPs often move on to new ventures without completing those they have already started. Their charming personalities can show signs of irritability and over-sensitivity when their desires to please different people come into conflict. During times of stress, ENFPs feel alienated. They then engage in deceptions that serve to obscure what is occurring within themselves.
conference planner
speech pathologist
HR development trainer
career counselor
housing director
character actor
marketing consultant
human resource manager
merchandise planner
advertising account manager
speech pathologist
massage therapist
editor/art director

барем професииве ми се допаѓаат...

Сите го сакаме она што не можеме да го имаме. Вистинските луѓе знаат да се помират со тоа...

Постирано од: Izzi
Датум на внесување: 19.Мај.2008 во 02:42
http://www.personalitytest.net/types/descriptions/esfp.htm - ESFP: "Entertainer" . Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. They make good performers, they like public relations, and they love the phone. 13% of the total population.

ме погоди!изненадување

Постирано од: doriangray
Датум на внесување: 19.Мај.2008 во 12:56
Цитирај ENTJ: "Field Marshall". The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. 5% of the total population.

ENTJs can get ahead of themselves and jump to conclusions in their effort to get things done. They may need to be reminded to take the time to listen to other points of view. Being tough-minded, ENTJs have a tendency to ignore their own and others’ feelings. With a burning desire to achieve — and a constant eye on how current decision will effect end results — ENTJs may become overly argumentative when obstacles get in their way. Small talk and casual conversations appear frivolous and without merit when projects are at hand. This, along with the NT's nature of being impervious to social conventions and customs, can cause others to feel affronted.

When ENTJs sense that they are losing control, they feel an increasing need for completion. If stress continues, they become distracted by a compelling "got to" and "have to" state of mind. Their need to master a situation then becomes misdirected and they engage in compulsive behaviors that preoccupy their attention and time. Feeling helpless, and lacking confidence, they resort to completing simple, meaningless, repetitive tasks (i.e. cleaning, counting, inspecting ) in an effort to avoid a growing sense of failure. By avoiding ineptitude at all costs, their competence and ability are never fully tested. Ironically, these all-consuming distractions are the very behaviors that prevent ENTJs from fulfilling their basic need for achievement and improvement.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

program designer
office manager
chemical engineer
sales manager
logistics consultant
franchise owner
new business developer
personnel manager
investment banker
labor relations
management trainer
credit investigator
mortgage broker
corporate team trainer
environmental engineer
biomedical engineer
business consultant
educational consultant
personal financial planner
network integration...specialist
media planner/buyer

Колку само добро сум опишан тука!!! WOW!!! Одличен е тестов!

Don't tell me what to do 'cause I'll never be uptight like you.
Don't look at me that way 'cause I ain't never gonna change.
And if you're talking about my life you're only wasting your own time!

Постирано од: Дудуловски
Датум на внесување: 21.Мај.2008 во 04:39
Originally posted by moira moira напиша:

Сметам дека ова е еден од подобрите тестови кои го одредуваат типот на вашата личност.

Тестот е работен по Јунговата метода и распознава 17 типови на личност!

Тестирајте се и да видиме што ке добиете, каде спаѓате, во која група?

Еве го мојот резултат:

Your personality type is INTJ

INTJ: "Scientist". Most self-confident and pragmatic of all the types. Decisions come very easily. These are the most independent of all types. They love logic and ideas and are drawn to scientific research. They can be rather single-minded, though.. 1% of the total population.

INTJs’ precision thinking and need for accuracy causes them to be inflexible at times. Having thought out a strategy, the INTJ may stubbornly disregard those who they think have not spent as much time reflecting on an idea as they have. This, along with their drive to produce something significant, can make them demanding and difficult. If their plans and solutions fall short of their high standards, INTJ's feel pressured — as if everything is on the line. "Everything," for an INTJ, is the competence and ability to produce something significant. Fear of not living up to this expectation will increase their stress and possibly dissuade them from risking or trying out their ideas. They may then find themselves thinking about ideas that do not have a meaningful or productive end.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

management consultant
computer programmer
environmental planner
new business developer
curriculum designer
biomedical researcher
strategic planner
civil engineer
intellectual properties attorney
editor/art director
financial planner

Кликнете на линкот:

http://www.personalitytest.net/cgi-bin/q.pl - http://www.personalitytest.net/cgi-bin/q.pl

Доктор Јунг ми е поинтересен од доктор Фројд... Особено со Архетиповите на колективното несвесно и Одговорот на Јов

Ibis, redibus numquam, in bello peribis.

Постирано од: којсумјас
Датум на внесување: 23.Мај.2008 во 13:41
0 vo 0.... ne
1 vo 2...
ne be fix, cista edinica....

Постирано од: Isis
Датум на внесување: 18.Јуни.2008 во 10:06


Постирано од: bijonse1
Датум на внесување: 17.Мај.2009 во 23:42
zarem treba da se testiram ..........
da tamu nekoj da mi kaze sto tip -  licnost sum.....
nema sanse.......
jas znam sto sum si.......
nego ima test ??? da se testiram al sum masko il zensko ???збунетост
ic ne znam vo sto e razlikata a nekako senilnost me obzema ......
zaborajv so bev.....голема%20насмевка


Постирано од: Iron Man
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2009 во 00:33
Originally posted by bijonse1 bijonse1 напиша:

zarem treba da se testiram ..........da tamu nekoj da mi kaze sto tip -  licnost sum.....nema sanse.......jas znam sto sum si.......nego ima test ??? da se testiram al sum masko il zensko ???збунетостic ne znam vo sto e razlikata a nekako senilnost me obzema ......zaborajv so bev.....голема%20насмевка


Постирано од: G1RL
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2009 во 20:39
INTPs lack follow-through and this can isolate their ideas from practical examination. Their notions become over-intellectualized and too abstract to be of practical benefit. With their sharp critical thinking and analytical abilities, INTPs tend to nit-pick, hair-split, and generally overdo simple issues. Their desire for accuracy and precision exacerbates any error they may perceive in themselves or in others — they are, in other words, highly self-critical. Wanting to be competent and know everything, their standards grow increasingly higher. When fear of failing becomes overly pronounced, INTPs are quick to feel unintelligent, slow, and powerless.
If stress continues, the INTP's mind seems to freeze and block out the vital information it has worked so hard to accumulate. Their creative juices stop flowing and they suffer from stage fright, writers block, and a general inhibition of their ingenious thinking and fluent language skills. Preoccupied with performance failure, INTPs become self-consciously distracted in anticipation of their failure. If the stress becomes too overwhelming, the fear of blanking out prevents them from taking risks in areas they desire to succeed in. Attempting to avoid incompetence, they fail to gain the expertise and mastery they so desperately need.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

strategic planning
staff development
software designer
financial analyst
college professor
systems analyst
computer programmer
data base manager


Постирано од: brza
Датум на внесување: 18.Мај.2009 во 21:38
zaeban !голема%20насмевка

Patriotizmot e poslednoto skrivalishte na kriminalcite.-Albert Einstein
Mokjta od sekogash privlekuvala lugje so nizok moral.-Albert Einstein

Постирано од: ana sk
Датум на внесување: 09.Јули.2009 во 18:52
http://www.personalitytest.net/types/descriptions/enfj.htm - ENFJ: "Pedagogue" . Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 5% of the total population.

http://www.personalitytest.net/types/descriptions/enfp.htm - ENFP "Journalist" . These people love novelty and surprises. They are big on emotions and expression. Life is an exciting drama. They are good at sales, advertising, politics, and acting. 5% of the total population.

...moze ne sum sovrsena ama sekogas sum jas...

Постирано од: Предраг
Датум на внесување: 13.Јули.2009 во 00:33
Го праев тестов оддамна,сум ги правел многу вакви.
Највише ме погоди оној шо ми кажа дека сум Мулти-Темперамент...


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